Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC October 1980 Daily Egyptian 1980 10-22-1980 The aiD ly Egyptian, October 22, 1980 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: http://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_October1980 Volume 65, Issue 43 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, October 22, 1980." (Oct 1980). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1980 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in October 1980 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. {ius tf)) 'Daily 'Egyptian &de(J Gus says Roa must bav~ Wednesday, October 22, 1980-Vol. 65, No. 43 Southern Illinois University promised Cleaa Gea~ equal billiag oa hill BcJnzo pesters. Eugene McCarthy may back Reagan Bv Mike Anton Related 111orv-Ptll{e 16 • •; , Staff Writft" · ( ,.. .f Ronald Reagan has been Democratic primaries, and ' " endorsed by former Minnesota then twice-as an independent. V Sen. Eugene McCarthy, aides to McCarthy. who Reagan aides Reagan said Tuesday as the say will formally endorse the Republican presidential can- their candidate in a speech I .. (::<~•t l('"i-slll~}'") 80 ~~~~adeacampaignstopin !~~~~{;.t~:for~!t;!'ent. was During the two-hour visit, In a blistering attack on Reagan attacked President Carter, Reagan said the Carter's economic policies president's economic polictes saying that if Carter is re- have raised interest rates and elected, the nation would suffer "use unemployment as a means "one more tenn of disaster." of decreasing inflation." The surprise McCarthy en- "He deliberately called for dorsement reportedly was increases in unemployment to arranged at a Monday night fight inflation," Reagan said meeting in Reagan's Louisville. outside Herrin City HaU. "You Ky .. hotel suite. Reagan adviser don't have to put people out of Michael Deaver said that the work to decrease in­ support of McCarthy. who flation ... Inflation and unem­ opposed the Vietnam War. ployment go hand in hand and would belp blunt the assertions when you lick one. ynu lick the by Carter that a Reagan other. presidency would lead the "Your jobs have been nation to war. eliminated. your ~ have Reagan told the crowd of become more expensive. and he several thousand Tuesday. has the gaU to come liown here "The greatest risk of war is the last week and tell you things are kind of foreign policy we have getting better." he said today. Reagan said that "Maybe this will give people overregulation and ·over­ some confidence that 1 don't eat taxation on the coal industry my yotmg," he added. are hurting Southern Dlinois' McCarthy ran unsuccessfully economv by decreasing coal !or the presidency three times- production and creating in- ia 1968, cballanging President creased unemployment. Lyndon Johnson in the <Coatinued oa Page an SIU-C civil servants settle pay raise dispute Bv lkott Canon more t~.an tnree years, siarr Wri&er Musgraves said. Tbat works The Civil ~rvice Bargaining out to raises of 8.3 to 11.7 per­ Organization has voted to ac­ cent for those union members. cept a CO'llract that gives its Raises will alSo be given to members 7.5 to 11.7 pt>rcent employees who have worked for increa.sa; in sa:ary. SIU-C less than three years. The new contract. which the Those employees wiU get a 7.5 union voted to accept Monday percent increase or 31 cents an night. was worked out between 1'~. whichever is larger. the Universitv and the CSBO The contract also provide!. for negotiating team and agreed raises for employees who t'J)OO last week. ch;mge job classifications. Executive committee Musgraves said that in the past chainnan Richard Musgraves when civil service employees ~ told about 70 members at­ .:-hanged job classifications, not Staff ..... '-" Brtaa u-e tending the meeting that the nettessanly promotions. they Roaald Reagan Uep) waves goodbye to sup­ HerriD's l'l&y Hau 'i"'esday may lwve gaiDecl salary plan " benefits the woultl start at the base salary porter. before boanliftg hill plane a& &be more cred.lbiJity amoag llliaola vocen wUJt &be career employee." for the new job. Williamson Coun&y AJrpon. A campaign pi&eb iD presence ol Sea. Cbarles Pen:y. Musgraves. research Musgraves said tbe new laboratory shop supervisor. contract gives career em­ said the contract was ployees cr~t for the time they negotiated because CSBO. have w-.rkeci at the University which has about 700 members, by providing for 10 percent was not satisfied with the salary promotion-like increases when Canceled! step-plan put together by the the salary difference of the two Uruversity Personnel Office. jobs is more than 5 percent. "We think it is much better Musgraves told the union Notification comes too late than the plan set up by per­ members at the meeting that sonnel." he said of the new the executive committee was EDITOR'S NOTE: Tbillls Ute ''The way I discovered that contract. pleased with thtr- negotiations The Personnel Office with the University. st"Coad article ia a series abou& BUREAUCRACY: my classes WP.re ~was a the effec& of SIV-C's shock," said Mascitti, a com­ developed a plan to implement "They recogn!zed the career bureaucracy on students amf A necessary evil? munity college transfer student a civif service employee pay employee for the first time," be adminis&raton as well. in journalism. "After I got back raise for which the General said. he won't forget the "welcome" from the campus. a friend of Assembly •til'· opriated funds The union bas been Bv Jobn Ambrosia he received at SIU-C. last summer. However, the plan negotiating the contract about sian Writrr mine came by and asked if I After unpacking his wanted to go to the Rec Center. was opposed by CSBO and the four months. CSBO members Keith Mascitti drove tc belongings. Mascitti walked to a Civil Service Employees have been working on an ex­ Carbondale a few days befort When I got there I was told I nearby bookstore, purchased needed a fee statement to get in. Council because they felt it tension of the ofd contract, faU semester began, moved into his fall books and then spent two didn't give sufficient benefits to which expired July 1. a one-!'OOm efficiency apart­ hours walking around Cclrnpus. "I didn't have one. but I career employees. CSBO members wiU receive ment and got settled into his Less than an hour later, hadn't thought of it before. 1'0 I Tbe contract will be new surroundings. Mascitti learned he had been went to the Bursar's Office. retroactive to July 1 and ~ ~~u::e ~i ~:=~ Mascitti said he felt a need to dropped from aU his classes. When they checked my record, provides for a 7.5 percent in­ paychecks, Musgraves said. acquaint himself with the Not by himself voluntarily, but they said my registrati011 had crease plus 8 cents otnd hour ~or In other action the union wo:kings of a large university by the OffiCe of Admissions and ~ automatically canaled CSBO members who have voted to increase its monthly before school started He sa:vs Records. Ct:oabltaed aa Page 11) worked for tbe University for dUeS from $1 to $7. Dlinois ballot has 8 candidates News Roundup-- Carter, Reagan to debate Tuesday battling for White House win WASHINGTON <AP> - President Carter and Ronald EDITOR'S SOTE: This Is tbe the ballot in 18 states, including Reagan agreed Tuesday to face each other Oct. 28 in a 90· ~ Ia a two-part series C7\ T. {;.;\ .-1 • Illinois. The party motto is minute debate in Cleveland, a week before the election. a!Hr.!t Amrrican tbinl parties. 1 ~ews nni:llySJS "People before profits," and its They will be questioned by a moderator and four panelists to By Karen Gullo platform supports establishing be chosen bv the LeallUe of Women Voters, which is spon Staff Writer soring the 8:30 CDT debate. The five fringe parties are the a six-hour work day. passing a The names Jimmy Carter labor reform bill. providing The agreement about the format, date and site of the c! .. bat•· Communist Party, the Workers was reached by negotiators for Carter and Reagan after m:>re Ronald Reagan and John An: World Party, the Socialist farmers with free crop in­ derson are household words surance and 100 percent parity than six hours of talks during two days in the league offin·~ Workers Party, the Libertarian Ruth J. Hinerfeld, president of the league, said the debatr this election season. All ttaree P.uty and the Citizens Party. prices. abolishing the death candidates enjoy nationwide penalty. dissolving the CIA and will be in two equal segments. The first wiU allow followup press converage, yE-t they are Three parties-the Co.n· the FBI. and nationalizing the questions from the panelists and will give the candidate ar. only three of the eight munist, the Workers World and energy industry. opportunity for rebuttal. The second is given over to rebuttal presidential contenders whose the Socialist Workers parties­ The party's presidential and and surrebuttal. d;::~~~n lllinois general advocate a socialis~ svstem to vice presidential candidates 11re replace capitalism in the United former trade union leader &us Five fringe parties have States. These three parties also Hall and civil rights activist Iran rejects lwstage negotiations entered candidates in the stress the expansion of Angela Davis. respectively. BEIRUT. Lebanon tAPl- Iran today cold-shoulden'Cl presidential election. but their The Socia1;st Workers Party organized labor unions in the President Carter's offer to free Iranian assets and resumf' names and the platforms of America.
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