A MONTHLY NEWSLETTER FROM THE RIVER OF GRASS UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST CONGREGATION DAVIE, FLORIDA MAY 2012 A TIME OF RENEWAL Marjorie Loring, Board President Personal transformation can and does have global effects. As we go, so goes the world, for the world is us. The revolution that will save the world is ultimately a personal one. Marianne Williamson ach year, we see Spring as a time for renewal. E Whether that tradition comes from the Pagan ob- servance of Beltane, the Jewish observance of Tu B’Shvat, or the Christian observance of Easter, there is threaded though all an inseparable tie that binds us to each other, to nature, and to the earth’s ecology. Renewal means growth, and the Grass is growing – the River of Grass, that is! We have more guests each week who believe they have found their spiritual home among us. We have Faith Develop- ment programs that are growing. In addition to our amazing Children’s and Youth’s Sunday programs, we have kicked off a new 8 week Adult Faith Development program on Wednesday evenings called “What We Choose: Ethics for UUs.” We are growing in the way that we join together in community - our congregational pic- nic was fun and uplifting for the spirit. We are growing in our participation in service and In This Issue social justice issues, and we are growing in our generosity with an increase in giving – and not just in support of this community, but to programs like LifeNet4Families who, to date, Services ........................... 2 this congregational year alone, has received close to $9,000 in financial support from our From the Editor ............... 2 congregation to help foster renewal in the lives of others. A renewal of faith, a renewal of health, and a renewal of spirit – and that, my friends, is what we are all about! Elections .......................... 3 Board Matters ................. 4 A good quote is worth repeating… Personal transformation can and does have global effects. Policy Updates ................ 6 As we go, so goes the world, for the world is us. Faith Development .......... 7 CONGREGATIONAL ANNUAL MEETING Auction Event .................. 7 Full Moon Daughters ...... 8 SUNDAY, MAY 20, 2012 12:00 noon – 3:00 pm Annual Giving ................. 8 Women’s Group .............. 8 Service & Social Justice .. 9 Membership ..................... 9 River of Grass Café ........ 10 Congregational Picnic ... 11 Calendar ......................... 12 Reflections - A Monthly Newsletter from the River of Grass Unitarian Universalist Congregation - 2 - REFLECTIONS NEWSLETTER: SERVICES CHANGE AT THE HELM May 6 Sunday Service with Rev. Esther Sampol, Newsletter Editor Amy Carol Webb ur Newsletter Editor, Bev Kaufman, after May 13 Mother’s Day Service O many, many years of creative and loving (Men’s Group) service to our congregation, has decided to step down from the role of Newslet- ter Editor. Over the years, Bev has been a solid presence providing gentle (and May 20 Bridging and Affirmations creative) reminders to keep the presses rolling and on target. In fact, her superb (Faith Development Com- editing skills won our publication a District Award for Best Newsletter a few mittee) years back. May 27 We Remember Those Who As I step into this new role, joined by our Layout and Design guru, Brit Lun- dell, and two new Copy Editors, Diane Diaz and Zena Tucker, my hope is that Served (Ken Bresnahan) we can continue to provide the quality newsletters for which Bev has set a high standard. As I reflect on all the wonderful issues we have enjoyed throughout the years, I realize that she is leaving some mighty big shoes to fill. River of Grass Thank you, Bev, for so many years of shar- UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST CONGREGATION ing your gift. Not only will we miss your style Phone 954-723-7877 and talent in this role – but your unique and [email protected] creative reminders about looming deadlines will be a difficult (if not impossible) act to fol- Newsletter low. Editor ......................................... Esther Sampol Design & Production ...................... Brit Lundell Copy Editors ................................ Diane Diaz & Zena Tucker Congregational Administrator OUR PRINCIPLES Sophia Brown We, the member congregations of the A free and responsible search for Unitarian Universalist Association, truth and meaning; Board of Trustees President ..................................... Marjorie Loring covenant to affirm and promote: The right of conscience and the use Vice President .............................. Ken Bresnahan The inherent worth and dignity of of the democratic process within our Secretary ......................................... Susan Juncosa every person; congregations and in society at large; Treasurer ....................................... Janet Schwartz Trustee ......................................... Tom Robinson Justice, equity and compassion in The goal of world community with Trustee ................................................ Diane Diaz human relations; peace, liberty, and justice for all; Trustee .......................................... Grant Basham Acceptance of one another and Respect for the interdependent web Trustee .................................... Deb Giblin-Davis encouragement to spiritual growth in of all existence of which we are a part. Youth Representative ....................... Paige Giese our congregations; Committee Chairs Annual Giving ................................ Roy Schwartz Auction ............... Audry Stang & Esther Sampol Caring .......................................... Kristine Barkley OUR SUNDAY LOCATION Concert .............................................. Aaron Stang 11850 W. State Road 84, Suite 1, Davie, FL 33325 Community Awareness ............... Esther Sampol Facilities ......................................... Susan Juncosa EVERY SUNDAY Faith Development ............... Karen Gonzalez & Diane Lade Worship Service: 10:30 to 11:30am. Hospitality Hour: 11:30am to 12:30pm. Finance .................................................. Scott May Faith Development Classes: 10:45 to 11:45am Membership .............................. Leana Bresnahan Nominating .................................... Riley Cothran FRIENDLY REMINDERS FOR OUR MEMBERS Pastoral Care ............. Riley Cothran, Pat Katz & Marjorie Loring There is plenty of parking outside the sanctuary, but please leave the closer Service & Social Justice ............. Alan Meerow & parking spaces for our guests and physically challenged worshipers. Judi Oltmans Shared Ministry ............................. Diane Lade & All meetings are held at 11850 W State Road 84, Suite 1 in Davie Janet Schwartz unless otherwise noted. Worship ................................ Kathy Jens-Rochow 5HIOHFWLRQV $ 0RQWKO\ 1HZVOHWWHU IURP WKH 5LYHU RI *UDVV 8QLWDULDQ 8QLYHUVDOLVW &RQJUHJDWLRQ ,7·6 (/(&7,21 7,0( 5,9(5 2) *5$66 %2$5' 2) 75867((6 5,9(5 2) *5$66 &$3,7$/ )81' %2$5' 5LOH\&RWKUDQ&KDLU1RPLQDWLQJ&RPPLWWHH 3DP6FKULPVKHU3UHVLGHQW&DSLWDO)XQG W RXU XSFRPLQJ $QQXDO 0HHWLQJ RQ 0D\ WK ZH RPLQDWLRQV DUH RSHQ IRU ZLOO KROG DQ HOHFWLRQ WR À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·V *URXS DQG $GXOW 5HOLJLRXV 1RPLQDWLRQV DUH GXH E\ 0D\ )RU PRUH LQIRUPDWLRQ (GXFDWLRQ IDFLOLWDWHG D &RYHQDQW *URXS DQG SDUWLFLSDWHG LQ DERXW WKH &DSLWDO )XQG SOHDVH DVN D WUXVWHH RU HPDLO FDSLWDO PDQ\ HYHQWV VXFK DV WKH 6HGHU &RQFHUWV HWF 6KH KDV PRUH IXQG#ULYHURIJUDVVRUJ WKDQ WZHQW\ \HDUV RI H[SHULHQFH³ERWK SDLG DQG YROXQWHHU³ LQ SURÀW DQG QRQSURÀW DFFRXQWLQJ DQG ÀQDQFH +HU H[SHULHQFH KDV LQFOXGHG WKH IXOO VSHFWUXP RI ERRNNHHSLQJ DQG DFFRXQW LQJ IXQFWLRQV EDVLF SD\DEOHV DQG UHFHLYDEOHV À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ÀQJV 6KH DQG KHU KXVEDQG RI \HDUV 5LFN KDYH WZR ORYHO\ JURZQ GDXJK WHUV 1LFROH DQG /RUUDLQH %HVLGHV 5LYHU RI *UDVV DFWLYLWLHV DQG ZRUN =HQD HQMR\V \RJD ZDONLQJ UHDGLQJ VLQJLQJ DQG WDFN OLQJ D JRRG TXHVWLRQ 'HE*LEOLQ'DYLV 7UXVWHH 'HE *LEOLQ'DYLV D QDWLYH &DOLIRUQLDQ FDPH WR 6RXWK )ORULGD NLFNLQJ DQG VFUHDPLQJ LQ ZLWK D WRGGOHU LQ WRZ ZKHQ KHU KXVEDQG 5RE JRW D MRE ZLWK WKH 8QLYHUVLW\ RI )ORULGD -RLQLQJ 5LYHU RI *UDVV LQ KHOSHG KHU WXUQ WKDW VFUHDPLQJ LQWR FKHHULQJ DQG

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