Ad Populos, Non Aditus, Pervenimus Published Every Thursday Since September 3, 1890 (908) 232-4407 USPS 680020 Thursday, August 13, 2015 OUR 125th YEAR – ISSUE NO. 33-2015 Periodical – Postage Paid at Rahway, N.J. www.goleader.com [email protected] SEVENTY FIVE CENTS Garwood Council Set to Review Revised Permit Parking Proposal By BRIAN TRUSDELL Chairwoman Ann Tarantino told her of permits granted to each home. Specially Written for The Westfield Leader colleagues Tuesday. The initial regulations proposed GARWOOD – Council members The measure, which has been in expanding residential preferential will get a look at the revised proposal the works since at least the beginning permit zones from Anchor Place, to expand preferred residential per- of the year, was first given to council Myrtle Avenue and Willow Avenue mit parking in the borough before the members in March. It was then dis- to 10 other streets on both the north governing body’s next meeting on cussed before the public on May 12 and south sides of town. Tuesday, August 25, with plans to but was withdrawn after more than a They also expanded the hours that reintroduce the measure at the first dozen residents complained about limit two-hour parking on the 13 meeting in September, Council- several issues, including unexpected streets from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. to 9 woman and Parking Committee visitors, contractors and the number a.m. to 3 p.m. Currently, two-hour parking is en- forced on Anchor Place between North and Second Avenues, the 200- 400 blocks of Myrtle, and the 200- 400 blocks of Willow. The proposed regulations added the 100-300 blocks of Cedar Street, the 200-300 blocks of Center, the 100-300 blocks of East, the 100-300 blocks of North Maple, the 100-300 blocks of North Oak, Second and Third Avenues from the Cranford border to North Maple, the 100-300 blocks of South Oak, the 200-300 Photo courtesy of Harry Menta TOURING DOWNTOWN WESTFIELD... Small Business Administration (SBA) Regional Administrator Kellie LeDet, blocks of West and Winslow Place left, Rep. Leonard Lance (R-7th), center, and Gene Jannotti, executive director of the Greater Westfield Area Chamber of between North and Second. Commerce, conducted a walking tour of the Westfield Business District on Monday morning. Also regarding parking, Mrs. Tarantino notified the council that the 36 spaces leased for commuters from the Burger King restaurant on The SBA Walking Tour of North Avenue had been painted and numbered and the borough was await- ing signage. Once the signs arrive and are installed, the spaces will be Downtown Westfield advertised and rented. In other matters, Borough Attor- By HORACE R. CORBIN Westfield Corporation (DWC) and latest loan default and facing bank- ney Bob Renaud informed the coun- Specially Written for The Westfield Leader town officials. ruptcy, she acknowledged that to be cil that it likely will need to schedule WESTFIELD – Small Business The group visited the following a difficult situation. Photo courtesy of Frank Gialanella a special meeting at the end of No- Administration (SBA) Regional Ad- businesses and chatted with the Sherry Cronin, executive direc- COME TOGETHER...Players and siblings of Westfield FC Premier Barcelona vember or early December in con- ministrator Kellie LeDet conducted owners in downtown: Bovella’s, tor of the DWC, replied to Rep. Boys U14 soccer team visit the Beatles famous Cavern Club in Liverpool, England junction with the planning board to a “Walking Tour” of downtown American Shoe, Ella Allure, Lance that the DWC is funded by a during their England Tour. Pictured are: Jack and Megan Sandstedt, James and approve an affordable-housing plan Westfield businesses on Monday Chocolate Bar, Robert Tepp, De- tax assessment on the 500 property Katey Peretz, Frankie Gialanella, Julian Trott, Evan Meade and Matt Tavares. so it can be submitted to a Superior morning, saying she wanted to get tails Made Simple, Adlers Jewel- owners in the district, that on aver- Court judge for approval. the word out to small businesses of ers, The Westfield Leader and Blue age is $800 per year for each prop- A ruling by the New Jersey Su- the services offered by the SBA. Jasmine. erty owner ($400,000). County to Enter Agreement preme Court in March invalidated Mrs. LeDet was accompanied by an Following the tour, a luncheon Mr. Jannotti relayed to the group regulations devised by the Council entourage of about two dozen arranged by Gene Jannotti, execu- that the GWACC is regional, that it on Affordable Housing, a state agency people including aides, Rep. tive director of the GWACC, with includes other towns and is com- For Fraud Alert System tasked with determining each Leonard Lance (R-7th), Greater two dozen invited guests was held prised of about 600 dues-paying municipality’s “fair share” of “af- Westfield Area Chamber of Com- at Amuse Restaurant to discuss business members. By MICHAELA WINBERG cumbersome it is to fix it,” Ms. CONTINUED ON PAGE 8 merce (GWACC), Downtown small business operations in town Rep. Lance described his many Specially Written for The Westfield Leader Rajoppi said. and details of SBA programs. items of support and awards on be- COUNTY — At the regularly This service would be free to an At the luncheon, Mrs. LeDet sum- half of small businesses. scheduled agenda-setting meeting of unlimited amount of commercial and Cranford PAL, CSC to Head marized the SBA with her “3 Cs”: Mrs. LeDet was appointed re- the Union County Board of Chosen residential property owners, accord- Consulting, Capital Access and gional administrator for the U.S. Freeholders last Thursday, County ing to Ms. Rajoppi. Contracting. The SBA consults with Small Business Administration, Clerk Joanne Rajoppi proposed en- “So long as the individual doesn’t Up Memorial Field Project small businesses to make sure they headquartered in New York City, by tering into an agreement with Fidlar have to pay money [for this service], have a sound business plan, then President Barack Obama in July Technologies to provide a Property it sounds good to me,” Freeholder By CHRISTINA M. HINKE led a presentation on his plan that is puts them in touch with lenders. 2014. This represents the first time Fraud Alert Notification System for Angel Estrada said. Specially Written for The Westfield Leader currently in year two. The depart- The SBA also helps small busi- in SBA history that a woman and an Union County. The Department of Engineering, CRANFORD — The Cranford ment was approved to hire four new nesses with the ins and outs of gov- African-American has ever held that Ms. Rajoppi said that property Public Works and Facilities proposed Police Athletic League (PAL) and the police officers over that five-year ernment contracting. She said the post. fraud, such as the illegal transfer of an open-ended contract to maintain Cranford Soccer Club (CSC) will period. SBA was able to assist with a dra- Mrs. LeDet served as deputy chief property or mortgage fraud, is one of seven existing Automated Teller Ma- lease the space from the township in The additional hires will allow the matic increase in borrowing in the of staff for the office of U.S. Sena- the largest growing white-collar chines (ATMs) with a new vendor, Memorial Field where a new conces- department to begin a new narcotics last year. tor Robert Menendez (D-N.J.) for crimes in New Jersey. She added that Green Genie LLC. These ATMs are sion stand and bathrooms will be in- enforcement detail that it piloted for She noted her region is one of the eight years. senior citizens are especially suscep- in public places, such as the Union stalled per a unanimous vote by the 10 days in June 2015. During the pilot most dynamic in the country that Prior to that, she was managing tible to property fraud. County Administration Building in township committee Monday at its program, the department made 24 includes New York, New Jersey, director of diversity, small business The Property Fraud Alert Notifica- Elizabeth and the Public Safety Build- workshop session. arrests, with the bulk of those for Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. and government affairs at the New tion System would alert a homeowner ing in Westfield, and they generate The lease will be for $1 and the heroin, prescription drugs or cocaine When asked about Puerto Rico’s CONTINUED ON PAGE 8 via the phone or e-mail if someone about $375 per month in revenue, PAL and the CSC will fund the design possession. This enforcement detail filed a property document under his according to Joseph Graziano, de- and building of the concession stand requires officers to be in unmarked or her name. Then, according to Ms. partment director. and bathrooms through contributions. cars and dressed in plain clothes, Rajoppi, the homeowner could in- For the last eight years, these ATMs This will allow for the project to be Captain Patterson said. vestigate whether this document was have had a $1.75 service charge. With completed more expeditiously and “It is a regional problem; where we real or fraudulent. the new contract, the service charge ideally at a lower cost, Commissioner are geographically located, we are at “The earlier you find out about this may increase to $2. Tom Hannen, Jr. said. The township the center of that region,” Capt. fraud, the less expensive and less CONTINUED ON PAGE 8 will trim or remove trees where nec- Patterson said. Chief Wozniak later essary and install the sanitary sewer said narcotics users will travel to line. The total cost of the project is Newark to buy narcotics and then $150,000, Greg Wheatley of the PAL pull off the Garden State Parkway at said, with $15,000 of that the sanitary the Cranford exit, since it is two exits sewer line and tree removal.
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