Dally )N «t Preas Ron Vor Hie Week Ended The Weather Cloudy tonight. Chance o i Pecember SS, 1967 light snow. Low in teens. To­ morrow mostly cloudy. High in 15,563 20s. \ MancheUer— A .City of Village’Charm •• «• ' - VOL. LXXXVn, NO. 77 (TWENTY-POUR PAGES—TWO SECnONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, JANUARY 2, 1968 (GlaaeUled Adverttains on Pace 21) PRICE SEVEN CENTS in Second Transplant Is ‘Bloodiest’ SAIOON (AP) — U.B. officials from ' the Cambodian border, today called the allies’ New U.S. officers said. CAPE TOWN, South Africa Year cease-fire "the bloodiest of The Gtommuhlst thrust spokes­ (AP) " —Dr. Christian N. Bar­ all" Vietnam war truce at­ men,- stud, gave the allies sec­ tempts after a Viet Cong force ond thoughts about a 48-hour nard and a team of surgeons of 2,BOO men broke the stand- truce that has been accepted In performed another successful down and smashed Into an principle- for Tet, the Lunar heart transplant today, replac­ American outpost, killing 28^ In­ New Year Jan. 80. ing the damaged heart of a 68- fantrymen and wounding 168. The reglmental-slzed Red at­ year-old Cape Town dentist with The guerrillas’ 9th Division, tack force was pursued into the I ■ ■ that of a man who collapsed and augmented by’ North Vlet- jungles of War Zone C. A half- die4 from a brain hemmorhage. namese replacements, lost 848 lesser engagements Groote Schuur ,Hospltal an­ nlen In Its attack on the base In.the nearby Jungles of nounced the transplant took, camp In the shadow of Black Tay Nlnh Province during the \ more than five hours and Ifirgln Moimtaln, 40 miles north- **^ht. termed it successful. They said west of Saigon and eight miles Guerrillas stHklng in the peri­ the patient’s condition was sat-, ------------------------------------- 1______ od between the. expiration of isfactoiy. their own cease-fire .apd the al- Barnard performed the lied-proclalmed truce attacked -.uct rki world’s first human heart trans­ S u ite N ew s a dozen government Installa­ plant Dec. )3 on Louis Washkan- tions in the northern coastal sky, 68, who lived 18 days with lowlands. • 4 ? the new heart before dying of South Vietnamese garrisons pneumonia. D eath T o ll beat off attacks on two district The hospital said Dr. Philip headquarters, Nghla Hanh smd Blaiberg, a man "desperately Ly Tin, about. 840 miles north­ ill” 'With a damaged heart, re­ Last Y ear east of Saigon, with the help of ceived the heart of Clive Haupt, U.S. armored units and helicop­ 24, who collapsed on a neariiy ter gunships. Elgfhty of the ene­ beach and died In the hospital. jOveiT 441 my were reported killed. Haupt was a mulatto—a man Associated Press correspond­ of mixed race but this appar­ HARTFORD (AP)—The traf­ ent George Esper reported In a \ ently posed no problems for . fic death toll In Connecticut lor dispatch from Ly Tin that 20 Barnard in racially segregated 1967 was at least 441—the high­ South Vietnamese were killed South Africa. Finding a donor est since 1936. EUid 48 Vietnamese and one for Blaiberg was difficult be­ The 441 total was released to­ American were wounded. cause ..of his rare B-posltive day by the state Motor Vehicles Operations of South Vietnam’s blood type. Department. The figure will go national police shared attention The hospital said _the opera­ higher 11 persons injured In 1967< with the war news: tion began at 11 a.m.'and was died of their Injuries this year. —About 800 official U.S. mls- completed q,bout 4 p.m. The his­ Not since 1936, when 486 per- slon cars were Impounded in Peaceful New Year for Lori toric transplant In which Wash- sons were killed on Connectl- Saigon because a delay In pap- The New Year was all peace and contentment and only 20 hours old for Lori kansky received the healthy' cut’s streets and highways, has erwork by both Americans and heart of a 26-year-old woman the traffic fatality total risen Vietnamese held up a reregls- Lata M she and her mothw'put on a “ Happy 1968” pose for Herald readers who died in a traffic accident Dr. Christian Barnard Wgh. tratlon the government had or- this morning at Manch^ter Memorial Hospital. An unruffled Lori keep the stork also took five hours. In 1966, the total was 409. dered for all such cars by Jan. circling until 2 yester^y aftenioon before deciding she would become the hospi­ Blaiberg has been waiting — j iDi j CM’S bear "TN" tal’s first new citizen of the year ^^d the first child of Mr. arid Mrs. Theodore three weeks for the operation Ueiense rund x^ledgea plates, which denote they belong R. Lata of 70 Prospect St., East" Hartford. Upon arrival, 20i/2-inch Lori weighed and did not reconsider when In Monrovia, Liberia NE!W HAVEN (AP)—A “ Black to_ foreigners. But some, still in at seven potmds even/ Lori’s mother, Barbara, is a Pavrtucket, R.I., native Washkansky died. Defense ' Fund Committee” bearing those plates, have' been who moved to East Hartford as a girl. Her dad, an East Hartford native, met Haupt was on Fish Hoek which wants t o , retain the best sold to Vietnamese. The govern­ the future Mrs. Lata while both were attending East Hartford public schools. He Beach Monday with his wife of .defense counsel possible for'six ment order was aimed at prev­ thre^ months when he collapsed Humphrey Attends men accused'In a plot to blow enting the Vietnamese owners is employed as a house painter by his brother, Richard Lata. (Herald Photo by with V brain hemorrhage. When up several New Haven buildings from evading the annual tax on Buceivicius). he was taken to a hospital and has collected more than $600 in domestic v e h i c l e s . ------------------ »— ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;---------------------------- his blood typed, Groote Schuur Parade of Military cash and 8600 in pledges. —The police announced they , ■ ____ Hospital was notified. ’Die chairman of the defense have arrested several Chinese A * • " * 1 I "I "| Barnard’s surgical team spent MONROVIA, Liberia (AP) — Woss'en, also in a general’s uni­ committee, the Rev.vJiarold several hdlOrs studying the Vice President Hubert H. Hum­ form. Clement, said S un^» the frsTbiircid^s A to ixuard Dollar transplant possibilities before phrey attended a military pa­ During the parade, U.S. Am­ money was raised at a religious proceeding. broke up a Communist plot to fl- . ___ ____ rade today of virtually the en­ bassador Ben H. Brown Jr. suf­ commemoration of the Emman- nance a wider counterfeiting of T T Ti T T B T9 I B ■ %W T Blaiberg is married and has a cipatlon Proclamation signed by tire armed forces of Liberia. fered a relapse of a kidney ail­ daughter, Jill, 19, who is in Is­ ment and returned to the em­ President Abraham Lincoln.- JUnder LoJ s Payments War rael. In Haifa, she went into se­ More than 4,000 men of the army, coast guard and national bassy for treatment. J Vietnam, Cambodia and I^os. , ' ' * clusion on learning her father guard marched past the review­ Among the spectators was a Accident Victim D i^ 'While American headquarters By JOSEPH B. Oo YWe day at a Johnson City, Tex., action the situation called for.” (See Page Seventeen) ing stand at Monrovia’s Barclay 40-member delegation of CSilca- HARTFORD (AP) — Kaprlel tried to assemble an accurate Associated Press Writer news conference, the President Fowler said the program qf- Military Training Center in a go Negroes who rec'enUy setUed Baglagian, w 80-year-old man picture of the collapse of the revealed the dollar drain this fers some pain for Americans WASHINGTON (AP)— parade marking Monday’s inau­ '60 miles lip country on land who had been hit by a car three cease-fire from field reports, year would reach 83.6 billion to and will mean the foregoing of guration of President William granted them by the Liberian The Johnson administra­ 84 billion—highest In even some pleasures., ^8ee Page Twelve) Movuigest Party V. S. Tubman to his sixth government. (See Page Twelve) tion’s declared war on the years. He and other administration successive term of office. The delegation was led by 28-, widening gap in the balance Johnson also listed higher officials have in the phst con- SEATTLE (y)P) —One-of the year old mfichlnlst Clarence £11- Tubman, wearing his gener­ of paymente would press Vietnam war costs, more U.S. oistently ruled out a (ax on de­ movingest New Year’s parties 11s, who said the setUers regard al’s uniform as commander in every American inix> the de- spending on foreign travel, big- parting tourists as one way to was held aboard the ferry Illa- themselves as children of Israel chief of the Liberian armed fense of the dollar—if Con* ger investments abroad and close the tr^ el gap which dur­ hee. The party, complete with who have come home. forces, took the salute. Beside Johnson Evaluating grass goes along. smaller gain than expected in ing 1967 reaped an estimated noise-makers, paper hats, can­ him stood President Felix Hoif "Israel really Is part of Afri­ President Johnson pegged the trade surplus. 82 billion^ a record. delabra, food, drink and tape- phouet Boigny of the neighbor­ ca,” he told newsmen. “ It was higher taxes as the keystone of This type of restriction, how­ recorded music, was held by Preliminacy reaction to the ing Ivory Coast, the only chief artificially separated from the a New Year’s program he de­ ever, would be up to Congress Hanoi Peace Report plan from X^ng^ess seemed eight commuters who sit to­ of state who came to the inaugu­ oontinent by the Suez Canal." scribed as "firm and decisive.” which likely would think twice cheery with (^airman William gether throughout the year on ration.
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