LEICA ELMARIT-M 28 mm f/2.8 ASPH. Technical Data. Illustrations 1:1 Lens Leica Elmarit-M 28 mm f/2.8 ASPH. Order number 11 677 Angle view For 35 mm (24 x 36 mm): 75°/65°/46°; (diagonal, horizontal, vertical) for M8 (18 x 27 mm): 60°/51°/36°, corresponds to a focal length of approx. 37 mm with 35 mm-format Optical design Number of elements/groups: 8/6 Entrance pupil for bayonet: 11,8 mm Focusing range: 0,7 m to infinity Distance setting Scala: combined meter-/feet-increments Smallest object field: for 35 mm: 533 x 800 mm, for M8: 400 x 600 mm Highest reproduction ratio: 1:22,2 Diaphragm Setting/type: preset, with click-stops, half values available Smallest aperture: f/22 Number of aperture blades: 10 Bayonet Leica M quick-change bayonet Filter thread E39 Lens hood Available, screwable (supplied) Dimensions and weight Length: approx. 30,7/49,4 mm (without/with lens hood) Largest diameter without lens hood: approx. 52 mm Weight: approx. 175 g/211 g (without/with lens hood and covers) Page 1 of 7 I As at January 2016 I Specifications are subject to change without notice Leica Camera AG I Am Leitz-Park 5 I 35578 WETZLAR I GERMANY I Telephone +49(0)6441-2080-0 I Fax +49(0)6441-2080-333 I www.leica-camera.com LEICA ELMARIT-M 28 mm f/2.8 ASPH. ENGINEERING DRAWING LENS SHAPE Aspherical lens This new high-speed lens is the most compact of Leica M lenses. By using an aspherical element it was possible to attain top imaging performance with a weight of only 175 grams. This lens is practically distortion-free in the whole focus range from 0.7 m to infinity and only extends slightly into the viewfinder field of M cameras. Page 2 of 7 I As at January 2016 I Specifications are subject to change without notice Leica Camera AG I Am Leitz-Park 5 I 35578 WETZLAR I GERMANY I Telephone +49(0)6441-2080-0 I Fax +49(0)6441-2080-333 I www.leica-camera.com Elmarit-M 1:2,8/28mm ASPH. Brennweite 28 mm Blende 2.8 Vignettierung [%] [%] 100 100 80 80 8.0 5.6 2.8 60 60 40 40 20 20 0 0 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 Y'[mm] Y'[mm] Blende 5.6 Relative Verzeichnung [%] [%] 100 5 4 80 3 2 60 1 0 LEICA ELMARIT-M 28 mm40 f/2.8 ASPH. -1 -2 20 -3 MTF DIAGRAMS -4 0 -5 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 Elmarit-M 1:2,8/28mm ASPH. Brennweite 28 mm Y' [mm] Y'[mm] ApertureBlende Stop 2.8 2.8 VignettierungApertureBlende Stop 8.0 8.0 Effektive Verzeichnung [%] [%] [%] 100 100100 Elmarit-M 1:2,8/28mm ASPH. Brennweite 28 mm Y'[mm] 80 80 80 8.0 5.6 Blende 2.8 Vignettierung 12 [%] [%] 2.8 10060 10060 60 9 8.0 4080 4080 40 5.6 6 2.8 60 60 20 20 20 3 400 400 0 0 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 0 0 3 3 6 6 9 9 12 1215 1518 1821 21 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 20 Y'[mm] 20 Y'[mm]Y'[mm] X'[mm] Blende 5.6 Relative Verzeichnung 0[%] 0[%] 100 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 5 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 Y'[mm] 4 Y'[mm] 80 3 ApertureBlende Stop 5.6 5.6 Relative Verzeichnung [%] 2[%] 10060 15 04 4080 -13 -22 2060 -31 -40 400 -5-1 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 -2 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 20 Y' [mm] -3 Y'[mm] Sagittal structures -4 Blende 8.0 Effektive Verzeichnung 0[%] -5 Tangential structures 100 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 Y'[mm] Y' [mm] Y'[mm] 80 Blende 8.0 12 Effektive Verzeichnung [%] 10060 Y'[mm]9 4080 126 2060 39 MTF GRAPHS The MTF is shown in each case for the maximum aperture and the aperture values 5.6 and 8.0 for long focusing distances (infinity). 40 0 The contrast is plotted for 5, 10, 20, 40 lines/mm for the height06 of the format for tangential (dashed line) and sagittal structures (continuous0 3 line)6 for white9 light.12 The plots15 for18 5 and 2110 lines/mm provide0 3an impression6 of9 the contrast12 performance15 18 for coarser object structures and the 20 and 40 lines/mm plotsY'[mm] document the resolving power for fine and finest object structures.X'[mm] 20 3 0 0 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 Page 3 of 7 I As at January 2016 I Specifications are subject to change without notice Leica Camera AG I Am Leitz-Park 5 I 35578 WETZLARY'[mm] I GERMANY I Telephone +49(0)6441-2080-0 I Fax +49(0)6441-2080-333X'[mm] I www.leica-camera.com Elmarit-M 1:2,8/28mm ASPH. Brennweite 28 mm Blende 2.8 Vignettierung [%] [%] 100 100 80 80 8.0 5.6 2.8 60 60 40 40 20 20 0 0 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 Elmarit-M 1:2,8/28mm ASPH. Brennweite 28 mm Y'[mm] Y'[mm] Blende 2.8 VignettierungBlende 5.6 Relative Verzeichnung [%] [%] [%] [%] 100 100 100 5 4 8.0 80 80 80 3 5.6 2.8 2 60 60 60 1 0 40 40 40 -1 LEICA ELMARIT-M 28 mm -2f/2.8 ASPH. 20 20 20 -3 -4 0 Distortion 0 0 -5 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 0 03 36 69 912 1215 1518 1821 21 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 Y'[mm] Y'[mm]Y' [mm] Y'[mm] Blende 5.6 RelativeRelative Verzeichnung BlendeDistortion 8.0 EffektiveEffective Verzeichnung Distortion [%] [%] [%] 100 5 100 4 Y'[mm] 80 3 80 2 12 60 1 60 9 0 40 -1 40 6 -2 20 -3 20 3 -4 0 -5 0 0 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 0 03 36 69 912 1215 1518 1821 21 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 Y' [mm] Y'[mm]Y'[mm] X'[mm] Blende 8.0 Effektive Verzeichnung [%] 100 Y'[mm] 80 VIGNETTING Elmarit-M 1:2,8/28mm ASPH.12 Brennweite 28 mm 60 Blende 2.8 Vignettierung [%] 9[%] 100 100 40 6 80 80 8.0 5.6 20 3 2.8 60 60 0 0 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 40 40 Y'[mm] X'[mm] 20 20 Sagittal structures 0 0 Tangential structures 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 Y'[mm] Y'[mm] Blende 5.6 Relative Verzeichnung [%] [%] 100 5 4 80 3 2 Distortion Distortion is the deviation of the real image height (in the picture) from the ideal image height. The relative distortion is the percentage 60 deviation.1 The ideal image height results from the object height and the magnification. The image height of 21.6 mm is the radial distance between0 the edge and the middle of the image field for the format 24 mm x 36 mm. The graph of the effective distortion illustrates the appearance of straight horizontal and vertical lines in the picture. 40 -1 VIGNETTING Vignetting-2 is a continous decrease of the illumination to the edges of the image field. The graph shows the percentage loss of illumination 20 over-3 the image height. 100% means no vignetting. -4 0 -5 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 Y' [mm] Y'[mm] Page 4 of 7 I As at January 2016 I Specifications are subject to change without notice Leica Camera AG I Am Leitz-Park 5 I 35578 WETZLAR I GERMANY I Telephone +49(0)6441-2080-0 I Fax +49(0)6441-2080-333 I www.leica-camera.com Blende 8.0 Effektive Verzeichnung [%] 100 Y'[mm] 80 12 60 9 40 6 20 3 0 0 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 Y'[mm] X'[mm] LEICA ELMARIT-M 28 mm f/2.8 ASPH. DEPTH OF FIELD table Aperture Stop Magnification 2,8 4 5,6 8 11 16 22 0,7 0,654 - 0,754 0,636 - 0,780 0,614 - 0,817 0,583 - 0,881 0,550 - 0,977 0,502 - 1,198 0,455 - 1,654 1/22,2 0,8 0,739 - 0,872 0,716 - 0,907 0,688 - 0,959 0,649Aperture - 1,050 Stop 0,607 - 1,192 0,548 - 1,546 0,492 - 2,424Magnification 1/25,7 1 0,9052,8 - 1,118 0,870 -4 1,178 0,8275,6 - 1,269 0,771 -8 1,438 0,71111 - 1,726 0,631 -16 2,608 0,556 -22 6,945 1/32,8 1,20,7 1,0640,654 - 1,3770,754 1,015 0,636 - - 1,471 0,780 0,957 0,614 - - 1,618 0,817 0,882 0,583 - - 1,906 0,881 0,803 0,550 - - 2,458 0,977 0,700 0,502 - - 4,810 1,198 0,609 0,455 - -∞ 1,654 1/39,8 1/22,2 1,50,8 1,291 0,739 - 1,7930,872 1,219 0,716 - - 1,957 0,907 1,135 0,688 - - 2,231 0,959 1,029 0,649 - - 2,829 1,050 0,922 0,607 - - 4,272 1,192 0,788 0,548 - - 30,92 1,546 0,672 0,492 - -∞ 2,424 1/50,3 1/25,7 21 1,641 0,905 - 2,5661,118 1,525 0,870 - - 2,923 1,178 1,394 0,827 - - 3,590 1,269 1,235 0,771 - - 5,480 1,438 1,083 0,711 - - 16,30 1,726 0,900 0,631 - - ∞ 2,608 0,750 0,556 - -∞ 6,945 1/67,9 1/32,8 1,23 2,2511,064 - 4,5151,377 2,035 1,015 - - 5,770 1,471 1,806 0,957 - - 9,188 1,618 1,545 0,882 - - 87,40 1,906 1,311 0,803 - - ∞ 2,458 1,050 0,700 - - ∞ 4,810 0,849 0,609 - -∞ ∞ 1/103 1/39,8 Distance [m]Setting 1,55 3,2041,291 - 11,511,793 2,780 1,219 - - 26,15 1,957 2,365 1,135 - - ∞ 2,231 1,934 1,029 - - ∞ 2,829 1,577 0,922 - - ∞ 4,272 1,210 0,788 - - ∞ 30,92 0,950 0,672 - -∞ ∞ 1/173 1/50,3 102 4,6951,641 - ∞2,566 3,832 1,525 - - ∞ 2,923 3,080 1,394 - - ∞ 3,590 2,383 1,235 - - ∞ 5,480 1,861 1,083 - - ∞ 16,30 1,368 0,900 - - ∞ ∞ 1,042 0,750 - -∞ ∞ 1/349 1/67,9 ∞3 8,7822,251 - ∞4,515 6,163 2,035 - - ∞ 5,770 4,416 1,806 - - ∞ 9,188 3,104 1,545 - - ∞ 87,40 2,268 1,311 - - ∞ ∞ 1,572 1,050 - - ∞ ∞ 1,154 0,849 - -∞ ∞1/∞ 1/103 Distance [m]Setting 5 3,204 - 11,51 2,780 - 26,15 2,365 - ∞ 1,934 - ∞ 1,577 - ∞ 1,210 - ∞ 0,950 - ∞ 1/173 10 4,695 - ∞ 3,832 - ∞ 3,080 - ∞ 2,383 - ∞ 1,861 - ∞ 1,368 - ∞ 1,042 - ∞ 1/349 ∞ 8,782 - ∞ 6,163 - ∞ 4,416 - ∞ 3,104 - ∞ 2,268 - ∞ 1,572 - ∞ 1,154 - ∞ 1/∞ Aperture Stop 2,8 0,7 0,8 Aperture Stop 2,8 1 1, 0,7 1,5 0,8 2 1 3 1, 5 Distance Setting [m] DistanceSetting 1,5 10 2 ∞ 3 5 Distance Setting [m] Distance Setting 10 012345678910 ∞ Depth of Field [m] 012345678910 Depth of Field [m] Aperture Stop 4 0,7 0,8 Aperture Stop 4 1 1, 1,50,7 0,82 31 1,5 Distance Setting [m] DistanceSetting 1,510 ∞2 3 5 Distance Setting [m] Distance Setting 012345678910 10 ∞ Depth of Field [m] 012345678910 Depth of Field [m] Page 5 of 7 I As at December 2015 I Specifications are subject to change without notice Leica Camera AG I Am Leitz-Park 5 I 35578 WETZLAR I GERMANY I Telephone +49(0)6441-2080-0 I Fax +49(0)6441-2080-333 I www.leica-camera.com LEICA ELMARIT-M 28 mm f/2.8 ASPH.
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