ATTACHMENT 2 Table of Contents Moving to 2020 3 Vision 3 Mission 3 Where We Are Now 4 Transit Life Cycle 4 YRT/Viva at a Glance 5 Existing Transit in York Region 6 Peer System Comparison 7 Achievements 8 Where We Are Going 9 Demographics 9 Land Use 11 Travel Trends 14 How We Are Getting There 18 Strategy 18 Service Delivery 19 Customer Satisfaction 27 Innovation 30 Environmental Sustainability 31 Asset Management 32 Financial Sustainability 33 Performance Measurement 35 Our Commitment 42 Appendix: YRT/Viva Service Guidelines and Performance Indicators 43 1 YRT/Viva 2016-2020 Strategic Plan 2 Moving to 2020 Moving to 2020 Moving to 2020 is the YRT/Viva 2016-2020 Strategic Plan that will guide YRT/Viva through the GTA Rapid Transit Integration phase of the Transit Life Cycle. This plan outlines YRT/Viva’s strategic direction and initiatives to the year 2020. Together with the annual service planning process, and the capital and operating programs, YRT/Viva will translate the strategic direction into actions that improve public transit in York Region. Vision Mission York Region’s vision is about people. It’s about the York Region staff are committed to providing cost places where people live, the systems and services that effective, quality services that respond to the needs of the support and sustain the community, the economy, and the Region’s growing communities. environment. It’s about creating and connecting a strong, York Region’s Transportation Services department caring and safe community. plans, builds, and operates roads and transit services YRT/Viva shares York Region’s vision and understands that respond to the needs of the Region’s growing the importance of transportation in achieving this shared communities. vision. YRT/Viva wants to empower people with mobility With a vision to be the preferred choice for travel in and options and access to the places they want to go. around York Region, YRT/Viva’s mission is focused on providing safe, reliable, and convenient transit services that connect people, jobs, and communities. “ As a transportation leader, we will be To provide quality public transit “ recognized as the customer’s choice services which support the economic and essential to the Region’s success. vitality, environmental sustainability, “ “and health of the Regional community. 3 YRT/Viva 2016-2020 Strategic Plan Where We Are Now In the past 15 years, YRT/Viva has responded to a growing service area and has developed into a reliable travel mode within the Region. An overview of the history and existing organization shows where we are now and provides the basis for moving forward over the next five years. Transit Life Cycle On January 1, 2001, the Regional Municipality of York assumed the responsibility for funding and operating public conventional and specialized transit services throughout York Region. Since 2001, YRT/Viva has progressed through multiple phases of the Transit Life Cycle, and is now a vital transportation network in the Region. In the Start Up phase, YRT/Viva amalgamated local transit services, developed standards and policies, and expanded service into new development areas. In the Rapid Growth phase, the system focused on expanding service and increasing ridership by implementing Viva service and more innovative technologies that improved service delivery. The Realignment phase focused on improving service efficiency, planning and constructing Viva rapidways, and improving the accessibility of all services. YRT/Viva is now entering the 2016-2020 GTA Rapid Transit Integration phase. 4 Where We Are Now YRT/Viva at a Glanceat a Glance York Region is one of the fastest growing areas in the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area (GTHA). Since the York Region is one of the fastest growing areas in the Greater creationToronto and of HamiltonYork Region Area in(GTHA). 1971, Since the thepopulation creation of has York grown dramaticallyRegion in 1971, from the population 169,000 has in 1971grown to dramatical 1.1 millionly from in 2015. The169,000 number in 1971 of to jobs 1,055,558 has grown in 2015. from the number 47,770 of in jobs 1971 has to Town of 600,000grown from in 47,7702015. in 1971 to 564,600 in 2015. Georgina TheThe region spans spans 1,776 1,776 square square kilometres kilometres and consists and consists of nine ofmunicipalities, nine municipalities, including the including Town of Aurora,the Town Town of of Aurora, East Town ofGwillimbury, East Gwillimbury, Town of Georgina, Town of Township Georgina, of King, Township City of of King, Town of CityMarkham, of Markham, Town of Newmarket, Town of Newmarket, Town of Richmond Town Hill, of Richmond City of East Gwillimbury Hill,Vaughan, City ofand Vaughan, the Town ofand Whitchurch-Stouffville. the Town of Whitchurch- Stouffville. YRT/Viva provides conventional and specialized transit services Town of YRT/Vivaacross all ofprovides York Region. conventional and specialized transit Newmarket services across York Region. Township of Town of Town of King Aurora Whitchurch- Stouffville Town of DurhamRegion Richmond 76,431 Hill City of City of passengers on an average weekday Vaughan Markham AVERAGE WEEKDAY RIDERSHIP ON THE BUSIEST ROUTES: City of Toronto VIVA BLUE VIVA PURPLE million passenger trips 22.5 13,353 5,705 million hours of 77 88 1.3 service HIGHWAY 7 BATHURST million kilometres 3,366 3,159 30.5 of service 20 91 128 bus routes JANE BAYVIEW bus rapidway curbside 2,446 2,853 5,129 stops 24 vivastations 106 vivastations Viva conventional Mobility Plus 123 buses 391buses 101vehicles 4 85 MOBILITY PLUS thousand thousand MAJOR MACKENZIE RUTHERFORD 358 trips 8 registrants *Based on 2014 year-end data 2,410 2,420 5 YRT/Viva 2016-2020 Strategic Plan Existing Transit in York Region Public transit is a vital component of the overall The transit network in York Region is also complemented transportation network that provides mobility and by a multitude of factors, including other transportation accessibility throughout York Region and the Greater modes, and land use development and policies that Toronto and Hamilton Area (GTHA). support transit growth. At a macro level, GO Transit provides inter-regional rail In 2015, YRT/Viva’s Family of Services consisted of 128 service connecting York Region with the GTHA. GO Transit routes: primarily serves commuter trips between York Region > Five Viva routes, providing frequent, limited stop BRT and the City of Toronto. Within York Region, GO Transit service on major travel corridors operates three rail lines (Barrie-Bradford, Richmond > 25 Base routes operating along major arterial Hill, and Stouffville) with 14 GO Stations, providing corridors peak period, peak direction rail service. GO Transit also > 29 Local routes operating in local neighbourhoods provides counter-peak and off-peak GO bus services at > 37 High School Specials providing direct service to each of the GO Stations and at three bus terminals (Finch high schools GO Bus Terminal, Richmond Hill Centre Terminal and > 10 GO Shuttle routes providing direct service to GO Newmarket GO Bus Terminal). Additionally, the Highway Stations 407 East Bus provides multiple services that connect York > Six Express routes providing direct service between University, Richmond Hill Centre, and various GO Stations subway stations and employment areas in Markham, Scarborough, Pickering, and Oshawa. > Five Community Bus routes providing service to local Within York Region, YRT/Viva provides regional and local neighbourhoods transit service across all nine municipalities, including > One Seasonal route providing direct service to accessible service for people with disabilities. The multiple key destinations regional network consists of Viva bus rapid transit (BRT) > 10 TTC routes operating in York Region service on the Highway 7 and Yonge Street corridors, > Mobility Plus door-to-door shared ride accessible supported by a grid network of base routes along major transit east-west and north-south arterial roads. A network of local and community routes provides neighbourhood- focused service and feeder service to major corridors. At the municipal boundaries with Peel Region and the City of Rapid transit corridors Local transit services Toronto, YRT/Viva services connect with Brampton Transit that move more people that serve communities, faster and more special travel needs, and TTC services. efficiently and complement from place to place rapid transit service Innovative technologies Integrated regional transit that improve the quality, across the Greater Toronto reliability, safety, and and Hamilton Area sustainability of transit operations Road networks Transportation policies that make that support and promote transit a priority, transit and shift travel and support from other walking and cycling transportation modes Land development in centres and corridors that transit can serve efficiently 6 Where We Are Now Peer System Comparison To continually improve and adjust services to meet changing customer and operational needs, YRT/Viva monitors system performance. Although every transit system is different, a peer system comparison of industry accepted performance indicators serves as a benchmark of reasonable expectations for transit service. A peer system comparison with other GTHA transit agencies is shown in Table 1. A peer system comparison with other Canadian transit agencies is shown in Table 2. How does YRT/Viva compare to other transit agencies in the GTHA? Table 1: Peer System Comparison with GTHA Transit Agencies Revenue Revenue to Transit Service
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