^'ET PRESS RUN AVERAGE DAILY CIRCULATION Fair tonight. Thursday fair and OF THE EVENING HERALD for the month of May, 1926. partly cloudy, somewhat warmer. 4,915 ambrattr fevaitg (TEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNES DAY, JUNE 16, 1926. VOL. XLIV., NO. 219. Classified Advertising on Page 6 POLISH PRESIDENT IS CHEMICAL INVENTOR HARTFORD PRINCESS I Love Laughs At Asylum Locksmiths CARDINALS ON GETS PRINCE BACK LEAGUE’S HAND Warsaw, June 16.— President COLLEaOR OF BRITAIN FACES f Moscicki of Poland is probably New York, June 16.—Uncom­ the only inventor-president in municative about the incident, MAY APPEAR IN the history of republican gov­ ALL-RED TRAIN Prince Levan Melikov de Somho- RUPTURE WITH ernments. ENHELD SHORT tie, who fled from his bride of a At the opening of the Nation­ month, leaving behind a note in­ al Exhibition of Inventors here SPEEDING WEST TACM -ARICA today, the president placed on timating that he might attempt IN O T N T S suicide, three weeks ago, return­ RUSSSOVIETS exhibition no less than 29 of ed to this country, today, with his own chemical Inventions. the princess, who is the daugh­ ter of Edward Hooker, late U. S. Efforts Collapse and Legate’s Party Leave for Store Keeper Fails to Pro­ mayor of Hartford, Connecticut. Backing of Mine Strike With The two were passengers on Washington Fears Intru­ Chicago With Every Mem­ the Olympic. Red Money Brings Affairs PENN. FACTIONAL duce $30,000 to $50,000; ber of Train Crew, Driver I of Two Nations to the sion of Other Nations in WARFARE WANING Fire in His Desk Damages to Porter, a Catholic. BIG CROWD SURE Breaking Point. South America Affairs, Town’s Books. Threatened Reprisals Called AT FIGHT IN 8TH Washington, June 16.— The bug­ New York, June 16.—The blood- I.ondon, June 16.—The Cabinet j bear of possible war in South red “Cardinals’ Special,’’ carrying Thompsonville, June 16.— Frank­ John Cardinal Bonzano, papal le­ in .session today is reported to he j America, inviting a chain of con­ Off, Slush Fund Witness ly admitting to the authorities that gate, and eight other cardinals, left considering a rupture of diplomatic | sequences which ashington re­ a shortage exists in his accounts as The whole town turned out, with skyrockets and auto horns, when Dr. Tonight’s Meeting Will Be relations with Russia, due to Rus- | the Grand Central station at 11.02 fax collector of the town of Enfield. i W. H. Pounds, 7 6, wealthiest citizen of Paulsboro. N. J., '.harried Miss gards with acute apprehension, Tells Committee. siau organizations sending funds o'clock this morning for Chicago Clark L. Hamilton yesterday after-1 ' Jennie Stiles. 52, to celebrate his rescue from an insane asylum. Guards, arose today to confront and con- to England to aid the striking Brit­ where the church dignitaries will at­ noon, submitted his resignation in > Well Attended — Only I said to be acting on complaint of Dr. Pound's son, had seized him earlier I found the administration. ish miners. I Complete collapse of four years’ ■Washington, June 16. — After tend the Eucliaristic congress writing to Selectman James T. Mur-j ! that day. Indignant townspeople protested in a body to hospital authori- which opens Sunday. One faction in the Cabinet is re­ I ?fforts to amicably adjust the first threatening “political re­ ray. Other than to admit that hej One Contest Looms. i ties, and obtained his release. The return to Paulsboro was a civic A cheering crowd of thousands /J ported as strongly favoring an Im- I Pacna-Arica boundary dispute be- prisals,” the Mellon organization is is “in deep,” Hamilton could give j triumph, with the wedding moved up a day for climax. Above, Miss bade the cardinals farewell and inodiate rupture. The foreign office, I ! tween Chile and Peru apparently Is now making peace with its oppon­ wished them Godspeed. no estimate of what the shortage i I at hand. Chile is preparing to with- One of the best attended meet- it is learned, has however, counsel­ Stiles, left, and Dr. Pounds. ents in the recent $2,000,000 Extraordinary procaur.ioiu had would be. led that such a step would further 1 draw from the negotiations con- been taken to insure a safe jour­ 1 ings the Eighth district has seen in ducted under two American secre­ Pennsylvania senatorial primary May Reach $50,000. injure British trade. Financial j ney. The train, perhaps the most 1 many years is assured tonight when circles arc also reported to he op­ taries of state, Hughes and Kel- race, it was revealed to the Senate luxurious ever assembled, was Until an audit of the books is I logg, and when this act is accom- ! the annual gathering to hear re­ posed to a break. n e a r l y “slush fund” committee today by manned by an all-Catholic crew, completed, officials have no means CROPS ARE ! RICH MAN'S YACHT 1 plislied it will confirm one of the ef estimating the amount involved, ports and elect officers is held in The Cabinet, it is understood, Joseph N. Mackrell, register of wills 1 from engineers to porters. It is has decided that drastic measures most signal diplomatic defeats the due to arrive in Chicago al 9.50 a. However, Selectman Murray ex-jji^g school assembly hall on North United States has ever experienced of Pittsburgh, a Vare leader. pressed fear that the shortage may must be adopted immediately to i m., central time, tomorrow. School street. The contest for tax A MONTH BELATED SEIZED WITH RUM in years of benevolent supervision Mackrell testified he had received Station Idke Cathedral. run high into thousands of dollars,. check the transfer of funds. j assurances only this morning that while there are rumors that the to-1 collector will bring out a number Miners Reject 8 Hour.s j of South American affairs. The Grand Central station resem­ he would not be “penalized” or tal may reach from f 30,000 to i of voters. The striking British miners will Will Oppose War bled a cathedral when the visiting That there will be actual war­ “punished” for having opposed the 550,000. Thomas Ferguson, for 20 years not accept PrenTier Baldwin's plan dignitaries arrived 2 0 minutes be­ fare between Chile and Peru most Mellon machine and supported the collector for the district, is to be op­ to legislate an eight-hour day in Farmers Here Say Chilly Held, With Party of Notables fore train time. The station was Hamilton’s collectorship has been I diplomats here doubt. It is possi­ Vare-Beidleman organization. Ho packed with a dense throng of hu­ under investigation by officials for posed for re-election by Mark the coal industry, A. J. Cook, secre­ received the assurance in a mysteri­ Holmes, north end merchant. tary of the Federation of Miners, j ble, they say, for the feeling is very manity. several weeks, it now becomes Aboard, When 20 Cases ous telephone conversation with Al­ As the cardinals, in their redj announced today. ! Weather Has Delayed the hitter on both sides, but it is not known, since he failed to make re­ Holmes’ argument in seeking the bert Cooper, a Beldleman lieuten­ robes, came down the stairway lead­ turn of certain reports called for by office is that Ferguson docs not “.Mr. Baldwin has now unshcath- i probable. There won't be any war in any event, if the United States ant in Harrisburg. The telephone ing to their train, priests and lay­ law within the time prescribed. Se­ need the salary the job pa>s and ed the sword,” said Cook. “We will ; Whiskey Are Taken. call was revealed by questions by men who had assembled along the lectman Murray stated that the col­ Season. can possibly avert it. that he has held it long enough. fight.” 1 Senator Reed, (D., Mo.), and route knelt reverently and kissed lector had several times been re­ The prospect that causes most Hewever, Ferguson's friends main­ The rejection of tlio miners of j created excitement at the hearing. the rings of the cardinals. quested to make these returns, and tain that the district will be the uneasiness among administration this proposal, which would add an . Norfolk, Va.. June 16.—Thirty ^'ague As To Source. Other business in and about the they had not been filed. heavy loser if Ferguson is dropped. hour to the mine day, makes the i Although no frost.s were report­ officials is that Chile or Peru will ed here a temperature of 50 de-j cases of whiskey of various brands ask the League of Nations to inter­ Mackrell told the committee ho station stopped. Even the ticket The Selectmen offered to employ Ha has succeeded in making nearly prospects of early settlement of the sellers deserted their posts. Train­ assistance for Hamilton in getting grees was recoi ded at 4:30 o'clock j cede in the situation and endeavor had contributed $5,000 in cash to 100 per cent, collections in each of strike extremely dim. were removed today from the yacht men left their trains. Crowds tried his figures together, or to have an this morning and the continued i to make the adjustment that the the Vare-Beidleman campaign and the 20 \ears of service. Fight on Royalties. Laureiitian, owned by A. N. Alger, like Thomas F. Watson, a Varc to jam into the station from the out­ auditor go over his accounts, Mr. May Be Otliers.
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