ft"? TWENTY^OUR ' WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER «, ATwrage Da% N*t Pt« m gm, Vos tlM Weak fiuled STh* Weather iilancIf^Btpr lEtiBnins l|BraUi November I, IMS Voreaaat of V. S. Weather Rain and windy toidgM and About Town 13,891 most ef Friday with moderate ta WANT MORE FOR YOUR MONEY...KEEP YOUR EYE ON GRANTS J ^ b e s of tile Andtt hewvy min tonight. Tempera* Olrciilatflm torea la M ’s. Gale wamtnga X^no It. CliitvUanft, aon o l Mtmehtateir^A City of Village Charm Mr, Mid Mra. P*t«r ChrtatiAini. Iff Oraroh 8 t; ttobon W. CMrr, SALE STARTS THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 7 •on ol Mr.\ and Mr*. O^arfit tOL. LXXXm, NO. a (TWENTY-EIGHT PAGE8-TW0 SECTlONg) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1»«3 OMT, 17 TereM Rd.; and Robert (OlaaatfM AdverlMng en Page 19) PRICE SEVEN CENTS J . Danaixy, aon of Mr. and Mra. Wmiaan E. Danaby, Ridge- Mood 8t., rscantly enUated tn Fund Climbs' tfaa 'United StatM Army for ttiraa yeana under the High United PHind pledges and M mo4 Oraduate SpadaUet Mrs. Nh'u FinanceB^ contributions continued their upward climb, today reach­ ing a total of ♦86.967. which Xobn Mather Chaipt'er, Order is 58 per cent of the $116,000 _tt I>eiMk>lay, wlU have a hay goal. iMe Saturday. Interested mecn- A breakdown by division bera may oontadt Russell Oue- Plans^ Stir Guesses reports, shows Initial Olfts laMa, 244 Woodland SI., for at $46,422, Business and Em­ forttier iRtormatlon. ployes at $9,864, and Resi­ WASHINGTON (AP)— Mra. Nhu, who U hla.alatar-A South Viet Nam’a former first dential at $11,181. ' A qualified source close to in-law, had run out ^..money in lady believes she can regain po' Entombed Two Weeks WtaaMogton Lodge, IjOLi, mvH I>oiinf photo TDYTOWN the United States.^'m said all lltlcal power in her country with abtend S t Miary’a ESpiaooipal Mrs. Ngo Dinh Nhu’s fam­ E n g a g e d her wealth prcMbly is held in the aid of the dissident officers, Cfamh for tbe 11 am . aervice Early Shoppers* Toy Savings! ily today de.scribed the for­ Viet, Nam. the source said. Sunday. Members are reminded ’Ihe engagement of M la a mer First Lady of ^uth In WuMhgton, State Depart­ Meanwhile, Mrs. Nhu was re­ Events to meet at tbe church at 10:45. Marilyn Loui.se Carter of Ver­ m ent 'Omcials eatd they were ported to have received a tele­ ffthe (Daughters of liiberty, Hart­ GRANT EXCLUSIVES Chrome handlebar* Viet Nam as a clever busi- Saved Now non to Willifm Walton Landon • » Squeaxehem npi-mformed about Mrs. Nhu's phone call since the coup from ford Lodge and Royal Black Jr. of Gilead has been an­ with plailic ttreomer* / nesswoman with ample re­ 'futances, and added; "She former Vice President Richard Proceptory have also been in- nounced by her parents, Mr. wire I sources in other countneS, doesn’t submit her bank state­ M. Nixon. In State vfbed to aiblend. .and Mrs. William R. Carter of *T -• including a villa QR'the ments.’’ Nixon explored, among other Total 100, Box Mt. Dr. THE V.I.P. POOCH.’ * French Riviera. Her mother, Mrs. Tran Van things, the failure of American Mlaa SMaabeth H e l f r t c k , Her fiance is the aon of Mr. Reports froin -l^ s Angeles Chuong, wife of the former Viet­ officials in South Viet Nam to daiigbter of Dr. and Mrp. Fran- and Mrs. William W. Landon of HAS SHAGGY HAIR Large all-deel namese ambassador to the grant asylum to another mem­ Dry Spell Ends cle HeMick. 14 Weebninster •addle teat Said Mrs. NJui Is deeply con­ Gilead. cerned about her financial out­ United Statee, said " I do not ber of the deposed family. Pres­ 29 Perish Rd., and Mona Sue Lemdere. Miss Carter, a 1950 graduate THAT CAN BE STYLED look. jm is was greeted with know about her finances, she ident Ngo Dinh Diem’s brother, As Heavy Rains, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Neal of Rockville High School, la at­ never told me about that," Mrs. Ngo. Dinh Can. BomtrskepUclsrti by the source, Chuong said. Can sought protection in the BROISTEDT, Germany H. Liandera, 43 Broad St., are tending Morse College, Hart­ ^wTio asked not to be Identified. Winds Hit Slate aonong n group of Hartford ford. U.S. foreign aid officials have American Consulate at Hue, (•■^P)— Eleven men were Mr. Landon, who received hia Mrs.' Nhu recently purchased capital of central Viet Nam. OoUege women who have volun­ a villa In Nice on the PYenCh kept a close watch on South Viet rescued today from a floodf teered to diredt. aotlvltleo of the BA. degree in eleotrical en­ But U.S. officials refused it and NEW HAVEN (AP) — Riviera from her brother-in-law. Nam's foreign exchange trans­ ed iron mine two weeks af­ ftnat Mban 4-H dub In the gineering from the Univeraity GRANTS FAMOUS actions. flew him to Saigon, 400 miles Heavy rain and stiff winds of Hartford, is attending Rena- O n ly 4.93 Archbishop Pierre Martin Ngo south, in an American military ter they were entombed and county. Ih e olub memberahtp Dinh Thuc. He Is attending the Any substantial changes rep­ hit Ckinnecticut today, defi­ ooMrintn of Puerto Rican girls in a e 1 a e r Polytechnic Inatitute plane. Buddhist opponents of the given up for dead. Graduate Center, Hartford. He VaUcan Ecumenical Council In resenting a large transfer of ousted Ngo Dinh Diem regime nitely ending the prolonged HarUood tram Oradea 7, 8 and Rome and also has been look­ capital funds by the Diem re­ A huge drilllTig rig broke la employed as an electrical en­ TRiaCLES NAVI charged that Can ruled the cen­ dry spell in the state. through early today to the gal­ gineer by Pratt and Whitney, a ing after Mrs. Nhu’s Uiree gime - to foreign banks would tral region as a tyrant. 20* tall, hhite realistic jrounger children since their have raised questions and Gal6 warning were posted lery 183 feet below the surface 7 Otttnera of the Manebeater (ttvieion of United Aircraft hair that can be combed, No additional details of the re- along Long Island Sound. where they had taken refuge Oorp., Hast Hartford. arrival from Saigon. brought an investigation, aid of- Bmhlem dUb win meet at the curled, washed. Rhine­ BIG-BIKE FEATURES The archbishop has not been ficlmls said. Wind gusts up To 40 mllee an when a dam broke Oct. 24 and A winter wedding ia planned. (8ee Page Sixteen) hour were recorded In the flooded the mine, leaving only a E nlgliitn of OedumbUB Home to- stone teardrop below one available for comment on Mrs. idgM. at 7:1B for a rehearaal. Nhu's financial status. LOS ANGBLBS (AP) — Mrs. Bridgeport area. Above normal few air pockets. Mendmra w e reminded to bring Mra. Betty Lundburg, presi­ eye. Jaunty straw hat. tides were expected along the The .shaft wa.s reinforced by A source close to Mrs. Nhu Ngo Dinh Nhu was reported to­ Sound. tbema for the white elephant dent of the LUUe Theater of aald Tuesday In Los Angeles day to believe that ehe still re­ steel tubing, and one by one the table to the meeting at S, Mancheaber, haa announced a that when she left Saigon five tains the loyalty of certain offi­ Russians Say More than eight-tenths of an bearded, haggard men were oast party Saturday after the weeks ago she had 36,000 spend­ cers tn the military Junta which inch of rain had fallen at the brought to the .surface in a rfMW at the Village Lantern ing money for herself, her overthrew her ruling family’s U.S. Weaither Bureau in Wind­ bomb-.shaped re.scue capsule. Bam. Reservations must be Stile 7.44 Anti - Missile sor Locks. The weatherman said They were located Sunday and daughter and her secreta:^. He regime. SPRING RIDING more them an inch of rain came since then had been supplied made by tomorrow night with aaid she had no money banked Mrs. Nhu’s husband, Ngo Dinh her. Alao, ticket retuma ahould HORSE HAS SAFEy 10 Inch Sisa, REOUIARLY GAG abroad and that the only mem­ down in weetern portions of the with food through a shaft leas Nhu, the country’s political Put on View state. Bridgeport recorded an than two tnche.s in diameter. be turned ki to her tonight. ber of the family who had con­ strongman, and his brother. UVELY ACTION I trol over large sums of money unofficial 1.63 Inchee of rain Heinz Kull, 51. was the first nincli ilaa__ 9.44 14 inch President Ngo Dinh Diem, died by 10:30 a.m. Manoheater Orange wiR eon- was the archMahop and that in the coup last week. MOSCOW (AP) — The Soviet miner to reach the surface. As fer the third and fourth de- By noon, two inches or more he was taken from the rescue that was "church money.’’ A reliable source eaid Mrs. Union marked the 46th anniver­ greea o na claaa tonight at 8 In London, Ngo Dinh Luyen, of rain was reported in coastal capsule, a hush fell over Nhu planned to return to South sary of the Bolshevik Revolution areas. at the Orange Hall. A banreat Viet Nam’s former ambassador Viet Nam before the first gen­ crowds, kept at a distance of supper at 6:30 wiR preoede the lo Britain, said Wednesday eral election Is held under the today by parading through Red School officials in New Ha­ about 30 yai1s from the shaft.
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