1flOt3. VlCTOR1A. REPOR'l' RESPECTING APPLICATIONS AND PROUBB DlNGS UNDER THE ELECTRIC LIGHT AND PO)VEll ACT 1896 F()R 'l"~HE YEA H. 19 0 5. l'lU:SJo:NTED TO BOTH HOUSES Oli' PARLIAMENT IN l'URSUANCE 0}' SECTlON 5i OJi' TU!!: ELECTRIC tiGHT AND POWJ<~R ACT 1896. ~~~ ~nthorit)l : :/, KEMP, ACTIN!i GOVERNMENT PRlNTER, MELBOURNE. No. 2'6"-[9d.]-U34. AI:'PROXUIATE COST OF fmPORT. £ s.•. Preparation·-~No~ gin:n. Printing {450 copies; •• li 0 () REPOR~r. The following Report for the year ending 31st December:, 1905, is presented to Parliament in accordance with the provisions of Section 57 of the Electric Light and Power Act 1896, No. 1413. LIST OF APPLICATIONS PLACED BEFORE THE 1\:IINISTER OF PUBLIC WORKS DURING THE YEAR 1905. Name of Applicant and Date of Application. Particulars of Application. The Hamilton E'cctric Supply Com­ For an Order under Section 10, authorizing the supply of elec­ pany Limited, 27th February, ] 905. tricity, for publie and private purposes, in the whole of sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12A, 12B, 13A, 13R, 14A, 14R, of the township of Hamilton, and the street.s abutting on those sections, as set forth in the First Schedule. The Council of the Shire of Kerang, Fo1· an Order. under Sections 8 and 10, authorizing the supply of 23rd ::\fay, 1905. electricity, for public and private purposf's, in portions of the Shire of Kerang, as set forth in the First ScheJule, and as delineated upon the deposited map. ORDERS GRANTED. An Order under Section 10 of the Principal Act \Vas granted hy the Governor in Council on 4th .July, 1905, to the Hamilton Electric Sut•ply Company Limited, in respect of portion of the township of Hamilton. An Order under Sections 8 and 10 of the Principal Act was granted by the Governor in Council on 29th August, 1905, to the Council of the Shire of Kerang, in respect of portion of the township of Kerang and portion of the Shire of Kerang. PRELIMINARY INQUIRIES. Preliminary inquiries were made during the year, with a view of steps being taken to obtain Orders under the Act, to operate over the following respective areas:-Leongatha, Bright, Walhalla, and Cassilis. VIcTORIA ELEcTRIC LIGHT, HEAT, AND PowER .DrsTRIBUTrNG CoRPORATION LIMITED. An Order was granted to this Corporation on 17th Novemher, 1903. Certain conditions were em bodied therein which have not yet heen complied with, and the powers under the Order have not yet been exercised. ST. KILDA AND BRIGHTON ELECTRIC TRAMWAY. Substantial progress was made in the construction of this tramway during the year, and it was open for traffic early in 1906. Being a Government tramway, it is exempt from the provisions of the Electric Light and Power Act. MAXIMUM DEMAND SYSTEM OF CHARGING FOR ELECTRICITY. Steps were taken by the :Metropolitan Gas Company to obtain an injunction to restrain the Melbourne City Council from supplying electricity under the ''maximum demand" system, and the ease came before the Full Court of Victoria in November, 1905, for hearing. · The Court gave judgment against tlw Council, and granted the injunction on the ground that a former decision of the Full Court in regard to differential rates of charge for power and light, decided the principle at issue, ~md that it was unnecessary for the Court to express its own opinion on this case. • The Court, however, suspended the operation of the injunction until 1st ,July, 1906. 4 Notice of appeal to the High Court of Australia was given. In the meantime steps were taken to obtain special legislation to deal with the maximum demand principle, but, it was subsequently decided to withdraw the Bill, which had been submitted to Parliament, pending the hearing of the appeal to the High Court. The appeal came on for hearing in March last, when the Court allowed the appeal, and dismissed the action with costs. The system is now becoming more generally adopted, and. is working with results equally satisfactory to the consumers and the undertakers. CITY OF :MELBOURNE. Order No. 3. Melbourne City Council. Systern.-Direct current, in heart of City. 460 and 230 volts. Three-wire distribution. Alternating current in remainder of City area, primary 2,000 volts, secondary 100 volts. Two-wire distribution. Number of consumers, electric light Number of consumers, electric power J 1,829 Number of arc lamps, public 807 Number of arc lamps, private 948 Miles of cable underground, D.C. 38 miles run )Eles of cable overhead, A.C., p.rimary ... 20 Miles of cable series arc circuits (overhead) 100 " Miles of cable overhead, D. C., low pressure 7~ miles run Price-4~d per unit for light. Price-2d. per unit for power. Number of motors connected 653 Horse power 1,660 Total number of equivalent 16 c.p. lamps (power, lighting, and heating) 88,982 During the year the Municipalities of North Melbourne and Flemington ai!U Kensington were united to the City of Melbourne. The Council of the City of li[elbourne has now taken the preliminary steps to obtain an Order as of course for the district of North Melbourne. METROPOLITAN SuBURBS. Order No. lG. The Electric Lighting· and Traction Co. Limited. The area under this Order consists of the municipal districts of South Melbourne, CollingwomL Fitzroy, Richmond, Kew, Prahran, Malvern, Caulfield, St. Kilda, and portion of the Melbourne IJarbor Trust area. Alternating current s.rstem with transformers. Primary 4,000 volts, secondary 400 and 200 volts. All primary cables underground. Three-wire distribution. Number of consumers, electric light ... 1,050 Number of consumers, electric power 200 Number of arc lamps, public 63 Number of arc lamps, private 450 Miles of electric cable underground • • • . .• 45 Miles of electric cable overl1ead (low pressure) 157 Number of transformer pits 70 N um her of transformers 85 Price per unit, light-Flat rate, 6d. Maximum demand- 6d. and 3d. Price per unit, power-Flat rate, 2d. Number of motors connected ••. 276 H.P. ofmotors connected •.. 955 Total number of equivalent 16-c.p. lamps (power, lighting, and heating 43,36:-l 5 The capacity of the plant at the power-house, which at <late hereof amounts to 1,175 kilowatts, is being increased. to 2,175 kilowatts by the erection of a 1,000- kilowatt vertical turbo-alternator. BALLARAT. Or<ler No. 17. Electric Supply Company of Victoria Ltd.. The area under this Order consists of the municipal districts of the City of Ballarat, Town of Ballarat East, Borough of Sebastopol, and Shire of Bnngaree. Electric tramways and lighting, &c. Electric tramways- System-Overhead trolley wire, direct current 500 volts. Number of cars 20 Passengers carried in year 1905 (part) 684,873 Length of double track ... 2 miles I-'ength of single track 7:t " Length of overhead trolley wire !1 l,ength of overhead cahles ... Length of underground cables ... " Electric lighting and power- System-Direct current, 440 and. 220 volts. Three-wire distribution. Number of consumers, light 77 Number of consumers, power 9 l\umber of arc lamps, public 41 Number of arc lamps, private 82 . Length of cables underground 10 miles Length of cables oyerbea<l 500 yards Price per unit, light 6d. Priee per unit, power 4cl. ! BENDIGO. Order No. 18. Electric Supply Co. of Victoria J.,td. The area under this Order consists of the municipal districts of the City of Bendigo and. Borough of Eaglehawk. Electric tramways and lighting, &c. Electric tramways- System- Overhead. trolley wire, direct current, 500 volts. N urn ber of cars 16 Passengers carried in year 1905 1,783,532 Length of double track I! miles Length of single track 6! " I~ength of overhead trolley wire 17 Length of overhead cables 1! " Length of underground cables 6~ " Electric lighting and power-· System-Direct current, 440 and 220 volts. Three-wire <listribu tion. Number of consumers, light 297 Number of consumers, power 63 Number of arc lamps, public 122 Number of arc lamps, private 61 Length of cables, underground ::mu overhead. 39i miles Price per unit, light 6d. Price per unit, power 4d. 6 GEE LONG, Ot·der No. 10. Electric Lio·htill'"n <::> and Traction Co. Ltd. The area under the Ordet· consists of the municipal uistricts of the Tovvn of Geelong, the Borough of Newton and Chilwell, and the Borough of Geelong 'Vest. SyRtem-Direct current, 440 and 220 volts, three-~wire distribution. Number of consumers, lighting 392 Number of consumers, power 77 Number of arc lamps, public Nil Number of arc lamps, private 177 Miles of electric cable, underground 2·6 miles l\1ile3 of electric cable, overhead 66·1 " Price per unit for lighting, 7 d. flat rate; 9d. and 3d. on maximum demand. Price per unit for power, 24d. flat rate. Total number of equivalent 16 c.p. (60 Watt) lamps, lighting, power, and heating ... 17,780 Number of motors ... 105 Horse power of motors connected 574 Plant capacity 500 kilowatts MooLoRT. Order No. 14. Deep Leads Electric Transmission Co. The area under this Order consists of the mining leaseholds of the Charlotte Plains Proprietary, New Havilah, Junction Deep Leads, and Victorian Deep Leads Companies. System -Alternating current three-phase, with transformers. Primary, 6,600 volts; secondary, 440 volts for power, and 110 volts for lighting. The Electric Transmission Company only supplies power to the four mines mentioned. The current is chiefly used for large electrie motors, which work powerful pmnps, puddlers, and hoists. Length of primary cable overhead, 21 miles. NHILL. Order No. 15. !\hill Electric Light Co. Propy. I.td. The area under this Order consists of the municipal district of the Town of Nhill.
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