<ronyrrssional Rrcor~ United States PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 84th CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION of America happy to see the Senator from Texas California.-William F. Knowland and SENATE back in his accustomed seat, and we wish Thomas H. Kuchel. for him in the years ahead good health Colorado.-Eugene D. Millikin and TUESDAY, JANUARY 3, 1956 and happiness. [Applause.] Gordon Allott. The 3d day of January being the day Mr. JOHNSON of Texas. Mr. Presi­ Connecticut.-Prescott Bush and Wil­ prescribed by the Constitution of the dent, I appreciate very much the state­ liam A. Purtell. United States for the annual meeting ment the Vice President has just made ' Delaware.-John J. Williams and J. of Congress, the 2d session of the 84th about me. No one can know how glad I Allen Frear, Jr. Congress commenced this day. am again to be able to stand by this Florida.-Spessard L. Holland and The Senate assembled in its Cham­ desk, in the company of my treasured George A. Smathers. ber at the Capitol. friends on both sides of the aisle. I am Georgia.-Walter F. George and Rich­ RICHARD M. NIXON, of California, grateful to all of them for their under­ ard B. Russell. Vice President of the United States, standing, their patience, and the affec­ Idaho.-Henry C. Dworshak and Her­ called the Senate to order .at 12 o'clock tion which they expressed during the man Welker. meridian. dark days through which I have jour­ Illinois.-Paul H. Douglas and Everett The Chaplain, Rev. Frederick Brown neyed. M. Dirksen. Harris, D. D., of the city of Washing.ton, Mr. President, I now suggest the ab­ Indiana.-Homer E. Capehart and offered the following-prayer: sence of a quorum. William E. Jenner. The v'ICE PRESIDENT. The Secre­ Iowa.-Bourke B. Hicken16oper and 0 God, our strength and our hope, tary will call the roll. Thomas E. Martin. our shelter from the stormy blasts and The Chief Clerk '(Emery L. Frazier) Kansas.-Andrew F. Schoeppel and our eternal home, Thou dwellest in called the roll, and the following Sena­ Frank Carlson. everlasting light. Now, as the world's tors answered to their names: Kentucklf.-Earle C. Clements and Al­ light fa!ls, we seek the brightness of Thy Aiken Fulbright McNamara ben w. Barkley. presence which the black deeds of evil Allott George Mlliikln Louisiana.-Allen J. Ellender and Rus­ Anderson Goldwater Morse men can never dim. At the top of the Barkley Gore Mundt sell B. Long, first day"s record, at this new session of Barrett Green Murray Maine.-Margaret Chase Smith and the forum of a people's will and hope, Beall Hayden Neely Frederick G. Payne. with contrite hearts reverently would Bender Hennings Neuberger M aryland.-John Bennett Hickenlooper O'Mahoney M. Butler and J. we write: "In the beginning God." Bible Hill Pastore Glenn Beall. At this high altar of the Nation's life Brick~r Holland Payne · Massachusetts.-Leverett Saltonstall ·we pray that these servants of the Re­ ;Bridges Hruska Potter and John :J". Kennedy. Bush Humphrey Purtell public, by the will of the people lifted Butler Ives Robertson Michigan.-Charles E. Potter and Pat­ to high places of state, may be so Byrd JacksOn Russell rick _V. McNamara. strengthened by the might of their faith Capehan Jenner Saltonstall Minnesota.-Edward J. Tbye and Hu­ Carlson Johnson, Tex. Schoeppel that, scorning expediency, they may Case, N.J. Johnston, S. C. Scott bert H. Humphrey. match these dangerous days with dar­ case, s. Dak. Kennedy Smith, Maine Mississippi.-James 0. Eastland and ing deeds, as with cheerful courage they C'havez Kilgore Smith, N.J. John c. Stennis. bear the weight of vast concerns, the Clements Knowland Sparkman Cotton Kuchel Stennis Missouri.-Thomas C. Hennings, Jr,.. sting of criticism, and the drudgery of Curtis Langer Symington and Stuart Symington. unapplauded toil. May those who sit Daniel Lehman Thurmond Montana.-James E. Murray and Mike in the exalted seats of this historic Dirksen Long Thye Douglas Magnuson Watkins Mansfield. Chamber .speak alwa"YS with due cau­ Du1f Malone Welker Nebraska.-Roman L. Hruska and Cs.r1 tion and humility, knowing that their Dworshak Mansfield Wiley ·T. Curtis. words are not their own, but are heard Eastland Martin, Iowa Wllliams Ellender Martin, Pa. Young Nevada;-George W. Malone and Alan in all the earth. In these days of des­ Ervin. McCarthy Bible. tiny may the Members of this body Frear McOlellan New Hampshire.-styles Bridges and merit the shining crown of the divine Norris Cotton. approbation: "Blessed are the peace­ Mr. CLEMENTS. ·I announce that the makers, for they shall be called the chil­ Senator from Tennessee [MT. KEFAUVER], New Jersey.-H. Alexander Smith and the Senators from Oklahoma [Mr. KERR Clifford P. Case. dren of God." New Mexico.-Dennis and it and Mr. MoNRONEY], and the Senator Chavez We ask in the dear Redeemer's irom Florida [Mr. SMATHERS] are ab­ Clinton P. Anderson. name. Amen. .sent on official business. New Y.ork.-Irving M. Ives and .Her­ Mr. SALTONSTALL. I announce that bert H7 Lehman. SENATOR JOHNSON OF TEXAS­ the Senator from Vermont [Mr. FLAH­ North Carolina.-samuel J. Ervin. Jr., CALL OF THE ROLL .DERS] is absent on official business. and w. Kerr Scott. The VICE PRESIDENT. A quorum is North Da7cota.-William- Langer and Mr. JOHNSON of Texas. Mr. Presi­ present. Milton R. Young. · dent-- The VICE PRESIDENT. Before rec­ Ohio.-,-John W. Bricker and George ognizing the Senator from Texas, the LIST· OF SENATORS, BY STATES H. Bender. Chair would like to be permitted to make Alabama.-Lister Hill and John J. Oklahoma."-Robert S. Kerr and A. S. a brief statement. · Sparkman. Mike Monroney. The Chair knows that be expresses the . Arizo.na.-Car1 Hayden and Barry M. Oregon.-Wayne Morse and Richard L. heartfelt sentiments of an the Members Goldwater. Neuberger. of this body and of all the American Arkansas.-John L. McClellan and~. Pennsylvanfa.-Edward Martin and people when he says that we- are- most William Fulbright.- JameaH. Dutr._ Cll-1 I 4 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-- HOUSE January 3. Rhode Island.-Theodore F. Green and RESIGNATION AS A MEMBER OF THE John 0. Pastore. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES South Carolina.-Olin D. Johnston and TUESDAY; JANUARY-3, 1956 - The SPEAKER laid before the House Strom Thurmond. · the following communication: South !Dakota.-Karl E. Mundt and This being the day fixed, pursuant to CoNGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES, Francis Case. the 20th amendment to the Constitution, . HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, . Tertnessee.-Estes Kefauver and Al­ for the meeting of the 2d session of the Wa-sb-ington, D. C., December 21, 1955. bert Gore. 84th Congress, the Members of the House His Excellency AVERELL HARitiMAN, Texas.-Lyndon B. Johnson and Price of Representatives of the 84th Congress· Governor of the State of New York, The Executive Chamber, Capitol~ Daniel. met in their Hall, ·and at 12 o'clock noon Albany, N. Y. Utah.-Arthur V. Watkins and Wallace were called ·to order by the Speaker, Hon. Sm: I hereby tender to you my resignation F. Bennett. · SAM RAYBURN, a Representative from the as a Member of the House of Representatives -v ermont.-George D. Aiken and Ralph State of Texas. · · in -the Congress of the United States from E. Flanders-. · · The-Chaplain, Rev. Bernar·d Braskamp, the 22d District of New York, effective mid­ D. D., offered the following prayer: night, Monday, January 2; 1956. Virginia.~Harry tryood Byrd and A. Respectfully yours; - Willis Robertson: Almighty God, in Thy loving care and SIDNEY A. FINE, · washington.-Warren G. Magnuson wise control are the coming in and the ·· Member of Congress. and Henry M. Jackson. going-out of all our days and years. · West Virginia.:.....:.Harley ·M. Kilgore and May we now enter upon this 2d session Matthew M. Neely. ' of the 84th Congress with renewed faith CALL OF . THE HOUSE Wisconsin.-Alexander Wiley and and fortitude, ever mindful of Thy gra­ The SPEAKER. The Clerk will call Joseph R. McCarthy~ cious providence and assured of Thy di­ the roll to ascertain . the presence of a Wyoming.-Frank · A. Barrett and vine sovereignty. quortiril. · · Joseph C. O'Mahoney. we are not afraid of tomorrow for we The Clerk called the roll, and the fol-­ have seen yesterday and we love today. lowing Members answered to their · Thou art ·always regarding with favor names: NOTIFICATION TO THE PRESIDENT those who come unto Thee with a humble • [Roll No.1] spirit and a contrite heart. Abbitt Chatham Gathings Mr. JOHNSON of Texas submitted the Abernethy· Chelf Gavin following resolution <S. Res. 150) which We beseech Thee to bless with Thy Adair Chenoweth Gentry was read, considered by unanimous con­ grace and solicitude our President, our Addonizio Chiperfield George Albert Christopher Gordon sent, and agreed to: Speaker, our chosen Representatives, Alexander Chudotr' Grant . Resolved, That a committee consisting of and all Government employees. Alger Church Green, Oreg. Grant unto them the guidance of Thy Allen, Calif. Clark Gregory two Senator's be appointed by the Vice Presi­ Andersen. Clevenger Gross dent to Join such committee as may be Holy Spirit and a deep and abiding sense H. Carl ·cole Hagen appointed by 'the House of Representatives of Thy presence as .they seek to -dis_. Andresen, Colmer . Hale . to notify the President Of' the United· States :Augtist H. Cooley H~leY. charge faithfully their many arduous Andrews Halleck · that a quorum o! each -House- is ass~mbled coon tasks and responsibilities. Anfuso Cooper Hand - and that the Congress is ready to receive · May the anxious and troubled soul of Arends Corbett -· Harden any colnmunication he may be, pleased to· Ashley Cramer Hardy_ make.
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