Wm Complete Local News Of A Population Of THE WEATHER Cloudy, warmer today; 18,556 Ibly clearing late today. II. XIX, No. 963. ESTABLISHED 1024 HILLSIDE, N. J., THURSDAY, APRIL 8, 1943 PRICE FIVE CENTS Wilson’s Nephew eady For Speaker At H. S. Says Parents Are j Appeal IndustriesNo.. 7 Green Bus- T. James Tumulty, assistant cor­ poration counsel ’ in Jersey City, the Responsible For jn Collectio ScrapIs Extended As Wilson New Ration nephew of Joseph Tumulty, former 'War Loan Secretary to President Woodrow Racial Prejudice Help Again Sought "Wuswit; whb tlie guest speaker..at- -May- Far As Westfield HiMde High School. Wednesday Good Will Speaker ’ tne nature and extent ox tneir as- afternoon- under the auspices of the • Letters were mailed this week to slstance. The appeal Is concluded Route Ig Diyided Board Chairman -Celta Beta -Tau—DebaUng Club, Charges Hatred starts the various .industrial concerns-, in. with the'statement, “Whatever bW' Campaign 'under the advisershln af~MrsrmUi«’ BQMdeZhy Miss Patricia McNulty/ M butlon you, may be able to make Into Four Zones Charles B. Taylor Is J. Clark. Mr. Tumulty is a dynamic With Child Training secretary of the Hillside Salvage will ndF'mily Er^re5SEe3Ty~tfie At 5 Cents Each Named Vice Chairman; Campaign To Raise personality and an: individualistic Committee, appealing again for their committee but will be of Invaluable Publish Defense Racial hatred and prosecution. Extension1 of service on the No. 7 13 Billions Gets___ humorist in his manner of address. cannot be laid directly at /the door assistance in th§ spring salvage a|a In the successful. prosecution of Secretary Resigns -He—had1—the—outs^ndlng—honor—of- drive which will be held1 on Satur­ ;hus of the Elizabeth, Union, Hlll- Pf-ftetlerr- Musofint- or^afiy-Tither slde. Irvington Bus Lins went Into Leader’s Prayer James M. Wilson, superintendent' Under Way Monday representing the United States dur­ Individual, but Is. the. fault of par­ day May 1. Cooperation of1 local Kaplan declared that the Salvage ~Tlie practice of opening meetings- ing his undergraduate days with a industries in furnishing their trucks effect on Monday of this week, The 0f”-EyergreenOemefcery7formeiLJvice— . .Preparations .are cqmtflete ents In their own Somes, It was Committee expects to supplement extension carries the termlpus to of the Community .-'War Services chairman, has been approved as student Xrom,SahfordJJniv.ersity„in and rhen helped in large measure the workers furnished by industry Division of the Hillside Defense for- Hillside's participation la fine touring Great Britain, aM The coh- to make previous...salvage drives Westfield, stopping a t Kenilworth, chairman of Hillside War Price and head -of -the 'Bngbsh Department o f w ith ’.Volunteers who offer their -Council— pray-er-by—Rey. J Rationing. Board. No. 8Lby the State . =Hr:izrli’ie66ufyJa- .fifieond- War - ta n ±baent^vem i^ears^gpr“"Herwas-an: here successful: __ CtohToM and Garwood on Uie way. JDrlve to- raise 35 billion dollars,' -west Side High School, Newark, services for the collection drive The niinilr.l|iallUus now served, by Robert D6ckreHt lls chairman,. rc= OPA m m 15 succeed Elmer Peter- ’ instructor . in • Public Speaking at before a good will meeting held ~“1H the letters Robert Kaplan, Money realized from tlre ’sEle 'Df eei-ved^-reGQgiilUon-rwjeiitly-Jji—ari: wlilch gets under way throughout7 Seton Hall College.,. the No. 7 pus aro Irvington, HJlljraeT sen_.i;eslimfitfcrit was: gnnotmRftdt-^lvlfr--1 here Tuesday night In Progress Hall chairman—of-the committee, cited the- scrap material will be turned issue of “Tlfe Sifen.” ofificial org,an week. Charles B. Taylof r Hillside ' the naUon Monday April 12, James His- topic -related to: the various the-’ cdntinulnte' urgent demand for Union, Kenllwprtu, Crutilord, Oar-, I A. OTefl, executive vice president o ir Maple—aveiraer^Thip-ffiSSting1 over to the Hillside Defense Council wood and Westfield. of the New- Jersey OCD. agent-for the State Department of styles of ^debating and oratory both sponsored by the Progress Clubs of all types of scrap to keep the Ameri- [of the Hillside National Bank, has "at home, and abroad. - man war effort going in high gear. tp he used for.the purchase of ad­ The route Is divided into four Under the heading. “CounciF MotoF Vehielesr wa* named vice / ‘been selected chairman for this Hillside, was attended by ever 150 ditional equipment for. the various zones with, a five-cent; fare for each Prays for Divine Guidance," the chairman at a meeting of the Ra­ persons. Dr. MOSharry was one of I “To collect'this scrap material," ■tolls of the council. • Tdtive, a post which he also held in he, said, “ the Salvage Committee zone. Zone l is from Irvington to following, appeared: tioning Board Tuesday night. the flrst drlve. ar-d-Harvey W. Peace, three speakers on the theme "The In addition to the chairman and1 Five' points. Union; Zone *2 from "The Hillside. Defense Council The board decided that evening World We Live In” and he spoke will, require .a Dumber of trucks and meetings, being more convenient for -cashier of the bank, ls‘in charge of Woman Overcome men to, cover the various streets in secretary, - other = =tHw 'Utoan-Ao.Kenflworth; ^ 0Bc,Xfiam_ opens- eflpprV^ j>jHta publicity. as a Caholic. Salvage Committee are Kenneth Kenilworth to Cranford and Zone' prayer, asking Divine guidance ;hi most ol--the members- would toe held Dr. McSharry. pointed out that Hillside and is therefore appealing hereafter and as a result Alfred J. This campaign la the greatest, to your establishment for the dona­ Ross, .member of the Hillside Board 4 from Cranford to- Westfield. ’ its work. The following prayer was flnanolal drive in history .and will children who are taught love of It is understood th a t. because of prepared and is. used at each mect^ B esson, manager of the Mayfair By Gas Revived their fellow man and friendship tion of. one or more trucks, pro­ of Assessors; Emanuel Reiter and be carried out through the sale of perly manned,-for- the day of the Sidney SiiverBtein. The former the lengthened route, several ad­ • ing by tlie Rev. J. Robert Cockrell, Theatre, the secretary, was impelled War Savings Bonds, Tax Savings for peoples of all races and creeds chairman, Rev. J. Robert Cockrell, ditional .buses have- been placed hr chaplain o f. tlie council: to offer his resignation because hkT Phone Call To Husband do not know what hate Is, -aod-sald collection, Many local concerns work makes it impossible for him , Notes, Treasury Bills and a num-. were kind enough to cooperate in who Is now chairman of the-Muni­ service in order to [ maintain the | “ 'Eternal .God and Father of her of new Treasury Issues designed the responsibility lies with the present headway. to attend evening meetings regular­ Probably Sayd& Life' fathers • and mothers of these chil- this patriotic endeavor, on previous cipal War Services Division-of the Mankind, we ' bow humbly before ly. ; Besson remains a . member of for every class and type of Investor. occasions and we are now appealing Thee and seek Thy favor, Thy Having sufficient presence of Defense Council, has been attend­ the board, however,, retaining his The- campaign is designed to back once more for assistance.” ing the committee’s’ meetings reg­ ^strength and Thy wisdom iti the up the-men in the armed forces. mind to call her husband, at work Democracy at Home post as chairman of thei food panel. .lh Newark, , when she felt unex- Reply Blank Enclosed------ ularly and lending his experienced affairs of tills Council. That we Mrs- - Marie . Rohrbach, executive A Wartime Campaign John Elliott, Regional Director of ^A.blank is enclosed with the letter cooperation to toe work. Red Cross Still I may be faithful to the stern duties Chairman Oneil, In urging public plalnably 111 probably saved the fife the National Conference of Chris­ secretary, will take- over his duties of Mrs. Isabelle Hubertus, 42, of. which hav,e been placed “upon us, until a successor is chosen a t a participation In the drive, said to­ tians and Jews, spdakipg as i Ifaithful to tlie confidences which day, “This is a war time campaign 584 Sweetland avenue last Thurs­ Protestant,- declared that the: at- Is Short $1,000 later meeting. day,___ the people , of this community, have Complete Board „ ^ *and'iTts”“^0(!aB3s_^ n n isia3 i5 i‘'''tiSe tainmenfc of brotberhonri operates Gets Results On Director Lauds Although he made no official re- put in us -and faithful to Thee is military actions on our world bat? Mrs. Hubertus was alone in the like a symphony orchestra. In the , Mrs. Rohrbach today announced house late in the morning when port, this week .on the Red Cress our earnest-prayer;— — for"..the;: first time the- completr” tie fronts.' . Our military forces are orchestra there are a number of P a f O A n h I T o Y P f i War Fund. campaign j In. Hillside, she became ill.. 'She had ho Idea different instruments which -wouIdJA v l o U l l d l JL a A C 9 ” ''We thank Thee for our country lhembcrship of the board, which now engaged in sfi all-out, offen­ what was wrong but about 11:40 Local Defense Chairman Arthur L. -Theurer arr- and the peculiar blessings we enjoy sive war. We on the home front produce only a lot of noise If each now consists of trie chairman, vice a. m. called her husband, Walter Personal taxes which have been V Judge William O. .H; McEnroe, nounccd yesterday th a t tlie response because we are Americans.
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