FUIDAi JULV 22, 1004. WINDHAM COUNTY JtEFOUMKK. lUlATTMCHOKOt VT., ( US Opening of Important Convention. TRIAL TO PLEASE Lightning Knooks Out Rhsumstlim. ATTEMPT In United niue PROCTOR WORKMEN LOYAL n ARBITRATION lCvery lnt th Htat, W. II. I'reston of Bristol got g number of to last besides a opr'oiilall It evcraftor pieaso your.. charge of electricity one evenliiK PACKERS TO from Canada nnd Australia will ensure you using rheumatism. STRIKERS ASK delegate con- FITZGERALD'S FIERY SPEECH week that cured him of Is represented nt tho biennial He was In u room at hi homo TAKE BACK WORKMEN. order of Hi- TO DRAW THEM OUT. sitting vention of the Ancient FAILS it few feet from ft lolephone, when which nt mu- camu Will Start Paekinfl bernian opened gruud I lie llghinliiK Btruck the wire, If Refuted Thay sic hall building nt St. Btriks but with ii Man exposition Other Rutland Workman Into the room, und exploded Houm and Call Out Mor I.ouls, Mo., Tuesday, July 19. Till He foil n Many Return to Work Later "Un nolae like u rule dls hargllitf. Cauaat Death and Prottra-Ho- promise to be one of the largest und his body Hat In the c!e Joe" Cannon Will Speak In Ve- the electricity pass through Th Wheat Crop. most Important convention and legs, but sulTcred no 111 effect Country' ns sev- ben-ellt- history of the organization, rmontThe Kinfltley Autopay. It. on ilip ho wu President of the striking: Irishmen mm of from conlrary, ronnolly lit ar- eral matter concern to Ill llll llllpllHNlOUL'd speech Wllll'll ns the rheumatism hud entirely unions makes unolber attempt have happened since tho last conven- ftffir evoked fivii't i'liffi'N from hi " disnppeiiivil, leaving his legs limber bitration with the Chicago packers, tion. The most noticeable wa the I'icHbleiil J. A. I'lugorubl asking them to take buck the strikers Brit- llstcucm. and pliable. Idled since passage of the land bill by the nf lilt) Inlenmtloiml Ansoi lutlon of whose positions have been ish which give the land to non-unio- n men. If parliament NATURAL IMiublu Workers, lit liulliilHl, MllHi:i, the strike by this Hie What nction the conven- CEYLON & INDIA Marshfield Man Face Serioui Charge. Is trade ut people. Julv 17. iiil ed upon llio utmrryinuii request denied the allied wHI tako on the meas- well as tion proposed as i 1 delicious being Lund' Uw mar Irani Bean of Miirshlleld U under stock numberlntf In nil Hi- fVtiXtuii nmililnlHiH employed ly the yards, Ih awaited the Viae is anB t .Mass., on a se- out ure unxlously by tea as "SALADA ble concerns In the vicinity to mime at lUvcrhlll. about ll.Ouu ineii, will be called of Hie 1'nlted States. Pres- far ahead of Japan Four years ago Mr. the to bernian In sealed lead packets. Hie next ihiy nud full Into line with rious charge. ill an effort to bring pucker ident James 10, Dnlan, of the A. O. H., all other black tea. Sold only curvers who had been Bean, who Is n married man, took Into terms. A flank movement by the all crocers. the rut tor and it Kill Is authority for tho statement that 70c By for the his family Josephine Kent, strikers has developed In the or- 50c, 60c and per pound. lighting the nmrblo employers whatever action Is taken by tho nt im then 1 years obi. Four weeks ago President I'onnelly ten-ce- bmt week. The men were urged Mr. by der will be far reaching In Its effect Try a sample pacnet. .1 i i iiuiutiiiii'a from she refused to 4lve longer with In with- William Minej i"i iwM.fnti.i'd his that conjunction upon the Irish affairs. .1. iiicu .1 ....i i.. i..kn I ho aelloll l..:in, ami afier she had left Slerlln, vl.e president of the Butcher him with fel- sec- much sickness and - - i and u.u tuey would home, charged repented Workmen' union, John Floersch, pain, says gente onious assaults upon her. As soon of council, Mob. t in u uy ...... retary the packliiB trade A Mistaken Lynching ii.- - ii !t it .Ml upiiem us the girl left Ills home Bean became and champion butch- miss Alum Irnrun, u vtm bodies mid other union onniniiuiuii. went He was Phillip Murphy, A Jamaican negro known by the ukj This blow wu iippurently "lined suspicious and away. er of the west, recently employed by "Americano," who was coin-pim- v. at Haverhill find will mull soubriquet, have faith in the use of ill the Vermont .Marble filially found Swift H Co., he will start ft to have assaulted and then only reclly sec- a butchers supposed Kverv nal Inutility In the soon have hearing. packing house wlnre union murdered a Spanish N which Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable tion the Chinese liud represen-tiitivc- may secure supplies at prices had a narrow from lynch- - except En- to meat girl, escape A muss meeting. spli'H-iinlis- ts enable strikers purchase 17. RA1E ut the The annual meeting of the lug ut Havana Sunday, July When QUAKER Compound. thusiasm wiih kept lit a high pitch by without contributing to tho profits of went to the Jamaican' Swedish at ijiieen City park. Burling- tho police In the Italian. xvlH 31. and the big packers. house ho fled ami the crowd which llery ld ton. open Sunday, July of from the letters she Is and' KngllHh tongue, I'reHblent until 4. The operating forces big plants bad assembled this for nn ad- - Juilpinjf the lie to 1. 1'roctor continue Sunday. September are about half the taking reoolvlnpr from so many young gave A list of speakers Is announced. approximately mission of his guilt, pursued him. ' girls, twice In succession In the course of long normal strength. All are doing ti him Mrs. rinltham believes that our Ac The police, however, captured girls libs remarks, lie also salil that he great deal of killing. Armour Co., to the ofllce of a local too near Ver-mo- nt and took him are often pushed altogether council arrest for coming Into John of Bennington. 13, was with S.tioo men employed, slaughter- n Cuban of endurance now- Is Harris of UK an Judge. Meanwhile negro, the limit their on the business In which he lit a peculiar man- ing cattle tit fhe rate hour, wa later Identified ns the real schools semin- what seriously Injured & with l.M'o who HSR adays in our public and and went on to tell ner July 15. While play- and Nelson Morris Co., was ft engaged n Friday night, 120. Swift culprit, captured by policeman aries. measures he would take If such with some other boys, one of men at work, slaughtered outside the The two negroes of ing Ai city. thing1 should occur. As the result them seized and threw him down. A Co. have l.fimi men In their plant, were rushed across the city In a police Nothing is allowed to interfere vrlth his the machinists and quarry-me- n which had In killing lao cattle and 150 hog an to speech the sharp pointed pencil, and wagon to the nudlencla building, studies, the girl must bo pushed the In ail plants except that of some manner worked its way Into the hour. The failure of the packers where the Cuban was Identified ns moiiHiF FREE! s often went out butch- front and graduated with honor Vermont Marble company back of the coat, entered his body representatives of the striking the perpetrator of the crime, one of follows, and it takes Monday morning, probably to fhe back of the rlRht limit and It is ers to reach an agreement h is caused atrocious of the kind ever physical collapse Not n In of meat the most to recover the lost vitality, number of several hundred. feared that the point of the pencil an upward tilt the prices known in Cuba. Crowds gathered In fiilft years recovered. In the section was doing any- the and poultry at New York and many and nt the often It Is never Jliss Jratt plant the pierced lung. an ade- the vicinity of the prison thing In anv department except butchers find It hard to pet where the body of ays, Marble company, which was of meats. The outlook morgue nearby, Vermont resilience of Teter quate supply the child was taken but the police Pink-ham- s The beautiful Is Meat that has been "Dear Mns. I feel It not tuTcctcd. was burned discouraging. guarded the streets and they scat- how Tuesday morning, July 19. all the Griffith, near Fair Haven, In cold storage for month Is being of to tell nil vomicr women Hutl.ui.l-P'lor-enc- tered during the lengthy hearing my dutv men the e to the ground early Monday morning, out and disposed of. much K. l'iuUliaiii's won- employed by was awakened brought the cae In the audiencia court. After Lydia Marble company the True Hlue July 18. Mr. Griffith The difficulty In setHIng the strike was taken A Coniiimiiid has fin- and saved the the examination, the Cuban derful t'sctable at West HuHand, except the bv the smoke barely is that while both sides are willing was re- - me. was run- plant num- of his children. Ills wife wis al- to prison. The Jamaican done for I completely to work to the lives to neither is disposed to ' ishers, returned have arbitrate leased.
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