The University of Texas System FY 2018-2023 Capital Improvement Program August 24, 2017 FY 2018-2023 Capital Improvement Program Summary of CIP Changes the Past Quarter - 08/24/17 Dallas 302-1118 Add project to CIP with a total project cost of U.T. Dallas Athenaeum $20,000,000 with funding from Gifts (BOR 8/24/17) 302-906 Approve design development with a total project cost Science Building of $101,000,000 with revised funding of $89,000,000 from PUF, $2,000,000 from RFS, and $10,000,000 from Gifts (BOR 8/24/17) Permian Basin 501-918 Approve design development and an increase in Kinesiology Building total project cost from $16,200,000 to $23,200,000 with funding of $14,200,000 from PUF, $2,000 from Gifts, $6,000,000 from RFS, and $1,000,000 from Grants (BOR 8/24/17) 501-945 Approve an increase in total project cost from Engineering Building $52,000,000 to $55,100,000 with additional funding of $3,100,000 from Grants (Chancellor Memo). HSC - San Antonio 402-1000 Approve design development and an increase in Relocate the Barshop Institute total project cost from $65,000,000 to $70,200,000 with funding of $35,000,000 from RFS, $30,000,000 from PUF, $3,000,000 from Gifts, and $2,200,000 from Designated Funds (BOR 8/24/17) 402-1094 Approve an increase in total project cost from UT Health San Antonio Cancer Center $15,000,000 to $20,000,000 with funding of Renovations $12,000,000 from PUF, $6,400,000 from Designated Funds, and $1,600,000 from Gifts (BOR 8/24/17) Page 1 The University of Texas System FY 2018-2023 Capital Improvement Program Projects Removed From CIP at Quarterly Update 08/24/17 Academic Institutions UT Austin 102-358 Littlefield Home and Carriage House Renovations - Cancelled $ 15,000,000.00 102-357 Battle Hall Complex-West Mall Office Building Renovation - Cancelled $ 2,000,000.00 Total for UT Austin $ 17,000,000.00 UT Dallas 302-842 Davidson-Gundy Alumni Center $ 15,000,000.00 302-934 Student Housing Phase VI (UTD) $ 48,000,000.00 302-997 Student Housing Phase VII (UTD) $ 33,500,000.00 Total for UT Dallas $ 96,500,000.00 Total for Academic Institutions $ 113,500,000.00 Health Institutions UT SWMC 303-1009 Monty and Tex Moncrief Medical Center at Fort Worth $ 84,448,185.00 Total for UT SWMC $ 84,448,185.00 Total for Health Institutions $ 84,448,185.00 Total for Major Construction $ 197,948,185.00 Quarterly Update 08/24/17 The University of Texas System FY 2018-2023 Capital Improvement Program Summary by Funding Source Funding Source CIP Project Cost Total % of Total Bond Proceeds* Permanent University Fund Bonds 639,449,137.00 10.12% Revenue Financing System Bonds 2,338,579,500.00 37.03% Tuition Revenue Bonds 922,632,000.00 14.61% Subtotal Bond Proceeds* 3,900,660,637.00 61.76% Institutional Funds Auxiliary Enterprises Balances 85,900,000.00 1.36% Available University Fund 36,860,000.00 0.58% Designated Funds 175,897,500.00 2.79% FEMA 547,320,000.00 8.67% General Revenue 101,980,000.00 1.61% Gifts 432,276,300.00 6.84% Grants 8,093,936.00 0.13% Hospital Revenues 877,610,001.00 13.90% Insurance Claims 27,880,000.00 0.44% Interest on Local Funds 21,686,000.00 0.34% Unexpended Plant Fund 99,478,700.00 1.58% Subtotal Institutional Funds 2,414,982,437.00 38.24% Capital Improvement Program Total Funding Sources 6,315,643,074.00 100% * This document, including the references herein with respect to the funding of the projects identified herein with bonds, is intended to satisfy the official intent requirements set forth in section 1.150-2 of the federal income tax regulations promulgated by the U.S. Department of the Treasury. Quarterly Update 08/24/2017 The University of Texas System FY 2018-2023 Capital Improvement Program Summary by Management Type Type Number of Projects Total Institutionally Managed 26 $2,526,765,000.00 OFPC Managed 31 $3,581,518,074.00 OFPC Monitored 2 $207,360,000.00 CIP Total 59 $6,315,643,074.00 Academic Institutions UT Arlington Institutionally Managed 1 $21,000,000.00 OFPC Managed 3 $201,500,000.00 Total for UT Arlington 4 $222,500,000.00 UT Austin Institutionally Managed 2 $67,000,000.00 OFPC Managed 9 $1,346,597,000.00 Total for UT Austin 11 $1,413,597,000.00 UT Dallas OFPC Managed 4 $262,000,000.00 Total for UT Dallas 4 $262,000,000.00 UT El Paso OFPC Managed 1 $85,000,000.00 Total for UT El Paso 1 $85,000,000.00 UT Permian Basin OFPC Managed 2 $78,300,000.00 Total for UT Permian Basin 2 $78,300,000.00 UT Rio Grande Valley OFPC Managed 4 $197,850,137.00 Total for UT Rio Grande Valley 4 $197,850,137.00 UT San Antonio OFPC Managed 1 $95,000,000.00 Total for UT San Antonio 1 $95,000,000.00 UT Tyler OFPC Managed 1 $76,000,000.00 Total for UT Tyler 1 $76,000,000.00 Total for Academic Institutions 28 $2,430,247,137.00 Quarterly Update 08/24/2017 Health Institutions UT HSC-Houston Institutionally Managed 1 $23,000,000.00 OFPC Monitored 1 $111,360,000.00 Total for UT HSC-Houston 2 $134,360,000.00 UT HSC-San Antonio Institutionally Managed 2 $39,000,000.00 OFPC Managed 1 $70,200,000.00 OFPC Monitored 1 $96,000,000.00 Total for UT HSC-San Antonio 4 $205,200,000.00 UT HSC-Tyler Institutionally Managed 1 $18,500,000.00 OFPC Managed 1 $39,000,000.00 Total for UT HSC-Tyler 2 $57,500,000.00 UT MB-Galveston Institutionally Managed 5 $420,300,000.00 OFPC Managed 3 $987,970,937.00 Total for UT MB-Galveston 8 $1,408,270,937.00 UT MDACC Institutionally Managed 9 $998,830,000.00 Total for UT MDACC 9 $998,830,000.00 UT SWMC Institutionally Managed 5 $939,135,000.00 Total for UT SWMC 5 $939,135,000.00 Total for Health Institutions 30 $3,743,295,937.00 UT System Administration UT System OFPC Managed 1 $142,100,000.00 Total for UT System 1 $142,100,000.00 Total for UT System Administration 1 $142,100,000.00 Quarterly Update 08/24/2017 The University of Texas System FY 2018-2023 Capital Improvement Program Summary By Institution Academic Institutions Number of Projects Total UT Arlington 4 $222,500,000.00 UT Austin 11 $1,413,597,000.00 UT Dallas 4 $262,000,000.00 UT El Paso 1 $85,000,000.00 UT Permian Basin 2 $78,300,000.00 UT Rio Grande Valley 4 $197,850,137.00 UT San Antonio 1 $95,000,000.00 UT Tyler 1 $76,000,000.00 Subtotal Academic Institutions 28 $2,430,247,137.00 Health Institutions Number of Projects Total UT HSC-Houston 2 $134,360,000.00 UT HSC-San Antonio 4 $205,200,000.00 UT HSC-Tyler 2 $57,500,000.00 UT MB-Galveston 8 $1,408,270,937.00 UT MDACC 9 $998,830,000.00 UT SWMC 5 $939,135,000.00 Subtotal Health Institutions 30 $3,743,295,937.00 UT System Administration Number of Projects Total UT System 1 $142,100,000.00 Subtotal UT System Administration 1 $142,100,000.00 Total 59 $6,315,643,074.00 Quarterly Update 08/24/2017 F.2 The University of Texas System FY 2018-2023 Capital Improvement Program Summary by Type Type Number of Projects Total New 38 $3,823,748,074.00 Renovation 19 $1,935,895,000.00 Renovation & Expansion 2 $556,000,000.00 CIP Total 59 $6,315,643,074.00 Academic Institutions UT Arlington New 4 $222,500,000.00 Total for UT Arlington 4 $222,500,000.00 UT Austin New 7 $1,121,347,000.00 Renovation 4 $292,250,000.00 Total for UT Austin 11 $1,413,597,000.00 UT Dallas New 4 $262,000,000.00 Total for UT Dallas 4 $262,000,000.00 UT El Paso New 1 $85,000,000.00 Total for UT El Paso 1 $85,000,000.00 UT Permian Basin New 2 $78,300,000.00 Total for UT Permian Basin 2 $78,300,000.00 UT Rio Grande Valley New 4 $197,850,137.00 Total for UT Rio Grande Valley 4 $197,850,137.00 UT San Antonio New 1 $95,000,000.00 Total for UT San Antonio 1 $95,000,000.00 UT Tyler Renovation & Expansion 1 $76,000,000.00 Total for UT Tyler 1 $76,000,000.00 Total for Academic Institutions 28 $2,430,247,137.00 Quarterly Update 08/24/2017 F3-1 Health Institutions UT HSC-Houston Renovation 2 $134,360,000.00 Total for UT HSC-Houston 2 $134,360,000.00 UT HSC-San Antonio New 1 $70,200,000.00 Renovation 3 $135,000,000.00 Total for UT HSC-San Antonio 4 $205,200,000.00 UT HSC-Tyler New 1 $39,000,000.00 Renovation 1 $18,500,000.00 Total for UT HSC-Tyler 2 $57,500,000.00 UT MB-Galveston New 3 $296,920,937.00 Renovation 5 $1,111,350,000.00 Total for UT MB-Galveston 8 $1,408,270,937.00 UT MDACC New 7 $915,530,000.00 Renovation 2 $83,300,000.00 Total for UT MDACC 9 $998,830,000.00 UT SWMC New 2 $298,000,000.00 Renovation 2 $161,135,000.00 Renovation & Expansion 1 $480,000,000.00 Total for UT SWMC 5 $939,135,000.00 Total for Health Institutions 30 $3,743,295,937.00 UT System Administration UT System New 1 $142,100,000.00 Total for UT System 1 $142,100,000.00 Total for UT System Administration 1 $142,100,000.00 Quarterly Update 08/24/2017 F3-1 The University of Texas System FY 2018-2023 Capital Improvement Program Summary of Project Submission (dollars in millions-rounded) Aux INT Project Design Genl Hosp Ins MS PUF RFS TRB Ent AUF FEMA Gifts Grants HEAF on UPF Cost Funds Rev Rev Clm RDP Bal Local UT Arlington Underway 301-1046 Dining Facility - West Campus 21.00 0.00 15.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.50 301-1047 Parking Garage - West Campus 30.00 0.00 30.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 301-914 Residence Hall - West Campus Phase1 46.50 0.00 40.00 0.00 6.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 301-941 Science and Engineering Innovation 125.00 20.00 35.00 70.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Subtotal for Underway 222.50 20.00 120.50 70.00 6.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.50 Total for UT Arlington 222.50 20.00 120.50 70.00 6.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
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