DIRECTORY. J OXFORDSHIRE. SOUTH STOKE. 327 ()oombes M.A. of St. John'a College~ ·Cambridge, who 8 34 acres of land and 'Ig nf water;' nteab11'J "\Talue. resides at Ipsden. Dodd's charitr of £5 yearly was left £1,446; the population in I9II was x6g. b7 Thomas Dodd, in the year 1797, and is annually distributed in bread on Old Christmas Day. The prin- Post & T. Office.-Miss Martha Higgs, sub-postmistress. cipallandowners are John Wormald esq. J.P. of Springs, Letters arrive through Wallingford at 6.50 a.m. &; and Alexander Caspar Fraser esq. J.P., D.L. of Mange_- r.20 p.m.; dispatched at 10·4° a.m. & 1.40 & 7.20 "\\ell Park, who is lord of the manor; Messrs. John p.m. Crowm~ush is the nearest money order office .Fittman King and Robert Keen are also landowners. Council (Mongewell) School (mixed), erected in 1902, The 11oil is loamy; subsoil, chalk and gravel. The for 64 children; average attendance, 5 I; F'rancis W. oehief crops are wheat, oats and barley. The area is Russell, master PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Wormald John J.P. Springs; & 25' Higgs Martha ("Miss),grocer,& post off .Adams Harold William, The Grange Palace gate, London W \Keen Charles George, farmer,. North llateson James Edwin, Brook lodge Wyand Saml. Thos. Prospect lodge Stoke farm .Dodd Waiter J. H . King Jn.Pittman,farmer, :Rectory frm .Hartley Harold Thomas, Brook house COMMERCIAL. i Sin den John Thomas, gardener to J. Keen Robert Anderson Charles, bailiff to J. Wor- Wormald esq. J.P. Lake cottage Winslow Waiter, Mill house mald esq. J.P. The Nest · Woodley Thomas, White House inn STOKE ROW i~ a liberty in the civil parish r.f machinery for drawing up water; the superstructure is lpsden, and with por~ions of l'iewnham-Murren and oriental in its design, with a circular dome, and in­ Mongewell was formed into an ecclesiastical parish May eludes the name, title and armorial bea.rings of the + 1849; it is si miles north-west from Henley terminal donor, with other decorations. The principal landowners t1tation on a branch of the Great Western railway, and are Bobert Fleming esq. of Joyce Grove, Nettlebed; .Ol south-east from Wallingford, in the Southern division Alexander C. Fraser esq. of -"Mong~ell Park. and E. of the county, hundred of Langtree, petty sessional divi- Reade esq. of Ipsden House. The soil is chalk, clay and &ion of Henley, union of Henley, county court district gravel; subsoil, chalky. The crops •re chiefly wheat, >Clf Wallingford, rural deanery of Henley and archdea- bRJrley and oat~. Tllil area is 1,gg6 acres; rateable conry and diocese of Oxforrl. 'I'he church of St. John value, £2,751, is :included with Ipsden parish; the pop11- the Evangelist is an edifice of flint and stone, consisting lation in 1901 was 512 . .()( nave, with a tower on the north side, containing one Sexton, ~{ark Greenaway. bell: there are 120 sittings. The register dates from the County Police Station, William Loader, constable ,ear 1846. The living is a vicarage, net yearly value Post, M. 0. & T. Office.-Roland Page, S'Ub-postmaster. £I94· with residence, in the gift of St. John's College, Letters arrive (week days only) from Henley-on- <:ambridge, and held since 1901 by the Rev. Herbert Thames at 8 a.m. & 3 p.m.; dispatched at 12.15 Harben Appleford M. A. of that college. The Congrega- & 6.15 p.m tional chapel here will seat 150 persons, and has a Elementary School (mixed), was originally built for 70 11choolroom attached. A. well was presented to the in- children, but. a new class room was added in 1889 & 'habitants of Stoke Row March mth, 1863, by the it will now hold 117; average attendance, 88; P. B. Maharajah of Benares, who defrayed the whole cost, Latter, master .amounting to £672, in compliment to hi~ friend the late Carriers to Reading.-Saunder~, sat.; Brown, & William 1:dward Anderdon Reade C.B., J.P. (d. 12 Feb. r886), uf Lester, rnon. wed. & sat.; Peter Frewin, tnes. thuu. lpsden House ; it is 368 feet deep and is furnished with & sat (Marked thus * receive their letters :Cox J ames, builder & contractor *Lawrence J oseph, cowkpr.Nut hatch through Checkendon, Reading.) Cox Thomas, carpenter Main Charles, brick maker Appleford Rev. Herbert Harben M.A. Day Jarnes, fruit grwr. & nurseryman 31:axted George, beer retailer Vicarage Delafteld Jas. farmer, Stoke Row frm Page Roland, grocer, Post office (}odlev Arthnr J Newnham Hill frm *Grantham Charles, hurdle maker *Saunders Mrs.Sarah,Black HorseP.H "'~or;is Frank, Basset manor Greenaway Mark, sexton T *Smith Cornelitu,farmer, Scott's frm *Hayward Robert, farmer, Uxmoor fm Soper Henry, Cherry Tree P.H COM~IERCIAL. Hayward William, farmer, Heath Stevens John, farmer, Whitecalls Brazil Thomas, farmer farm (letters through Wallingford) Waiter Owen & Sons, builders, con- <:hapman Henry, beer retailer Lambourne Arthur, baker tractor&, wheelwrights & painters SOUTH STOKE is a parish, 2 miles north from Heath, where they are educated, clothed and appren­ Goring statwn on the Reading and Oxford section of ticed. .A charity of £I yearly, left in 1602 by Augustine the Great ''\'estern railway, 11 north-west from Reading, Knapp, has been commuted and is st present given to 11 west from Henley, and 4 south from Wallingford, in the poor in rugs. In 1675, Henry Paslow left the sum ihe Southeru division of the countv, hundred of Dor- b~ IS. • of £5 yearly to given away in great-coats, and each chester, petty sessional division of Henley and Caver- to three poor melJ, one of South Stoke and two of Wood­ tham, union and county court district of 'Yallingford, cote, and ros. for R sermon to be preached on the Monday Toral deanery of Henley and archdeaconry and diocese before All Saints. Mr. William Claxson, of Beading, in af Oxford. The river Thames separates the parish r859 left £3oo £2! per Cent. Consols for the distribution of warm clothing, to the poor of Woodcote only, at from Berkshire and is here cross-ed bv• the Great 'Western railway. The nearest bridge up the river is Christmas. The Dean and Chapter of Christ Church, Ox­ at Wallingford, 3t miles, and down, at Streatley, 2! ford, are lords of the manor and principallandowners,and miles. The church of St. Andrew, well seen from the Mr. Isaac King is also a landowner. The soil is chalk railway, is a structure of rubble and flint with stone and gravel; subsoil, chalk. The chief crops are wheat, dressings, of the Late Decorated and Perpendicular barley, oats and turnips. The population in I9Il, in­ {leriods, consisting of chancel, nave, aisles, south porch cluding- Woodcote liberty, was 928; rateable value, and an emba.ttled western tower containing 5 bells: the £9,509; the area is 3,I71 acres of land and 15 of '(:hancel is separated from the nave by a Decorated arch, water. with a niche on each side. and the nave from the aisles Sexton, Charl~ Parsons. lly arcades of six Pointed arches, the piers of which, Post, M. 0. & T. Ofiice.-Wm. Costiff, sub-postmaster. '<~n the north side, are of solid chalk: in the chnflcel is Letters arrive through Reading at 7·55 a.m. & 2 & l!nried Griflith Higgs D.D. mentioned further on : there 6 so p.m.; dispatched at g.Io a.m. & 2.30 & 7.20 is a eanopied bracket at the east end of each aisle, and p.m.; sundays, g.2o a.m TBmains of a stoup at the south door: the church was Elementary School (mixPd), opened 1877, for xoo ch.J.l­ testored in 1856 by the Rev. P. H. Nind M.A. vicar dren; average attendance, 103; Law<ence T. Kilby, • 1844-86, and affords 150 sittings. The rPgister dates master; Mrs. Madeline Kilby, mi!'tr~s; Miss Kate frum the year :;:557. The living is a vicarage, with thll Costiff, assistant mistress ~bapelry of Woodcote. jllint net yearly value £230, with residence and 70 acres of glebe, in the gift of Christ WOODCOTE is an irregular village and liberty and 'Church, Oxford, and held since 1887 by the Rev. Hnbert parochial chapelry on the Chiltern Hills, in the parish George Kinn ~LA.. of University College, Oxford, and of South Stoke, 3 miles sonth-east, and 3l north-east; ~urrogate. Dr. Griffi.th Higg-s, chaplain at the Hague to from Goring station on the Great Western railwat. ~litabeth, Queen of Bohemia, and dean of Lichfield 1638, The church of St. Leonard is a structure of flint with 'l"bo was born here in 1589, bequeathed in 1639 £mo to ·stone dressings, rebuilt in the Norman style in 1845-6 1niV land for the maintenance of a Free school for ever; by the Rev. Philip Henry Nind M.A. vicar of South he· died here 16 Dec. 165 9 : the rent of an eyot in the Stoke. 1844 nHtil his death, 13 Nov. 1886; it consists Thamefl, purchased by th~ former and amounting of IJ.psidal chan("el, nave, south porch and a small west­ to £10 yearly, i!l distributed in money. Three children ern turret containing one bell ; the apse, with its three from this parish are eligible for the schoo~ at Goring Norman windows, remains: there are 250 sittings. Tho .
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