— n . O T * T A^ T " ^ • T « I' . — . THE LOUISVILLE WEEKLY JOURNAL. volume XXVI. LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 27 1856 . EWltic Pbiladelpliia Pennsylvauiku’t Th. THE fierce f •*« I*, tt r**el* vlik l« *r<*. ./*.« roAor fnm o«r NUMBER 10. WEEKLY JOURNAL, CO, 1858. Whilst the abuse I*. , l»uk ta/..*..],* Uhor a. (A* l..f i«~m. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST madmen of both sections are raving Muvw AM rcBuma bt and vulgar of us at a prowler among THURSDAY, AUGUST 21, 1858. Shame h*«e*. All •ali-*lA**ry rlt*ui**i*u ahoul* on the RxcBXANTl—The folly ' . overfhe fragmentary parts of ,o<l AaricaltorBl. tombs is a matter of no conseijoence '***?“’’*• *>**•“'•. w. aiuth*,, B*t* . the Union, already PRK.«rTlCK, HENDERSON, to us. • ZTr I^The first^ set in the grand drams o Dl- unscrupulousness of tbe Southern Experiment with the R OSBORNE, th*r.ho«l* k««f lk*kiD*U>At «Ulr*- nticipstion. th. DemoersUe Whbet Mipgb.— We hope though that the BiBiBiavtr}' ffitall haiaf^B. province of tZ Pennsylvanian on solution hss been arm The Democratic Administration 'Vrdck pree* upon the tlmvery ( •'*a»e*inn,| performed. The right r -r j quesUon,(UE*uaa sreare wellWell illiu. v«T»ruPotato Flt.—rty.— ineh* ravages .Natural Americ.n party I* to sore Americs — illus. eom^ttodcommitted bybw Hiaery),HietorTi. tb*the iar\xUr, .. joysit. So lays th* Hon John Wentworth, of tbe ablest, the Government has been paralyzed. This, . this fly eeemseem to be inereraingincreasing Weevil, ** annually. From WeevT.^de^tidepnwtoi in tbe ear* of _ ****1^??** .r**— —BaiIt i«nsAl tio At an instance of our prowling moet influential, and pTTent sdmiulstrstioB In reference to Kansas sf- wheat IraJI among tombs most distinguehed of all too,-new, at-V s• timena.«v when thereiucic is80 I with theluc • »r* Richmond Enquirer, thenaav ***** **>®’*t fl. BnalAfM- actual war« uikiassimat ur. giUBorA'ariiin***'* — mostlAiusb violentTiQicDg andhQa various P»rtspartspiuij ofQi tbeubc conntrycountrycooiurj w.w#wt seeseo af Aura"Aucu't . ^ - . rabidrtbid scemmlsoCscenuntshcc^oslh of Vramfi to itointo toltbo M1U4B4. WmUt iaUMta Bi. and assailing the oead, tbc the Freetoilers fairs hasfa** been njtrked with most Philadelphia editor of Illinois. These abolitionists lodihQs on our Pacitic coaBt and on our west- AABAuaeAthAc. «uh thaAxeepti*Aoi marked the shameless of Itsits kind. Less than two ^fa®i^theirtbeir * ’ “Ptot»able” rm i—— 1» Crnmmmr Vmlltm t Trt- MAw”vwV!7aimTn years agosjro th#tbe Kn-En- dwtrovingdeetroyingdestroying tbotho Wiagefoliaitefoilage of pototoes,pototoea,mRatoss. boats.boots.htsts- they remain _p*f» refers Imtti. •<<** I jor to a story we told on repos* their duplicity. *. have Wmklf—l front*. * Daniel Webster du- whole hope of the success of their ern frontiers, and when the dm of preparation Pierce Co. attempted to qnirer said: and some other vegetable; > **«^ aBMAA; It orMiat rr« M w«k andsomeothervegetablostandnumorouainqui-and numerons inqui- eome'ffi^ B1 ring John Tyler’s abolition « « find ‘h* *bove in the carry water shoulders. MteMa— II oriR tmr Bit administration. But Mr. cause upon foreigners pouring into for intestine strife was echoed in the hall* of Sunny South, a Sig- on bath They have Tkaui*. ties ^^a^ nB*r* MBt „4 r„, are made a* to th* best means of deatrovia. kr BAll An rA7AAl, U A*VMM. Webster was not the >«‘cht sheet published at recklessly a dead man tbei ht was full United States and exercising the elective Congress. The army appropriation bill has Aberdeen, Mississippi, made promisee Intended to be brok- ^ ''*' ^AVAAtMIBA EaTBA laTariAMr * AAvmm,)—f" VM*lft ; them. **^ P^'P*’** of tpstio* thi. -brarw iMA) BnilAAArllM.B' •» of vigorous life. franchise *‘*‘*“*“‘ VtAAn (lIlltAMM W’e beesme coavlnced that in tbe shortest possible time after been defe.ted-.n act involves dis- *“ « “““•>« k* BaO AAMiaaAaw - T> wb.ch the The most effectual remwiy seams to be air- «*-«• U-JU m A*»»n« Ba'lcklk. If the etatemant was their arrival. Sruthein Sag-Nicht newspapers, South and to play fast and looae with th* W i»w amMaaOw Ak, Wnkir tk«r erroneona, and we retracted They know that foreign immi- bandment of the United States troops, or (he claiming to North. slaked lime thrown •k. MktikMk AlMiA tk» VMklf jMiAkl. vill W rhknrM f»t over the foliar* while wet Yntor It. Some of the gration rcpectable. It is by such Tbeir whole policy, however, ha, devlaed tfief«lIowuig«^. ki«^rkk,«r MmaM r«m<kMauk«MaMil aMkoaUkaa* lea<1ing Dfmocralit editors, and the speedy voting of the immi- dangerous and feaiful precedent of the main- barefaced false- been a mis- de-. O.^ ^iUr ri^oi^en^^ Ik VnUrfkmklWkkkM. Hoods he above that the boweter, re,nested It and nrrrr grants are the great fountain-s'iurce of tenance of. opponents of th. er.bl. failure. H.v^ retracted it. the standing army upsn the responsi- them with powd.rThoutra“,rto^^^^ eoastraetod two boxes rack about Several A“enran party striving to * week* after strength of abolitionism ye mislead the It was said of Martin Van Buren, about the ‘ BR-Tk* raMMk o kk« Jiknkl. ki iki m kf tk* ro*- our retraction, Mr Jeeee in the United States. bility of the President alone, without authority peo- He says: “8>.nd off d^^ enrar - . 8or lOfeJtand Sag-Nicht fce BkkM( ik «Blk aitr. ik— ® Dow, a prominent And hence their bitter opposition editors who have «“>« he was pre oaring to Uke fi'» in-ano Cineinnati eonven- and active Democratic to tbe Ameri- of law. We shall not pau*e to consider which h’'*- thus This muit be found rather Dkilj, Mil kkB« far fka taar ^ a todtout »^IpIn*^o politician, who was then can party, which propo.*es,by of P'unge Into the boiling surges of the great tea d a epot In **tfcn aakia edi'or of a paper in reatrictionsupon tbe«e alternatives were wcrs<; it is sufficient of «> fimdred acre fi.ld^f Sber. lb! TH-Waaklr Ml |m fk« rt»; potatoes, aiMrin* tbalL bnrventod^ tb* Divtvict the foreign vote, ‘ Tork, Fillmore has notan electoral of freesoil fanaticism, that he ff '* 7, emd: fTaaklr.th l» kkkrkar; of Columbia, declared repeatedly to cut aff the aboliUon eup- that the Government has been shorn of its pnw- ticket season at least, l”’***d>»g year, and where ITp must, ’ would not “oar forivr tbe Trhent Sirf If kkkt *a kkj fait aBat tk kkia Maw. kk« plies. Ift** .*.7- * * — story was true in all its essential par- er to repress insurrection or repel invasion, at powder.” aaataak BaUj par kkkfWr r.*”itfri:',:,MVAa4 left tkA kAoplA dill i.lA *.,«doaht ticulars, knowing that it Is false. They and announced that stood to a time when the scalping-knife is know or ought Wbethgr tbA ARAKA ib At BRdt ibA tVRAk a i k ly par he ready Tilt Kbniockt Ei.bctions. official gleaming i*k aaaaak Tn n mortar, — he WAAfcoiAg NertkAT «o»iA|kffick. give bis proof round the know, if they are fit to edit newspapers • M aaaw aa Watklf fr fkktWR whenever called on. Mr. Don returns of the recent elections in this State have defenceless settlement of the pio- of It aiataatat tkaPtaW. **’7 description, that (here are ‘ -ch, exactly, subs-quently received neer. and the skies are liirirf with nnrtent* nt I Fillmore and _r_: the Saani«K . v • _ . *•<* JUMt turne<i Avar mitib « a_ olGce from the I'emoc- not yet been received in full. As soon as our are lurld"wUh por.Vnt's of - * Sp.“r;;:r“c:itnimHw ^ of the ^ Donelson electoral tickeU in ^Democratic party racy, and was honored internecine war. New York, Mas- hoiLe •‘TP ^ and petted by his par- table is *;r prod.fct ^ to completed we shall be able to show that should I"***- ^ thi2 -d the Democratic .dminlriration ty until bis The N- P«nn.ylva„i.,’ohio, in reference death. Upon our first visit to the outcry of the Sag Nicbtt has been “great immediate causeofthisdisaster was the The Cincinnati eir^ttorm'-TraTf.; 4or>^ V Kakk,W. Bik. kOa.. Na. |J. * Kansas affairs, but the ryent ?•, Cknr.Banatakan. kr Wa'hingion, disagreement Indiana, Illinois, and probably by this in action of the _^Takkkp VMlaa a*, K O. |T .B Maaaaci after the appeerance of the charge cry and little wool,” a perfect of the two Houses of Congress Ume from repudiating ujuatter Properties wimld freeto »» ! .bra,aaiiw,K.T> hog-shearing sovereiratT it mere- «d us. fb.iTif tora . » “ ration has remov.d L,a.a«taa. *^**®‘^* all Okaa Baa*. K.f ' t Harr>w. ('alawkia, k, I«l«nd, Connecticut, and doubt as to kgaintt Mr. Webster and its retraction in our ojieration. The returns upon an amendment to the army appropriation *ome other of |y endorsed the 'fi** «•«*•*« »dto*» tbo^’igbi, II k..Of*aa.ilaaa.k..|», Kj.i.i.P. Bakkar*, Oicfcwaa Kr will show an actual principle of IhT^Kaneas Ne- »“ ^’ifficiefft nuanUti^ air, ^ rmn '»>« in ‘H* course to be pursued by it It t * • Baakaatllrjlr. Byar. 8kaa. kOa.. krkwkta. paper, bill regpectirg Northern State* which conventions have has now be- Prevent too Mr. W. was the first man to leave bis gain for the American party, so far as Kansas. This amendment was brask* bill without saying ^ote who do not knoM #m:*p« gg tb. I. ka»a akaaa.Br I raak. any test what that nrineini. thatf hffy 'are full* W r kkaaw. ttaraaawriUk, iJ. k. kkktnak, Laaeaatar card at our hotel and invite to us bis hot s*. can be applied.
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