1 KRAB- FM August '72 Program Guide KRAB PROGRAM GUIDE NUMBER TWO HUNDRED AND TWENTY NINE Published by the Jack Straw Memorial FOI.mdation, a non­ VOLUNTEERS ETC ••. profit, tax-exempt, public organization solely designed to operate non-commercial, listener-supported radio stations, Tracy Allee, Captain Baltic, Phil -Bannon, Greg Brown, John of which KRAB is one, and KBOO (Portland) the other. Burke, Bob Deardorf, Mike Duffy, Keith Dunn, Karen Engstrom, James Fisher, Dave Follman, Randy francisco, Tiny Freeman, This program guide, containing program listings for the Leila Gorbman, George Green, Bob Gwynne, Herb Hannum, Brant month of August, 1972, is not sold, it is given, free of Herrett, Mike Huston, Gordon Hills, Dennis Howson, Dick charge, to the subscribers and supporters of KRAB; We Jameson, Raymond Jarvi, Frank Krasnowsky, Nancy Keith, emphasize the fact that those who subscribe aren't paying Robert Kauffman, Stan Keen, Randy Kent, Dean LeMaster, David for the program guide, but paying f or KRAB. Meltzer, Colette Menasian, Leslie Mohran, Randy McCarty, Weston Grant Munro, Gary Miller, Susan Mish'alani, Helen Subscription rates to KRAB are $25.00 average yearly, $15.00 Norton, Simon Ottenberg, Lim Chew-Pah, John Prothero, minimum yearly (for students, retired people, and unemployed Dennis Partlow, Chuck Reinsch, Gary Rhule, Roswell, Dean people), or $5.00 for four months. Your contribution or sub­ Swerdferger, Dick Shurman, Roger Sale, Ali San, Hal Sherlock, scription is tax-deductiblei checks and money orders should Earl Smith, Ray Serebrin, Laurie Sorenson, Amy Tuss, Norve 1 .. be-made out to the Jack Straw Memorial Foundation. Trosst, Al Viegel, Bob Verginia, Tim Wire, Lars Watson, Joanne Wiater, Phil Williams, Mark Wilkinson KRAB FM Studio: 9029 Roosevelt Way N.E. Office: 1406 Harvard Ave. NEIGHBORHOOD YOUTH CORPS EMPLOYEES • Seattle, Wa. 98115 Seattle 98122 Oscar Freeman, Bruce McLauchlan, Lyn Paulson, Jim Alan Studio: LA 2-5111 Office: EA 5-5110 &5111 Thompson, Larry Shane Wi ckliff 20,000 watts e.r.p. 107.7 on your dial Our thanks to Dwight Threepersons who helped prepare the negati ves for this guide. If you're moving please let us know so we can change your address card in our file; otherwise the post office may throw out your guides rather than forwarding them. If you call in a change of address please be sure to give us your old zip code - even if you aren't asked for it. PROGRAM GUIDE ADVERTISING RATES COMMENTARY CALENDAR $40 full page $20 half page $10 quarter page AUGUST -I The Ark - home for young people $7.50 eighth page (or $5 if camera ready) AUGUST 3 Ethnic Cultural Center at the University of There is an extra charge if processing of photographs is Washington required. You don't have to be a subscriber to purchase an ad in the KRAB program guide; if you'd like further AUGUST 4 Seattle Peace Action Co ali tion just returned information please call us. from a convention in California AUGUST 7 John Prothero AUGUST 8 Science fiction wri ters dis cuss their craft an_d comment on social issues AUGUST 10 More from science fiction writers AUGUST 11 Frank Krasnowsky AUGUST 15 Silent Majority Voice with current events for MEMBERS OF THE JACK STRAW MEMORIAL FOUNDATION'S BOARD OF voters TRUSTEES ARE: Byron Coney, Mike Duffy, Benjamin Dawson, Robert Friede, Steve Menasian, Helen Norton, Simon Otten­ AUGUST 17 Margo Miller and friends with astrological berg, Dave Rowland, and Ray Serebrin interpretation AUGUST 18 Childbirth Education Association of Seattle STAFF LIST discusses natural childbirth and methods of delivery M.H. Bader Legal Re lief Byron Coney Legal Relief AUGUST 21 Radical Arab/Jewish Alliance gives a Middle " Alis ter Conway Public Affairs Director East Report Benj amin Daws on Engineering Director JSMF Nila File Assistant Manager AUGUST 25 Frank Krasnowsky Robert Friede Music Director Roy Harvey _News Director Commentaries are scheduled every week on Monday, Tuesday, Rick Maedler Station Manager Thursday, and Friday at 7:05 pm. The evening's commentary Steve Menasian Chief Engineer is repeated the next morning at 11:00 am. If you would Phil Munger Music Director like to do a commen tary or know of someone who can make Marc Orgel Production Director intelligent comment on various subjects give us a call. Michael Wiater Program Director The number is EA S-5ll0. ~~k for Alister. 7 :05 CO~I~IENTARY (R) 7:30 SOVIET PRESS AND PERIODICALS - IVi lliam ~Iandel of Berkeley presents his program J direct from the studios of KPFA. (R) 8:00 OLD TIME MUSIC - John Burke and Phi I Wi lliams can now be heard every Tuesday night at this time. 6 : 30 am THE ~IORNING SHOW - Phil ~Iunger. For a complete 9:00 SEXUALITY AND 11-IE LAW - PROSTITUTION is discussed listing of this program see elsewhere in the front by Dr. Jennifer James. Ms. James is a University of the program guide. of Washington psychiatry instructor who has done a great deal of investigation into the subject of 10: 00 COHHENTARY (r: note that this "r" means the pro­ prostitution. She has particularly sought and ob­ gram is being repeated; \vhen you see "R", that tained the confidence of women and gi rIs who do means the program wi 11 be repeated, and the time work as prostitutes. Dr. James is speaking before listed refers to the exact occasion of the repeat) a luncheon meeting of the Young Lm .... yers Section of the Seattle-King County Bar Association. Recorded 11:00 DEAR FRIENDS (r) - Actually a repeat of LETTERS June 22nd. (R - Thursday at 10 :00 am) AND THINGS, but the first occasion of the program warrants the first use of its new name. So, dear 9: 30 HOME MOVIES - David ~Ieltzer from Bolinas ( R) friends, here it is, ,.,.ith Rick ~1aedlerJ the sta­ tion manager. 11:00 DIAL A POEM - Blake Songs: PIPING DOWN 'nIE VALLEY WILD and HOW SljEET IS 11-1E SHEPHERD 11: 30 11-1E TREAHIENT OF HYPERKINETIC CHI LDREN (r from July) 11 :05 URBAN BLUES - Dick Shurman (R) 12: 15 pm OPEN TUIE 3:00 INTERVIEW IH11-1 A1IIDREW PULLEY - An interview, in Seattle J wi th Andrew Pulley J Socialist Workers Party 1972 Vice-Presidential candidate. Pulley outlines the Trotskyist use of elections in a capi­ talis t democracy; the strength and weaknesses of ~1cGovern; some discussion of the international sig­ nificance of the Trotskyist movement (the 4th In­ ternational) - especially with regard to Chi l e and Ceylon. Wi th Roy Harvey. (R - Friday at 11: 30 am) 4: 00 KING BISCUIT TUIE (r) - the Blues with Bob Wes t, from Sunday night. 5: 30 A HISTORY OF tlODERN FRENCH ORGAN MUSIC - music of Widor 6 :30 WASHINGTON COURTS II - This is to be a series of programs by various speakers at a recent Citizen's Conference on Washington Courts I I. The confer­ ence was held at the Providence Heights Conferen ce Center in Issaquah J Washington on June 15 J 16 J an'd 17th. The whole series presents the spectrum of thought expressed by judges, law professors, court administrators and interested citizens on the sub­ ject of courts. This se~ie~ __~ . s representative of the level of popular ideas a.bout ,courts and justice in the American system. For contrast we will have a series of discussions on the court system invol­ ving public defenders, la.;yers, and some who have seen the defendants view of the court system in this country. This first program is the keynote address by Luvern V. Rieke, Esq., professor at the Uni versi ty of Washington La!' School. TI,e speeches were taped by KRAB volunteer Lars Watson. (R at noon on Wednesda~ 7 :00 NOTES FOR Till ' NIGHT _ heard every night, about this time. You wi 11 usually hear about upcoming pro­ grams, especially those new to the programming - i.e. not listed in the program guide. This is the best way there is to find out for sure \ihat is go­ ing to be played in the next few days (including today) • HUMPHREY .d< ~&:- iJ J.z.uWon .8I!JU1i4u, (J/UJ. dluJ.io (JMtw.m.uJ: .8l.wlu QUIILITV 5E~VICE for f(" ·.5~o - eO~PoNENr S~7'EM.s !SOO' 'EAST PIN .. STREET SEATTLE. WASHINGTON st •• aa 6: 30 am THE ~10RNING SHOW 10:00 SEXUALITY AND TIlE LAW (r from Tuesday) 10 :30 COMMENTARY (r) 6: 30 am TIlE 110RNING SHOW 11 :00 THE AFRICA PROGRAM (r) 10:00 CO~tr.!ENTARY (r) 12 :00 INTERNATIONAL NEWS REVIEW - Roy Harvey (r) 11:00 SOV IET PRESS AND PERIODICALS (r) 12 :30 pm A SUFI CEREMONY - A Rifa' Ceremony of the eleventh 12:00 WASHINGTON COURTS II (r - from last night, if you day of Rabi-L'Achien, honoring Abdu l Hadir Beker. "ant to read "hat the program is about) Recorded by the Islaamia Refia Jamaa Sect of Mala­ yan Mohammedans in the Union of South Africa. Re - 1:00 pm flO~ MOVIES (r) corded by Kajar the Magician (?) . (Folkways) 2: 30 OPEN TUIE 1 : 15 OPEN TI~ 4:00 URBAN BWES (r) 4 :00 RECENTLY RECORDED AMERICAN CHAMBER MUSIC - Valence by Sydney Hodkinson, performed by the St. Paul Chamber Orchestra, directed by the composer & The Dissolution of the serial, ensemble directed by t~e composer. _ Spring in the harbor by Leo Kraft, 6:00 ~TRO'S COMING OUT PARTY - When Metro presented WIth Catherine Rowe , solo soprano & Dialogues for its plan for a rapid transi.t system to citizens flut,e and tape with Gerardo Levy, flute. Symphony in Seattle, the opening points were made by peo­ for 'Strings by Marcel Dick, performed by the Lon- ple who had worked to develop the plan.
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