At a meeting Wednesday'nlght, Mason· school board members . shared part of thelt· bu1·den for the proposed $1,400,000 high school building w'lth a citizens C_ouncil.men Find Fault committee, Response was en thus!· astlc, The group, whose purpose it will be to acquaint the vo\ers with facts of the building pro· With HoSpital Grading gram, m~de .plans untll the ap· $1,400,000 proac!1 of midnight. The proposed high school is de· Mason ell y officials and has· W he n Street Supcr·lntendent signed to accommodate· 600 pu· On the committee arc Franlt plls and with basic facllltles to pltal directors are 5 feet apart on Wayne Cu1·tis lool,ed the job over . OJ•Iglnnlly only t.IJC JII'OJI• Cales, Robert Lumlansld, Mrs. plans for conslnwflon of Wash· he found the finished grading for erty of' Alfol'd Powelson wns permit expansion to 800. The the· emergency entrance to 'the Fran!( . Guerriero, Mrs. Glen classroom section provides for lngfon sf reef. I!OIIf•hhwecl foJ' J'll·zonlng. Tho Dunn Jr., Dr, R. R. DeMartin, a Two weeJ(s ngo councllmen new hospital 5 feet above the pro· phumlng commission r·ecom· Max Bement, Bob Ware and science laboratory, home econorn· · agreed to bulld the 500-fl. road. posed street level. mended thnt the· whole !Hilll Louis St!d. Dr. DeMartin, former ics area and commercial rooms. · ' be cln111 god. · The library loolts out .into an en· City Engineer Wnlt.er 1~. president of the board, Is chair· closed courtyard. The zoning request ••efcrred to Zimmer f/Oillt.ed out. to tho man. The· committee ·will prob· A wing Includes wood and council 1\londay night Umt if the planning committee involv~ ably be expanded. Plans Are Set Janel owner! by Don H. Vamler· metal shops and a large vocation· tim st.reet. is built to meet. tho al agriculture room. The music hosiJitnl f.rl'IHI4l the cost of fill Vecri Sr. Ills reqt1cst covers tho 'J'hm·e will bo at public north half of the area bounded department is Isolated from othet· would probnbly r·un to lji:i,OIJO llllletin~.r Wednesday IJlighl, rooms for sound control. Fo·r HaUoween m· more uboVIl t.llll m;tlnutte by Bush, North, Walnut and Ccn· November li, ut the :Jrlgh 1 t.er streets.· He wants It changed l'hc auditorium seats 800 on o. of lji2,1i00 Um council O'l'lglnal· school. sloping floor. The music room GoiJJlns, witcl!cs 111111 other ly ll.l:I'CCd Ul )Jay, from agricultural to R·l reslden· w'elrrl ehar:wfers will roam Mason TOO YOUNG TO VOTE, but not too young to stress the importance of voting is the will set·vc oiTstage needs. A cafe· tint. Mason eighth grade class, according to the teach~f. Mrs. Louis Stid. Shouting the rea­ Before that, Lhc commlllee has Thursday nigl1t. and Mason Ki· Another disadvantage would ba VanderVeen's letter requesting tcr!a will have facilities to seat wanians and husinessmen will be that the lots on the ot he•· side of t.he change pointed out -that the sons for voting Republican and Democrat)c are Leslie Bruno, son of Mt'. and Mrs. Leslie made plans to have spcaiWI'S 250 and will be available for meet· available for clubs, lodges and ready for them. the street owned by Arthur W. south half of the area was al· Bruno, and Joyce Morgan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Morgan. Mrs. Stid remains ings. Plans arc completed for the Jewett would be 3% feet beJ'ow ready resiclential. iri the middle ground. She stresses only that voting is a necessat·y responsibility of free other groups;· to prepare a fact A gymnasium is in the plans. Rhcct and to acquaint voters wllh lt 29th annual community Hallow· the road grade if the fill Is made, The Brookdale zoning change people. The class collected samples of campaign· matel'ial from 1ail political parties. The will seat 1500 In folding bleach· aen party at Mason Athletic field. the enginee1· added. is the most critical. Carlton Kess· youngsters follow election procedure throughout the campaign, They register to vote, the issue through Lhc Ingham crs. When the bleachers arc re· County Ne\~s. cesser! into the walls, the whole 'J'Iw tm mdo will form u t The city engineer told the coun­ ler originally asked for R-1-M mal<e ballot applications and will cast ballols. (Archy's pho.to.) cll he furnished hospital archi· 7..oning, one notch below the R·l area is large enough for 2 basltet· the olllll'erson st.rect sehool bll· There will be lillie if any in· ball courts.. A powct··opcratcd hln~l t.lw 1\luson high !imhool tects with the correct street category. The planning commis· A • · Ob · S .:1 creaRc In millage required for bunrl, fire (,J•ud< und police Clll' grades. sion tUI"ncr! lhflt request down he· · • nnzversary Servance Unuay folding doot• will divide the gym, construct ion of the high school making 11 possible for 2 physical ut 7 u'cloel< fo1· U1c nllli'Ch to Councilmen ordered Zimmer to cause the Kessler Jot sizes were ' compared wit.h the present build· education classes to be Uw football field. estahlisiJ a gmde for I he street ing and Rile fund levy. By flnanc· modated. First order of business for the and report back to the council. ing the issue on a 26-ycat' basis, Another street problem was ~~~eq*~:}i~e~~ :~~. ~~i~~~~ ~~~:: ,Library Makes Plans for Open House bonds can he paid off with a levy Constmctlon wlll ho steel yo u n g s t e I' s fr·m:n pre-school solver! Monday night when .the Councilman Harry Smith went , fraune with ill'icl< and glass th1·ough the seventh grade will of 5.1 mills per $1000 of state city abandoned Walnut court ex· to the flefense of Kessler Monday fire·rl'~'listu.nt be the costume judging. Ingham county people will have Kircher, chairman of the board her name. Mrs. Crossman was 11 equalized valuation. walls u.ml roof. cept for a 50-ft. street right-of· night. He told his colleagues that a first-hand chance to see! 20 of supervisors. · member of the county library Interim• walls will be brlcl> After the judgmg, Kiwanians Kessler's original pint was ac­ At I he present time, taxpayers way, No objcclol'S ·appeared at years of library progress Sunday. 8uperVISill' J{ircher, titlJI It board for many years. wninscote in cor·rldoi'S 11.1111 will provirle a fireworks' display the public hearing Monday night. cepted before the new zoning have obligated themselves for 5 glazed illocl• In locl<cr rooms That's the date set for the 20th membe•· or the bmud, Supe~·· The library staff will have the and will run off a hula hoop con· The Walnut murt problem de· ordinance was placer] on the mills foi· the buildiilg and site a:nd benenth chall< board~. books. Lack of sanitary sewer anniversary open house at Hall visor Jlu!,.,l Silsby of Mruson, assistance of members o[ the test. vclopcd when Mr. and Mrs. Ray Memorial library, headquarters of fund. The 5.1 mills figure Is on Othc1• walls will be· painted Feature of this year's program held up the project over a year·, p1·esent c h a lr man of t:he Ingham County Federation of the bnsls that the proposed bonds Alderman found out that the the county l!brai'Y system. bmu·d, and other r;UJ)(JI'ViSOI'S cinder bloclc. will be a I ug of war between turnaround at t.he south end of he added. Women's clubs in preparing for will sell at 5% interest. Bonding teams represent lng the diiTerent In order to circumvent the zan. County Librarian Norm an will be on luurd fOl' the OJien Sunday's festivities. Mrs. R. G. The school will be buill around the cou~t. which was never built attorneys have assured the hoard elcmcnlai'Y schools. ing code the council is consider· Bunker and his staff will be on house Sunday. Henson of Mason Womnn's elub that the issue will undoubtedly a central court, acces·sible only but. to which 1hc city had the from the inside of the building. '!'he evening w!ll wind up with deed, came within a foot of their ing a change in the minimum hand from 2 to <1 to explain the Included in the program for is chairman of the refrcshmen t be sold at less interest which refreshments and a bag of loot. area required so tl1at Kessler's changes In the llbr·ary sinee the Sunday· is the presenting of a committee. could well maim the millage Jess The area will serve as a wind· ft"Ont porch, break for· the large glass areas Kiwhn!ans will fill the l,OOO loot plat will apply. day 20 years ago when Albert J. picture of Mrs. Elgie Crossman, Bunker pointed out f.hat those than is now being raised. bags Tuesday night. The Jocalion of the house in re· C! ty worl< crews finished plac· Hall, Mason banl,er, turned the which will be hung in the base· and will offm· better sound con· fation to the street held up FHA who haven't. seen the libl·ary for Lyle Thorburn, board presi· trol between noisy shops and' Friday night the high school lng the water lines in Brooltclale lteys over to Supervisor Fred L.
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