·,' ·~·Miss. Mai-ftimer t'1····.:···(1··,.,· . '. : ' . ~ ' .. ' ' Control Question - .Contestants Pose Again Discussecl, - \, - · ·:1~, Beauty :Display· . litrk At Pastors' Meet Page Three Pa~ Four YOLUMEXLIV Wake Forest Co1lep, Wblstoa-8alem., North CaroliDa. ;Md:ld'ay, April 13, 1959 * * * * NUMBER 28 ' .. \ 10 Griffin, Schoonmaker Will Run rs For, President Of Student Body .UP To Add 33 Names· 1- This Week ~DS· PAGE TWO 1\fonday, April 13, 1959 OLD GOLD AND BLACK \ ( SUMMIT ~TRE:ET. PHARMACY, Inc:: . ' . ~ - .' . 'Deacs Who Are Greeks-- Foot ·stiinmit Street Overlooking Hanes Park Phone PA 2-Jl«' De By DAVE RAWLEY YOUR PRESCRIPTION OUR FIRST CONS:mERATION Several fraternities have planned social events for By Ll t'his week end. Two fraternities elected officers. After lbh Three Licensed Pharmacists To Serve You aCtivitY ith• Four fraternities took in pledges last week and others team ia- lbaJ held initiation ceremQnies. Alumni made visits to the fraternities over the week end. Prompt Delivery Alpha Sigma Phi , Hubert Everett, Jim George, Tom Ga.rdDJer, Jim Ca;rne'Y', Carl Blum !Japt and Jeff Alf01·d recently pledged. Delta Sigma Phi To·N,, BillY' CX>nnelly, Jim Forester, R.wle'~gh Holt, Alan Tuttle and Bill PAWtfSHOP ' Collins·, alumni, visited the ch·apter recently. "'Home Of Low Prices" The- w~ 'Alumni M Ronnie Bro·wn has pinned Joy Perkms·, S!alem College seni·or from 16. East Fourth Street P A 2-«7t Stokes. ·the Oollege PRONQGRAPHS •..•.....~·-··~---····--··-··-··-·--- 14.95 Up. long eclledu Lambda Chi Alpha - \ Theta Tau ~hapter .was ·host for the Colondal •Conclave Frlday and :RADIOS -·····-'···-···-·······-··-···---·~·--·--··-··---··· 9.95 Up A memb Saturday. Conclave activities included a dinner Friday and a luncheon : .nr... c. w.. < ·CAMERAS ··-···--·-········-·--··--···--···--··········-·~ 4.95 Up . speaker. , D Saturday. Guests of honor were the Rev. Lee F. Tuttle and Cyril 'WRIST WATCHES (Men ~d Laclles~) -·---- 9.95 Up of oa.lvary Fladd. a'Y:PEWRITERS--all. Makes .and Mod~ls ·--··- 29.95 Up ington, D. 4 The White Rose Ball was 'held Saturday night. All .Merchandise Completely Guaranteed At.-11 ~· Jlhil Poe recently ·became ma'!"r:ied to the former Miss Lavona Wdl­ a discusaio:r. lard. of tbhe 1\linil Sigma Chi . Arigeol:l of t The Sweetheart Ba11 will ·be held this W:eek end. Follqwing ' F·rida)'l night there will tbe an infol"lllla.l .party at Shellton's Lake, c. w_ Cra.1 followed by a p'icnic Saturday a.:fternoon and a formal dance Satur­ capitol mu. diay night aJt th~ R<obert E. Lee Hotel. es." Sigma Phi Epsilon The afteJ A parbyl was held Saturday night a.t Shelton's Lake. 'OlE ART OF SHOOTING a pistol is explained to actors BOB HOLLAND and BOB SITrON by Director PAT sislt o.f a. sli• STALEY'S~ ·.u Paul Wilner pledged the fraternity. WOODWARD. (Old Gold Photo By Rolllns); of "Recent ies of, Inter Alumni Howard Abernathy and Paul Kennedy visited the chapter by fu~ Wi last week. Critic's Verdict: Charcoal I . religion .deJ / steak- House H. C. Pace ha<S ·been chosen Greek of the Week. I , . - DiSicuSsioi Sigma Pi . , 2000 ·.REYNOLDA ROAD will be con< Jim BoVI'l!lmn has been elected president af A.tl.pha Nu (lhapter for 'Five Lab Plays ·~Best S~ Far' llhaJt. meml the coming }"'Elar. WINSTON-SALEM. }IJ. c. Wa,ke Fores ' ' Other new ofd'icers are Fred Merola., vice president; Pet Cuttine, Qarol:ina b~ By JERRY MATHERLY • ' The director was Jan, Hensl€y. I tage as Mr. Smirhov. Bobbie B.road- ·secretary; Bob Lee, treasurer; W·ay.land Johnson, sergeant-at-arms; The five p·lays presented by the "A T11ap Is Small Planet" was way as Mrs. PopDV was inconsistent Dave Gulledge, house ma.na~ger; Al Post, senior Interfraternity technically a brilliant work. The as far •as ·her accent W·as concerned ' f' " ... Council representative, and Louie M•auney, junior IFC representative. Laboratory Theater last ~veek were script, :however, was the weakest but otherwiSe delightful. Byron LE}~'WOOD AMJ\I~N.S. .. C. ·.M'c::h;SINGER.. JR.. 'Dhe annual Orchid Ba1I was h~ld '!l>t the El •Cam Rey ro01m Sat­ by far the best productions to be of the five and the-·production suf- Wood as the servw1t Luka provided uxday nig'ht. Alumnus Ted Stone was the speaker. Chape;rones seen on the boards this season. T;he fered accordingly. Rozella Jewell as more humerous moments. were Dr. and Mrs. D. T. Mtll'phy. Music w~s provided by the evening was consistently excellent. Sbella was indeed fine as was Mary .Superior Job Hal'old Nall Orchestra from Burl~ng.ton. Bouquets can be thrown out in Julia Swift as Jessica. Jane Free- Eugene 0' ~eill !;' never .easy. ·.AMMON'$:. Charlie Adams and "Buddy'" Smith were recently p•ledged. every direction: to the actors, to man an~ Byr~ Wood were com- And,.~ )Vork .like _D?ys W1tho.ut • !... ': ·- • ···- I Iniltiated l:ast Wedne·::;day ni.ght were Gordon Mercer,' Bill Taber, the technical staffs and perhaps petent m their small· parts. Th~ End ·IS espeCially diffrcult.. And a Lonnie Williford, and Earl Riddle. most of ·all to those' who 'cried and director w.as Karen Walker. cuttin.g o-f "Days Witru>ut End" sweated over the p1ays, the student Did Script Justice would seem to stand a ~~~-, ~nly Theta Chi directors. William Saroyan's "Hello Out as a brave efror.t. But, tlus was ESSO Servicenter._ --.· ... ~ ,; !· · Don Craver, ex-presiderut of Theta Ohd, was a vis.i.tor at the ilf y ne play ean b"' pickro There'' is , a powerful play and a the case in the C'Utting seen chapter recently. He is no>w a professor Oif English at Duke Uni­ I t , an .. bo t" ·t must be -th pro- recognized masterpiece in the o.ne- week. Le1a F1aye Coltrain not only 'Welcome Wake Forest 1 •'' :. StudentS ver.;;1ty. ct• d di"" • · "ob d" . !· ductionou as ofes Tennessee William'se act fie ld ; The prod u .ton, direc t .e y a su~or; J ~ a 1reoto r Ro!bert Medford will marry Shirley Inge April 25 at Hampton, ·bitter-sweet and disarming "This. by P:at ,:Wooil'Wiard, did the SCl'lpt but_ her ~ttmg was m no way an ~-····. J\ncl Family 1ra. 1 I Pr perty Is Condemned " B"-sides full JUStice. Two veteran actors, adulteration of the .play but r~ther l l r.~r ' ' Dick Burleson a.nd Russ DeMint have .been elected IFC represen­ "T~e Glass Menagarie,'; whi~ is i BQb Sitton and ~bby' Fmch, were a tribute to at. The play is definitely tatives for next year. after all a fully devdoped .play, this Im:o~e than crefit~bl~ as . Photo- an e;;say play ·and conse~~tly: play is Williams at his best. Sordid .r:'irush and Erml~. Sitton, .m par- runs :n~ the pr?blem of ~:mg oo­ Kappa. Sigma · . -yes, but filled with Il!Ostalgia and Itic_ular, sho-wed _fme restramt and sustained theatnca:l exper;ence. Newly elected officel.'s of the E-.encv. AAA SerVice· poetry t.iat cancels all intentional VOICe. although. his mowments Were The pr.o?le.m. of ~ manS ~~rch :fraternity are H.oward Bullard, ugliness. Angela Johnson played the ocoos~ona~y . Jerky. Bob Hollanp f?r . ~~g m lif~rul fmally Grand Master; J€l"r.y West, Grand role of Willie, a 13 year-old prosti- was fme m his small part. fmddng. 1t 1n :that ~hlCh he thought Procurator; Joe ·Creech, Grand tube to perfection. One realized that ·Except for a tenden~ ~~ dead-1~ a ~1g subJect for a play. ,- R.O A Dt S E R'V t·c E. Master of Ceremonies, and guard!!, 11\fiss Johnson is probably th-e most loudness. ~e She~ Dailey~- Ind~ed 1t rmght; seem to. be a.~~ ' . 'I :. ' ·:· : ·. ~- DDn Miller and Jerry Lovell. i singulal'ly .talented actress the ed production Oif . The Boor . was topic ·~or !l nO<vel .o:r •even a thesiS. 1theater has. Charles Melton was wonderfully b ·~ m.? r o us. Mack But 0 N':1ll kne!' the; theater and, .TIRES - ACCESSORIES - BATTERii£8 Recently inlitiated are Joe Lu­ 120CI Reynolda' Road . Com~r Robb{:.BOod' Ro&d · ·the perfect Tom: sweet and the <Ho':"ard> Stur~ IS .an excellent fo-r ~ his heaVlness, he .. w~ able ther, Smith.fieltl, Va., •and 'Bo.bby child who mows Willie as she is., oormc and exploited his knowledge to wnte thoughtful plays usmg the PHONE 5-2681 . -~ - Robinson, Clinton. of comedy methods to full advan- Iru!th-ods of the theater. .Timmy Nance has. i:J·inned Julie Means, sotudent at Salem .College. Graduate Hughes I JeiTyl J o Stephenson has be­ .com-e engaged to Kathryn Lee, Is Given Stipend I nursing stud-ent at the University of North Carolina. David F. Hughes, 1958 Wake' Forest graduate, has been named a A good place to end your date ~ Woodrow Wilson · fellow. Hughes, from Newnan, Ga., was chosen to use the grant at Princeton Univer­ -;;z~P~t sity for the study of .polibi~l . BAR I science. e Northside Shopping Center Th•a recipient is now studying OPEN TILL 11:30 p, M. HOWARD BULLARD . Kappa Sigma prexy • law at Mercer University in Georgia. He was president of . Kap- ·English: CAMPUS TOUGH GUY :----------------------------; pa Sigma frat-ernity, a columnist . ~. for Old G<>ld and Black, a varsity I debater arid president of the Inrer· Think/ish translation: This character belongs to the beat generation~; national Relations Club while at W.ake Forest_ He was an assistant as any black-and-blue freshman can testify~· When· he cracks a book~~· Mother And Dauihter in the College history department.
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