DIRECTIONS ~OH USE 1 (jtNERAl CLASS!FICATION It IS " Vlolatl"" of Federal law tu use this product tn a mdnner in­ consistent with tts labeling. Mlnuuluude lOW It. u~ed to l.untru( ,J!~fde t->dctena. and fungi In recirculdtlng Microbiocide comrntHclal and mdu~tflal Ndte/ coullny towers Prior to its use, systems must be deemed to remove dlgtll growth, microbiological slime, and other deposits. An II1ll1al sl~g addition 01 6.13 to 15.32 fluid ounces 01 Microbiocide lOW per 1000 gdllo", of wdter to prOVide a concentralion 01 48 to 120 parts per million 01 MicrobrOCIJe lOW. based on the total weight of water In the system, is recom­ \ . 'Ii 11. mended. Repeat Inittal dosage until contloll~ evident. .. ; .. , ",t" • I " Subsequent slug additions of 1.53 to 15.32 Iluid ounces 01 MicrobiocKie lOW per 1000 gal'ons 01 water 112 to 120 parts per million 01 Microbiocide lOW) should .e.CTIVE INGREDIENT t;e emplovcLl evtlry 2 to 5 days, or l5 needed. The Irequency 01 addition depends Polv\oxyethylene Idlmethyhmlniol ethyle"e upon tne relative amount 01 bleedotf and the severity 01 the microbiological prob· lem. Slug additions should be made in the sump 01 water cooling towers. Idimethyliminio) ~thylene dlChlorKie) 10.~.PO Microbioclde lOW IS used to control bocteria in industrial air-washing systems that mainloir. eHective mist eliminating components. Prior to its use, systems INERT INGREDIENT 90.0% shou:d be cleaned to remove bacterial slime and other deposits. An initial slug do"" 01 24.7 w 41.2 fluid ounces 01 Microbiocode lOW per 1000 gallons of water is I This product contains 0.85 lb. of act;~t:: ,lIgredltmt per YdliWl dnd wfwJh::. 8.491b recommended. Repeat initial dosage until control is evident. Subsequent slug ad­ per gallon. ditions 0116.9 to 41.2 fluid ounces of Mlcrobiocide lOW per 1000 gaUons of water should be employed each 1 10 5 days. or as needed. The frequency 01 addition depends upon the relative amount of bleedotf and severity 01 the bacterial prob­ lem. Slug additions may be made to the sump or to the water collection trays 01 the (urwash sy~tem. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN ! CAUTION STORAGE & DISPOSAL: "eep contall1er closed when not In use. Do not ("),llanllnate WdtCf food, or feed bv storaye disposal or cleanlilY cf equipment. RloSdte that canllot lJe u~ed or fPorocessed !:iohOdld be disposed of '0 a !andhll ap­ PRECAUTIONARY S TATEM<NTS proved for pesticide., or burled U1 a ~fe plal.e dway from water supplies. Open HAZARDS TO HUMANS AND DOMESTIC. ANIMA"..> dumping IS prohibited MET AL CUNTAINERS. Triple PLAS flC CONT AINEAS: Do not CAUTION: Harmlul rl swallowoo. AVOId breathing V.I>~I> AVOId contact wIth rlflSt! auo otlCt lur ft;cychny. reuse empty container T 'iple rinse &kin, eyes, or clothlf1\l rel.:onolt1oolnq or disposal 1f1 .In dnd InCinerate or diSpose of in dn dPprO\l€>1.1 landfill 01 bury II) J sate approved landlill or bury In sale FIRST AID: It swaUovv.d, ~r Ii' plOrnplly a large quantity 01 rndk egg wt"r" •. place pjdce gelatin solution, or, If these are r"lJI dvallable, dnnk Idrge ~uantlt,e5 of wah" Avoid alcoho! . Cd: i. phY"'~.II ImmOO", .ely Manulactured by: ENVIRONM~T AL Hl-< "':ARD3: I his pesliuue ", tV'IC tu fist, """P out of OJvis Manufauuring Company. Inc .kes, stream;:!o, Of ponds Perm,t.~ mdV be r£:Quncd tur rltSt halLje') l Uf\tdlnln~ tt1i~ 1023 Morales Street pestK;kJe into lakes, stream!i, pond5, or J,)ul>hc ...... dltH ~ ()I 'd~Hddfl;~t' ';'It,j'_' ,flO' San AntOniO. TX 78207 reg~1 office 01 U·e En/,ron n+-ntdl ?r\..ht-LtiOn Ayt;IILV ,I->A REG NU 31b(; ~1 EPA EST. NO _ NET CON rENTS ~----------------~--~-~--.--- ---~ .
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