Winter 2019WX Issue 85 $6.00 Deadly Pleasures Mystery Magazine Kristopher Zgorski on Domesticity & Suspense Barry Award Nominations 2019 Maigret in New Translations Hank Phillippi Ryan TRUST ME Reviews WX Reviewed to Death WX Columns WX New Books WX What’s New in U.K. WX Articles 2 Deadly Pleasures Mystery Magazine ---------------------------------------------------------------------- what is happening in the minds of the characters is more important than the advancement of the main plot. Domesticity & Suspense As we see with Megan Abbott’s blending of noir fi ction with psycho- logical suspense, the latter sub-genre is becoming increasingly versatile to the by Kristopher Zgorski point that it can be incorporated into any number of other styles to ratchet up the emotional impact for the reader. istory may show that we are cur- gan Abbott began her career in novels Let’s examine just a few of the adapta- Hrently living in the Golden Age by writing fairly traditional noir plots tions of psychological suspense we have of Psychological Suspense. Certainly, that highlighted the female characters seen in just this current publishing year: works like GONE GIRL (A-) by Gillian over the testosterone-laden works seen Flynn and THE GIRL ON THE TRAIN in that arena’s classics. In works like Thrillers (B-) by Paula Hawkins have brought the Edgar-Award winning QUEENPIN this sub-genre to the forefront of crime (A+) and the multi-award nominated y design, thrillers tend to be the fi ction reader’s minds. Works that look BURY ME DEEP (A), Abbott turned Bmost plot-focused of the crime at crime from a psychological angle the noir tropes on their head and al- sub-genres. Readers who enjoy that have been with us since the dawn of the lowed her female characters to reclaim category are looking for adventurous genre itself. In fact, one could make an the strength that was oft en denied them plots that move along at a very fast argument for the fact that Shakespeare in earlier writings in that style. clip, so the idea that one could blend was writing psychological crime epics Aft er having made her mark by in psychological elements seems like long before such categorization existed. altering the reader’s perception in these it would be anathema to the overar- For example, both Hamlet and Macbeth pastiche-style works, Megan then tran- ching desires of the genre. However, deal with murders that take excessive sitioned to writing novels in which the readers will fi nd that adding the depth tolls on the mental stability of their lead protagonists were younger girls. Oft en of psychology to such tales can raise characters. But that is a discussion for mislabeled at young adult novels, these the stakes and create deeper audience another time. works really are not geared for that investment in the character’s decisions. audience. Th ey are dark tales designed A novel like THE REAL MICHAEL to show how the oppression of women SWANN (B) by Brian Reardon about in our modern society begins at a very a terrorist bombing in Grand Central young age. By watching how characters like Lizzie and Evie in THE END OF EVERYTHING (B) and Addy and Beth in DARE ME (A) navigate the unique Deadly Pleasures (ISSN 1069-6601) challenges they face as young women in is published quarterly for $24.00 Gillian Flynn (U.S.) a year by Refunding Makes Gillian Flynn a threatening society, readers witness the birth of a new style that is distinctly Cents, Inc., 1718 Ridge Point Dr., her own and could now justifi ably by Bountiful, UT 84010 In many ways, it seems that modern labeled “Megan Abbott-esque.” POSTMASTER: Send address chang- psychological suspense is a reaction Both of these writing periods in es to Deadly Pleasures, 1718 Ridge to or antithesis of the noir sub-genre. Abbott’s career put a spotlight on the Point Dr., Bountiful, UT 84010 While the noir category is highlighted psychological aspects involved with the by works with macho male protagonists, crimes, but never one to repeat herself, PERIODICALS POSTAGE paid at more excessive violence, and a darker with her 2018 novel, GIVE ME YOUR Bountiful, UT 84010 worldview, the version of psychological HAND (A), Megan Abbott blends these suspense we are seeing lately expand two styles together and gives readers the on the more traditional female-led tales story of a female friendship that begins that favor manipulation over violence. in youth before transitioning into a If readers look at an author like more competitive, and arguably, more Megan Abbott, they can see an evolu- noir-like relationship later in life. It is in tion which shows that the trademark this work where the elements of psycho- elements of various sub-genres continue logical suspense really kick into high to blur – making for a richer reading gear for Megan Abbott. In many ways, experience for fans of crime fi ction. Me- -----------------------------------------------------------------------Deadly Pleasures Mystery Magazine 3 conundrum of being forced to balanc- ing her faith in family with her duty to country lays the groundwork for deep psychological analysis of motive. Serial Killer Novels eaders never seem to get tired of Rthe various permutations of the serial killer novel. In 2018, we saw some Lori Roy interesting ways for those themes to be woven into what are basically psycho- police purview. When his actions go just logical suspense novels. a step too far he becomes the suspect One of my favorite reads of the year, in a crime and must use all of his wits Jennifer Hillier’s JAR OF HEARTS to outsmart both a diabolical criminal (A+), lures readers in with a heroine who and a determined pair of authorities. once dated a serial killer. Her involve- Lori Roy’s Southern Gothic epic, THE ment with him lands them both in jail, DISAPPEARING (A), is another novel but upon her release, it seems that this that uses the history of a serial killer as a killer may still be active. Readers get so cornerstone for a new case that alters an deep into Georgina’s mind that every entire town and its citizens. Terminal easily makes for an action-ori- decision and choice she agonizes over ented reading experience, but when you aff ects the reader as well. One would Closed Circle of Suspects throw in the complexity of a marriage expect the motives of this serial killer to in turmoil, the stakes are raised and be psychologically sound – and indeed ocked Room mysteries are more readers become more invested in the they are – but what is unexpected and Loft en written in the puzzle style, outcome for that relationship than elevates this book above other such but authors have begun to discover that simply following the expected thrills off erings is that Hillier also explores suspense stories with a limited pool of provided by the genre. Similarly, Cath- Georgina’s mental state throughout suspects allow for deeper examination erine McKenzie uses the backdrop of a the various signifi cant events dictating when using the close confi nes to elevate domestic terror attack as the launching her life journey. FIND YOU IN THE the psychological impact on their char- point for THE GOOD LIAR (B-), a nov- DARK (B-) by Nathan Ripley pres- acter’s psyches. el that goes on to examine its eff ect on ents family man Martin Reese secretly In both Lori Rader-Day’s UNDER three diff erent women. Th e psychology hunting for serial killers outside of A DARK SKY (A) and GO TO MY behind each of these characters’ choices GRAVE (A) by Catriona McPherson, will have readers contemplating what reunion-style vacations of childhood they would do under similar circum- friends lead to excavation of criminal stances. In her debut SOMETHING IN events from the past that have shattered THE WATER (A), actress Catherine the long-standing friendships. By set- Steadman bursts onto the crime fi ction ting their novels in unique settings, both scene with a book that places her happy of these authors weave the environment couple right in the middle of a major into the sensibility of their characters. threat. Because they are dealing with Similarly, in Jane Harper’s FORCE OF stress inducing factors – among them NATURE (A), a corporate retreat into job concerns, trust issues, and fi nancial the wilds of Australia goes awry when woes – readers watch as their mindset one of the participants fails to reach the deteriorates, making a bad situation fi nal destination. Th e wilderness locale even worse. On the surface, Karen mirrors the convoluted minds of those Cleveland’s NEED TO KNOW (B+), gathered within it. is a standard fare political thriller, but because a full fi ft y-percent of the novel deals with the eff ect this FBI agents ca- Domestic Suspense reer (and especially the current case) has on her marriage – aft er all, her husband his brings us to one of the larger is a suspected agent of espionage – the Tcategories under the psychological suspense umbrella – the domestics. Re- 4 Deadly Pleasures Mystery Magazine ---------------------------------------------------------------------- lationship dynamics are oft en the thread look at the profound psychological and that feeds the psychological suspense emotional eff ect motherhood has on elements within these novels, so it only women. Th is is such ripe territory for makes sense that marriages (both good exploring the ramifi cations of such a and bad), parent/child power struggles, major life change. Similarly, when the and other family-related stresses would wife in Leila Slimani’s THE PEFECT be popular topics for authors writing in NANNY (B) decides she wishes to this sub-genre.
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