PUBLIC AGENDA This Agenda is provided for the assistance and information of members of the public. COUNCIL AGENDA NOTICE is hereby given that an Ordinary meeting of the Kingborough Council will be held in the Civic Centre, Kingston on Monday, 8 April 2019 at 5.30pm Cr Richard Atkinson, Cr Amanda Midgley, Cr Paula Wriedt, Deputy Mayor Jo Westwood, Mayor Dean Winter, Cr David Grace, Cr Flora Fox, Cr Sue Bastone, Cr Christian Street Absent: Cr Steve Wass QUALIFIED PERSONS In accordance with Section 65 of the Local Government Act 1993, I confirm that the reports contained in Council Meeting Agenda No. 7 to be held on Monday, 8 April 2019 contain advice, information and recommendations given by a person who has the qualifications or experience necessary to give such advice, information or recommendations. Gary Arnold GENERAL MANAGER 2 April 2019 TABLE OF CONTENTS Item Page No. Open Session Apologies 1 Confirmation of Minutes of 25 March 2019 1 Workshops held Since Last Council Meeting 2 Declarations of Interest 2 Transfer of Agenda Items 2 Questions on Notice from the Public 3 1 Bushfire Strategy 3 2 Climate Change Strategy 4 3 General Rate Exemption to Charitable Organisations 6 Questions Without Notice from the Public 6 Questions on Notice from Councillors 6 1 Bushfire Survival Plans 6 2 Graffiti 7 3 Carrying Amount of Assets Retired 7 4 Asset Management System 9 5 Parking Policy 9 6 Grant for Alonnah Hall 10 Questions Without Notice from Councillors 10 Motions of Which Notice has Been Given 11 Gun Control 11 Petitions Still Being Actioned 12 Petitions Received in Last Period 12 Officers Reports to Planning Authority 13 Delegated Authority for the Period 13 March 2019 to 26 March 2019 13 Request for Extension of Planning Permit – DAS-2014-30 – Subdivision of One Lot and Balance at 1 Golden Grove Drive, Blackmans Bay for Lark & Creese 16 TABLE OF CONTENTS (cont.) Item Page No. Open Session PSA-2018-4 – Planning Scheme Amendment Request – Kingborough Interim Planning Scheme 2015 – Rezoning of Community Purpose Zone to Environmental Management Zone and Introduce a Site Specific Qualification for the Land at 31 & 41 Nubeena Crescent, Taroona 21 Officers Reports to Council 45 Carols by Candlelight December 2019 45 Recreational Water Quality Strategy for Kingston Beach and Blackmans Bay Beach 51 Kingborough Sports Precinct Future Directions Plan 71 Information Reports 74 General Manager’s Diary for the Period 4 March 2019 to 29 March 2019 75 Current and Previous Minute Resolutions (Open Session) 76 Infrastructure Works Progress Report 79 Confirmation of Items to be Dealt With in Closed Session 87 AGENDA of an Ordinary Meeting of Council Kingborough Civic Centre, 15 Channel Highway, Kingston Monday, 8 April 2019 at 5.30pm. AUDIO RECORDING The Chairperson is to direct commencement of the recording. The Chairperson will declare the meeting open (time), welcome all in attendance and read: “All persons in attendance are advised that it is Council policy to record Council Meetings. The audio recording of this meeting will be made available to the public on Council’s website. In accordance with Council Policy, I now ask staff to confirm that the audio recording has commenced.” ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF TRADITIONAL OWNERS The Chairperson acknowledges the traditional owners of this land and pays respects to them and their customs, and to their elders, past, present and future. ATTENDEES Councillors: Mayor Councillor D Winter Deputy Mayor Councillor J Westwood Councillor R Atkinson Councillor S Bastone Councillor F Fox Councillor D Grace Councillor A Midgley Councillor C Street Councillor S Wass Staff: APOLOGIES Cr Paula Wriedt CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES OF 25 MARCH 2019 MOVED SECONDED That the Minutes of the open session of Council Meeting No. 6 held on 25 March 2019 be confirmed as a true record. For Against For Against Cr Atkinson Cr Street Cr Bastone Cr Wass Cr Fox Cr Westwood Cr Grace Cr Winter Cr Midgley Agenda No. 7 Page 1 8 April 2019 WORKSHOPS HELD SINCE LAST COUNCIL MEETING 1 April - Kingborough Waste Services DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST In accordance with Regulation 8 of the Local Government (Meeting Procedures) Regulations 2015 and Council’s adopted Code of Conduct, the Mayor requests Councillors to indicate whether they have, or are likely to have, a pecuniary interest (any pecuniary benefits or pecuniary detriment) or conflict of interest in any item on the Agenda. TRANSFER OF AGENDA ITEMS Are there any items, which the meeting believes, should be transferred from this agenda to the closed agenda or from the closed agenda to the open agenda, in accordance with the procedures allowed under Section 15 of the Local Government (Meeting Procedures) Regulations 2015. GUIDELINES FOR PUBLIC QUESTION TIME At each meeting of Council or a Council Committee there will be an opportunity for question to be asked by any member of the public. A question may either be in writing, or may be verbally asked at the meeting. You are reminded that the forum is designed to accommodate questions only. Neither the questions nor answers will be debated. A period of 15 minutes, if required, will be set aside and the Chairperson will endeavour to deal with as many questions as possible at each meeting. If a response to a question cannot be provided at the meeting a written response will be provided as soon as practicable. If time constraints do not permit all questions to be put, the Council will reply to any question that is put in writing. A Question must not relate to any matter that is listed on the agenda for the meeting. Questions in Writing – A member of the public may give written notice to the General Manager seven (7) days before a meeting of a question to be put to the meeting. The question will appear in the agenda of the meeting, and a written response will be recorded in the minutes. There is no standard form for such questions, but they should be clearly headed Question(s) on Notice. Questions asked at the Meeting – At the commencement of Question Time the Chairperson will ask members of the public present, if there are any questions, and if so what are those questions? This procedure is to permit the Chairperson to determine an appropriate time limit for Question Time and perhaps limit the opportunity for multiple questions, and to determine whether each question is appropriate. There is to be no discussion, preamble or embellishment of any question at this time. The Chairperson will then determine which of those questions will be accepted and will provide the reason for any refusal; will determine the order of the questions, and may set a time limit for Question Time. The Chairperson may require a question to be put on notice and in writing. A member of the public present may only ask one question at a time. The Chairperson may give preference to questions from other members of the public before permitting second or further questions from a member of the public. The Chairperson may rule that a multi-part question is in fact two or more questions, and deal with them accordingly. Agenda No. 7 Page 2 8 April 2019 The Chairperson may rule a question inappropriate, and thus inadmissible if in his or her opinion it has already been asked, is unclear, irrelevant, offensive or relates to any matter which would normally be considered in Closed Session. Lengthy preambles or introductions are discouraged, and the Chairperson may require that a member of the public immediately put the question. QUESTIONS ON NOTICE FROM THE PUBLIC Mr John Maynard submitted the following questions on notice: 1 Bushfire Strategy Given that “More than 90% of municipality is mapped as being ‘bushfire-prone’, the majority of Kingborough has not been subject to a significant bushfire event since the devastating 1967 Black Tuesday bushfire and that the likelihood of a major bushfire event in the municipality is now greater than ever”. If recent expenditure has been $216,000 pa (P18) and the risk has escalated over this period to a stage where it is now “greater than ever”, how can the expenditure of $245,000 pa, or just $29,000 pa extra, turn the risk around & can the annual budget absorb this increase? Officer’s Response: Bushfire Risk for the Kingborough area (and Tasmania as a whole) has been assessed as being high to extreme for a number of years - since strategic risk assessments for emergency management planning and (more recently) bushfire risk modelling first came into use. Along with an increased understanding of the risk that this natural disaster poses to Tasmanian communities, has come an increased understanding of the fact that bushfire safety is a shared responsibility and an obligation for all land owners and managers. The vast majority of land within the Kingborough municipality (approximately 60% or 45000ha) is held in private tenure. Council owns or manages approximately 650ha of bushland within its natural area reserves network. Although this represents only a small percentage (approximately 2%) of the total municipal area, Council recognises the need to fulfil its responsibilities as a land owner in relation to reducing bushfire risk in the community. Whilst on-ground mitigation activities are important in reducing risk from Council reserves, increased community safety can also be achieved through conducting ongoing community bushfire awareness campaigns in conjunction with the Tasmania Fire Service. Community education, awareness and engagement programs are interventions intended to increase people's perception of their risk of bushfire and to generate changes in behaviour to reduce their bushfire risk. Such programs do not necessarily require great financial investment. Background to the Bushfire Program In response to the recognition of its responsibilities as a land owner, Council engaged a Bushfire Management Officer to develop a program for the management of bushfire risk on Council owned or managed land.
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