ANNUAL BIBLIOGRAPHY OF WORKS ON ARABIC LITERATURE PUBLISHED IN THE SOVIET UNION (IN RUSSIAN) ABBREVIATIONS PPPIKNTI XII Pis'mennyepamiatniki i problemyistorii kul'tury narodovVostoka. XII godichnaia nauchnaia sessiia LO IVAN SSSR. (Kratkie soobshcheniia). M., 1977. TIEPTLTI Voprosy èstetiki, poètiki i tekstologiiliteratur Vostoka. (Sbornik statei). T.I-II. (AN SSSR. Institut vostokovedeniia). M., 1977. For other abbreviations consult] AL, VIII, p. 177. 1976 1. Studies 1. Abdolov, N., Kartinki byta v tunisskoi novelle v period posle mirovoi voiny [Scenes of life in the Tunisian short story in the period after World War II]-in : Izvestiia AN TadzhSSR. Otdelenie obshchestvennyx nauk, #2, 63-70. 2. Abdolov, N., Zametki k istorii novoi tunisskoi literatury [Notes to the history of modern Tunisian literature]-in: Stat'f po filologii. [D.], Tadzhikskii universitet, #5, 77-84. 3. Demidchik, V. P., "Geologiia" Zakariia al-Kazvini [The Geologyby Zakâriyâ al-Qazwini]-in: WF, IV, 75-97. 4. Derbisaliev, A., Marokanskaia araboiazychnaia novella [The Moroccan Arabic short story]-in : Prostor. AA, #7, 108-111. An unbalanced survey of 7 collections. 5. Dzhugashvili, G. Ia., Alzhirskii frankoiazyehnyi roman [The Algerian French novel]. (AN SSSR. Institut mirovoi literatury imeni A. M. Gor'kogo). M., 141 p., biblio. (137-140). A survey and analysis from Le Fils du Pauvre (1950) by Mouloud Feraoun to Le Polygone Étoilé (1966) by Kateb Yacine and La Danse du Roi (1968) by Mohammed Dib. Three phases : 1950-54- comprehension and evaluation of the local ambience; 1954-62-the "military" ; from 1962 on-the "uncertain" as yet. 6. EI'vova, V.A., Xudozhestvennaialiteratura stran Afriki v sovetskoipecbati. 1965-1974. Ukazatel' russkix perevodov i kriticheskoi literatury na russkom iazyke [African literature in Soviet publications. 1965-1974. An index of Russian translations and criticism]. M., "Kniga", 304 p. Arab countries. General (43-47); Algeria (48-67); Egypt (69-106); Libya (107-9); Mauritania (110); Morocco (111-8); the Sudan (119-27); Tunisia (128-37). 7. Ibragimov, N., Nekotorye momenty ideologicheskoi i kul'turnoi zhizni Srednei Azii pervoi poloviny XIV v. v "Puteshestvii" Ibn Battuty [ Some aspects of ideological and cultural life in Central Asia of the first half of the 14th cent. in The Travels by Ibn Battutah]-in: Nekotorye voprasy razvitiia obshcbestvenno-politicbeskoimysli v stranax Tlostoka. M., 29-39. 8. Kariev, U. Z., Ob odnom slovare Zamaxshari [About a dictionary by az- Zamakhshari]-in : Sbornik naucbnyx trudov Tashkentskogo gosudarst- vennogouniversiteta. Vypusk 507. Vostokovedenie, 152-163. 158 9. Kirpichenko, V. N., 0 putiax razvitiia realizma v sovremennoi egipetskoi proze (na primere romana Nagiba Maxfuza "Deti nashego kvartala") [About the ways of development of realism in contemporary Egyptian prose (the case of Najib Mahfuz's novel Children of Our Quarter)]-in : NAA, #5, 85-95. The Awldd Haratind is interpreted as a work of transition between the social novels of the 40s and the allegorical ones of the 60s, also as the one to reflect the crisis in Egyptian social consciousness to come in the late 60s; main features: introduction of folklore elements, use of history. 10. Lebedev, V. V., Dve neizvestnye arabskie srednevekovye povesti [Two unknown Arabic medieval stories]-in: NAA, #4, 1 29-1 35. The stories in question: one is about Talha and Tuhfa (in MS. Paris Bibl. Nat. fols. 55b-76b, not indexed by Slane or of Cairene the other is about the Calif al- ' Vajda), provenance; Walid b. Yazid and his second wife Salma (in MS. Saltykov-Shched- rin GPB, Evr.-arab. II 375 (from the Firkovich collection), fols. 1-5, dated 1240 A.D., in Hebrew characters). 11. [Masluh, Sa'd] Maslux, S., Izuchenie ritma i rifmy kak metod analiza fone- ticheskix iavlenii. (Na materiale arabskix srednevekovyx po6ticheskix tekstov) [The study of rhythm and rhyme as a method for an analysis of phonetic phenomena. (In Arabic medieval poetry)]-in: Istoriia vo.rtoch- nyx kul'tur. (MGU. ISAiA. Sovet molodyx uchenyx). [Moscow], MGU, 109-113. 12. Mosolova, N. I., Po6ziia boriushcheisia Palestiny [The poetry of fighting Palestine]-in: VF, IV, 138-148. 13. Muminov, X. K., Sbornik literaturno-kriticheskix statei Mixaila Nuaime "al-Girbal" [A book of literary criticism by Mikha'il Nucayma, al- Ghirbâl]-in: VF, IV, 128-137. 14. Pastuxova, L. 0., K istorii pesennogo ispolneniia arabskoi po6zii (seredina VII-seredina VIII v.) [Towards the history of sung Arabic poetry (the mid-7th-mid-8th cents.)]-in: NAA, #1, 121-132. 15. Polosin, V. V., Slavianskii termin v sochinenii srednevekovogo puteshest- vennika-araba [A Slavic term in the work of a medieval Arab traveller]- in : NAA, #1, 141-144. The Arabic juqn equals the Slavic .rhevnia(in the Mu'rib Canba?d Cajâ'ibal-Maghrib by AbA Hamid al-GharnAti), 16. Shagal', V., Proza Iuzhnogo Iemena: novoe imia [The prose of South Yemen: a new name]-in : IL, #1 1 , 262-264. A review article of a short stories collection, the Bakdrat by Mifal cAbdarral).mân [Muh. cAbdarral).mân Ahmad]. 17. Shukroeva, S., ?'.rxatologicbe,rkaiacast' "Poslaniia o pro.rhchenii" Abul-Ala al-Maarri [The eschatological part of the Xi.rdlat al-ghufrân by ABA-I- cAlA al-Macarri]. Otv. red. [eds.]: V. P. Demidchik, N. A. Kaxarova. D., 127 p. 18. Timofeev, I. V., Egipetskii pisatel' XIII v. Ibn Danial v srednevekovyx arabskix istochnikax [Ibn Daniyal, an Arab writer of the 13th cent., in Arabic medieval sources]-in: I,rtoriia vo.rtochnyxkul'tur. (MGU. ISAiA. Sovet molodyx uchenyx). [Moscow], MGU, 88-95. 19. Xusein-Zade, M. Sh., "IgAsa" Axmada al-Makrizi kak pamiatnik o narod- nyx bedstviiax v Egipte [The Igbdtba by Ahmad al-Maqrizi as a record of national calamities in Egypt]-in : IV, 98-109. .
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