KIT NO.1222 Valvoline TEAMLOTUSJPSMkDLenath 381mm : SUPER DETAILED FORD D.FV ENGINE I MOVABLE FRONTS REAR SUSPENSION TAMIYA Width I7imm ~ STEERABLE FRQNT WHEELS TAMIYA PLASTIC MODEL CO. Height 76mm CDETACHABLE BODY PANELS 628.0SHIKA.SHIZUOKA-C1TY JAPAN ** is produced under exclusive licence from and with the full cooperation of Team Lotus International Limited Top left: Photo of Colin Chapman and his signature. * Dieser Bausatz wird unter derexclusiven Lizenz und in voller Zusammenarbeit mit der Team Lotus International hergestellt. Oben links: Photo von Colin Chapman und seiner Unterschrift. L> 1, 12 J.P.S. Mk.III TEAMLOTUS - [PSMkJH 1/12 LOTUS 78 (JPS Mk III) is not until now, some seven months and several Constructors Championship and of having fe - Grands Prix later, that the results have so far In 1974 Team Lotus were most anxious to de- drivers figure prominently in the Fl Driven shown once more to the world that Team Lotus velop the successor to their highly regarded and Championship again. For sheer determinate" is a force to be reckoned with. winning Lotus 72. However, the new model de- and innovation Team Lotus are now supet; Results to-date 1977 World Fl Championship: signated the Lotus 76, proved to be unworthy of Many different variations of possible improve- the name Lotus, and much to their chagrin Lotus ments are taken to each race meeting and tr.ec ARGENTINE GRAND PRIX were forced again into racing with their old 72's. during testing until the best combination is ar- Practice: Andretti 8th fastest but wrecked his rived at. One of the improvements between t-e Then in 1976 the Type 77 was introduced. After car and drove Nilsson's car for race. much perseverence and with frequent and vari- Type 77 and Type 78 lies in the shape and pos- Race Placing: Andretti 5th. ous improvements this car was raced without tioning of the radiators and fuel tanks mountec success until the last Grand Prix of the season - each side of the body, giving an improved BRAZILIAN GRAND PRIX aerodynamic shape and greater down-thrust. the Japanese. This race was destined to be the Practice: Andretti 3rd, Nilsson 10th most critical of the season. All eyes were fo- Throughout the design of the 78, especial atter- Race Placing: Andretti retired electrical trouble. tion has been paid to the ease of driving a-^: cused not on Lotus, but on McLaren and their Nilsson 5th. driver, James Hunt, and on Ferrari and Niki maintenance and* to the body shape. Coi - Lauda. These two drivers were locked in a "no Chapman now claims that it is not now possible SOUTH AFRICAN GRAND PRIX holds barred" conflict for the World Champion- to design Fl cars simply by inspiration and tnat Practice: Andretti 6th, Nilsson 10th ship which the Japanese Grand Prix was to set- great team work and effort is necessary tc Race Placing: Andretti retired (accident) Nilsson tle. In appalling conditions of torrential rain the achieve even the slightest improvement. How- 12th. race was started and after only one lap Lauda ever, "good luck" is still an important ingredient drove into the pits to retire, claiming that the to any racing team. U.S.A. GRAND PRIX WEST conditions were too bad, thus leaving James Team Lotus was established by Colin Chapmar Practice: Andretti 2nd, Nilsson 16th Hunt to finish and to win the Championship, after World War II just as were most Englist- Race Placing: Andretti 1st, Nilsson 8th. which, of course, he did. But the winner of the Sports Car makers. Chapman was born in Lon- race was the veteran American driver Mario An- don on 19th May, 1928. He studied engineering SPANISH GRAND PRIX dretti in the Lotus Car that was the forerunner of at University Collage, London, and in 1948 his Practice: Andretti 1st, Nilsson 12th the new Lotus 78. Throughout the 1976 season first car was a 1937 Morris 8 Tourer, a present Race Placing: Andretti 1st, Nilsson 5th. determined Andretti realised that in the Lotus 77 from his father. The young Chapman, with the he had a potential world beater and, much to his help of another young man, Rodney Nuckey MONACO GRAND PRIX credit and to the persistence of Colin Chapman made their first Special from a 1930 Austin 7 Practice: Andretti 10th, Nilsson 13th and his team of dedicated engineers and desig- Fabric Saloon. This car Registered Number DD Race Placing: Andretti 5th, Nilsson retired with ners, and in spite of many set backs, th is realisa- 3493, was fu rther transformed from a Trials Spe- gearbox trouble. tion is now coming true. cial to become the Lotus Mk. I, called "Lotus Successful Grand Prix racing is becomming far because the Lotus is said to induce sleep, which BELGUIM GRAND PRIX more of a precise and exact affair. With costs the long dark hours of work on this car certainly Practice: Andretti 1st, Nilsson 3rd did to its young creators. The Lotus Mk. II was by soaring, sponsors are asking more and more of Race Placing: Andretti retired (accident)Nilsson the car manufacturers, and with most teams now being built and obsession with cars in- using the same engine and the same tyres, more 1st. creased when Chapman joined the R.A.F. Now precise research on the aerodynamics and func- commissioned and trained to "Wings'' standard. tion of each part of the car is necessary to SWEDISH GRAND PRIX Chapman raced the Mark II with a Ford Engine achieve the sponsors winning demands. Chap- Practice: Andretti 1st, Nilsson 8th successfully in amateur trials for some time. In Race Placing: Andretti 6th, Nilsson retired with man, out of necessity, was forced in 1975 to go 1949 he left the R.A.F. and in 1951 the Lotus wheel bearing trouble. back to the basics of car design and was among Mark III appeared. Its success was instant. As a the first of the British teams to set up his own result of the great interest shown in his cars. FRENCH GRAND PRIX design and development section, which is instal- January 1st 1952 saw the formation of Lotus Practice: Andretti 1st, Nilsson 3rd led in an old Norfolk country stately mansion Engineering. From a stable owned by his father Race Placing: Andretti 1st, Nilsson 4th near to Norwich. Some fifteen months later the in Hornsey, London, Chapman made and sola Lotus 78 was launched to the world press at the components, and eventually Lotus Engineering Royal Garden Hotel in London. This new carwas These results are most encouraging and Team produced their Mark VI production car. received with mixed reactions by the press and it Lotus are confident of again reclaiming the TAMIYA Main Specification Chassis - Light alloy monocoque Transmission Hewland FG400 5-speed Length 4543mm Tyre Good Year Height 920mm Front: 1 Sinch X 10 - X 11 Wheel base 2743mm Rear: 1 Sinch X 18 - X 19 Engine Ford Cosworth DFV V8 2993cc aus einem 1930 Austin 7 PKW. DieserWagen mit der No. DD 3493 wurde weiter umgebaut von einem Versuchswagen in den Lotus Mk. I. Die langen dunklen Stunden - die zu Schlaf verf uhren - welche die beiden jungen Manner an der Arbeit verbrachten, fuhrte zu dern Namen "Lotus". Ein altes Sprichwort sagt, dass die Lotusblute zu Schlaf verfiihrt. Der zweite Lotus Mk. II wurde gebaut und als Chapman in die R.A. F. eintrat, wurde sein Inter- esse an Autos zur Besessenheit. Chapman fuhr seinen Wagen in Amateur Rennen mit einer Ford Maschine. 1949 verliess Chapman die R.A.F. und bereits 1951 erschien der Lotus Mark III. mit grossem Erfolg. Daslnter(essean seinem Wagen war sehr gross und bereits am 1. Januar 1952 wurde die Lotus Engineering Company gegriindet. In einem Stall, der seinem Vater gehorte, in Hornsey, London baute Chapman Teile und verkaufte diese, er produzierte auch dort seinen Mark IV. Ergebnisse der 1977 WeHmeistersihatt Formel I Grand Prix Training Rennen Andretti Andretti Nilsson Nilsson Argentinien 8.Platz 5.Platz + A + Brasilien S.Ptatz 10.Platz + B + S.PIatz 1/12 Lotus 78 (IPS Mk III) Colin Chapman ist der Meinung, dass es nicht South Africa 6.Platz 10.Platz + C + 12. Platz 1974 war das Lotus Team besorgt, den Nach- moglich ist, Formel I Wagen nur durch Ein- U.S.A. West 2.Platz 16. Platz 1. Platz S.PIatz folger fur ihren gewinnbringenden Lotus 72 zu gebung zu entwerfen, sondern dass grosstes Spanien 1.Platz 12.Platz 1. Platz S.PIatz Teamwork und Anstrengungen notwendig sind Monaco 10. Platz B.PIatz 5.Platz + D + bauen. Das als Lotus 76 bezeichnete Fahrzeug um auch nur die kleinste Verbesserung zu voll- Belgien 1.Platz 3.Platz + E + 1. Platz war jedoch nicht wert, den Namen Lotus zu Schweden 1. Platz 8. Platz + f + tragen und das Team musste mit ihren alten 72' bringen. Auf jeden Fall, "Good Luck" ist S.PIatz trotzdem immer noch ein wichtiger Bestandteil Frankreich 1.Platz 3.Platz 1. Platz 4.Platz Wagen antreten. 1976 wurde dann das Model! 77 vorgestellt Mit viel Ausdauer und haufigen, jedes Racing Teams. Das Team Lotus wurde gegriindet von Colin A -Andretti zwar Schnellster, fuhr jedoch seinen verschiedenen Verbesserungen wurde der Chapman nach dem 2. Weltkrieg. Chapman Wagen zur Schnecke - im Rennen nahm Wagen ohne Erfolg geiahren - bis zum letzten wurde am 19.5.1928 in London geboren. Er er dann Nilsson's Wagen und wurde 5. Rennen der Saison - dem Grand Prix von Japan. studierte Ingenieur am Universitats College in B +Andretti hatte im Rennen Electroschaden und Es war das kritischte Rennen, das alleAugenauf London. 1948 bekarn er von seinem Vater den musste aufgeben.
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