0.^,»-.:- 1]|‘-?. ^■V=V~'l'"^< r.T = ;'r • ‘ ‘ -rfl ’••' -•'■'* ':? - 1> f '. .a ' ' W.;::. V . • ... - Vv,. ' „ . •: . • . ' . X V ' ’ j ' ’ • ' ‘ ' ' ' • ^ * ... :pa( ^ t w e n t y ^ iq h t ' , . ;, WEDNESDAY, 1 ,1 9 6 1 l^dly Net Preso R ob ^nrljfi^Btie'r ^netttos Jleralit X For the Week Boded The Weather ’ M a y 'u , 1963 Forces^ of U. S. Weather'Boreas The British Amcrloan^ClUb wilt H ie executive board of the UtUe Charter Oak BL, told' patrolman caUes and than proceeded down an sponsor a dance Saturday night Theater of Manchester will lAeet Evasion Charged John MoClelland that he did not ambankmoht, tha ear oomlng to 1 3 , 5 8 3 Fair and ndld tooight Low Afiout Town from 9 to 1 for members and their tonight at 8 at the home of Mre. Park H ill report it (the aoddent) to elimin­ reM on tto right side. Staohowtak, around 80. 'Friday partly sunny, A U u X . Bccitt, iT i AtUumn S t, friends, with Charlie Varrick’s or­ Milton Adama 34 Cole St. In l>Car Crash ate trouble. who. 'waa u n h t^ left the eoene and Msmber of the Audit chestra providing mdsic, FLOWER 8^ Bnieau of Orcnlaiieu conthraed mild. High near 80. ' b ItM bMn awardAd a 1300 acholar* PoUc* aald that the aecttsed, went home. He win be preeented • Bast OsMer 8 t> ~ ia V .t4 tt «■ ahlp (or Um Umvarsity o(.Con« Mr. and Mrs. Augiutlne Kamien- A Manchester' resident yeeter- Monday night at 11 o’clock, was in Circuit Court 13, Menohester, TOM lONOB. Pw frtstsr. ■ilhi ' ‘ M anehestit^A CUy of Village Ckarm naettout'a 8<diool o i Insurance from St. Bridget’s Rosary Society will driving westbound on Hartford ski, 388 W. Center S t, have re­ day afternoon at 5 o’clock Was sr- June 11. MAMCaOESIBB'S UBADUfO the West Hartford Insurance sponsor a public Monte Carlo whist turned hoipe from a week'i vaca­ Rd., n ^ W. Conte r SL, rested'at his home on p charge of riiOBIST BUfOE 1913 ... Amenta’ AstocTation. Scott an and setback party tomorrow at 8 tion at Boca Raton, FIs. when he dropped a lighted cigar­ ‘VITAMIM.O Y0L.LXXXI,N0.199' , (THIRTY-TWO PA6ES>-IN TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, MAY 24, 1^62 X (OteMfifled AdverUtlng on Page 89) PRICE FIVE CENTS eveninir achool atudent at UConn, p.m. at the K of C Hrahe. Refresh­ evading responsibility which ette on his clothing. In attsmpiung It’a the 'vitainin C in citrua fruit rLOW BBB tor eO oeeasleswi te a aotior underwndter for the ments will be served. Tickets may stemmed from police Investiga­ we telegraph anywhere, Richard C. Baxter, son of Mr. to n^over the lit cigarette, JiUces that -we need every- day; Travelers Indemnity Go., Hartford be purchased fit the door. tion of a one-car accident on Mon­ Stachowiak reportedly veered to an adequate regular intake of tbte o' Abe n o ia l Olft Itame e and Mrs. Charles, R. Baxter Jr., day night. home offick 34 Olcott Dr., was awarded special the right, off the highway, knock­ vitamin-averts, gum dteordees and "Curtain tim e Capers,” a musi­ military honors as an "outstand­ James A. Stachowlak, 32, of 238 ing. down several fence poirta and favors resistance to Infections. A products demonstration for. cal vauiety show will be presented ing cadet officer” in ROTC yester­ the benefit of Sunset Council, De-' by the Couples Club Of Second Con­ day at Cornell' University, Ithaca, tree of Pocahontas, scheduled for gregational Church tomorrow and N. Y. Baxter, a second year etu- tomorrow night at the home of Friday at 8 p.m'. Ih Fellowship Hall. dent In mechanical engineering, re­ Xra. Myra Pltagerakl, 13 Bratnard Tickets may be purchased at the ceived a Chicago Tribune award MAIN STRI P|» fiaa been poetponed, . door. for "excellence In classroom work and drill and aptitude for leader­ MANCHi ship.” He is a 1960 graduate of [H Manchester High School. on Ml 3yfl23 The Manchester Golden Age Club’s last meeting p t the eeason County 4-H Agent "Your Store Of Village CharmP >r, maloes a diamond will be tomorrow a t'2 p.m. at the Mtea BHalne J . Wheeler, 22, of Bast Side Recreation building. North Franklin, 'who will graduate from the University of Connecticut Capsule Shoots 200 Miles Over Target After Three Orbits Miss Elizabeth Bell Cowan, In June, has been named Assistant # Always Ample Free Parking Rear Of S t ^ so daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Francis 4-K Club Agent' for Tolland Homer Cowan, 26 Greenwood Dr., County. recently was honored at a convo­ The announceinent' was made Open 6 Days 9:30 to 5:45 P.M.-Thurs. till 9:00 P.M. Ike’s Brother Denies Link cation at Carleton College, North- Jointly today^y UConn President State Nistvs ***•*••*•••••• field, Minn., for being in the top 15 Albert N^^dorgensen and John H. Navy Plane Sights per cent of her class scholastically. Elliott, Tolland County agent and Miss Cowan, a graduate of Man­ administrator: Her appointment Forgetting songs obotjt diamonds and setting s effective June 16. Over 1,000 Quizzed Roundup chester High School, is a fresh­ r new duties. Miss Wheeler aside their unmatched beauty and Fascinating man at Carleton College. III work with Albert B. Gray, Floating Spacecraft 'history, the rarity of diamonds and the fact associate club agent, and local Semj^nnual thoftons of earth must be excavated in the for Members of the youth groupT of volunteer leaders in developing and FBI Arrests 2 St. John's Polish National £ ^ h o - guiding the county’s 4-H pro- On Estes’ Dealings comers of the world and from great depths of 11c Church attended a CmmecUcut grram. At present, there are 99 For Misuse of CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (A P)—Astronaut Malcolm speclol soil and because their manufacture took youth convention at Clmreh of Our clubs with a membership of 844 Scott Carpenter was sighted floating in a life raft outsidfi Saviour in Hartford^Sunday at 2 and 235 older leaders and commit­ By O. MILTON KELLY ^oni the case ot Howard Pratt, 81, place millions of years ago under * Union’s Funds his floating Mercury space capsule shortly after 1:20 p.m. p.m. The group wUKleave from St. teemen. WASHINGTON (AP) — Chicago office m anuer of Com­ Eastern Standard Time. > » conditloru not likely to be John’s Church a r 1:30 p.m. After At UConn Miss Wheeler majored mercial Solvents ^ rp ., found m home economics education in the Senate investigators disclosed dead in hie car Wednesd^ of car­ BRIDGEPORT (A P)— Two Lt. Col. John A. Powers, Mercury spokesman relieved that duplicated, diamonds can well be a sports program and church serv. today-their agents have ques­ ice, ySung , people of St. John's School of Home Economics. She bon monoxide poisoning. .'The com­ former union officials at the Carpenter is safe, reported to newsmen at Cape Canaveral expected to be hard to come by. Church Wirt present a talent show was a member of Pi Beta Phi so­ tion^ more than 1,000 per­ pany's financial relatiotu with that: cial sorority and Mil Upsllon Oml' Eistes, who bought great quantities Empire Brass Foundry, Inc., N o t only ore they precious now entertainment, directed by Miss sons in thfi vridening Billie Sol here have been arrested -by "A Navy P2V Neptune lias reported sighting 'tiie space­ Beverly Burger, organist and cron, professional honorary soclet' Estes case. of liquid fertilizer from the chemi­ but they hoVe been prized ty in home economics, and the cal firm, are under investigation. the FBI on charges of misuse craft floating in the landing area. Along side it waa a liffi leader of the youth group. And, aald the informant, many, The Smiate subcommittee, head­ since the dcrvm of c iv ili­ agrricultural council. She was also many more will be queatioiied be­ of union funds, Charles E. raft, and sitting in it was a gentleman named Carpenter.’’ a member and president of the ed by Sen. John L. McQelian, D- An Air Force spokesman said two paramedics would jump zation. And they w ill surely A catered dinner for members of fore tha Senate Inveatigatlona Ark., said' it had no evidence of Weeks, special agent in university's home economics and aubconunittee it ready to atart Ite into the water, with a life raft of their own, and later B 20- be prized os long a t women Charter Oak Lodge, B'nai B'rlth, 4-H clubs. any link between Estes and Pratt, charge of the F B I in Con­ F in e rin g tonight at 7 will precede a public Active In 4-H club work in New hearlnga Into whether Washington but would look into the death be­ necticut announced today. man life raft would be dropped at the scene. love beauty and men Influance helped Eateg build hia cause ot a ’, cryptic note found in with precJduB program at 9 o'clock In Temple London County, Miss Wheeler was rickety bUalneas empire. David WUson, 29, of 167 Fifth A short time before the Neptune had provided thfi fin t ore glad of It. Beth Sholom vestry. Alex Hack­ a member for 10 years and a lead­ Pratt’s car which aald in part St., and Senior Smith, 34, of 606 hope that Carpenter's capsule had survived the securing re­ diacnemd in Rtguliorly Yhe report came eftCr president "the burden of guilt is on my ney, Manchester Country Club golf er for three years.
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