Anales del Jardín Botánico de Madrid ISSN: 0211-1322 [email protected] Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas España Gómez Garreta, Amelia; Lluch, Jordi Rull; Barceló Martí, M. Carme; Ribera Siguan, M. Antonia On the presence of fertile gametophytes of Padina pavonica (Dictyotales, Phaeophyceae) from the Iberian coasts Anales del Jardín Botánico de Madrid, vol. 64, núm. 1, enero-junio, 2007, pp. 27-33 Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas Madrid, España Available in: http://www.redalyc.org/articulo.oa?id=55664102 How to cite Complete issue Scientific Information System More information about this article Network of Scientific Journals from Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal Journal's homepage in redalyc.org Non-profit academic project, developed under the open access initiative Anales del Jardín Botánico de Madrid Vol. 64(1): 27-33 enero-junio 2007 ISSN: 0211-1322 On the presence of fertile gametophytes of Padina pavonica (Dictyotales, Phaeophyceae) from the Iberian coasts by Amelia Gómez Garreta, Jordi Rull Lluch, M. Carme Barceló Martí & M. Antonia Ribera Siguan Laboratori de Botànica, Facultat de Farmàcia, Universitat de Barcelona, Av. Joan XXIII s/n, 08028 Barcelona, Spain. [email protected] (corresponding author), [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] Abstract Resumen Gómez Garreta, A., Rull Lluch, J., Barceló Martí, M.C. & Ribera Gómez Garreta, A., Rull Lluch, J., Barceló Martí, M.C. & Ribera Siguan, M.A. 2007. On the presence of fertile gametophytes of Siguan, M.A. 2007. Sobre la presencia de gametófitos fértiles de Padina pavonica (Dictyotales, Phaeophyceae) from the Iberian Padina pavonica (Dictyotales, Phaeophyceae) en las costas ibéri- coasts. Anales Jard. Bot. Madrid 64(1): 27-33. cas. Anales Jard. Bot. Madrid 64(1): 27-33 (en inglés). The gametophytes of Padina pavonica (L.) Thivy have received Los gametófitos de Padina pavonica (L.) Thivy han sido escasa- little attention in literature. Both female and predominantly mente reseñados en la bibliografía. En este trabajo se señala male monoecious gametophytes of P. pavonica are recorded por primera vez en las costas de la Península Ibérica la presencia for the first time in the Iberian Peninsula. A detailed description de gametófitos fértiles de P. pavonica, tanto femeninos como of the morphology and the disposition of oogonia and an- monoicos predominantemente masculinos. Se presenta una theridia is presented. In addition, a comparison with literature detallada descripción de la disposición y la morfología de los data on this and other Padina species is carried out. oogonios y anteridios. Asimismo, se realiza una comparación con los datos bibliográficos de esta especie y con los de otras es- pecies de Padina. Keywords: Antheridia, oogonia, reproductive structures, Palabras clave: Anteridios, oogonios, estructuras reproduc- algae. toras, algas. Introduction ied 22 Dictyotales taxa from Lord Howe Island (New South Wales) but only observed sexual structures in a In the last century it was established that Dictyo- few specimens of Zonaria diesingiana J. Agardh tales have an isomorphic haplodiplontic life history (male), Padina tenuis Bory (female), Padina crassa with an alternation between haploid gametophytes Yamada (female) and Spatoglossum macrodontum and diploid sporophytes (Gaillard, 1972). This pat- J. Agardh (male). In the phenological study of 8 Dic- tern of life history was initially hypothesized by tyotales taxa on Majorca Island, including P. pavonica, Williams (1904) as a result of his studies on Dictyota Gómez Garreta (1983) did not find antheridia in any dichotoma (Hudson) Lamouroux and later stated by species and only observed oogonia in D. dichotoma Hoyt (1910) in this species and by Wolfe (1918-1919) and D. spiralis Montagne [as Dilophus ligulatus in Padina vickersiae Hoyt; subsequently, it was accept- (Kütz.) Feldmann]. In the study of Dictyotales from ed for all the taxa of the Dictyotales order. Sydney Harbour, King & Farrant (1987) pointed out In many species of Dictyotales, sexual plants are that the reproduction of the species of this group was much rarer than sporophytes and, in some cases, they almost entirely by means of sporangia, with sexual re- are unknown (Womersley, 1987). In Lybia, Nizamud- production being very rare. An exception was in D. di- din (1981) only found sexual plants in some Dicty- chotoma, in which oogonia and anteridia were com- opteris and Dictyota species, but not in Padina pavoni- mon throughout the year, both reproductive struc- ca. On the other hand, Allender & Kraft (1983) stud- tures were absent in August and November and an- 28 A. Gómez Garreta & al. teridia in January and December. In Sydney Harbour, scarce and correspond principally to the Caribbean fertile gametophytes of P. crassa and P. tenuis were ab- zone (Taylor, 1960; Littler & Littler, 2000). sent all year round, whereas the sporophytes were fre- Concerning the descriptions of Padina pavonica ga- quent. In the marine algae flora of Hawaii, Abbott & metophytic plants, Reinke (1878) provided the first Huisman (2004) only reported fertile gametophytes in description of sexual reproductive structures. Hamel 4 species of Dictyota from a total of 23 Dictyotales (1939) published a short description and illustrated taxa, including 7 Padina species. the oogonia and antheridia from material from the Apart from Padina pavonica, data on fertile gameto- French coasts. Taylor (1960) and Littler & Littler phytes have been published for other Padina species (2000) reported a brief description of Caribbean ga- such as: P. australis Hauck, P. boergesenii Allender & metophytic specimens. Ramon & Friedmann (1966) Kraft, P. boryana Thivy, P. crassa Yamada, P. durvillei published the most complete study on the gameto- Bory, P. fraseri Greville, P. gymnospora (Kütz.) Sonder, phytes of Mediterranean Padina species, including the P. mexicana Dawson, P. sanctae-crucis Boergesen, sex distribution rate and disposition of sexual struc- P. tenuis Bory (= P. boryana, see Wynne, 1998), P. te- tures, but adding little data on the morphology of the trastromatica Hauck (= P. antillarum (Kützing) Pic- oogonia and antheridia. cone according to Wynne, 1998) and P. vickersiae Hoyt Padina pavonica is a very common species in the (= P. gymnospora according to Wynne, 1998). The ma- Iberian Peninsula, both on the Atlantic and Mediter- jority of the information about these species refers to ranean coasts including those of the Balearic Islands the placement of oogonia and antheridia on the plant (Barceló & al., 1998). However, a review of the litera- and the monoecious or dioecious nature of the species ture about the Iberian Peninsula algal flora has re- (Taylor, 1960; Chapman, 1963; Dawson & al., 1964; vealed the absence of references to P. pavonica game- Ramon & Friedmann, 1966; Gaillard, 1967, 1975; Ear- tophytes. le, 1969; Fagerberg & Dawes, 1973; Allender & Kraft, During the revision of the Order Dictyotales con- 1983; Lawson & John, 1987; Phillips, 1988; Trono, cerning the “Flora phycologica iberica”, we carried 1997; Wynne & De Clerck, 1999; Littler & Littler, out an exhaustive sampling of Padina pavonica along 2000; Abbott & Huisman, 2004). the Iberian Peninsula and the Balearic Islands coasts Padina pavonica is a widely distributed warm-tem- between the years 1991-2004, with a total of 90 speci- perate species (Guiry & al., 2006). Despite its wide mens. This material is held at the BCN-Phyc. (herbar- distribution, reports of fertile gametophytes are rare ium of the Plant Biodiversity Documentation Centre and descriptions of their sexual reproductive struc- of the University of Barcelona). In addition, previous tures are scarce and almost exclusively from the material of this species kept in the same herbarium was Mediterranean Sea (Price & al., 1979). Reinke (1877) revised (51 sheets). Although fertile sporophytic was the first author to report the presence of fertile ga- plants were frequent, fertile gametophytes were never metophytes from the Bay of Naples. Funk (1955) only observed. Similarly, the revision of 82 Iberian speci- cited 4 gametophytes in a sampling of 1925 in spite of mens of P. pavonica from other European herbaria having collected material in the Bay of Naples for (HGI-A, MGC-Phyc, MUB, PC, SANT-Algae, VAB- many years. In the Banyuls region, Gaillard (1972) Phyc, and the private herbaria of Aurelio Aranda, En- found up to 7% of gametophytes. In Morocco, Gayral ric Balleteros and Tomás Gallardo), showed the appar- (1958) indicated that gametophytes were very rare. Ra- ent absence of fertile gametophytes on Iberian coasts. mon (1969) reported the presence of a small number On March 2005, fertile gametophytes of Padina of gametophytic plants on the coasts of Israel. Only in pavonica were collected in the Spanish Mediterranean the Bay of Naples, Ramon & Friedmann (1966) and coasts (Girona). This first observation of fertile game- Ramon (1969) pointed out a considerable number of tophytes of this species induced us to study these lit- gametophytes with an exceptional 50% of gameto- tle known sexual structures in order to obtain a de- phytes in a unique population. On the European At- tailed description of their morphology and position lantic coasts, Williams (1905) detected very few sexual on the plant, as well as their monoecious/dioecious plants in Dorset and Devon (English coasts). Also on character. the English coasts, Carter (1927) reported no fertile gametophytes out of several hundred specimens col- Material
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