Berita Sedimentologi MARINE GEOLOGY OF INDONESIA – PART 2 Indonesian Marine Geology Research Vessels: Their Capacity and Activity page 5 Tertiary Uplift and the Benthic Foraminifera in Marine Sediment Miocene Evolution of Related to Environmental Changes off the NW Borneo Shelf Bangka Island, Indonesia Margin page 47 page 21 Published by The Indonesian Sedimentologists Forum (FOSI) The Sedimentology Commission - The Indonesian Association of Geologists (IAGI) Number 33 – August 2015 Page 1 of 57 Berita Sedimentologi MARINE GEOLOGY OF INDONESIA – PART 2 Editorial Board Advisory Board Minarwan Prof. Yahdi Zaim Chief Editor Quaternary Geology Bangkok, Thailand Institute of Technology, Bandung E-mail: [email protected] Prof. R. P. Koesoemadinata Herman Darman Emeritus Professor Deputy Chief Editor Institute of Technology, Bandung Shell International EP Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Wartono Rahardjo E-mail: [email protected] University of Gajah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia Fatrial Bahesti Ukat Sukanta PT. Pertamina E&P ENI Indonesia NAD-North Sumatra Assets rd Standard Chartered Building 23 Floor Mohammad Syaiful Jl Prof Dr Satrio No 164, Jakarta 12950 - Indonesia Exploration Think Tank Indonesia E-mail: [email protected] F. Hasan Sidi Mohamad Amin Ahlun Nazar Woodside, Perth, Australia University Link Coordinator PT. Pertamina E&P, Asset 5 Jakarta, Indonesia Prof. Dr. Harry Doust E-mail: [email protected] Faculty of Earth and Life Sciences, Vrije Universiteit De Boelelaan 1085 Visitasi Femant 1081 HV Amsterdam, The Netherlands E-mails: [email protected]; Treasurer [email protected] Pertamina Hulu Energi Kwarnas Building 6th Floor Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No.6, Jakarta 10110 Dr. J.T. (Han) van Gorsel E-mail: [email protected] 6516 Minola St., HOUSTON, TX 77007, USA www.vangorselslist.com Rahmat Utomo E-mail: [email protected] Bangkok, Thailand E-mail: [email protected] Dr. T.J.A. Reijers Geo-Training & Travel Farid Ferdian Gevelakkers 11, 9465TV Anderen, The Netherlands E-mail: [email protected] Saka Energi Indonesia Jakarta, Indonesia E-mail: [email protected] Dr. Andy Wight formerly IIAPCO-Maxus-Repsol, latterly consultant for Mitra Energy Ltd, KL E-mail: [email protected] Cover Photograph: The Baruna Jaya I research vessel. Photo courtesy of BPPT – Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology, Indonesia. (http://barunajaya.bppt.go.id/index.php/ id/armada/item/12-k-r-baruna-jaya- i.html) • Published 3 times a year by the Indonesian Sedimentologists Forum (Forum Sedimentologiwan Indonesia, FOSI), a commission of the Indonesian Association of Geologists (Ikatan Ahli Geologi Indonesia, IAGI). • Cover topics related to sedimentary geology, includes their depositional processes, deformation, minerals, basin fill, etc. Number 33 – August 2015 Page 2 of 57 Berita Sedimentologi MARINE GEOLOGY OF INDONESIA – PART 2 Berita Sedimentologi A sedimentological Journal of the Indonesia Sedimentologists Forum (FOSI), a commission of the Indonesian Association of Geologist (IAGI) From the Editor Dear Readers, Jurassic Shallow Marine Sand Coordinator, replacing Wayan Units in Papua New Guinea and Heru Young. Amin will help FOSI We're pleased to deliver another Australasia, written by Mike to create a stronger link with edition of Berita Sedimentologi Bidgood et al. students whose research interests into your hands. This volume is - Tertiary Uplift and the Miocene are in sedimentology/sedimentary Berita Sedimentologi No. 33 with Evolution of the NW Borneo Shelf geology. We also thank Wayan the main theme on Marine Margin, written by Franz Kessler Heru for all his contribution to Geology of Indonesia. and John Jong; and FOSI. - Benthic Foraminifera in Marine We included four articles in this Sediment related to We hope you’ll get benefit of publication, which consist of: Environmental Changes of articles published in Berita - Indonesian Marine Geology Bangka Island, Indonesia, written Sedimentologi and if you’d like to Research Vessels: Their Capacity by Kresna Dewi et al. contribute by submitting your and Activity, written by Ai articles, please do not hesitate to Yuningsih et al. On organizational change, we contact us. - Making the Most of would like to announce that M. Biostratigraphic Data; Examples Amin Ahlun Nazzar has teamed from Early Cretaceous to Late up with us as our University Link Warm regards, Minarwan Chief Editor INSIDE THIS ISSUE Book Review : The SE Asian Getway: Indonesian Marine Geology Research History and Tectonic of the Australian- Vessels: Their Capacity and Activity – A. 5 Asia Collision, editor: Robert Hall et J.A. 56 Yuningsih et al. Reijers Making the Most of Biostratigraphic Data; Examples from Early Cretaceous to Late Book Review - Biodiversity, Jurassic Shallow Marine Sand Units in Biogeography and Nature Conservation 11 Papua New Guinea and Australasia – M. in Wallacea and New Guinea (Volume 1), 58 Bidgood et al. Edited by D. Telnov, Ph.D. – H. Darman Tertiary Uplift and the Miocene Evolution of the NW Borneo Shelf Margin – F. L. Kessler and J. Jong 21 Benthic Foraminifera in Marine Sediment Related to Environmental Changes off Bangka Island, Indonesia – K.T. Dewi et al. 47 Call for paper BS #34 – to be published in December 2015 Number 33 – August 2015 Page 3 of 57 Berita Sedimentologi MARINE GEOLOGY OF INDONESIA – PART 2 About FOSI he forum was founded in FOSI has close international team. IAGI office in Jakarta will T 1995 as the Indonesian relations with the Society of help if necessary. Sedimentologists Forum Sedimentary Geology (SEPM) and (FOSI). This organization is a the International Association of commu-nication and discussion Sedimentologists (IAS). forum for geologists, especially for Fellowship is open to those those dealing with sedimentology holding a recognized degree in and sedimentary geology in geology or a cognate subject and Indonesia. non-graduates who have at least two years relevant experience. The forum was accepted as the sedimentological commission of FOSI has organized 2 the Indonesian Association of international conferences in 1999 The official website of FOSI is: Geologists (IAGI) in 1996. About and 2001, attended by more than 300 members were registered in 150 inter-national participants. 1999, including industrial and http://www.iagi.or.id/fosi/ academic fellows, as well as Most of FOSI administrative work students. will be handled by the editorial FOSI Membership Any person who has a background in geoscience and/or is engaged in the practising or teaching of geoscience or its related business may apply for general membership. As the organization has just been restarted, we use LinkedIn (www.linkedin.com) as the main data base platform. We realize that it is not the ideal solution, and we may look for other alternative in the near future. Having said that, for the current situation, LinkedIn is fit for purpose. International members and students are welcome to join the organization. FOSI Group Member as of AUGUST 2015: 961 members Number 33 – August 2015 Page 4 of 57 Berita Sedimentologi MARINE GEOLOGY OF INDONESIA – PART 2 Indonesian Marine Geology Research Vessels: Their Capacity and Activity Ai Yuningsih1, Wahyu Pandoe2 and Herman Darman2 1Marine Geological Institute (P3GL), Bandung, Indonesia. 2Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology , Indonesia (BPPT). 3Shell International EP, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Corresponding author: [email protected] INTRODUCTION Baruna Jaya VIII. The Baruna Jaya VII is a fishery patrol vessel and the Baruna Jaya VIII is About two thirds of Indonesian territory is covered one of the most modern research vessels in by sea, below which there is little-documented and Indonesia, equipped for biological, geological fascinating geological features which require study. and oceanographic surveys. Observing and understanding this geology is 4. Balitbang KP – Badan Penelitian dan obviously technically more difficult than for the Pengembangan Kelautan dan Perikanan or onshore. Thus, knowledge of the submarine Agency for Marine and Fisheries Research and geology relies on research and commercial ships. Development of the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries. This agency operates several The marine geology of Indonesia has been studied research vessels including KR. Madidihang and since the 18th century. Two French ships called the newest vessel Bawal Putih III. Boudeuse and Etoile, and led by De Bougainville sailed to collect data in 1768. Since then many THE RESEARCH VESSELS other research vessels came and were run by researchers from the UK, Austria, the Netherlands, BPPT Baruna Jaya (BJ) research fleet comprises USA, Germany and Japan. In late 1980s Indonesia the four ships named above (Figure 1). All built by bought its own research vessel, Baruna Jaya 1, CMN in Cherbourg, France, the first three were and since then has built its own fleet of research constructed in 1989-1990 while the latest was vessels. built in 1995. Each of them can carry 11-17 crew and 28 scientists. These ships are about the same The four institutions which run research vessels in in dimension with 60.4 meters in length and 11.6 Indonesia are: m in width. The gross weights of BJ I, II and III 1. BPPT – Badan Pengkasijan dan Penerapan weigh 1184 tonnes and BJ IV is slightly heavier Teknologi or the Agency for the Assessment and with gross weight of 1219 tonnes. Their cruising Application of Technology. It is a non- speeds range from 8 to 10 knots (Table 1). departmental government agency under the coordination of the Ministry of Research and Each ship has different functions. BJ II, for Technology, which has the tasks of carrying out example has 2D seismic acquisition facility, BJ III government duties in the field of assessment has oceanographic/geological research facility. The and application of technology. BPPT operates 4 seismic processing unit has industrial standard Baruna Jaya vessels. BPPT named their equipment, using Linux-based software such as research vessels as Baruna Jaya I, Baruna Jaya ProMAXTM. BJ I has deep sea multipurpose II, Baruna Jaya III and Baruna Jaya IV research facility and BJ IV has hydrographic, 2.
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