Index Place Page Numbers Vol Date Abad Eduardo: assasin of William Fenton of Underbank 148 3 1855-1858 Abbot Sarah: to leave the town 470 3 1855-1858 Abershaw William: at Lundhill 333 3 1855-1858 Abershaw James: ill-used his wife 139, 196, 305, 310, 316 3 1855-1858 Abson John: left his work 184 3 1855-1858 Academy Churchfield 282 3 1855-1858 Ackroyd struck Oates 387 3 1855-1858 Acton Jonathan: drunkard 501 3 1855-1858 Adams: Barnsley 133, 135, 184 3 1855-1858 Adams: Darfield 526 3 1855-1858 Adams: Julian: Highland piper 375 3 1855-1858 Adams: Swinton 23 3 1855-1858 Adams: Wath-upon-Dearne 211 3 1855-1858 Adamson: Crow Well Hill 441 3 1855-1858 Adamson Elizabeth: was scolded 576 3 1855-1858 Adamson Robert: surgeon 163 3 1855-1858 Adamson Mary: Workhouse 379 3 1855-1858 Addy George: Cawthorne 548 3 1855-1858 Addy F. W. Cudworth 498 3 1855-1858 Addy William: Cudworth 495, 498 3 1855-1858 Addy: Grimethorp 332, 418, 424 3 1855-1858 Addy Richard: insurgent 217 3 1855-1858 Addy David: without reins 390 3 1855-1858 Addy Seth and William 546 3 1855-1858 Advantages of building societies 35 3 1855-1858 Agar assaulted Minskin 366 3 1855-1858 Agus Thomas to Ann Alice Oxley 489 3 1855-1858 Agricultural Statistics of Barnsley Union 68 3 1855-1858 Agricultural Society Bretton 81, 243, 409, 549 3 1855-1858 Agricultural Society Peniston 47, 61, 75, 78, 117, 196, 238, 405 3 1855-1858 Agricultural Society Wortley 83, 237, 404 3 1855-1858 Ainley: Peniston 456 3 1855-1858 Ainley Jonathan: waterman 439, 454 3 1855-1858 Ainlsey Fanny: instantly expired 462 3 1855-1858 Ainsworth Mrs. died aged 212 3 1855-1858 Ainsworth Mirander: burnt to death 310 3 1855-1858 Ainsworth: contractor 205, 207 3 1855-1858 Ainsworth James: Old Town 406 3 1855-1858 Ainsworth: policeman 434 3 1855-1858 Ainsworth John: Silkstone Fall 299 3 1855-1858 Airey George: constable 49 3 1855-1858 Airey Robert: policeman 149, 153, 174 3 1855-1858 Alan Professor on "Light" 253 3 1855-1858 Alat James: Barnby Basin 378 3 1855-1858 Alat Richard: carpenter 386, 439 3 1855-1858 Alat John: drunkard 413 3 1855-1858 Alat John: libertine 481 3 1855-1858 Albion Cricket Club: against Wath Mechanics Wath 397, 416 3 1855-1858 Albion Cricket Club: against Mexborough 403, 417 3 1855-1858 Albion Cricket Club: against White Rose 376, 380 3 1855-1858 Albion Cricket Club: against Worsborough Common 419, 502 3 1855-1858 Albion Cricket Club: against Dodworth White Rose 513 3 1855-1858 Albion Cricket Club: against Mexborough 522, 544 3 1855-1858 Albion Cricket Club: against Beechfield 536 3 1855-1858 Alder Robert Henry Rev. 53, 120, 180, 190, 192, 206, 259, 271, 288, 289, 322, 3 1855-1858 Alderson: police surgeon 294 3 1855-1858 Aldom W. J. Rev. 96, 105, 245, 253, 274, 282, 295 3 1855-1858 Alexander Christopher 297, 352 3 1855-1858 Alexander L. W. Rev. D. D. 251 3 1855-1858 Alexander C. to Mary Glover 354 3 1855-1858 Alexander v. Morley 402 3 1855-1858 Alexander John: ravisher 543, 586 3 1855-1858 Alexander William 117, 120, 276, 373 3 1855-1858 Alison v. Arundel 32 3 1855-1858 Alison: drew up the dead body of a man 302 3 1855-1858 Alison James to Ann Slater 339 3 1855-1858 Allen James: acquitted 457 3 1855-1858 Allen Benjamin: apple stealer 553 3 1855-1858 Allen George: breach of Beer Act 429 3 1855-1858 Allen George: butcher 575 3 1855-1858 Allen v. Charlesworth Cropper Hepponstall and 278 3 1855-1858 Allen v. Day 278 3 1855-1858 Allen John: butcher 167, 182, 555 3 1855-1858 Allen James: dog-stealer 425 3 1855-1858 Allen Abraham: drunkard 251 3 1855-1858 Allen James to Hannah Hawcroft 380 3 1855-1858 Allen Amos: insensible 297 3 1855-1858 Allen Thomas: killed 425 3 1855-1858 Allen Joseph to Ellen Mitchel 438 3 1855-1858 Allen William: without reins 439 3 1855-1858 Allen T. Rev. 257 3 1855-1858 Allen Joseph to Martha Rogerson 549 3 1855-1858 Allen Richard: to leave the town 431 3 1855-1858 Allen Thomas: Watchmaker 231, 363, 428, 462, 469, 495, 496 3 1855-1858 Allen Samuel: weaver 444 3 1855-1858 Alliance Bazaar 180 3 1855-1858 Alliance Society 514 3 1855-1858 Alot v. Taylor and Senior 278 3 1855-1858 Alton: Hoyle Mill 195 3 1855-1858 Ambler George to Mary Burrows 486 3 1855-1858 Ambler: Market-street 471, 486 3 1855-1858 Amicable Sick Society 451 3 1855-1858 Anderson Ann: dropped down dead 367 3 1855-1858 Anderson Thomas: drunkard 510 3 1855-1858 Anderson: Kingstone Place 411 3 1855-1858 Angus Robert: unjust balance 283 3 1855-1858 Andrews assaulted Brook 520 3 1855-1858 Andrews Eliza: lady of pleasure 521 3 1855-1858 Andrews outran Prat 495 3 1855-1858 Andrews C. Rev. 509 3 1855-1858 Andrews John Rev. 174, 437, 502, 540 3 1855-1858 Andrews Mark: Summer-street 437 3 1855-1858 Andrews John: Vegetarian Society 585 3 1855-1858 Andrews John: his wife chargeable 414 3 1855-1858 Ann's Saint 111 3 1855-1858 Annie and Sophia 441 3 1855-1858 Anti-Church Rate Committee 449 3 1855-1858 Anti-Opium Association 576 3 1855-1858 Anti-Poor Law Board League 294 3 1855-1858 Appleby Samuel: Balby 407 3 1855-1858 Appleyard Wm to Eliza Fowel 154 3 1855-1858 Appleblossom in September 304 3 1855-1858 Apple-stealing 397, 423, 574 3 1855-1858 Archer: Castlereagh-street 402 3 1855-1858 Archer Jonathan: Clayton Hall 297 3 1855-1858 Archer Mary: died suddenly 194 3 1855-1858 Archer James: stabbed 461, 462 3 1855-1858 Archer John to Alice Wordsworth 350 3 1855-1858 Arculus v. Gillott 242 3 1855-1858 Ardsley Feast Ardsley 216 3 1855-1858 Ardsley library and reading room Ardsley 565 3 1855-1858 Ardsley national school Ardsley 205, 522 3 1855-1858 Ardsley watchmen Ardsley 130 3 1855-1858 Ark Order of the 128, 136, 469 3 1855-1858 Armin Thomas: highwayman 509, 510 3 1855-1858 Armin William: Strafford Arms 297, 449, 482, 511, 520 3 1855-1858 Armitage: Barnborough 515 3 1855-1858 Armitage: Barnsley 325, 531 3 1855-1858 Armitage: Barugh 162 3 1855-1858 Armitage: Brierley 200 3 1855-1858 Armitage Fort Samuel: butcher 50, 574 3 1855-1858 Armitage George: bottom steward 129 3 1855-1858 Armitage George: discharged 404 3 1855-1858 Armitage John: a nuisance 554 3 1855-1858 Armitage John: coal merchant 549 3 1855-1858 Armitage Thomas: lying drunk 362 3 1855-1858 Armitage William: stole a canary 440 3 1855-1858 Armitage: Clayton West 318 3 1855-1858 Armitage: High Hoyland 13, 384 3 1855-1858 Armitage: Junction Locks 238 3 1855-1858 Armitage: absent from work 219 3 1855-1858 Armitage: did it for a lark 466 3 1855-1858 Armitage: shot at Rachel Child 572, 574 3 1855-1858 Armitages assaulted a policeman 569 3 1855-1858 Armitages: iron merchants 206 3 1855-1858 Armstead George: bailiff 185 3 1855-1858 Armstead Mark George 239 3 1855-1858 Armstrong Nancy: head cut off 224 3 1855-1858 Armstrong S. R. Rev. 351 3 1855-1858 Armstrong: embezzled material 549 3 1855-1858 Arrand Gillat: innkeeper 383, 388 3 1855-1858 Artop John: workhouse porter Workhouse 444 3 1855-1858 Art-Treasures Exhibition 376 3 1855-1858 Ashberry Benjamin: without reins 420 3 1855-1858 Ashmead J. Rev. 507 3 1855-1858 Ashton and Wilds 574 3 1855-1858 Ashton Benj. to Hannah Cooper 307 3 1855-1858 Ashton James: robber 44, 48, 60, 61, 62 3 1855-1858 Ashton Mary: committed 425 3 1855-1858 Ashton: Crane Moor 565 3 1855-1858 Ashworth John: killed 110 3 1855-1858 Ashworth Mr: singer 488 3 1855-1858 Ashworth Wm to Ann Hildred 553 3 1855-1858 Askham Joel: Nelson-street 220 3 1855-1858 Askin Joseph: Felkirk 257 3 1855-1858 Askings at Silkston church (none) 128 3 1855-1858 Aspinall Wm: stone-getter 211 3 1855-1858 Asquith Edward: innkeeper 384 3 1855-1858 Asquith W. J: organist 240 3 1855-1858 Asquith William: speaker 382 3 1855-1858 Asses Seven 74 3 1855-1858 Assizes for Wakefield 505 3 1855-1858 Associate Institution 451 3 1855-1858 Associated Schoolmaster 31, 167, 180, 192, 202, 224, 266, 298, 315, 351, 391, 3 1855-1858 397, 399, 410, 432, 441, 454, 469, 507 Atherton Edward: drunkard 535 3 1855-1858 Atherton Wm: pursued game 423 3 1855-1858 Athletics at Monk Bretton 520 3 1855-1858 Athletics at Hoyland 525 3 1855-1858 Athron Joseph: aged ninety 295 3 1855-1858 Athron Ricardo: railway guard 79 3 1855-1858 Athron Samuel: ironfounder 448 3 1855-1858 Atkins Thomas Rev. 46 3 1855-1858 Atkins William: Workhouse 385 3 1855-1858 Atkinson Geo: his horse and cart 396 3 1855-1858 Atkinson Geo: neglected family 413, 442 3 1855-1858 Atkinson James to Ellen Tyas 447 3 1855-1858 Atkinson James to Mary Gardner 435 3 1855-1858 Atkinson John: Market-street 530 3 1855-1858 Atkinson Leonard: drowned 252 3 1855-1858 Atkinson Thomas to Mary Exley 385 3 1855-1858 Atkinson Thos. to Sarah Glover 519 3 1855-1858 Atkinson v. Mitchel 411 3 1855-1858 Atkinson William George: £3 is due from him to 546 3 1855-1858 Atkinson William George: applies for an advance 479 3 1855-1858 Atkinson William George: hands in statistics of 440, 453, 458, 462 3 1855-1858 Atkinson William George: he asks the guardians 410 3 1855-1858 Atkinson William George: he ceases to act in this 584 3 1855-1858 Atkinson William George: his application is not 481 3 1855-1858 Atkinson William George: his election thereto is 347, 379 3 1855-1858 Atkinson William George: informs the guardians 587 3 1855-1858 Atkinson William George: is a candidate to be a 331 3 1855-1858 Atkinson William George: is appointed deputy 558 3 1855-1858 Atkinson William George: is compared with Mr.
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