InIn SomersetIn Somerset Somerset we we gawe gard gardenersrdenerseners have have have a asuperb superba superb choice choice choice of of plants of plants plants available available available toto usto us atus at our at our ourSpecialist Specialist Specialist Nurseries Nurseries Nurseries and, and, and, unlike unlike unlike most most most garden garden garden centres, centres, centres, 11 11DORSET 1DORSET DORSET WATER WATER WATER LILY LILY LILY COM COM COMPANYPANYPANY (Richard(Richard(Richard Gallehawk) Gallehawk) Gallehawk) 212 12MALLET 1MALLET MALLET COURT COURT COURT NURSERY NURSERY NURSERY (James (James (James Harris Harris Harris & &Primrose Primrose& Primrose M Mallet aMlleta-lletHarris-Harris-Harris) ) ) theytheythey stock stock stock many many many less less less common common common plants. plants. plants. They They They propagate propagate propagate much much much of of of YeovilYeovilYeovil Road, Road, Road, Halstock, Halstock, Halstock, Yeovil, Yeovil, Yeovil, BA22 BA22 BA22 9RR 9RR 9RR Tel:Tel: Tel:01935 01935 01935 891668 891668 891668 Marshway,Marshway,Marshway, Curr Curr Curry Mallet,y Mallet,y Mallet, Taunton, Taunton, Taunton, TA3 TA3 TA3 6SZ 6SZ 6SZ Tel: Tel: Tel:01823 01823 01823 481493 481493 481493/07713091521/07713091521/07713091521 theirtheirtheir ownown own stock,stock, stock, frequentlyfrequently frequently growngrown grown withoutwithout without heatheat heat, , meaning,meaning meaning Email:Email:Email: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] www.dorsetwaterlily.co.uwww.dorsetwaterlily.co.uwww.dorsetwaterlily.co.uk k k Email:Email:Email: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] www.malletcourt.co.ukwww.malletcourt.co.ukwww.malletcourt.co.uk healthierhealthierhealthier plants.plants. plants. OurOur Our nurnur nurseserymenserymenrymen andand and women women women havehave have a a vastavast vast Open:Open:Open: April April April – –September; September;– September; Monday, Monday, Monday, Friday Friday Friday and and andSaturday Saturday Saturday only only only, 9, -94p,- 4p9m-4pm. October.m October. October OpenOpenOpen: Mon: Mon: Mon - Fri,- Fri, - 9.30amFri, 9.30am 9.30am - 5pm.- 5pm. - 5pm. mid mid mid November November November - mid- mid - mid March, March, March, 9.30am 9.30am 9.30am - 4pm- 4pm - 4pm knowledgeknowledgeknowledge and and and will will will give give give us us worthwhileus worthwhile worthwhile advice. advice. advice. So, So, So,whatever whatever whatever you you you – –March; March;– March; Monday Monday Monday to to Friday toFriday Friday inclusive inclusive inclusive, 9, -94pm,- 4pm9-4pm. WeekendsWeekendsWeekends by by appointment by appointment appointment only. only. only. 11 DORSET PERENNIALS Tel: 01963 210643 (Dawn & Martin Preston) 21 MARGERY FISH PLANT NURSERY Tel: 01460 240328 areare arelooking looking looking for, for, for,go go goto to yourto your your Specialist Specialist Specialist Nursery. Nursery. Nursery. It Itis Itis in isin ourin our our own own own DirectionsDirectionsDirections; Off; Off; A37Off A37 A37 Yeovil Yeovil Yeovil – –Dorchester; Dorchester;– Dorchester; between between between Sutton Sutton Sutton Bingham Bingham Bingham reservoir reservoir reservoir DirectionsDirectionsDirections: Off: Off: A358Off A358 A358 to to Curry to Curry Curry Mallet, Mallet, Mallet, nursery nursery nursery is isnear nearis near the the postthe post post office. office. office. In Somerset we gardeners have a superb choice of plants available @ Berkeley Perennials, Holnest, Sherborne,andand andvillage village Dorset,village of of Halstock. ofHalstock.DT9 Halstock. 5PR East Lambrook Manor Gardens, East SmallLambrook,SmallSmall family family family South business, business, business, Petherton, offering offering offering TA13friendly, friendly, friendly, 5HH personal personal personal service service service and and andadvice advice advice to to our toour our to us at our Specialist Nurseriesinterest and,interestinterest unlike to to supportto mostsupport support garden them them them centres, and and and help help help them them themwww.dorsetperennials.co.uk survive survive survive - -they they- they are are areour our our UKs UKs UKs largest Email: largest largest [email protected] selection selection of of established ofestablished established water water water lilies, lilies, lilies, hardywww.eastlambrook.com hardy hardy and and andtropical tropical tropical varieties varieties varieties . customers. customers. Email:customers. [email protected] Sp Secialisingp Secialisingpecialising in in rare inrare rareand and andunusual unusual unusual shrubs; shrubs; shrubs; a largea largea large collection collection collection inc inc: box,inc: box,: box, they stock many less commonnational plants.nationalnational They gems. gems. gems. propagate much of Open: Thursday and Friday, 10am - E4pmxtensiveExtensiveExtensive and selection by selection appointmentselection o fo marginals,f omarginals,f marginals, moisture moisture moisture loving loving lovingOpen bogside, bogside, bogside,: Garden herbaceous herbaceous herbaceous & Nursery, & &speciality speciality&10am speciality - 5pm, magnolias,magnolias, Tuesdaymagnolias, hollies- Saturdayhollies hollies & &others others &and others suitableBank suitable suitable Holiday for for all for all soils, all soils, soils, also also also maples maples maples & &other other& other trees trees trees. Our. Our. Our their own stock, frequently grown without heat meaning healthier Directions: Off the A352 onto B3146plants. plants.thenplants. Caatalogue. Cshortatalogue. Catalogue. distance C onsultancy,Consultancy, Consultancy, on the left.landscaping landscaping landscaping / planting /Mondays, planting / planting service. service. February service. - October plus Sundayspropagatorpropagatorpropagator in February,, Jadi, Jadi, Jadi Balazs Balazs May, Balazs, has, Junehas, introducedhas introduced and introduced July. many many many new new new and and andinteresting interesting interesting plants plants plants both both both plants. Our nurserymen and women1 1 1AVON AVON haveAVON BULBS aBULBS vast BULBS knowledge andTel: Tel: Tel:01460 01460 01460 242177,We 242177, 242177,stock www.avonbulbs.co.uk anwww.avonbulbs.co.uk www.avonbulbs.co.uk eclectic mix of perennials including plants for shade, sun & Directions: Follow brown tourist signswoodywoody fromwoody and Martockand andherbaceous herbaceous herbaceous or A303. at. S. Petherton SeeSee oSee uoru fullor ufullr cataloguefull catalogue catalogue on on our on our websiteour website website. will give us worthwhile advice.Burnt BurntSo,Burnt Housewhatever House House Farm, Farm, youFarm, Mid Midare Mid Lambrook, Lambrook,looking Lambrook, for,South South South Petherton, Petherton, Petherton,wildlife. TA13 TA13 All TA13 5HEthe 5HE 5HE plants you will ever 1need21 21ELWORTHY 2toELWORTHY ELWORTHYmake a garden COTTAGE COTTAGE COTTAGE humming PLANTS PLANTS withPLANTS Cottage garden plants,(Jenny(Jenny(Jenny interesting Spiller) Spiller) Spiller) perennials, snowdrops, hardy geraniums go to your Specialist Nursery.Open ItOpen isOpen in: for: ourfor: the for the own collectionthe collection collectioninterest of of topre ofpre support -prebooked-booked-booked orders orders orders andwildlife and andby by appointment byand appointment appointment full of colour only only only throughout. Elworthy,Elworthy, theElworthy, year. Taunton, Taunton,Our Taunton, website TA4 TA4 TA4 3PX has 3PX 3PX lots of and plants propagatedTel:Tel: Tel:01984 01984 01984 from656427 656427 656427 Margery 2 Fish’s2 22MARGERY 2MARGERY iconicMARGERY cottage FISH FISH FISH garden PLANT PLANT PLANT made NURSERY NURSERY NURSERY Tel:Tel: Tel:01460 01460 01460 240328 240328 240328 them and help them surviveDirectionsDirections - Directionsthey are: Half: ourHalf: Half a nationalmilea milea mile west west westgems. o fo thef othef Margerythe Margery Margery Fish Fishuseful Fish Plant Plant Plant informationNursery Nursery Nursery down down &down pictures. No No No We operatewww.elworthywww.elworthywww.elworthy a mail order-cottage.co.uk-cottage.co.uk-cottage.co.uk service or can bring famous through her many books. HelleboresEastEastEast Lambrook Lambrook Lambrook in season. Manor Manor ManorPeat Gardens, Gardens,free Gardens, compost East East E Lambrook,ast Lambrook, Lambrook, S outhSouth South Petherton, Petherton, Petherton, TA13 TA13 TA13 5HH 5HH 5HH ThroughThroughThrough Road Road Road to to Mid toMid Mid Lambrook. Lambrook. Lambrook. plants you have ordered to the manyOpenOpen showsOpen: Nursery: Nursery we: Nursery attend. & &garden garden& Advicegarden open open freely open by by appointment given.by appointment appointment used. & &on on& No NGS on NGS mail NGS Open Open order. Open Days Days Café Days (see (see for (see tea, coffeeEmail:Email: Email:and [email protected] [email protected]. [email protected] Lunches at pub opposite. www.eastlambrook.comwww.eastlambrook.comwww.eastlambrook.com DormantDormantDormant bulbs bulbs bulbs by by mail by mail mail order order order (arrange (arrange (arrange collection collection collection for for us for us to us to waive towaive waive P&P) P&P) P&P) and and and website).website).website). Groups Groups Groups & &coaches coaches& coaches welcome. welcome. welcome. OpenOpenOpen: Garden: Garden: Garden & &Nursery, Nursery,& Nursery, 1 0am10am 10am - 5pm,- 5pm, - 5pm, Tues Tues Tuesdayday day- Sat- Sat -urday Saturdayurday
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