November 8, 1999 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE 28999 University, has requested support from targeted to those who most need assist- Through these programs, the 4 mil- USAID as a $20 million, five-year pro- ance. lion individuals with mental retarda- gram. The purpose of this program is To its credit, FEMA has been very tion and other developmental disabil- to find innovative ways to fight infec- successful in keeping the administra- ities are able to obtain the support tious diseases in the region, and calls tive costs of this program very low. In they need to participate in all aspects upon these Universities to build a per- fact, these costs consume less than 3 of the community. They receive needed manent, collaborative infrastructure percent of the funding, which is an in- assistance in education, and early for improving the health of the Pales- spiring example that all of the Federal intervention efforts are used to provide tinian and Israeli people. Government’s agencies and depart- appropriate health care services and United States Secretary of State ments should strive to follow. support. Madeleine Albright has said the most In Maine, the EFS program has been For millions of Americans these serv- important projects for promoting peace extremely helpful. For example the ices can mean the difference between and cooperation between nations are Sister Mary O’Donnell Shelter, located dependence and independence, between what she calls ‘‘people projects’’—those in Presque Isle, Maine, received a lost potential and becoming contrib- projects that people of all races, reli- $10,500 grant from this program. Amaz- uting and participating members of gions, and beliefs can support. This ingly enough, this shelter was able to their communities. program, which seeks to protect local use this modest funding to provide the Throughout the preparation of this people from the infectious and para- equivalent of 1,974 nights of shelter for legislation, we have listened to con- sitic diseases that are among the lead- the homeless in northern Maine. sumers, advocates, families, and pro- ing causes of death in the West Bank EFS is a very successful program gram administrators—all of whom have and Gaza, is a great example of fos- that carefully targets its resources contributed significantly to this legis- tering cooperation through people where they are needed most, and does lation. Their commitment to construc- projects of mutual interest. so with an absolute minimum of ad- tive compromise will improve the lives USAID has successfully funded simi- ministrative expense. The Government and choices of all people with disabil- lar health programs in Egypt and Tur- Affairs Committee approved this legis- ities and their families. key, but this is the first such program lation with a unanimous voice vote on This reauthorization builds on the proposed for the Israeli and Palestinian November 3, 1999, and I hope the full gains of the past three decades, while people. Members of Congress, the Senate will do likewise. addressing critical and emerging needs President, and the State Department f of individuals with disabilities. all support this program. If USAID It improves the accountability of the DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES funds the program, it would give the programs under the Act by empha- ASSISTANCE AND BILL OF United States scientific and fiscal sizing better coordination, and by con- RIGHTS ACT oversight through both USAID and the centrating on activities related to National Institutes of Health (NIH). Mr. KENNEDY. Mr. President, I child care, health care, housing, trans- I support the funding for this re- strongly support the current reauthor- portation, and recreation; gional collaborative effort as a power- ization of the Developmental Disabil- It offers wider training opportunities ful example of what a working rela- ities Act, and I commend Senator JEF- by strengthening the network of uni- tionship should be in the Middle East FORDS for his leadership in making this versity centers that provide technical and I believe that it should be given reauthorization a priority. assistance to persons with disabilities, the highest funding priority out of the I also commend the members of the to their families, and to service pro- Wye package. Health, Education, Labor, and Pen- viders across the country; f sions Committee and the administra- It supports stronger protection and tion for their leadership in developing advocacy services to prevent abuse and THE FEMA EMERGENCY FOOD AND this bipartisan bill. I especially want neglect, so that people with disabilities SHELTER ACT to recognize TOM HARKIN for his leader- can live safely; Ms. COLLINS. Mr. President, as a co- ship and continued commitment to in- It targets funds for the development sponsor of S. 1516, legislation reauthor- dividuals with disabilities. I also com- of statewide self-advocacy organiza- izing the Federal Emergency Adminis- mend all the staff members for their tions, so that people with disabilities tration’s Emergency Food and Shelter skillful work to make this process suc- will have a stronger voice in deter- program, I am very pleased that the cessful. mining their lives and their future; Senate is about to pass this legislation Today, I particularly want to take It helps states to develop support and send it to the House of Representa- this opportunity to say thank you to programs for families with a disabled tives. I hope that our colleagues in the my sister Eunice Kennedy Shriver for family member, so that living at home House will swiftly approve this impor- her many years of extraordinary dedi- and becoming part of the community is tant bill, so that it can be sent to cation and commitment to children a real choice for persons with disabil- President Clinton for his signature be- and adults with mental retardation and ities; and fore our legislative session adjourns for their families. Had it not been for her It provides funds to develop a new the year. vision and commitment on behalf of educational curriculum and establish FEMA’s Emergency Food and Shelter people with mental retardation, the scholarship opportunities for support (EFS) program provides financial as- Developmental Disabilities Act would workers who assist people with devel- sistance to supplement community ef- not be the impressive success it is opmental disabilities. forts to provide food, shelter, and other today. This bill gives us an excellent oppor- valuable items to homeless and hungry For many years, since the Develop- tunity to do more to keep the promise people around the country. Most of the mental Disabilities Act was first signed of the Americans with Disabilities EFS’ monies are distributed directly to into law by President Kennedy in 1963, Act—by ensuring that individuals with local boards, which are comprised of developmental disabilities programs in mental retardation and other signifi- representatives from religious and the states have worked effectively to cant developmental disabilities, and charitable organizations from the sur- improve the lives of children and their families, have realistic opportu- rounding area. These boards then adults with mental retardation and nities to obtain the support and serv- award grants to non-profit, voluntary, other developmental disabilities. The ices they need to reach their dream of and social service organizations, which act serves as the foundation for a net- being contributing members of their assist individuals with their food, shel- work of programs that offer them real communities. ter, or emergency assistance costs. choices on where to live, work, go to Disabled people are not unable. We Using a local distribution network school, and participate in community are a better and stronger and fairer helps to ensure that the EFS’ funds are life. country when we open the door of VerDate jul 14 2003 13:47 Jul 12, 2004 Jkt 029102 PO 00000 Frm 00055 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR99\S08NO9.001 S08NO9.
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