THE OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE TORONTO CONSTRUCTION ASSOCIATION VOL. 24, NO. 5 OCTOBER 2007 PEOPLE � EQUIPMENT � EXPERIENCE EPOXY SOLUTIONS RADAR SCANNING & X-RAY 1-888-457-8120 “WE FIX BAD CONCRETE” Chain Link Panels www.thefencepeople.com SINCE 1965 Plywood Hoarding Tel: (905) 455-1600 www.epoxysolutions.com Covered Walkways (905)-450-0500 ® November 28 - 30, 2007 ® Metro Toronto Convention Centre South Building Dufferin ® www.constructcanada.com CANADA’S LARGEST BUILDING & CONSTRUCTION SHOW leads drive Services, supplies, skills for Sick Kids PATRICIA WILLIAMS DAILY COMMERCIAL NEWS all featured at Construct harity-minded Dufferin Con- crete is spearheading a drive to raise donations from the con- onstruct Canada 2007 will provide you You will be able to update yourself on the Cstruction industry for Toronto’s SickKids with a unique once-a-year opportunity very latest in products, technologies, best prac- Foundation. and a considerable amount of infor- tices and applications for the design, construc- Thus far, the company has raised Cmation, all in one place, at one time? Where tion, operation, retrofit, and renovation of all $50,000 from 10 contracting firms, you will be able to make valuable contacts and types of buildings. $5,000 apiece. For its part, Dufferin is learn about new products, innovations, and Construct Canada 2007 will also offer the affixing the contractors’ names and logos market opportunities for 2008 and beyond. most comprehensive update and program ever on the drum of a ready-mixed concrete offered in Canada on all aspects of green build- truck for a year. For details on the 65th Annual ing design and construction, environmental The company is picking up the tab best practices, energy efficient strategies and for the drum design, logo printing and Christmas Lunch, see page 6 related products, services and technologies. the like. “We went to some of our top Here are a few highlights: accounts and asked if they were inter- The 19th annual Construct Canada trade • The 3rd annual National GreenBuilding ested in getting involved,” said Bruno show takes place Nov. 28th, Nov. 29th and Conference will provide you with the most Prospero, manager of Dufferin’s McCow- Nov 30th in the South Building, Metro Toron- up-to-date information on this evolving an Road plant in Scarborough. “They to Convention Centre. With over 22,500 market trend; the conference is dedicated jumped on board.” attendees and more than 1100 exhibits, this is to the whole building process from a green The contractors’ cheques were recent- Canada’s largest exposition for architectural, perspective. Learn about new and inno- ly presented to a hospital representative. engineering, construction, renovation and vative products, materials, and systems. “We’re campaigning to get a second property management professionals. Stay informed about the very latest in new technologies and best practices that can truck happening,” Prospero said. “We improve building performance and meet have a large number of trucks. If we can environmental objectives. do as many trucks as possible, we can • Are you ready for the Zero-Waste Chal- raise a lot of money for Sick Kids.” lenge? Turtle Island Recycling will use their Established in 1972, SickKids Foun- recycling expertise to ensure a maximum dation has raised more than $500 million amount of waste from the show will be for the hospital and invested more than recycled. Even the exact number of trees $60 million in research. saved will be calculated. Karl Rammler, Dufferin sales and • Leading experts will explore the concept marketing manager, said the company and application of universal and green plans to undertake similar initiatives design at the 5th annual International elsewhere in the province. Local hos- Architectural Roundtable. Highly accom- pitals or even universities could be the plished and award winning designers will beneficiaries. be discussing today’s challenges. As part of its charitable ventures, Con- • Attend skill-building sessions and hear cord-headquartered Dufferin Concrete expert advice on issues from project man- also donates $150,000 a year in products agement to profitability with Canada’s to Habitat for Humanity. largest seminar program for construction See SHOW PROVIDES, Pg.3 President’s Report 2 • CCA Report 4 • COCA Report 5 • YCEC 5 • CanaData Report 5 • Christmas Luncheon 6–7 Networking Workshop 8–9 • New Members 10 • TCA Advantage Club 10 • Upcoming Events 11 • Construction Institute 12 Publications Mail Agreement 40064512 AND CONSTRUCTION RECORD Daily Commercial News Daily Commercial Page 2 www.tcanetworks.com TC News October 2007 PRESIDE N T ’ S R E P O R T Toronto Canada’s premier industry exposition Construction News opens November 28, 2007 Head Office 500 Hood Road, 4th Floor, Markham, Ontario L3R 9Z3 ovember 28th is opening day better understand what is becoming a Expo, PM Expo, DesignTrends and Phone: (905) 752-5408 • Fax: (905) 752-5450 for Canada’s premier industry very complex industry and share war Concrete Canada, which collectively exposition which once again stories with your peers. At TCA, we accounts for some 300,000 sq. ft. For Toronto Construction News is published six times per Nfeatures “the best of the best” in con- are very proud to be lead sponsor of more information concerning specific year by Daily Commercial News, a division of Reed struction industry products, seminars Construct Canada and look forward to exhibits, seminars, presentations and Construction Data. and technologies, with well in excess marketing opportunities, please con- of a thousand exhibits, and literally sult the Construct Canada website: Editorial Purpose: Toronto Construction News hundreds of keynote speakers, insight- www.constructcanada.com keeps Toronto Construction Association (TCA) ful presentations, seminars and techni- And don’t forget about TCA’s 65th members and subscribers up to date on association cal demonstrations. What a great way Annual Christmas Lunch on Friday, news and events affecting the construction industry. to spend three days and who knows … November 30th. Last year, more than It profiles innovative construction projects, and perhaps we’ll even learn something we 2200 luncheon guests enjoyed this member companies and their executives. The content didn’t already know. unique networking opportunity and also includes business and technical information of 2007 marks the 19th anniversary this year’s host, James Cunningham, interest to senior and mid-level managers. of the industry’s premier trade show promises to be one of the best we’ve which will play host to an expected ever had. For more information, please 24,000 construction industry prac- contact Mary Thorburn at 416-499- Managing Director, Reed Construction Data titioners from all over the world … 4000 Ext. 14 or go on-line at www. Mark Casaletto architects, engineers, building owners tcanetworks.com and register now. Managing Editor and managers, constructors of every John G. Mollenhauer We look forward to seeing you Patrick McConnell description and students of continu- TCA President there. ing professional development. Attend- Respectfully, Editorial Supervisor ees will learn about new products and John G. Mollenhauer services, develop an understanding of advances in “green building” technolo- a long and prosperous association with National Production Manager gies, meet and greet peers, compare Canada’s premier construction indus- Lori Brooks notes on innovative “best practices”, try exposition. Writers witness technical advances in soft- The venue for the 2007 Construct Patricia Williams, Don Procter, Vince Versace ware and hardware development, track Canada exposition is the Metro Toron- design trends and learn more about to Convention Centre in the City’s Director of Sales, Eastern Canada private and public infrastructure pro- downtown core, which will also host John G. Mollenhauer, Peter Rigakos tocols. What a terrific opportunity to the Home Builder and Renovator President and CEO [email protected] DAILY COMMERCIAL NEWS EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT Patrick McConnell, National Editor [email protected] Patricia Williams, Staff Writer [email protected] Vince Versace, Staff Writer [email protected] Maggie Cadeau, Editorial Assistant [email protected] ADVERTISING SALES For sales inquiries call: (905) 752-5547 [email protected] Robert Elias, Account Executive [email protected] Laurie Losier, Career & Classified Sales Representative [email protected] SUBSCRIPTIONS For new orders, renewals, delivery problems, billing inquiries or change of address Daily Commercial News Subscriptions P.O. Box 795, Toronto, Ontario, M4P 0A1 Phone: 1-866-828-9884 • Fax: 1-866-828-9885 www.dailycommercialnews.com GENERAL INQUIRIES 1-800-465-6475 International Standard Serial Number ISSN 0712-5895 Publications Mail Agreement 40064512 Return Undeliverable Canadian Addresses to: 500 Hood Road, 4th Floor, Markham, Ontario L3R 9Z3 Right of publication in whole or in part of original construction and engineering items appearing in this paper is reserved. Daily Commercial News is not responsible for loss or damage to unsolicited manuscripts, photographs or drawings. Member, Canadian Business Press Indexed in Canadian Business Periodicals Index. GST Reg. #890798093RT001 TC News October 2007 www.tcanetworks.com Page 3 Show provides educational opportunities, demos Continued from Pg. 1 YOU CAN REGISTER professionals. The program, featuring over 450
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