43. No. .3 Octohcr 2. !')')() College acquires Mark Mining property Clinch Valley College has ac• lations, into there as soon as we can, will be redesigned so as to accom• quired an office complex adjacent "said Ewing. modate more offices. to the College's main campus. Ewing says the front portion of The Mark Mining property was The facility, fonnerly known as acquired by the College in late iuly Mark Mining, is located on The Mark Mining prop• from Harold and Jo Anne Reynolds. Darden Drive near the College's The Reynolds have use of die prop• existing SEED Center, erty was acquired by erty until September 30. Sim Ewing, Assistant Vice the College in late July Clinch Valley College has been Chancellor for Administration, from Harold and Jo steadily expanding and renovating says the building will provide its facilities in recent months. much needed office and storage Anne Reynolds. In addition to acquiring the Mark HC Photo/Roger Profltt space for the College. Mining property, the College con• "We have already moved the the building is in excellent condi• tinues t construct its new five mil• The Mark Mining building was recently Human Resource office into the tion and that a few changes will be lion dollar classroom facility. The purcliased by Clincli Valley College. It Mark Mining building, and we necessary before the College offi• library and Zehmer are slated for constiuction will be usedfor offices and storage space. plan to move other offices, such cials move in. as Development and College Re• The rear portion of the building CVC Press Release How many people does it take to change a lightbulb... Career Cenl^rofc Residence halls dealing with mamtenance woes . 'Sei^i^^|t'((^^^^ David'Grime* Crockett, StaffWriter and the fire A large number of maintenance doors in requests in Clinch Valley College's residence halls has left some stu• A c - dents waiting more than a week for cording a simple light bulb change. t o Director of Student AffiuisMaiy Eubanks. Eubanks said about 200 work or- emer• den have been sent to maintenance gency foreman during the beginning exit weeks of the semester. doors in Eubanks said the large number MoQany of maintenance requests have were or• Imgthened the wait from two or dered three days, to seven to ten days for this the request to be filled. Stiidentt are waiUiis more tiuui a week for bask summer Although the extended waiting malnteaancc work In most residence haUs. and period is necessary considering the should large amoimt of orders, some resi• be avail• dence students have complained said another student who lives on able by October 7. that maintenance requests are tak• campus. Eubanks also noted major com• ing even longer than the sevoi to Other complaints have been plaints such as water, heat or ten day period. made concerning bathroom fiusili- plinnbing problems are done on an "I told maintenance that I needed ties in McCraray Hall and flood• "as soon as possible" basis. my desk-lanq> fixed the week I got ing in Martha Randolph Hall. Eubanks said a plan is currently to Clinch Valley, and it's still not Rebecca Plaster, a resident of being developed in which student fixed." said Mary Leidecker, a Tbon»pson Hall said, "the raore im• workers would take care of the im• fieshman residing in McCraray. portant things should be done first, mediate minor maintenance prob• "They just don't fix things," such as the lighting outside lems 1 llil ^'U>] •••j^f'u.!!;! k^::.-,.•••••• •.a Pase2 Clinch Valley College inlramural report chess tournament powered offenses to compli• Also on going is the Fan• nament, where the search for Jaian Rodrlgaez Todd Gambill has been ment the stingy defenses that tasy Football league, who are the next Minnesota Fats will ^xxts Editor hard at work supovising each could puzzle Steve Young and still sweating out the results take place in die Wesley Foun• of the events, making him one swallow up Barry Sanders. of this weeks games. Each dation on Wednesday, Oct 2. The intramural season, of the hardest wofldng pet^le Clearly, when these two teams team is beginning to recog• As always, please keep the C VC waslies out Butler 34-6 which has been lindoway for on campus. meet, it will be an all out war. nize their stars, as well as find bets under the table. most of the year, has contin• He manages to be eveiy- The Womens' Division is out die flops of die draft. Also, after FaU Break, In• ued to provide a way for all when at race, and still has ^ owned by Doobie Sisters, The season is far from over tramural Basketball begins, again and die Cavs lecovered at widi :5S kfi in the fint quirtec dKvofiinseanddieQnfsstaitBd energy to get involved in the who at 4-0, have the Are though, and you never know and so do the rim shaking Jason Halvcy Butler's ofiense continued to CVC students to show case die Butler 44 yardUna HwI^ilandCavaliasoan- slowing down the pace games dieauelves. power to beat the New Yoric who might break loose on a dunks, the in-your-fiwe threes, Staff Writer ^jidlec The CVC defense^ vAich their talents. Tlis lime the Cavs went die bM tailback Nun SMidcn to tkiued to rod in the second quar• Buder startedtoshowsignscrf' Coll^ intramural sports The flag football season Jets. scoring spree. and eloquent trash talking. This past wedf«nd die Higfi- detanoe on a9play scoring dove just 51 yards rushing on 25 car• ter as Greg Thomas went in from lifeasdi^toakovcratdieirown provide a clean, whole-some has continued, with the lead• They are chased by the Phi Cmning up in dK future is Fed fiee to invite your fam• land Cavaben letumed btmte to wfaidi was capped off widi a 2 ries, farced a Buder pud. 2 yards out The point afler was 44 yard line feOowing a CVC environment, except for ers slowly walking away from SigmaSipnaandAlidiaDelU the continuing action of both ily to the games. I^Bi^krUiivenit/firHanie- yard toudidownninbytailnck Punt Returner Rod BiMDette good and the game had become pwtfmdie second half Clinch Valley College stu• die pack. Chi teams, wtio face an up-hill flag football and fantasy That covers this weeks re• comiog. Hie BuOdogs went on an 11 dents. In the Men's division, the battle to gain die lead. To do football. Keep your eye out port Read this section every The Cavs came ndoSaturdsys pfay, 46 yard dnvb llwy were The games showcase hard• teams of Strange Brew and this, however, they have to for results of each of these week to keep up with the in• game in hcqies of dis]dayiiig a getting ready to score bdbie the hitting, nail biting, down and Brand X have taken the lead. solve die tricky nin-and-shoot activities. tramural action right here, in strong perionnaooe CD bodi sides Cavalier defense fbned yet an- dirty action; and diat is just the They have displayed high offense of die Doobie Sisters. Intramural Billiards Tour• the Highland Cavalier. of the footbaU before a large odierfiimble, Mid dwCavis took hranecomiog crowd over at dieir own 10 yard line. Buder University ran a pio I CVC then went on yet another A from the jasan Roariguez ftHmation on ofiense and a basic scoring drive: ^dmii wamtala... ^ This time the Cavs marched SO on the d^ensive side (rf'flie It has bem brought to my Some people shrug diis off can just imagine Chris cable channel. fiwdnD. 90 yards an 10 pfaQTS. Hw drive attention by a number of as nothing, but this is really a Berman predicting Clinch But then again, six years Offensively Butler has two ended when Hicks hit "Ant" people diat widi Clinch Vsi- big deal. I've heard some Valley University to win die ago, our football team was major dveats in quartedndc Eli Richards foran ISyardTDpess, leys spanking of the Butler people have even changed our NCAA championship over venturing into its first ever Stoddard and tailback Nairn Hides second of dK game. Bulldogs, we received some fight song to 'Tight on CVC, Notre Dame at the Sugar season of action; and today we Sanders. On defense Buder is Jay Widwow added die extra much needed attention. we whipped that a** and got Bowl. are a nationally ranked, unde• known for having a very aggres• poattaDdCVChada34-Ofead For those of you who were on TV". The school would be noted feated, NAIA powerhouse. sive defense. Clinch Valley shut out I watching the Viiginia/Texas • Look at it this way, there on die frontpage of Sports Il• Few people could have Oinch \Mey stnick fitst fc^ Budenintil they scored on the aame. vou know what I am were more football plavers on lustrated, with niir Hei.tman imairined that we would have lowmg the first of ei^ Bulldog last play of die game. The extra talking about die field of die UVAH-exas Hopeful standing tall in the come this far this fast, so (timnvmi Thp.Csnnontrtv.fnnt- j»int Med and die Highland As the scores of the college gamedian CVC stiidents liv• pocket. who's to say its not possible. ball attfae Butla4S ^ lineand Cavaliers walked off die field ing on our entire campus. Sports apparel stores cany For now though, we can C«Hrtes]r of Coach BUI Raaiicyer games flashed below die ac• went 45 yards on ISpbys. victorious. tion, a small college from This singular happening a fine Inie of CVC wear, witii surfice by whipping all those Wesley this The scoring drive was cqiped Your 1996 4-0 Clinch VaUey Cavalier football team, coaches, staff, and Clinch Valley made the southwest Virginia was high• could affect our quaint littie our new, up-to-date logo over-sized, over-confident c^widiayanl scaring strike fiom cheerleaders.
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