]G e t d ir t y , g!ET e HAPPY g ^ O P E N IIIN I G M O V E - Tapping into the psjjsychological S u n s o vrertake e r Lakers 9& 877 J benefits of gardenirn i n g . I n In first-rouound playoff opener. I IMAGE. SEE PAGE Dl 'il'lllll'i i l liPAGEBl ! II ____________ Good Momin] W e61 rw^■ _ MONDAYir w re 1 ^ ' ^ «|iril23,200;07 Morathowm. 50 centss DatilKM : 1 i m le s-! ------------- Ib g W m x aNe n ' Idah(0 Powrer seeliks 14.!5 perc:entraa te h ikce involves a portion of custoitomeis’ bills partlculariyr In soudi-centnd Idaho— hydropower."h G ale sold. "It:t passesr on Not enough runoffr means 0customers th at fluctuates each sprinjing depend- the laiger thethe snowpacks. the morc thetl bcneflis of good wat'ater years big on power-supply costs.IS. runoff and walerw: for the company's whenv we can use our hydrdro system ' "Our PCA filing this yearyc rcfiects hydroelectricric facilities. Last year tot lls fullest. A nd in limimes w hen could pay abcbout $6.41 morere a month: jusi.how-bad-thc, winterT snowpack - when -snowpwpacks were large, for hydroh generating condllilllions arc was for Idaho.PDwcr andd idtlmately example, runoffru for Brownlee poor,p the increased costs; forfi pow er ByMattCMriwMi A po o r wlnierwl: snoxvpack means the o< u r custom ers.' sold RlcIc Gale, th e Reservoir wasms about 8.4 million acrc- area sharod between the: comc pany T1im»W«w» wittw com pany' willw have less woier for its company'si vicc prcsldcniI forf regula- feet, and diele comc pany reduccd rates aa n d its custom ers w hen weT jm ust use hydn^ectrinric fadlldes. and the com- toryi alfalis, in a statem entit rcr le a s ^ lo by aboul 199 percenLp An acre foot is oo th er m eans to supply elcctrnridty.* he BOISE — T hink ifss Jijust farmers pany be forced to rely more on Its* thi e press. "The forecast runmofT from the am ountt ofof vrater needed to covcr sold.& who worry about snowpjwpocks? If you out-of-statelie coal-fired power plants thei mountains upstream of Brownlee one acre inwaler wa a foot deep. Tiie IPUC is accepting putlublic com - use clcctrldty. think againpiin. o r u po n whwholesale power purchases. Rescivoir.b1 ordy 3 3 mllUorion a ac-fect This year.; however,h< snowpacks arc mentn on the proposal until MMay 14.1b Idalio Power Ca cusioislomera could A typical rcresidential customer could during( the im portant Apriliril-thraugh- low and thee come pany is requesting sluuesl your thoughts, visit1 tdie IPUC see ihcir m onthly bills1 riseris th b sum - sec rate Incincreases of aboul S6.41 per luly1 period. That's th e timene when wc permission fromfre regulators to offset Wtebsitcathttp://www.pucl<V ::.Idahagov. mer if the Idaho Pubiublic Utilities month. Tha'hat's about a M.5 percent coiuit< on our low-cdst hydlydroclectric lls costs. IdahoIda Power makes no TT he case num ber Is IPC-E-0707-10. Commission approvesrs ia company increase In rates, according lo the systems! lo m eei o u r .hcavjivy. sum m er m oney on PCAPG Quctuadons. accord- icqucst (o Increase rates,», accordinga to IPUC loads," he said. lngtodieIPU(»UC Tfmes-Affiw s i a / f writeiler Matt statements released byy IcIdaho Povrer The com>mpany's proposal affects Indeed, snovtpacks acros:Dss die state “T he PCAA addresses bolh the OiriiremenC urlcometcommcnwntsai 735- a n d th c IP U C power-costst iadjustm ent, o r PCA. and havet been generally belowow average, strengths indanc the weaknesses of 3243S andai mattehrtsunstn^10'ife.wt Candidaate debattes The liealW hC (;a re jPV, could talike placel i n " " , JcyberspilacethisffaU BED rB ftkM r __ On the Nei NEWYORK— Tlie 2008 p n n idential contenders m ay so« bc slugging il OUI in cybc— com Sjspacc, w idi pioneering onlin only debates being planned«d forI eariy next fall, a new met!ncdia zen journalists hod bebeen Invit- pormership says. e d to covcr. The polldcai blog Hufllngnigton "It was d e a r to me.(^dlc i 2008 Post, online portal Yahool aat n d cam paign w as goin{ing to bc Slate M agazine will h o stt Uthe dominated by what^ ^i happrn- debates.— one for Democrata n d c Ingonllne— new techrlinolo^cs. candidates, one fof r new m edia Uke neverer before." Republicans — sometime alterait Huffington said. She dithen con- Labor Day, with PBS hoh o st tacted Rose and Slaiiate editor OiarUc Rose serving as m ode3der- Jacob WUsberg to fontrm a p a n ­ alor. the sponson plannedxl ito nership to producc dieic forums. announce Monday. Yahoa th e largest prciroviderof Voiers win b c invited to sulsub- online nvws, will hihost the mit quesdons. and can blog[>g Iin debates and provide dthe tech- real tim e to shore their opii>pin- nologlcal cxpcrdse to 0j producc ions on the candidateatcs* diem. answers. (Candidates will bec able to Arianna Hufllngton. foundin d e r parddpntu from far-fluilungioca- ofthe HuQlngion Pm i. saidd thit e dons, speaking and intinieraaing idea for online debates wtw as widi one ano d ier befoifore sepa- hatched earlier this year att it:the rale video camcras. Thn ie video World Economic Forumn iin wrlll also, ap p ear on d'die Slate M bit A M . a taniijr Mnt vndWtMrvttk Fm >T Huldi S«Ti«TkM at tte MMtti StTMt CWe iiii1W T ilFlll,tlks«ttaM i«IFriFHtoj. “ &Davos, nliich bloggers andId d td - and Hufllngton PostWtWebsites. Fewer Idilaho famil[lies are meledicaUyirtisured Study:$ Pay ggap persistsS BytalnPihMr family simply cann<nnot afford 'W c have mfibre o r than 20,000 m o ic dianUl half of their d ients i Tln»»«w i» w ttter________ the rising cost of heallealth insur- patrons w ho are either unln- have liiiletie o r n o Insu ran ca r ances. sured or imdcriIcrlnsured, and Most provovideis in Idaho are ^b e t w e e n mien e and wonnen TWIN FALLS — Healthhcarc a "My Dancd (GaryyQements) C that number generallyge is 10 expciiendjdng similar increases has becom e m o re o f a luxiuxuiy owns his own lan dIscapebusi-' sa percent to 15i peiccnip< higher in unlnsun Difference begins^ Association of UniIniverslty thiui a necessity. ' ness, and I think hle e cam c s ]ust each year,” SchSchrocder said. Accordlnling 10 stadsUcs prt>- W om en EducLicational That is w h at Jamlam es enoughnot to bc eligiligible.“ said "Wc have to0 usei creative vidcd tiyby Family H ealdi 1 i n a Foundation, found ithat 10 Schroeder. CEO of Famam lly Laura Kara. 'O u r twotwi d a u ^ - thinking to Ilndid ways^ lo covcr Services,. IdahoI is about 15 1 year after coIleg( years after collegc,, iw om en Health Services, and seve;everal ters are eligible forr Medicaid,N these patientsts becauseI the percent hl^erI dion the xt eam only 69 percent1 (o f what other medical proressiomionals thonk goodness, iutbut wc can- federal grants. don'tdo cox-cr the nadonal averagea\ In terms of thenU grows widerfl m en eom . - are saying about the currcirrent not afford any health1th coverage costs." uninsuicdld families. Even after controlll)lling for sinutlon regarding healthhcare a right now.* Family Healtla lth Services. "The cco o iu try Is already Tin AModated P rm ________ hours, occupation. parcnt-i in Idaha In terms of fomlUmllies Ibday marks the! Qrst Gx day of virhich has 10 ofDctsofD dirough- spendingI die d money to pay for hood, and other factors without mcdical Insurantonce, Nadonal Cover th elUninsiuvd Ui out the Magic ValleyVal area, uses healdicarere for die uninsured,'’ 1NEW YORK — W omcin c n kno%vn to affect eamlndngs. die . Idaho has always had momore Week, which recognlrnizesasitu- a combinationon of federal Schroedert sold. i "But what we numake only 80 percent of thithe study found that one-ie-quarter than the nadonal average.e. ad o n th ar is becommlng l more grants. Medicaidaid and health are tryingng to pro m o te is salsalaries their male peersI dido of the pay gap remain:Ins uncx- But w hat m o st people do:don't critical In the natlotlon: Morc insurance tp covercov the costs spending; thattl money on the onone year after college: after:r 10li plained, laiow is that most of thothose than half of all famamllles are associated withdth uninsured front endI so s that padents are yeiyears in th e work force, thith e The group said thatit |portion families are employed,, aiand either medically unlnftinsurcd or padents. n o t endlniIng up w ith larger ga|gap betw een their pay vridcnlens of th e gap Is "likely duelue to sex not even below the poveijverty undertnsured. Family Healthdth Services is problemsI and oi larger costs." fuifurther, according to a stud;udy discrimination.'* level Schroeder sold famllinllies Idaho excecds tiethe nadonal o n e of few medliedlcal providers reirdeased Monday. such as the Kara<Demennents- averagebyabout 155 perccnt. p In the M agic: ValleyV where See KAUHHE CAKE. Page A3 The study, by the Americailean Please sec MVQtf.F>. Page A3 - ---------fndex--------- 1 O iU ttM t .......................C3.10^ VirginiciaTechsho()otingeinp phasizes I ComW............................... 02-3 CfOMwort.......................... ca OtmWft .......................... M HorOKOp«.......................... D31 need to0 protect yc^oimgTVvi/iewers I WlhQ/Wwt .......................-AT I m y ..................................
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