$1.00 GARAGE SALE MAP ON PG 4 Celebrating Armstrong County VOLUME 130, NUMBER 18 FRIDAY, MAY 3, 2019 Armstrong County holds Public Jail Hearing The Armstrong County Commissioners’ Court held a special session on Thursday, April 25th, to discuss the continuation or possible closing of the Armstrong County Jail. photo by Christiana Mustion BY CHRISTIANA MUSTION The hearing was erations; Michael Powers, around the state of Texas “It’s a complex decision it was clear no consensus he Armstrong Coun- opened with prayer and the 911 Coordinator for Pan- that currently do not have that we need to take our would be reached at this ty Commissioners’ Pledge of Allegiance. Then, handle Regional Planning; their own jail operations. time making,” said Com- time. Despite the strong Court held a public Judge Hugh Reed asked the and Gary Henderson, Law Commissioner Ensey em- missioner Ensey. “We not opinions, it was also clear T county commissioners and Enforcement Representa- phasized that although he only want to do what’s best that many residents were hearing on Thursday, April 25th, at 6:00 p.m. The hear- guests to give their opening tive for the Texas Associa- was undecided as to wheth- for the here and now but there to seek further infor- ing was to discuss the op- remarks. Over the course tion of Counties (TAC)--in er or not he felt operations also what’s best for future mation before establishing erations of the Armstrong of the hearing, a variety of attendance. One such doc- should continue at the Arm- generations of Armstrong their position. County Jail and/or its po- information was presented ument was compiled by strong County Jail, it was County residents.” The main concerns tential closing. Residents of in the form of handouts, Precinct 1 Commissioner, important for the residents Once the floor was voiced by those in atten- Armstrong County poured maps, and oral commentary Adam Ensey, which gave a to have access to facts re- opened up to the public, dance centered around fis- into the second story court- from the Armstrong Coun- comparative analysis of the garding what it would cost individuals came forward cal responsibility and pub- room of the Armstrong ty Sheriff, Fleta Barnett, current Armstrong County us to continue or poten- representing both sides of lic safety. Several residents County Courthouse both as well as the three consul- Jail operations and budget tially cease operations by the argument. There were directly asked Sheriff Bar- to listen and to make their tants—Shane Sowell, Chief versus the cost of opera- looking at how other coun- strong opinions on both nett what is cost tax payers opinions heard. Inspector of Texas Jail Op- tions of several counties ties without jails operate. sides of the argument, and see ARMSTRONG CO JAIL, PG 7 PAGE 2 THE CLAUDE NEWS FRIDAY, MAY 3, 2019 STAR Baseball End of Claude STUDENTS Season Wrap Up Sends BY SYDNEY KNOX came closer, the team real- WEEK OF STUDENT REPORTER ly started to bond and look Two to MAY 3, 2019 well together. They played As the Claude Mus- USPS 116-300 Established January 1, 1890 as a unit on the field and tangs baseball team’s sea- Periodicals Second-Class Postage have a lot to look forward son came to a close this State Paid at Claude, TX to in the years to come. week, it was very emotion- Armstrong County, Texas, The Mustangs ended al for a few of the senior Under the Act of Congress of March 3, 1879 their season with a 1-15 Track boys. The game against record in district, which is Published Weekly Except Christmas Week Nazareth on Monday did not exactly what they had Publishers - The Claude News, Christiana Mustion not end in the way they had Meet anticipated; however, they Editor - Christiana Mustion hoped. They still felt good BY MATTIE KATE LOVELL fought a good fight in ev- Advertising Director - Jimmy Mustion MAVERICK GARDNER about their season. Senior, STUDENT REPORTER ery game and never gave Postmaster, please send address changes to: Mrs. Hook’s, PreK Logan Campbell, stated, up. Each player grew as On April 26-27th, PO Box 778 He worked so hard in his “This season did not go the season went on and the the Claude Mustangs and 119 N Trice stations today. exactly as planned. While younger kids have a lot of Lady Stangs competed Claude, TX 79019-0778 I was very disappointed in potential. We should all be in the 1A Regional Track Phone: 806-226-4500 the way it ended, this sea- proud of the Mustangs for Meet in Levelland, Texas Email: [email protected] son was one of the bests. their hard work. The boys at South Plains College- We really came together as Website: claudenewstx.com would like to thank every- where they met both heart- a team and bonded better Armstrong County Subscription Rate - $30.00 Yr one that came out to sup- break and triumph. than any high school team Out-of-County, In Texas - $40.00 Yearly port them throughout their “I was sad to compete I have been on. I really en- Out-of-State - $45.00 Yearly sports this year and look for the last time,” senior joyed this season and I will Online Edition - $20.00 Yearly forward to seeing you next Mason Smith, who com- miss Mustangs baseball.” Single Copy Price - $1.00 year! peted in high jump, the As the end of their season VALERIA VEGA 4x100m relay, and the Mrs. Minkley’s, 2nd Gr Vote to re-elect 4x200m relay, said. “But MEMBER She was very good for I will always cherish the the sub. memories and the lessons I got out of this tough but JIM THOMPSON fun sport.” Panhandle Groundwater Conservation District However, athletes La- PRECINCT 6 nie Stapp and Mattie Kate • 25 years of experience on the PGCD Board Lovell are not finished yet. of Directors Lanie Stapp placed 1st in Long Jump, with the top • Lifetime resident of Armstrong County jump in the state, and 3rd • Understands protecting nature’s resource in the 100m dash, which of water is a balance of current and future earned her the wildcard XZAVIAN BOWERMAN needs versus supply position. Mattie Kate Mrs. Morris’, 3rd Gr • Invested as a Director for PGCD and as a Lovell placed 2nd in the He was following 3200m run, and 3rd in the 3rd Generation Armstrong County Farmer directions and being quiet 1600m run, which earned when no one else was. • Dedicated to helping others understand her the wildcard position water conservation to make sure there is as well. water for generations to come These girls will com- • Committed to serving and helping PGCD’s pete at the State Track mission statement “to develop, promote Meet in Austin, Texas May and implement water conservation, 10-11th, where they are augmentation and management strategies to sure to represent well. protect water resources for the benefit of the citizens, economy, and environment of the RAIDEN PARHAM District” Mrs. Britten’s, 5th Gr Saturday, May 4th – 7am to 7pm She was a leader in her group, even when every- Armstrong County Courthouse one else was not helping Vote to re-elect Jim Thompson much. PD POLITICAL ADVERTISING BY JIM THOMPSON FRIDAY, MAY 3, 2019 THE CLAUDE NEWS PAGE 3 Clean UP! Claude Welcome to the COMMUNITY CALENDAR COMMUNITY MEN’S PRAYER BREAKFAST - Sat. May 4th, 7:00 a.m., hosted by First Baptist May 6-31st Armstrong County Church BY HOWARD HEATH lowing locations from May CLAUDE CITYWIDE GARAGE SALE - Sat. CITY OF CLAUDE 6 – May 31. Museum Book May 4th, 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m., Maps will be located around town Spring is here, and life • Armstrong County SMALL BUSINESS WEEK - Sun. May 5th thru is in full bloom in Claude, Courthouse Signing Sat. May 11th, Celebrate a local small business by TX. As we look forward to • Armstrong County Ac- persistence has made this thanksing a shop owner and by always shopping local the spring and summer, we tivity Center SUBMITTED BY volume possible.” small businesses. are faced with new oppor- • Claude ISD (1151 MARTHA MATHEWS Marilyn remembers KICK-OFF EVENT FOR CLEAN UP CLAUDE tunities. Claude has had a and Cherry St. by the ARMSTRONG CO MUSEUM about the time when she EVENT - Mon. May 6th, 6:00 p.m., West Side of the Caprock Roundup cleanup Track) The public is cordially was a student at Claude Square, Come out and enjoy free food and fun as we previously, but this year we SPECIALTY invited to the Armstrong High School in the late prepare to start the Clean Up Claude Event are not doing this over just CONTAINERS County Museum Art Gal- 1950’s that Avis men- CLEAN UP CLAUDE EVENT - May 6th thru May a weekend or a week, this Specialty Containers lery on Saturday, May 18, tioned she had written a 31st, Citywide, Take Pride in our community by year this Clean UP! Claude for Tires and Metal and Ap- 2019, for a book signing book. Marilyn forgot Cleaning up Your Yard, House, & Neighborhood! event will run from May pliances will be available honoring Claude native, about the manuscript, de- MOTHER’S DAY - Sun. May 12th, ALL DAY, Let 6th through May 31st. from May 6 – May 31 Marilyn Nelson. Marilyn cades passed, Marilyn re- mom know how much you love and appreciate her! The success of this • Lot South of Johnny’s is the editor of the his- tired, and the manuscript COMMISSIONERS COURT - Mon.
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