E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 109 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 151 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 27, 2005 No. 53 Senate The Senate met at 9:30 a.m. and was U.S. SENATE, Finally, I should also mention there called to order by the Honorable SAM PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE, are a number of nominations—actually BROWNBACK, a Senator from the State Washington, DC, April 27, 2005. two specific nominations—that will be To the Senate: completed before adjourning. We are of Kansas. Under the provisions of rule I, paragraph 3, of the Standing Rules of the Senate, I hereby working back and forth across the aisle PRAYER appoint the Honorable SAM BROWNBACK, a to see how we can best complete those The Chaplain, Dr. Barry C. Black, of- Senator from the State of Kansas, to per- two nominations. We have three dis- fered the following prayer: form the duties of the Chair. trict judges as well that should be Lord, You are our light and salva- TED STEVENS, voted unanimously. The two nomina- President pro tempore. tion, so why should we be afraid? Each tions that I referred to—one is the day, You provide us with blessings for Mr. BROWNBACK thereupon as- Portman nomination, which came out which we give thanks. sumed the Chair as Acting President of committee, to be U.S. Trade Rep- Thank You for the beauty of the pro tempore. resentative, and the other is Stephen Johnson, to be Administrator of EPA. Earth and the glory of the skies. f Again, we are working on bringing that Thank You for bringing order out of RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY to conclusion, but we need to complete chaos. Thank You for marriage and LEADER both of those before we leave. Both of family, for homes built upon our trust The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- these are Cabinet rank officials, and we in You. Thank You for children’s pore. The majority leader from the should not—will not—adjourn until we laugher and for the roar of the ocean. great State of Tennessee is recognized. have considered these important nomi- Thank You for Your love and for the f nations as well. true and free gift of Your salvation. Mr. President, I have a brief state- Thank You for Senators and staffers SCHEDULE ment on the bill. who faithfully labor to keep our Nation Mr. FRIST. Mr. President, this morn- f strong. ing, following our leader time, we will Lord, deliver us from those things have up to 2 hours of morning business. THE HIGHWAY BILL that dishonor You. Free us from pro- That time will be divided with the ma- Mr. FRIST. Mr. President, yesterday vincialism, narrowness, and from a jority controlling the first 30 minutes, the Senate voted overwhelmingly to in- shallow tolerance that lacks a studied the minority controlling the next 60 voke cloture on the motion to proceed conviction. Liberate us also from pov- minutes, and the last 30 minutes under to the highway bill, the highway bill erty of thought and spirit. We pray in the control of this side of the aisle. we are now on. The amendment process Your Holy Name. Amen. Following that time we will resume has begun. It enjoys strong bipartisan consideration of the highway bill. Yes- support, and I am encouraged by the f terday, we began the amendment proc- bipartisan commitment to both go to ess on the highway legislation, and we the bill and move this important bill PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE will continue working through amend- forward. Time is of essence. The cur- The Honorable SAM BROWNBACK led ments today and over the course of this rent highway extension from last year the Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: week. I do expect rollcall votes today expires at the end of next month, on I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the on amendments, and we should have a May 31. We are going to have to work United States of America, and to the Repub- full day of debate on the highway bill. together to pass this legislation, then lic for which it stands, one nation under God, I do want to take this opportunity to take the bill that we pass to conference indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. remind my colleagues that we in all to join it with the House bill—I have a likelihood will be considering con- feeling there will have to be fairly ex- f ference reports this week, as they are tensive negotiations at that point—and made available. One of those will be then send that bill to the President for APPOINTMENT OF ACTING the budget conference report, which his signature. PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE will be debated for up to a 10-hour stat- This highway bill that is currently The PRESIDING OFFICER. The utory limit. I hope when we do come to on the floor is a product of a long bi- clerk will please read a communication the budget we not find it necessary to partisan process. It is based on more to the Senate from the President pro use all that time, but Senators should than 3 years of hard work, over a dozen tempore (Mr. STEVENS). stay on notice that we will complete hearings, testimony from more than The bill clerk read the following let- that very important conference report 100 witnesses, countless hours of nego- ter: before we leave for our recess. tiation, all of it supported by a deep ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S4351 . VerDate Mar 15 2010 21:25 Jan 30, 2014 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\2005SENATE\S27AP5.REC S27AP5 mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY S4352 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 27, 2005 and broad coalition, from State and portation infrastructure is deterio- we can demonstrate reasonable fiscal local highway authorities to national rating badly and becoming painfully restraint. safety advocates. It was last month overcrowded. Our roads and highways Our vast and interconnecting high- that a very similar bill overwhelm- are not keeping up with demand. Just ways are emblematic of our American ingly passed the House of Representa- ask any American commuter—bumper spirit. They represent what being tives by a vote of 417 to 9. It is time to to bumper traffic all day long. Indeed, American is all about. They represent get this bill done. in our Nation’s urban areas, traffic that spirit and love of adventure, our This is what America sees, I know: delays have more than tripled over the drive for the unknown. Our highways, While we engage in this endless nego- last 20 years, and not just in the big bridges, roads, trains, and ports are the tiation inside the beltway, outside the cities but all over the country. In Ra- physical, tangible expression of the beltway people are listening to that as leigh Durham, for instance, commuting United States. I do urge my colleagues they are sitting in traffic jams which time has gone up 25 percent in 10 years. in the great American tradition, in are getting worse and worse by the day. In Charlotte, traffic congestion has every sense of the phrase, to keep At the same time we are debating, added 39 additional commuting hours America moving forward. roads and bridges continue to deterio- per year. That is nearly an entire work Mr. President, I yield the floor. rate, and preventable traffic accidents week that has been added, sitting in f take the lives of tens of thousands of traffic. In Tennessee, traffic congestion Americans each year. I will come back has increased in all of our major met- RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME to that, because these lives do not have ropolitan areas. In Nashville, my The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- to be lost. The action we take on the hometown, commuters drive an aver- pore. Under the previous order, the floor of the Senate will cause those age of 32 miles per person per day. Met- leadership time is reserved. lives not to be lost. ropolitan planning organizations are f Car crashes, in fact, are the No. 1 struggling to meet demand. cause of death for every age from 3 Americans suffer the loss of more MORNING BUSINESS years of age to 33 years of age; crashes than 3.6 billion hours in those traffic The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- are their No. 1 cause of death. Accord- delays, and that translates down to 5.7 pore. Under the previous order, there ing to national statistics reported just billion gallons per year of fuel being will be a period for the transaction of last week, 43,000 people died in car acci- wasted. These transportation delays morning business up to 120 minutes, dents just last year alone. More than ripple through our Nation’s economic the first 30 minutes under the control 2.7 million people were injured. sector and ultimately result in lost I believe the key point is that one- of the majority leader or his designee, wages and lost jobs and lost produc- the next 60 minutes under the control third of all these traffic-related deaths tivity. of Mr. BIDEN or his designee, and the can be attributed to unsafe roads. One Traffic congestion also generates final 30 minutes under the control of out of every three deaths can be attrib- more pollution.
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