Special Report:Web Strategy Part1 TThehe nnewew TTYOYO town block; emergency TThehe WEB x 4 roundtable discussion WEB x TTV-CMV-CM Part2 In the vanguard of creativity Toward an international ● dwarf Inc. The world of craftsmanship that brings happiness to TYO Productions Inc. Creative creator and viewer alike 2-21-7 Kami-Osaki, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo 141-0021, Japan http://group.tyo.jp/ JASDAQ Securities Code: 4358 Network New Face ● Theoria Communications Inc. ● COM Co., Ltd. ● 1st Avenue Inc. ● Haxen International Inc. ● DOGA KOBO Inc. Management Strategy Interview TYO 2007 Creative Business City Town Block Planning Today, success or failure is determined by originality and quality in the true sense of the terms. The various brands of the Creative Town Block are working together to move to the next stage. Management Strategy Interview 2007 oday, success or failure is determined by originality and quality in the true sense of the terms. The various brands of the Creative Town Block are working together to move to the next stage. The Internet, the driving force in today’s era of cated in Japan or overseas. Tmedia diversification, continues to evolve and The Creative Business City, comprised of a daz- change. It is alive with those people who are us- zling variety of 34 companies, gained an excep- ers as well as our clients. tional supremacy within the industry. During the The TYO Group is responding to these inevi- year ended September 2006, celebrating the table changes with an approach based on its 25th anniversary since its founding, it posted inherent capability to confront new challenges consolidated net sales of 21 billion yen. and create exceptional content of the highest The TYO Group has begun to shift the corpo- quality. One example is that four Web content rate style of this City toward the Creative Town production companies of the TYO Group, each Block concept. In this issue, Hiroaki Yoshida, with a strong individual character, are working TYO Group President and CEO, describes the to establish a presence overseas in China, Eu- effort to achieve improved craftsmanship and rope, and the United States. The TYO Group is the next method for utilizing the One Capital linking companies and people without regard Multibrand. to the type of company or whether they are lo- advertisers have reached a stage in which adays, the efforts of website production Website commercials, their view of the Internet as an advertising companies to develop high-end movies cross-media medium is not “Shall we do something and acquire computer graphics technol- on the Internet?” but rather “How can we ogy with outstanding cost performance – The key word of the day is alliances make our Internet advertising more ef- inevitably generated a large wave. fective?” In short, the Internet is now an To fully grasp these needs and further As a medium, the Internet has become ordinary medium. As with other types of develop websites as a profitable business, an integral part of the infrastructure of the media, the most important task facing us we must not follow a philosophy of single everyday lives of people. All the corporate now is creating high quality content. Now- company supremacy, in which each com- TYO Creative Business Ci ty Town Block Planning 01 TYO Business Vol 3 TYO Group representative Hiroaki Yoshida President and CEO, TYO Productions Inc. pany follows its own self-centered course. panies became new members As long as the Internet is a medium with of the group. a high degree of freedom, the creation of Haxen International Inc. is one content will demand a multidimensional of Japan’s foremost docu- approach. The key word for the world of mentary production compa- the constantly changing Internet in the nies. They’ve been involved future will be alliances. Alliances between with the production of regular website production companies, website programming on commercial and TV commercial production compa- networks and special pro- nies, website and computer graphic ani- grams on NHK. Some ex- mation companies, and website and sales amples of their work include promotions as well as the funding ability Jonetsu Tairiku (Continent to support these alliances are indispens- of Passion) for the Mainichi able. Broadcasting System, Suteki The diversification of all media, not just the na Uchusen Chikyugo (The Internet, will create multidimensional as- Splendid Spaceship Earth) for pects to partnerships with a single client. TV Asahi, and Gaia no Yoake Deepening creative expertise is impor- (Gaia’s Dawn) for TV Tokyo. tant, but at the same time I also think that Theoria Communications Inc. forming as many connections as possible is a strategic website creator with strong and continuously aim to produce higher- with companies and people with whom ties to foreign-capital affiliated companies. quality animation. We believe these new you can form alliances is an important Their clients include JAL Brand Com- partners will create new value for the TYO element. A specific example of these alli- munications Co., Ltd., CyberAgent, Inc. Group. ances is the capital and working partner- and Sony Corporation. They also develop In addition, the TYO Group continues ship formed last December by colab Inc., interactive advertising tools. 1st Avenue innovation that will result in even more formerly Nexis Communications Corpora- Inc. is a spin-off formed by members of projects to look forward to in the future. tion, with SEPTENI HOLDINGS CO., LTD. Production3 of TYO’s production head- One is the appearance in theaters of I look forward to the fruits produced by quarters. The people at 1st Avenue call komadorieiga komaneko. The heroine is this alliance, which will utilize the content themselves a “creative boutique” under Komaneko, the new character created by production and sales forces of each com- the slogan “Creativity is What We See” dwarf Inc.’s Tsuneo Goda, who also cre- pany in their respective fields of specialty. where they pursue the potential of vari- ated NHK’s Domo-kun. There’s also the The world of the Internet is extremely hot ous types of media while creating new full-time assignment of Tadanori Mabuchi right now, and it is where the most tal- directions in advertising. COM Co., Ltd. of TYO-ID to Cailoghi S.r.l. in Florence, ented young people are flocking. I firmly is a website production company that Italy. believe the TYO Group can build a good creates high quality sites with long-term mechanism capable of realizing the great- prospects, including the Central Japan People will want to see est happiness of the greatest numbers for Railway Company’s recruitment site and something good even if they young creators. NTT East’s FLET’S.com site. They’ve won have to pay for it the acclaim of their clients for boosting – A consideration of the creative essence site access totals and enhancing the cor- Creative potential porate image. DOGA KOBO inc. is an es- There are services in the video industry – TYO Group innovators tablished animation production company using the Internet to distribute video con- that has created and produced many his- tent free of charge. We are convinced that There has been considerable movement toric animations for more than 30 years. the idea that only this method will attract within the TYO Group this year. Five com- They employ Japan’s leading animators users fails to understand user needs. TYO Creative Business Ci ty Town Block Planning TYO Business Vol 3 02 Management Strategy Interview 2007 go shopping, and see a portunities are found overseas, then I en- movie. Successful televi- courage them to keep pursuing those op- sion series are turned portunities. When the members develop into movies, and the vitality, it means that the TYO Group also satellite channels broad- will develop vitality. cast hundreds of movies Accepting a challenge is one of the things a week. The number the TYO Group emphasizes. That requires of movie screens has people who can assert themselves and m o r e t h a n d o u b l e d show leadership. They will not survive in over the past 15 years, this company unless they are the type of and the number of new people who bubble over with new ideas productions released that they want to express and that they to the public has risen enjoy expressing them. In the same way by roughly four times that flowing water will never become stag- over the same period. In nant, a company that receives vitality from short, I think the media active people will never grow old. It will seeks and achieves a always be capable of offering something prosperous coexistence. fresh. Users will not watch content that does not Television and websites have begun a pique their interest just because it’s free. beneficial association based on a win-win The creative town block There is a trend that holds the combina- relationship. Nothing more fits the pessi- expands overseas tion of new media and no charge results mistic outlook of wondering who will sur- – Aiming for international partnership and in something consumers will want to see. vive than the creative business. What this providing content with a global standard First, however, we should get a complete job requires is a more relaxed approach in grasp of user needs based on the glaring- which both parties think about what they There are two keys for the TYO Group’ ly obvious concept that users will watch can do to make the other more enjoyable. s overseas business strategy. One is that which they want to see. creative work overseas. Our objective The issue is not whether fees are charged; Companies with vitality is to collaborate with talented creators rather, the important aspect is the qual- will never age throughout the world and create high ity of the content.
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