July 2017 Baseline Report Report title report title report titleMalinau and Bulungan, North Kalimantan February 2019 1 Baseline Report – North Kalimantan INOVASI – Innovation for Indonesia’s School Children Ratu Plaza Office Tower 19th Floor, Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav 9, Jakarta Pusat, 10270 Indonesia Tel : (+6221) 720 6616 ext. 304 Fax : (+6221) 720 6616 http://www.inovasi.or.id February 2019 Cover photo courtesy of Palladium The Governments of Australia and Indonesia are partnering through the Innovation for Indonesia’s School Children (INOVASI) program. INOVASI seeks to understand how to improve student learning outcomes in literacy and numeracy in diverse schools and districts across Indonesia. The first phase of the Program (AUD49 million) began in January 2016 and will continue until December 2019. Working with Indonesia’s Ministry of Education and Culture, INOVASI has formed partnerships with 12 districts in: West Nusa Tenggara; Sumba Island, East Nusa Tenggara; North Kalimantan; and East Java. INOVASI is an Australia–Indonesia Government Partnership – Managed by Palladium. 2 Baseline Report – North Kalimantan Baseline Report Malinau and Bulungan, North Kalimantan February 2019 3 Baseline Report – North Kalimantan Contents LIST OF TABLES AND FIGURES ................................................... 5 LIST OF ACRONYMS ...................................................................... 6 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .................................................................. 7 1. INTRODUCTION ..................................................................... 10 1.1 BACKGROUND ................................................................................................................. 10 1.2 OBJECTIVES .................................................................................................................... 10 1.3 RATIONALE OF THE STUDY ........................................................................................... 10 2. PROFILE OF THE RESEARCH AREA .................................. 11 2.1 NORTH KALIMANTAN ...................................................................................................... 11 2.2 BULUNGAN DISTRICT ..................................................................................................... 13 2.3 MALINAU DISTRICT ......................................................................................................... 17 3. METHODOLOGY AND FIELD WORK ................................... 21 3.1 DATA COLLECTION TECHNIQUE ................................................................................... 21 3.2 INFORMANTS ................................................................................................................... 21 3.3 METHOD OF ANALYSIS ................................................................................................... 23 3.4 PREPARATION AND TRAINING ...................................................................................... 23 3.5 FIELD WORK .................................................................................................................... 24 4. FINDINGS & DISCUSSIONS .................................................. 30 4.1 NORTH KALIMANTAN ...................................................................................................... 30 4.2 BULUNGAN DISTRICT ..................................................................................................... 40 4.3 MALINAU DISTRICT ......................................................................................................... 50 4.4 DISCUSSIONS .................................................................................................................. 56 5. CASE STUDIES ...................................................................... 66 5.1 TARAKAN ......................................................................................................................... 66 5.2 BULUNGAN DISTRICT ..................................................................................................... 68 5.3 MALINAU DISTRICT ......................................................................................................... 70 6. CONCLUSIONS, LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY AND RECOMMENDATIONS .................................................................. 74 6.1 CONCLUSIONS ................................................................................................................. 74 6.2 LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY ......................................................................................... 74 6.3 RECOMMENDATIONS ...................................................................................................... 74 7. REFERENCES ........................................................................ 77 4 Baseline Report – North Kalimantan LIST OF TABLES AND FIGURES Table 1: Distribution of schools in North Kalimantan 12 Table 2: Distribution of teachers in North Kalimantan 12 Table 3: Characteristics of schools in North Kalimantan 12 Table 4: Characteristics of schools in Bulungan 15 Table 5: School information per sub-district in Bulungan 16 Table 6: Distribution of teachers per sub-district in Bulungan 16 Table 7: Characteristics of schools in Malinau 18 Table 8: School information per sub-district in Malinau 19 Table 9: Distribution of teachers per sub-district in Malinau 19 Table 10: Activities related to improving teachers' competencies in Malinau 20 Table 11: Target informants for In-depth Interview 22 Table 12: Target participants for Focus Group Discussion 22 Table 13: Data collection at the province and districts 24 Table 14: Target vs. interviewed informants at the province 25 Table 15: Target vs. interviewed informants in Bulungan 26 Table 16: Participants of the Focus Group Discussion in Bulungan 27 Table 17: Target vs. interviewed informants in Malinau 28 Table 18: Target vs. actual participants of focus group discussion in Malinau 29 Table 19: Three priority actions for education in North Kalimantan 39 Table 20: Three priority actions for education in Bulungan 44 Table 21: Educational policies in Bulungan 45 Table 22: Schools with best practices in Bulungan 46 Table 23: Activities sponsored by Corporate Social Responsibility in Bulungan 49 Table 24: Three priority actions for education in Malinau 53 Table 25: Educational policies in Malinau 54 Table 26: Common and unique educational issues in North Kalimantan 56 Table 27: Summary of findings and recommendations 61 Table 28: Local best practices 66 Figure 1: Map of Bulungan and Malinau districts in North Kalimantan 11 Figure 2: Education budget of North Kalimantan 13 Figure 3: Map of Bulungan district 14 Figure 4: Map of Malinau district 17 Figure 5: Data Analysis Process 23 5 Baseline Report – North Kalimantan LIST OF ACRONYMS ACDP Education Sector Analytical and Capacity Development Partnership ADB Asian Development Bank Local revenue and expenditure budget (anggaran pendapatan belanja APBD daerah) Regional development planning board (Badan Perencanaan Bappeda Pembangunan Daerah) BOS Schools operational grant (Biaya operasional sekolah) BOSDA Local schools operational grant BPS Central Bureau of Statistics (Badan Pusat Statistik) CSR Corporate social responsibility DAK Special allocation budget (dana alokasi khusus) DAPODIK Basic education data (data pokok pendidikan) Diploma 4 (Four-year diploma) equivalent to a bachelor's degree D4 Village community empowerment office (Dinas Pemberdayaan DPMD Masyarakat Desa) DPR Regional People's Representative Assembly FGD Focus group discussion IDR Indonesian rupiah Kaltara North Kalimantan (Kalimantan Utara) KKG Teachers' working group (kelompok kerja guru) Provincial Quality Assurance Board (Lembaga Penjaminan Mutu LPMP Pendidikan) MoEC Ministry of Education and Culture MoRA Ministry of Religious Affairs Musrenbang Development planning forum (Musyawarah Perencanaan Pembangunan) OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Early childhood education (pendidikan anak usia dini) PAUD National development plan (Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Menengah RPJMN Nasional) RPSA Rapid participatory situation analysis RT Neighbourhood (rukun tetangga) S1 Three year study program, equivalent to a bachelor's degree SD Primary school (sekolah dasar) SLB School for special needs children SMA Senior secondary school SMK Senior vocational school SMP Junior secondary school SDIT Sekolah Dasar Islam Terpadu (Integrated Islamic Primary School) 3T Disadvantaged, remote and border areas (terluar, terpencil, tertinggal) USD United States dollar 6 Baseline Report – North Kalimantan EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Innovation for Indonesia’s School Children (INOVASI) project is a collaboration between the Indonesian and Australian governments that aims to improve literacy, numeracy and inclusion in primary schools in Indonesia. The project focuses on understanding local challenges and opportunities as well as generating and sharing evidence with key stakeholders. INOVASI has formed partnerships with 12 districts in four provinces, namely, West Nusa Tenggara, East Nusa Tenggara, North Kalimantan and East Java. The project started in 2016 and the first phase will end in 2019. This report presents the baseline qualitative assessment that was undertaken in North Kalimantan province and in Malinau and Bulungan districts in February 2018. The baseline study employed three qualitative assessment methods: in-depth interviews (IDI) with key informants, focus group discussions (FGD) and in-depth case studies. • Ten informants
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