H558 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE January 27, 2020 We all look for heroes. We look to Olympics in 2026 in Milan, Italy. May Mr. WEBER of Texas. Mr. Speaker, I Washington. We look to celebrities. I God bless Kaylee, and we look forward rise today also to commemorate what know where my heroes are, and one of to watching her on TV. is an anniversary we shouldn’t have them, without a doubt, is Daniel. May f ever had to commemorate and be here God bless him. for, again, the 75th Anniversary of the f COMMEMORATING INTERNATIONAL liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau. HOLOCAUST REMEMBRANCE DAY Mr. Speaker, I have been to the con- CONGRATULATING VIRGINIA ON centration camps. I have seen the train ERA RATIFICATION The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. GOLDEN). Under the Speaker’s an- tracks where they brought in loads of (Mrs. CAROLYN B. MALONEY of nounced policy of January 3, 2019, the people in railcars and they herded peo- New York asked and was given permis- gentleman from New York (Mr. ZELDIN) ple like they were cattle. I have seen sion to address the House for 1 minute.) is recognized for 60 minutes as the des- the ovens. I have seen the gas cham- Mrs. CAROLYN B. MALONEY of New ignee of the minority leader. bers. York. Mr. Speaker, I rise to congratu- Mr. Speaker, I saw where Dr. Josef GENERAL LEAVE late leaders in Virginia for their his- Mengele performed experiments on Mr. ZELDIN. Mr. Speaker, I ask toric vote to become the 38th State to people as if they were lab specimens; unanimous consent that all Members ratify the Equal Rights Amendment many of them women. It is something may have 5 legislative days in which to today. that we should never have experienced revise and extend their remarks and in- For decades, ERA advocates across and should never experience again. the country have been fighting so that clude extraneous materials on the Mr. Speaker, today, we do remember equality for women and men is con- topic of my Special Order. what the gentleman from New York stitutionally protected. The momen- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there said, the six million Jews who trag- tum behind the effort has never been objection to the request of the gen- ically lost their lives in the Holocaust. stronger. tleman from New York? To keep that mind-numbing number in I have sponsored the Equal Rights There was no objection. perspective, if we were to take a mo- Amendment for many years because I Mr. ZELDIN. Mr. Speaker, tonight, ment of silence for every Holocaust over the course of the next hour on this believe it is the only way to make last- victim, I would stand up here for 111⁄2 ing progress on the goals we consist- House floor, Republicans and Demo- years. ently fight for, like equal pay for equal crats united are coming together for It is so imperative that we remember work, ending pregnancy discrimina- the 75th anniversary of the liberation all of those who fought tirelessly to de- tion, and combating gender-based vio- of Auschwitz on International Holo- feat the Nazi regime. With rising levels lence. caust Remembrance Day. For all of us, of anti-Semitic sentiment attacks The ERA is a legal foundation that this is an extra special, extra personal spreading in the West today, we should can withstand changing political moment. emulate those brave men and women whims of legislators, judges, or occu- b 1945 that my good friend, LEE ZELDIN talked pants of the White House. about, the Greatest Generation who, in Six million Jews, and millions of oth- Women are long past due equal treat- their spirit, they fought, and many of ers, died during the Holocaust; 1.1 mil- ment under the law. We will persist them gave all to combat and liberating lion people died at Auschwitz alone. until it is firmly guaranteed. We de- those downtrodden by the Nazis, those Millions of lives were unfathomably mand full equality now. We demand families who were forever destroyed cut short, tearing apart families, com- that it be spelled out in the Constitu- under the German Nazis; liberating munities, and countries. tion. And you spell it E-R-A. them from anti-Semitism in all forms. Thanks to the heroism of our Na- Anti-Semitism needs to be defeated f tion’s Greatest Generation, with their today. RECOGNIZING KAYLEE TOLLESON strength, and their will, and their cour- So, Mr. Speaker, I join my colleagues (Mr. OLSON asked and was given per- age, good ultimately triumphed over today as we recommit ourselves to the mission to address the House for 1 evil. protection of our Jewish brothers and minute and to revise and extend his re- There must be a permanent, never- sisters and the State of Israel against marks.) ending, never-yielding commitment to all those who seek to destroy them, no Mr. OLSON. Mr. Speaker, I rise today never allow this form of hate and evil matter what form. Come what may, to remind America that Fort Bend to ever rise again. This pledge must in- BDS, anti-Semitism, all of those, may County, Texas, is the ice-skating clude combating anti-Semitism and God protect Israel and the Jewish peo- mecca of our country. anti-Israel hate wherever it rears its ple, as we proudly say; and remind our Here is Fort Bend’s Tara Lipinski, ugly head, and even when it disguises children—what I call the latest genera- the youngest woman ever to win a fig- itself as legitimate. tion—who need to understand what the ure skating gold medal in Olympic his- Today, and every day, we must reaf- Greatest Generation knew, and that is tory. firm our pledge, ‘‘Never Again.’’ that it can never be tolerated, never I regret that I have some bad news For everyone who is watching at again. for Tara. She is about to become the home, after votes, while we are here, at Mr. Speaker, I yield to the gentle- times we see Republican Special Orders second youngest woman to win a gold woman from New York (Mrs. LOWEY). medal in skating. and Democrat Special Orders; but this Mrs. LOWEY. Mr. Speaker, I rise in Here is the soon-to-be youngest is an important moment in time for us recognition of International Holocaust woman gold medalist. This is Kaylee to come together in this Chamber, Remembrance Day. Tolleson. She lives in Fort Bend Coun- united, Republicans and Democrats, as Last week, I was honored to join the ty, just like Tara did. She has already Americans, for humanity must ensure Speaker’s congressional delegation to won a gold medal—her life. that this never happens again. Poland and Israel, where we visited Last year, at 9 years old, young Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance Auschwitz and participated in the Kaylee found out that she had a can- of my time. Fifth World Holocaust Forum. cerous tumor the size of a softball on f We cannot fight the scourge of anti- her ovary. Kaylee fought to live. With Semitism without remembering the the love of mom and dad; the miracle COMMEMORATING THE 75TH ANNI- horrors that can occur when hate is al- workers at Texas Children’s Hospital; VERSARY OF THE LIBERATION lowed to flourish. As we commemorate and her personal idol, Channel 13 OF AUSCHWITZ-BIRKENAU this important day, we remember those weatherman Travis Herzog, recently, The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under lost, and let the lessons from the Holo- Kaylee rang a bell. She is now cancer- the Speaker’s announced policy of Jan- caust guide our work today. free. uary 3, 2019, the gentleman from Texas As a co-chair of the House Bipartisan Mr. Speaker, I invite all of America (Mr. WEBER) is recognized for the re- Task Force for Combating Anti-Semi- to watch Kaylee skate in the World mainder of the hour. tism, I will continue to work with my VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:27 Jan 28, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00020 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K27JA7.035 H27JAPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with HOUSE January 27, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H559 colleagues from both sides of the aisle While the Nazi’s ‘‘Final Solution’’ is that Adolf Hitler became chancellor of to identify long-term solutions to this unlikely to ever return in the form of Germany through a democratic polit- age-old problem. concentration camps, in the words of ical process. Mr. WEBER of Texas. Mr. Speaker, I Auschwitz survivor, Primo Levi: ‘‘It Unfortunately, these findings echo a yield to the gentleman from Kansas happened. Therefore, it can happen series of surveys conducted in the (Mr. MARSHALL). again.’’ United States, Canada, Austria, and Mr. MARSHALL. Mr. Speaker, today, Every American across our great France in recent years, which also January 27, marks International Holo- country would be wise to carry the found significant gaps in knowledge caust Remembrance Day and the 75th same responsibility passed along by Ei- about the Holocaust. anniversary of the liberation of Ausch- senhower: To remember those who per- We know how critical education, vis- witz-Birkenau. ished in the hellish nightmare of the iting a Holocaust museum, and meet- As the world pauses to remember the Holocaust, to teach others their sto- ing with survivors can be. That is why greatest tragedy in human history, we ries, and to ensure it never happens I am very proud to cosponsor H.R. 943, must recommit ourselves to opposing again.
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