r’'-’ r' THE WEATHER.' NET PRESS BUR! iGE DAItiX CIRCULATION THE EVENING HERAID Probably light snow tonight or for the month of November. 1026, nrarsday. Not much change in tem­ 4,940 perature. VOL. XLI., NO. 64 Cluaalfled Adveitialag on P i§e • MANCHESiSRi CCHW., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER. 15, 1926. (TEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS T*- TALLEY QUIBBLE Hfmored by Manchester Masons COOLIDGE NAVY STOPS CONCERT DEAN OF YALE 5 SHROUD Scorns Check, Must Have N. Y. LAW PICKED AS HOLD-UP STIRS Draft for $3,000, So New Ro­ A CLOAK FOR CRIME chelle Audience Goes Home. C O N ^ ’ IRE New York, Dec. 15— Marion F E D E R E JUDGE Talley, youthful Metropolitan Pomerene Flays FaD-Doheny Opera soprano from Kansas HDERMOn. ON City, abruptly refused to give 'Big F le e f Partisans Angry a scheduled concert to a wait­ Thomas W. Swan Named By Defense For Dragging in ing audience of 1,000 persons in New Rochelle last night be­ “BIG J(B’ , HAD At Refusal to Build Ships cause of a hitch In the finan­ President Coolidge as . Dead President’s N a m e- cial arrhngements. She was For Which Pay Has Been quoted today as saying that Head of Second Conn. NODSEFORRIM Ends Oil Scandal Trial in her manager never accepted anything less than full pay­ ment in cash or its equivalent Circuit Court. Scathing Attack in Last in advance. Refused to Drink on Night of Sponsors of the concert of­ Moments Before Judge Washington, Dec. 15.— A head- fered $3,000 In checks, cover­ Washington, Dec. 15.— Presi­ ing the entire amount guaran­ Meiiett Mnrder, Because on collision between the Coolldge dent Coolldge today sent the fol­ teed to Miss Talley, but her , lowing nomination to the Senate: Charges Jury« brand of economy and the desire manager, F. C. Coppicus, an­ He Had to Earn $200 Wit­ of Congress to keep the American nounced that the soprano Circuit Judge. Second Circuit, of Conn., Thomas W. Swan. —j.’hoto by Elite —Photo by Elite —^Photo by E lite navy up to the mark set by the would not sing unless a draft ness Says. ■Washington Dec. 15. — The arjns conference reverbrated for the $3,000 on a New York Dean Since 1016 W. GEORGE GLENNET HERMAN E. MONTIE JAMES O. McCAW hank was forthcoming. New Haven, Dec. 15.— Thomas Past Master ■Worshipful Master Senior Warden Fall-Doheny case went to the jury throughout the capitol today. The disappointed audience W. Swan of Connecticut, whose • Canton, Ohio, Dec. 15.— William at 2:50 p. m. It shattered what little harmony of 1,000 music lovers imme­ there has been between the White name was submitted by President Betzler, of Akron, O., and Johns­ diately left the auditorium. Coolldge today as judge of the CURE FOR DRUGS, House and the Republican leader­ town, Pa., “ mystery” witness for ship In Congress during this dying United States Circuit court, has Masons Elect New Officers; Washington, Dec. 15.—‘From, been dean of the Yale law school DRINK, CLAIMED the prosecution, took the witness Q A O Q l n T I the tears and heart throbs of the A letter from Admiral E. W. since 1916. stand today at the trial of Pat E. MISS GEARY RESIGNS He graduated from Yale In 1900 Lodge Enjoys Bluest Year defense, the pendulum swung Eberle, chief of operations, which Compound of Seeds Successful McDermott for the murder of Don sharply back to the biting accusa­ set forth in figures that the Amer­ and from Harvard law school In in All But One Case, Physi­ 1903. He practised law In Chi­ R. Mellett, vice crusading publish­ tions of the prosecution today in ican navy has now slipped far be­ cians Assert. hind both Great Britain and ASDIREaOROFREC cago from 1907 to 1916 and was a er. the last ten minutes of the conspi­ lecturer there in the University -of Japan in essential fighting arms Herman E. Montie Becomes Worshipful Master New York, Dec. 15.— Hope Betzler told, of a conversation racy trial of former Secretary o€ proved the spark that set the. Chicago law department. He was with McDerriiott in the latter’s room the Interior Albert B. Fall and E. a Phi Beta Kappa man at Yale for a quick and permanent House in conflagration against the and James 0. McCaw Senior Warden; cure was held out to narcotic in Canton the Monday before the L. Doheny, millionaire oil opera­ Coolldge economy policy. and a member of the Ellhu club. murder. He said McDermott pro­ Ninth District Exeentive to Dean Swan was born December W. George Glenney Congratulated. and alcoholic addicts today tor. Eberle's Sad Tale by Dr. Alepcander Lambert duced a loaded revolver from under At 1:35, Justice Hoehling start­ Eberle revealed that it will take 20, 1877, at Norwich, Conn., and ed his charge to the jury. In 1919 married Miss Mabel Elea­ and Dr. Fredericl: Tilncy, his pillow. 21 cruisers to bring the navy up to Leave Jan. 15— To Marry Manchester Lodge of Masons at.« of trustees read last night were following nearly a year of “ Some gun, what?” the witness Pomerene Last Pleader ■parity with Great Britain, and 14 nor Dick, of Lake Forest, 111. its annual meeting last evening decidedly encouraging and showed Former Senator Atlee Pomerene, . If his appointment is confirmed' experimentation bjr commit­ said McDermott exclaimed. cruisers to make it equal the five- elected a new b^ard of officers and the rapid strides that the lodge Is of Ohio, special government oil — Chaney Her Successor. by the Senate, Dean Swan will tees of New York physicians The next night, Betzler testified, five-three ratio with Japan. Com­ heard the reports of Its officers for making. upon patients at Welfare Is­ McDermott told him he “ was out counsel, was elected to close the parable deficiencies exist with re­ have succeeded Henry Wade Rog­ the past year. The meeting was The secretary’s report showed a ers, his predecessor as dean of land. with all the high muckamucks in celebrated case. gard to fleet submarines and air­ largely attended. net gain of 77 in membership. Dur­ The cure^ is attained Canton,” and that if he were “ pick­ His first move was an answer to Miss Marjorie C. Geary, director Yale law school who was appoint­ craft carriers. The Officers ing the year 81 were raised In the through injection of a drag ed up” for anything it would be the rather surprising personal at­ What has made the House “ wild” of the Ninth District Recreation ed by President Wilson and who The new officers will be installed lodge and today the total member­ died during the summer. known as “ narcos'an,” a com­ easy to “ get clean.” tack on his colleague, Owen J. Rob- is the fact that President Coolldge Centers since September, 1925, at the last meeting in December and ship is 727. berts, by Frank Hogan, chief de­ has tendered her resignation to the pound of soya bean seed, cot­ On Wednesday night, the witness and Budget Director Lord have are the following: Reports ton seed, alfalfa seed and fense counsel. Recreation committee to take ef­ testified, McDermott cancelled an refused to spend the money al­ "Worshipful Master— Herman E. The report of the treasurer show­ other plant seeds. It contains Walking over to Hogan, he said: ready appropriated by Congress fect on January 15. She Is to be Montie. automobile “ date” with him, ex­ ed the lodge to be in a'flourishing no narcotics. The drug was plaining he "had a job. running “ Honorable as Mr. Hogan is In toward overcoming the shortage married to William Woodlock of Senior Warden— James 0. Mc­ condition from a financial point of BRITISH PARUAMENT developed by A. S. Horovltz, whiskey from Toledo.” Washington, no less honora,ble is in cruiser strength. Waterford N. Y., In February. Her Caw. view, and that of the trustees dealt Hungarian bio-chemist-, who Get .Statement Into Record^' Mr. Roberts in Philadelphia. In 1924, Congress authorized an resignation was accepted with re­ Junior Warden— Harold L. Pres­ largely with the building ’of the came to the United States When Betzler came to what (Mc­ “ Mr, Hogan presents a case no eight cruiser building program, gret by the Recreation Committee. PROROGUED TILL FEB. 8 ton. new Masonic Temple. shortly before the World Dermott said to him on the night fairer than Mr. Robert^’. three ships of which have never Miss Geary will be succeeded by Treasurer— Harold A. Alvord. All the members who have pledg­ Associate Director E. H. Chaney, War. of the murder, • defense counsel “ Mr. Roberts and I were drafted been started, although the money Secretary— Harry Trotter. ed sums of money for the new During the past seven by the government and we came • was appropriated. Annually Pres­ who came here this last autumn King’s Speech Deals With Coal Trustees — F. A. ^ "Verplanck, Temple are urged to redeem those raised an objection. The jury was from Indiana. Miss Ruth Calhoun, months the new cure has excused while opposing attorneys here to do our duty as we see it. ident Coolldge has reported in his Strike, Says Affairs in China George M. Barber, R. LaMotte Rus­ pledges as soon as convenient. been successful in 365 .of who has been in charge of the argued to the court. “ The fault now seems to be that messages that because of the ef­ Are Closely Watched. sell. Glenney’s Work 366 cases tried, according to wo failed to fall in line with the forts to arrange a new 'disarma­ West Side Rec.
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