Hopkinsville Jackson Jeffersontown Jenkins

Hopkinsville Jackson Jeffersontown Jenkins

Kentucky Directory of Radio his wkly. Target aud: General. Tim Singleton, stn mgr; Mary Ellyn Aaron Sharpe, dev dir, mktg dir & prom dir; Grady Kirkpatrick, progmg Tuckessee L.L.C. Group owner: Saga Communications Inc. (acq Cain, opns mgr; Carol Banks, dev dir; Marie Mitchell, news dir; Bill dir; Michael Grayson, mus dir; Maryanne Zeleznik, news dir; Don 2 -1 -01; grpsl). *Steve King, gen mgr, nati sis mgr 8 adv dir; Susan Browning, chief of engrg. Smith, chief of engrg. Ouesenberry, gen mgr; Jay Slater, progmg dir; Gwen Johnston, news dir; J. C. Morrow, chief of engrg. WJMD(FM) -- July 26, 1989: 104.7 mhz; 2.5 kw. 1,135 ft. TL: N37 11 Hindman 36 W83 11 04. Stereo. Hrs opn: 24. Box 7001 (41702). 125 Main St. Horse Cave (41701). (606) 439 -3358. Fax: (606) 436 -6118. Web Site: WKCB(AM)- Jan 26, 1971: 1340 khz; 6 kw -U. TL: N37 19 45 W83 www.wkmd.com. Licensee: Hazard Broadcasting Services (acq 00 17. Box 864 (41822). (606) 785.3129. Fax: (606) 785 -0106. Web WHHT(FM)- Sept 19, 1994: 106.7 mhz; 2.9 kw. 476 ft. TL: N37 13 4 -13 -01; $250 for 25 %). Net: USA Format: Relg. News staff: 2; news Site: www.wkcb.com. Licensee: Hindman Broadcasting Corp. (acq 57 W85 52 06. Box 457, Glasgow (42142-0457). 113 W. Public Sq., progrng 7 hrs wldy. Target aud: General. *Michael R. Barnett. gen 9- 15-89; $100,000 with co- located FM; FTR: 10-23-89) *Net: ABC Suite 400, Glasgow (42141). (270) 651.6050/651 -6060. Fax: (270) mgr; Scott Napier, progmg dir; Robert Hale, chief of engrg. Information & Entertainment Rep: Rgnl Reps Format: Christian. 651 -7666. Licensee: Commonwealth Broadcasting Corp. (acq Randy Thompson, Ares, gen mgr & news dir. 11.25-97; grpsl) Net: Westwood One Format: Classic country. *Alex WKIC(AM)- Nov 23, 1947: 1390 khz; 5 kw -D. TL: N37 14 19 W83 12 Parocai, opns mgr & progmg dir; Derron Steenbergen, gen mgr, sin 41. Stereo. Box 7428, 516 Main St. (41702). (606) 436 -2121. Fax: mgr, opns mgr 8 gen sls mgr. WKCB -FM- Dec 13, 1974: 107.1 mhz; 770 w. 650 ft. TL: N37 19 56 (606) 436 -4172. Licensee: Mountain Broadcasting Service Inc. (acq W82 56 52. Stereo. Box 864 (41822). Web Site: www.wkcb.com. 12-67) Net: Westwood One, ABC Information & Entertainment Rep: Format: Heart of rock. Hyden Rgnl Reps Format: CHR. Faron Sparkman, gen mgr & gen sls mgr. Hodgenville WZOO(FM)- Nov 7, 1988: 97.9 mhz; 1.75 kw. 1,207 ft. TL: N37 11 WSGS(FM)-Co-owned with WKIC(AM). Feb 3, 1959: 101.1 mhz; 100 36 W83 11 04. Stereo. Box 7280, Main St., Hazard (41702). (606) kw. 1,463 ft. TL: N37 11 38 W83 10 52. Stereo. Box 7428, Radio Bldg., 436 -9898. Fax: (606) 436.4172. Licensee: Leslie County Broadcasting 101 Morgan St. (41701). Net: ABC Format: Country. Faron WKMO(FM)- March 1974: 106.3 mhz; 3 kw. 400 ft. TL: N37 40 21 Inc. (acq 4 -3 -01; $50 for 50%). Format: Hot adult contemp. Target aud: Sparkman, pres. W85 44 34. Stereo. 406 S. Mulberry St., Elizabethtown (42701). (270) General. *Stuart Shane Sparkman, CEO; Mike Reeves, gen mgr 8 763 -0800. Fax: (270) 769 -6349. Licensee: Elizabethtown CBC Inc. gen sls mgr; Bob Hale, chief of engrg. Group owner: Commonwealth Broadcasting Corp. (acq 7 -1-00; grpsq. WOXY(AM)- Mar 1, 1988: 1560 khz; 1 kw -D, 500 w -CH, DA. TL: N37 Net: ABC Information & Entertainment Rep: Keystone (unwired net), 16 27 W83 11 29. Stereo. Box 864, Hidman (41822). (606) 439 -0156. Inez Rgnl Reps Wash arty: Vemer, Liipfert, Bernhard, McPherson & Hand. Fax: (606) 785 -0106. Licensee: Black Gold Broadcasting. (acq 8 -90; Format: Mainstream country. Target aud: 24 -65. Spec prog: Farm 2 $97,500; FTR: 9- 24 -90) Net: Jones Radio Networks Format: Oldies. hrs wkly. Steve Newberry, pres; Dale Thornhill, VP; Karen Nevitt, stn WBTH(AM) -See Williamson. WV Target aud: 25 -54; educated, mobile, child -rearing couples in suburbs, mgr 8 gen sls mgr; Richard Brown, prom dir & progmg dir; Ron Boone, blue collar workers. Randy Thompson, pres, gen mgr & sls dir; Paul news dir & pub affrs dir. WXCC(FM) -See Williamson, WV Hoskins, prom dir & progmg dir; Russell Lafferty, chief of engrg. WXAM(AM) -See Buffalo Irvine Henderson Hopkinsville WCYO(FM) -Listing follows WIRV(AM). WGBF -FM- Dec 1, 1971: 103.1 mhz; 6 kw. 460 ft. TL: N37 46 54 W87 37 24. (CP: 3.16 kw, ant 453 ft.). Stereo. Hrs opn: 24. Box 78, WHOP(AM)- Jan 8, 1940: 1230 khz; 830 w-U. TL: N36 52 54 W87 WIRV(AM)- July 2, 1960: 1550 khz; 1 kw-D. TL: N37 42 26 W83 58 Evansville, IN (47701). 1133 Lincoln Ave., Evansville, IN (47714). 30 44. Hm opn: 24. Box 709, 220 Dink Embry's Buttermilk Rd. 15. (CP: TL: N37 42 57 W83 58 29). Box 281, 1030 Winchester Rd. (812) 425 -4226. Fax: (812) 421 -0005. Web Site: 103gbf.com. (42241 -0709). (270) 885 -5331. Fax: (270) 885 -2688. E -mail: (40336). (606) 723 -5138. Fax: (606) 723-5180. Licensee: Kentucky Licensee: Clear Channel Broadcasting Licenses Inc. Group owner: whopl ®hop- uky.campus.mci.nut. Licensee: Hop Broadcasting Inc. River Broadcasting Co Inc. Rep: Rgnl Reps Format: Oldies. Kelly T. Clear Channel Communications Inc. (acq 9-25-00; grpsl). *Net: ABC (acq 10-28-99; with co-located FM) Net: CBS Rep: Rgnl Reps Wallingford, pres, gen mgr & gen sls mgr. Format: Rock/AOR. News staff: one. Target aud: 18.49. David R. Format: News/talk. News staff: 2. Target aud: 25-65. Roger E. Roederer, gen mgr; Mike Sanders, opus dir; Brady Gilreath, gen sls Jeffers, gen mgr; Mike Chadwell, sls dir & gen sls mgr; Jeff Sisk, mgr; Bobby Gates, prom dir; Jeff Dement, progrng dir; Warren Korn, WCYO(FM) -Co-owned with WIRV(AM). August 1991:100.7 mhz; 9.2 progmg dir; Jim Love, news dir; Don Griffey, chief of engrg. Rates: news dir; Chris Myers, chief of engrg. Rates: $60; 45; 50; 20. kw. 505 ft. TL: N37 39 40 W84 08 55. Hrs son: 24. *Net: ABC $27: 22; 27; 15. Daytime Direction Format: Country. David Adams, pub affrs din. WKDO(FM)- 1947: 99.5 mhz; 100 kw. 944 ft. TL: N37 49 36 W87 33 WHOP-FM- May 1948: 98.7 mhz; 100 kw. 304 ft. TL: N36 52 54 W87 00. Stereo. Hrs opn: 24. 420 N.W. 5th St. Suite 2000, 3020 2nd St., Jackson 30 44. Stereo. Hrs opn: 24. Format: Adult contemp. Target aud: 18-54. Evansville (47708). (812) 422 -5995. Fax: (812) 437 -4838. Web Site: *Roger E. Jeffers, stn mgr; Jeff Sisk, opns mgr.Rates: same as AM. www.wkdq.com. Licensee: Regent Broadcasting of WEKG(AM)- Mar 7, 1969: 810 khz; 5 kw -D. TL: N37 34 41 W83 24 Evansville/Owensboro Inc. Group owner: Regent Communications 19. 1501 Hargas Ln., Suite 2 (41339). (606) 666 -7531. Fax: (606) Inc. (acq 2 -25 -03; grpsl). Net: ABC Information & Entertainment WHVO(AM)- Sept 19, 1954: 1480 khz; 1 kw-D, 24 w -N. TL: N36 52 666 -0946. Licensee: Intermountain Broadcasting Co. Format: Country. Rep: Christal Format: Country. News staff: 2. Target aud: 25 -54. 15 W87 30 43. Hrs opn: 24. Oldies Radio, Box 1900, Cadiz Doug Neace, gen mgr. Gary Exline, gen mgr; Angie Ross, sls dir; Bill Files, gen sls mgr; Jon (42211 -1900). (270) 886 -1480. Fax: (270) 886 -6286. E -mail: Prell, progmg dir; Rick of oldies @oldies1480.com. Web Site: www.oldies1480.com. Licensee: Crago. chief engrg. WJSN -FM-Co -owned with WEKG(AM). Jan 1, 1979: 106.5 mhz; 638 Ham Broadcasting Inc. (acq 10-95) *Net: AP Network News, Jones w. 610 ft. TL: N37 32 46 W83 23 42. (CP: 895 w, ant 827 ft.). Stereo. Radio Networks Rep: Rgnl Reps Format: Oldies. News staff: two; WKPB(FM)- Apr 1, 1990: 89.5 mhz; 43 kw. 377 h. TL: N37 51 06 Gloria Hay, stn mgr. news progmg 3 his wkly. Target aud: 35 -54; Upscale Baby -boomers. W87 19 43. Stereo. His opn: 24. Rebroadcasts WKYU -FM Bowling Spec prog: Relg 6 hrs, gospel 3 hrs wkly. D.J. Everett, pres; Amy Green 100% Western Kentucky Univ., One Big Red Way, Bowling Hougland, gen mgr; Tammy Hancock, opns mgr; Beth Mann, sls dir; Jamestown Green (42101). (270) 745 -5489. Fax: (270) 745 -2084. E -mail: Alan Watts, news dir; David L. Ralston, pub affrs dir. wkyufm @wku.edu. Web Site: www.wku.edurwkyu -fm. Licensee: WJKY(AM)- Sept 3, 1967: 1060 khz; 1 kw-D. TL: N37 01 31 W85 04 Western Kentucky University. Net: NPR, PRI Wash any Leventhal, 23. Box 800, 2804 South US Hwy 127 (42629). (270) 866 -3487. (270) Senter 8 Lerman. Format: News. News staff: 3; news progmg 35 hrs WNKJ(FM)- Aug 3, 1981: 89.3 mhz; 12 kw. 330 ft. TL: N36 48 34 343 -4444. Fax: (270) 866 -2060. Licensee: Lake Cumberland wkly. Target aud: General. Spec prog: Folk 5 his wkly. *Gary W87 24 20. Stereo. Hrs opn: 24. Box 1029 (42241 -1029). 1100 E. 18th Broadcasters. (acq 7 -1 -70) Format: Country. *Mae Hoover, gen mgr Randsall, pres; Peter Bryant, gen mgr & progmg dir; Terry Reagan, St. (42240). (270) 886-9655. Fax: (270) 880-7210. E -mail: 8 gen sls mgr. dev dir: Lee Stott, mus dir; Dan Modlin, news din, Chris Scott, chief of [email protected].

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