RED BANK REGISTER VOLUME LXXI, NO. 1. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, JULY 1, 1948 SECTION ONE-PAGES 1 TO 12 Red Bank Woman Birthday Greeting$ Reade Cleared Sea Bright Hall Army Colonel Taken For $60 Smith Urges Former Senator Washington, DO. Bowling Alleys Dorothy Webster of 18 Maple Thomaa Irvlns; Brown, May Be Ready Buys Colonial avenue was the victim of a new Firm U. S. Policy Barbour Estate Red Bank Register, In Libel Suit Ruined By Fire angle of the "pocket-book game" Red Bank, N. J. Friday. Pleas* accept my heartiest For August Use Oceanport Home According to police, she wasFor Leadership At Locust Sold congratulations and best Against The Sun At Stardust Inn walking on Monmouth street, near wlshe« on the 71st birthday of Wilson Says Progess Will Live There Maple avenue, when a man In front Senator Addresses Deal Negotiated Tha Register. Longer The Re- Jury Relurni No Rex Williams Sees of her stopped and appeared to gister llvea the stronger It be- Is Rapid; Work Due To Permanently After pick up a pocketbook from the Memorial Gathering By Joseph G. McCue comes and Is dally more be- Cause For Action At Least $20,000 street. He turned to her and said, loved by tha people of the Start On Pavilion His Retirement 'Look what I found. There must At Old Tennent Agency At Rumson community which It serves. Verdict For Others Losi In Building be $3,000 in this bag. If you give Its Independence of thought m<! $60 now, I will see that you get Walter Reade, county theater Frank X. Wilson of Runuon, The John L. Minugh agency of U. S. Senator H. Alexander Smith One of the largest estate proper- and Its breadth of vision If a A. fire, believed to have bees contractor for the renovation of $300 of this money tomorrow." She called for the continuance of a bi- great stimulus to all and con- magnate, was freed by Judge Rob- be«in started by spontaneous com- Rumson reports the sale of the res- gave him the money. ies in this area has just changed ort V. Klnkead at Freehold Monday th« beachfront first aid hall as aidence of Mr. and Mrs. James R. partisan, all-American foreign pol- lands through the sale of the form- tributes In no small degree to bustion, swept through the down* borough hall for Sea Bright, has Spencer at 23 Main atreet, Ocean- Claiming that Edward vonKat- icy to establish and maintain Unit- er W. Warren Barbour estate at the well-being of our commun- of any responsibility for an alleged taira portion of Stardust inn, M reported auch rapid building prog- port, to Col. and Mra. Walter C. tengell, motor agent of 83 Mon- ed States world leadership at theLocust to Townscnd B. Martin of ity. llbclous story about the Asbury North Bridge avenue, yesterday ren that official* expect the newElite. This house ia known in mouth street, was his employer, the eighth annual memorial observance New York and Rldgefleld, Conn. Jam** C. Auchlncloss, M.C. Park city clerk which appeared in morning, destroying four bowlinf municipal center to be ready for Oceanport as the Mallard house, man told Mrs. Webster to report of the Battle of Monmouth Sunday. The seller was Louis J. Ross, and the now defunct Asbury Park Sun. alleys, a bar, bowling balls and use within a month. having belonged to that family for to Mr. vonKattengell Saturday to The address was given at services the sale was negotiated by Joseph Thus, Mr. Reade bowed out of the ithcr relative equipment. The That was the report Mr. Wilson many years. It Is a two-story white get the money. When Mrs. Web- in the yard of Old Tennent church G. McCue, realtor of Rumson. Mary Vaccaro Martin $400,000 libel alarm was turned In at 1:43 a. m. suit against the employees and op- gave to nveral councilmen as they frame house, with green shutters, ster approached Mr. vonKattengell, to mark the Revolutionary battle It embraces 40 acres of highly All Red Bank Fire companies, un» were preparing for a special meet- and shaded with tall maple trees he called police headquarters. The fought there 170 years ago. Tho pro- elevated land, mostly wooded, over- O'Connor Again orators of the Sun. The fifth duy iler the direction of Chief Vernoa ing Tuesday night. and combines the architectural man is being hunted by police on gram was sponsored by the Ameri- looking the Naveslnk river, Atlan- of the trial had started when Judga Dey, fought the fire until 4:30 a. m. Mr. Wilson said that already par- features of the post-Colonial period a charge of fraud. can Legion posts. tic Ocean and miles of surround- Klnkead granted a motion of Har- Rex Williams, owner of the inn, titions designed to separate the var- and the early Victorian period. The After reviewing the significance ng countryside. The buildings con- Refused Transfer ry Qreen, defense counsel, for a istiinated a. physical loss of at ious offices within tho building have floors throughout the house are of the battle, the senator turned sist of a beautiful brick colonial non suit for Mr. Reade. leisi $20,000. He said that no In- been installed, that the wiring it In wide, pine boards, the windows are his attention toward present-day mansion erected in 1030, containing Liquor License Case Thi« case was one of the first ventory had been made and that •nd that window width has been deep and wide, while the marble Fair Haven Acts issues. He praised Senator Arthur 20 rooms, eight tiled baths, large majoi libel cases heard in thethj loss would probably be higher. reduced to receive stock-size win- mantles and machine-carved ceil- H. Vandenburg and members of swimming pool, four-car garage Going To The ABC county since the turn of the cen- According to Chief Dey and Red dow frames, as has been called for ings show the Influence of the more the Senate Foreign Relations com- with apartment above, superinten- tury and waa one of the longest. Bank police the fire was caused by In the revised building: specifica- ornate period. It was built just On 2 Ordinances mittee and referred to recent legis- dent's cottage, combination horse At a second hearing Tuesday The court held that Theodoro D. npoiitaneous combustion. It origi- tion*. prior to the Civil war. lation which permits entry of 200,- and cow stable and large barn. night, Sea Bright's mayor and Parsons, counsel for Mrs. Martin, nated in a closet under the stairs) 000 displaced persons into this had fulled to prove that Mr. Reade Mayor Thomas Farrell has ex- The property was occupied by the council again rejected the appeal In which cana of paint and shellao pressed the urgency of council re- At the rear of the garden Is a Pass First Rending country. wan legally responsible for the al- wero stored. two-car garage with a three-room late W. Warren Barbour until his of Steven J. O'Connor to transfer moving iU headquarters at the At Council Session 'America has never measured her death. In 1946 It was sold by thethe plenary consumption liquor li- leged llbelous story. Mr. Williams said that a door earliest possible date, due to theapartment above, This building However, Judge Klnkead denied between the cellar and the main pre-dates the residence, being a.eo greatness by herself containment," same broker to William J. Giglio. cense of the Ocean Drive Operat- ever-crowded conditions that exist he said. "For three centuries and ing company. Mr. O'Connor is motions for non suits against Harry floor of the Inn aided the efforts of regularly at the meetings now held lonial cottage with pegged, wide, The Fair Haven mayor and coun president of the concern. Tallmadge, listed as publisher, he firemen. He said the building board floors and windows of hand- ell pasted two ordinances on first more there has been a continuous ait the borough police station on flow of goods, of ideas and of peo- Straightway Mr. O'Connor's at- treasurer and business manager of would have gone up In flames and •urf street. made glass. Beyond the garage are reading Monday night. One pro- thu now defunct paper; Morris vides for the vacating of Columbia ple across our oceans. Red Bank Men torney, Robert H. Malda of Red there would have been an explosion It was also, learned that H. A.the vegetable gardens and fruit Mogelcver, executive editor of the f oil tho combustible Items had trees, the property ending In a avenue and parts of Oxford and "There has come into being a Bank, said the case would be Hendrickaon of Red Bank, con- Dartmouth avenues at the request great community of the western brought before the New Jersey Ai- paper; Harry Krantz, reporter, and Ignited. Tho Intense heat caused tratcor, who will build the "ad- gentle slope down to the banks of Are Sentenced cohollc Beverage Control (ABC) the Bond Printing company, print- tho combustion, it Is believed. the Shrewabury river. of the board of education. These world on both sides of the Atlantic, vance section"—entrance and lock- streets are included In a tract re- This great western community Is commission at Newark for special era of tho newspaper, Mr. Par- The bowling alleys were closed er rooms—of the new Sea Bright Col. Ellis, who Is at present on cently purchased by thu school founded on progressive and Chris- in|r|«!rnt|nn, In nn effort to navn sons opposed Judge Klnkead's re- last month for tho summer, but municipal pavilion, la expected to duty at the Pentagon building In board to provide for future ex- tian Ideas.
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