CONTENTS Role of Governors 2 Curriculum Provision 3 Parents Information 5 Premises / Security of staff and pupils 6 Staff Development Arrangements 7 Review of the Year 2016-17 8 Departmental Reports 11 Extra-Curricular Programme 49 Health Education 54 Extended Schools Programme 57 Community Outreach & Enrichment 59 Academic Trends 2015-17 / Leavers Destinations / Admissions 61 Public Examination Results 62 Finance report 2016-17 64 Policy Documents 65 Lumen Christi College Annual Report to Board of Governors 2016-17 1 ROLE OF GOVERNORS The Board of Governors has a statutory obligation to provide an annual report to parents on the implementation of college policies, the College curriculum and the management of the College in the year previous to the report’s publication. Parents of all registered pupils in the College and all persons employed by the College are entitled to a copy of this report. BOARD OF GOVERNORS Mrs Aideen Campbell Chairperson Trustee Representative The Very Reverend Monsignor Bryan Mc Canny Trustee Representative Mr Gerry Kindlon Trustee Representative Mrs Bernadette Nangle Trustee Representative Mr Paul Kavanagh DENI Representative Ms Daisy Mules DENI Representative Dr Clare Ryan DENI Representative Mrs Rita Brady Elected Parent Mr Dermot Hegarty Elected Teacher Mr Martin McDaid Co-opted member Mr Philip O’Doherty Co-opted member Professor Liam Maguire Co-opted member The Principal, Mrs Siobhan McCauley, is a non-voting member and Secretary to the Board. The term of office of DENI members expires in October 2017 and for all other members, in September 2017. Lumen Christi College Annual Report to Board of Governors 2016-17 2 THE CURRICULUM Staffing In 2016-17, Ms Brid Gallagher [English], Mr Martin Mc Callion [English], Ms Jennifer O’ Kane [Music], Ms Mairead Mc Guinness [French] and Ms Michelle Sweetman [Business Studies] joined the staff on a temporary basis. Dr Michael Joyce Head of Chemistry retired in June after seventeen years in the College and Ms Michelle Donaghey and Mrs Emer Hutton left us to take up posts in other schools. Mrs Geraldine Mc Closkey was appointed as Head of Chemistry in June 2017. Academic & Pastoral Arrangements 200 applicants sought admission to the College at Year 8. 121 pupils were admitted, divided into five mixed ability classes according to choice of languages and friendship groups. At Key Stage 3 class sizes range from 20 to 26 in number; at Key Stage 4, from 11 to 29, streamed only for some classes in Further Mathematics at GCSE; and at A-Level, class sizes range from 4 to 20. All classes have allocated pastoral time with their Form Tutor for two periods each week. Lumen Christi College continues to offer the full Northern Ireland Curriculum at Key Stages 3 and 4. Learning for Life and Work was again offered in the GCSE curriculum using the collapsed timetable model. At Key Stage 4 the vast majority of students took a minimum of nine and some students took a maximum of thirteen GCSEs while, at Sixth Form, all students took at least three A-Levels. We are delighted to continue to engage with the Confucius Classroom Project in collaboration with Ulster University and Hanban University in China. 111 Year 8 students successfully completed the YCT1 examination, 8 Year 9 & 10 students were awarded YCT2 and YCT3, 3 Year 13 students successfully completed HSK. Mrs Guan Changquin our Mandarin teacher also taught in Longtower Primary School, Nazareth House Primary School, Good Shepherd Primary School, St Eugene’s Primary School and Thornhill College. On Monday 13th February, all our Year 8 pupils participated in a Cultural Celebration for Chinese New Year. Pupils all took to the stage to show off their vocal talents, singing songs they have been learning in Mandarin lessons. Pupils also enjoyed a Martial Arts Performance, a Mongolian Dance display and an Instrumental performance. Pupils then joined together to learn an ethnic dance and the celebrations were rounded off with a quiz on China. On Monday 1st February 2017 a group of students attended the Confucius Celebration of the Chinese New Year in the MAC Belfast. Chinese Consulate Madam Wang Shuying and Mr Dale Heaney DENI presented four Lumen Christi students with their prizes for winning the Confucius New Year Art Competition. Daniel Mason Year 13 won the overall first prize. The College is a member of the Foyle Learning Community with links twelve post-primary providers in the area allowing access for post-16 students to a range of subjects in addition to those taught on site in the College. In the past year one of our students studied A level Health and Social Care in St Mary’s College. Eight year 12 students and eleven Year 11 students studied GCSE Journalism in The Verbal Arts Centre Two students from local schools (St Joseph’s College, and St Mary’s College) attended classes at Lumen Christi in A2 French and AS Spanish. Lumen Christi College Annual Report to Board of Governors 2016-17 3 Summary of 2016-17 EF Audit Course Year 11 Year 12 Year 13 Year 14 Classification General 14 14 14 13 (14 delivered) 14 (delivered) (13 delivered) (13 delivered) Applied 11 10 19 6 (9 delivered) (8 delivered) (7 delivered) (6 delivered) Total 25 24 (22 delivered) 33 19 (23 delivered) (20 delivered) (all delivered At GCSE level 98% of our pupils attained Grades A*-C in at least seven subjects and 96% of our students achieved 7 A* - C grades including English and Mathematics. 81 students achieved 7 Grade As or more and 71.6% of all entries attained Grade A*- A. 51 students achieved 10As or higher. At A-Level too, results were again excellent; 63% of all our entries resulted in Grade A*-A and 95.4% of students achieved three Grade A*- C grades while 47 students achieved 3 or more Grade As, 11 of whom achieved 4 A Grades or better. We are delighted that our students picked up a range of places in Northern Ireland in CCEA examinations June 2017: GCSE Name Rank Geography Patrick Maguire 2nd Business & Communication Systems Emily Carlin 1st Business & Communication Systems Rachel McElhinney 2nd Business & Communication Systems Ronan Dale 3rd Irish Mary C Grant Joint 1st Spanish Mary C Grant Joint 3rd Spanish Catherine Pierse Joint 3rd A Level Biology Cathal Roarty 3rd Mathematics Thomas O’Hagan 2nd Further Mathematics Thomas O’Hagan 2nd Music Rebecca Doherty Joint 3rd Applied Business SA Conor McGinley Joint 2nd Applied Business SA Michael Philson Joint 3rd The results again place Lumen Christi College among the foremost academic schools in the United Kingdom as borne out by the Sunday Times Parent Power Survey in November 2017. Lumen Christi College Annual Report to Board of Governors 2016-17 4 Parents Information Ongoing and updated information for parents on all aspects of college life is available on-line on the school website: www.lumenchristicollege.co.uk. This contains a newsletter, staffing and pupil information, admissions criteria, complaints procedure and a wide range of policy documents on areas such as curriculum and pastoral provision, discipline, child protection, drugs awareness and relationships and sexuality education. Policy documents are also available in written copy to parents on request to the school office and the School Development Plan is available for inspection by parents in the school. Parents Information Evenings were held for Years 8, 10, 11 and 13 and afforded parents an opportunity to gain information required on a wide range of issues including careers advice, subject choices, relationships and sexuality education programme, child protection, special educational provision, study skills, drugs awareness and preparation for university. Year 8 pupils and their parents attended Induction Meetings in June and received copies of our Welcome Booklet. 2016-17 was another very active year for the Lumen Christi Parents Teachers Association. In January, members attended the annual Open Day and responded to questions asked by visiting parents and children. In March they organised a very enjoyable Irish Night which allowed us to showcase the musical talents of our students. In April, members of the Association were once again to the fore in providing hospitality for those attending the Spring Concert. Financial support from the Association went this year to a wide range of causes including purchasing soccer footballs for pupil use at lunchtime, a kit for athletics team, sponsorship for the pupils involved in Ulster Project as well providing refreshments for the End of Year Art Show and Walk to School breakfast. The main contribution this year was the purchase of much needed Ball Catchers for the grass pitch. All in all, 2016-17 proved to be a very satisfying and productive year for this very dedicated and hardworking group. Their work is very much appreciated by the Board and the entire school community. A formal complaints procedure to the Board of Governors exists for parents and is available on the school website; no complaint was lodged in the academic year 2016-17. Lumen Christi College Annual Report to Board of Governors 2016-17 5 Premises Refurbishment of the Greenhouse is ongoing. The library stair area and RE3 have been redecorated. The Board of Governors have submitted School Enhancement Proposal to DE. Arrangements for the Security of Staff and Pupils We await the go ahead from EA for the remainder of works to internal and external stairs, landings, etc. to meet safety and DDA standards; works to external metal escape stairs from gable of third storey senior house building; fire door maintenance. The fire alarm is checked weekly. All students have access to an independent counselling service (FamilyWorks), the College’s teaching and support staff have access to Care Call.
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