Winona State University OpenRiver Winona Daily News Winona City Newspapers 1-29-1962 Winona Daily News Winona Daily News Follow this and additional works at: https://openriver.winona.edu/winonadailynews Recommended Citation Winona Daily News, "Winona Daily News" (1962). Winona Daily News. 236. https://openriver.winona.edu/winonadailynews/236 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Winona City Newspapers at OpenRiver. It has been accepted for inclusion in Winona Daily News by an authorized administrator of OpenRiver. For more information, please contact [email protected]. City Traffic Box Score Chance of light —To Date— 1962 m\ Snow Tonight Accidents 33 *« Deaths ......... 0 " 0 And Tuesday Injuries ...... 0 7 Damages ...... $9,U5 $11,829 ¦ '¦ Win ter Storm Fritz Kreisler• '. • . A - ' , - ¦ Dead at 86 in Shotgun Blast Kills New York City "NEW YORK (AP -Fritz Krei- Wallop s Dixie sler, one of the great ?violin vir- tuosos of the last half . century, By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS far as Georgia, Flash flooding was a little stuck on the ground In died today. He was 86, A winter storm has struck the reported to have struck the Rocky Charlotte. The; storm buffetted Southern Death came to him in the Hark- Dixie coast .from North Carolina River : at Norwood , N.C. v. Maryland and the lower Eastern ness Pavillion of Columbia-Pres- to Maryland with icy? rain- and up In Virginia , Richmond — the byterian Medical Center where he Shore with the Pocomoke City had been a patient for 16 days. to a foot of snow. It closed hun- capital pf the Old Dominion—got area bearing the brunt — six Man at MankatoMANKATO, Minn. (AP) - A a block front the Wendt home. Po- dreds: of schools and left many 8 inches Blacksfone 10 inches. His agent said a heart attack, , inches. Slight accumulations were along with old age, brought the shotgun blast fired through a bed - lice .also' picked up a pistol from roads treacherous before swoop- The heaviest fall — 12 inches reported as far north as Bridge- " , ing but ' '¦ ' end? :' room window "killed a Mankato Black"s trailer and . several . - guru to sea. — . -was measured at Chatham. ville , Del . man early today and several hours The storm, whipped by strong Norfolk bad fou.' inches and Over the years, his name had from the Wendt home: winds, lumbered into Thousands of - youngsters got a become almost synonymous with later police said a neighbor had Black had not sighed a state- North Fredericksburg and points north led tliem to the slaying weapon. ment and was being held without Carolina early Sunday.. It swept had no snow at all. holiday as hundred s of schools in violin music. A man with a huge up the coast through southern the snow area were ordered affection for the common man, he The victim was Marvin Wendt , charge. ? ,/ 36, a soybean plant worker and Two- empty .410 shotgu n shells Virgi nia and. hopped over to the North Carolina fared about the closed¦ . had helped popularize good music Maryland Eastern Shore. same with snow . ranging from a '. ' Most/roads were open but there among the masses. the . father of three children , who were found in the snow outsid© Washington , which trembles ? at light fall to 10 inches at Reids- were scores of minor traffic acci- lived in a small home on the Man- the bedroom window: The charge a snow forecast, was spared. ville. near the Virginia border. dents and jams.. Kreisler not only¦ was a master kato outskirts. Wendfs wife, who hit. Wendt in the heart. Winston-Salem in the heart of the In Newport News and Hamp- performer , but . also Va. ' versatile was in the home, became hyster- : Both Wendt and Black were env South of the snow belt-, rain tobacco county got seven inches. ton , Va., bus service was sus- composer , his works ranging from ical , police said. ployed by Honeymead Product- poured down along the coast as Raleigh had 2Vi inches but ' onlv pended temporarily. " chamber music and operetta to Joseph Black , 31, who lived in Co., in Mankato. Police said folk dances that have become a trailer near the Wendt house , Black , who normally worked until classics. was taken to: police headquarters 8 a.m. punched out at 4:30 a.m. BUSY WEEK FOR PRESIDENT In the last several years, Krei- and shortly before noon led offi- today. Wendt was not scheduled sler and his wife, Harriet , lived cers to what Chief of Police Stan- for duty until 4 p.m. today. in . virtual seclusion in their Man- ley Christ described as the slay- Dr. Wallace Mathews? Blu * hattan apartment. With , his hear- ing weapon. Earth County coroner said th« ing and sight failing, Kreisler The gun, a combination .410 dcath occurred not more than two seldom appeared in public. V shotgun and .22 caliber rifle, was hours before he examined the body Farm Urban Affairs His wife at present is serious- found hidden in a rock pile about about 7:30 am. / ly ill- In his performing days, Kreisler could make his Stradiyarius sing, : or cry, or laugh, with -a- skill that ' Messades Th is Weefc touched . Ihe hearts of millions. iR0usv.^ye >;. 'Gf/m By JOE HALL broad er control programs with a urban affairs , which is .expected But he never took a formal lesson rASHINGTON (AP)-President view to bringing, stability to all to go : to Capitol Hill Tuesday. after he was 12 and he rarely Kennedy sends two important farm commodities. practiced . f or Kennedy -is expected to hammer TO BE PRESIDENT'S GUESTS ... Alexei Adzhubei , son-in- Plan Berlin messages to Congress this week: Farm legislation usually en- His mass of unruly white hair his mew farm proposals and a plan genders political controversy and again on the theme .that a new law of Soviet Premier Khrushcev , and his wife , Rada , who will be federal office is essential to co- and a mustache gave him an ap- . By CARL HARTMAN Berliners in a city of 135 squara to establish a Cabinet-level de- Kennedy's proposals are not ex- pearance of Old World charm. His BERLIN (AP > - From state- miles, about half the size of New partment of? urban affairs':.- .' pected to be an exception. ordinate plans for solving transit , luncheon guests of President Kennedy at the White House Tuesday, traffic , slum and utility problems face was keenlv expressive, and ments of Communist leaders, ''" a York. There might be some token Ia his farm message Tuesday AJso, laden with political dyna- arrive ' at "Mexico - City'' , airport last week from Havana , Cuba . Mrs. " " of , metropolitan areas.. liis hands — amazingly unveined picture is beginning to; emerge of troops of the Western po wers left , Keruiedy is expected to endorse mite is Kennedy 's message on and unwrinkled in later years— Adzhubei holds flowers presented her by a Russian embassy dele- the walled-m "free city . of West but : they would be joined by, So- Last week, Republicans and never seemed to rest. gation. Adzhubei is editor of the Soviet newspaper Izvestia, (AP Berlin " they have demanded. The viet units; Southern Democrats combined in -He gave his first concert in his picture is a dreary one. the House Rules Committee to kill Photofax) V'-: West Berlin would have to come Astrologers Worried native Vienna. Austriayat 10 and It would leave 2.2 million West to terms independently with the the administration 's urban affairs his last, in . 1950 at 75.. His. first bill. Kennedy promptly colossal Soviet Union, and with announced United States tpUr , as a gangling the East German Red regime he . would attempt to upset that teen-ager, earned him $37 a week. Ranger Sun Satellite Now that runs the country surrounding action by proposing trie depart- Later, he . earned thousands per Salinger, Russ th« city. West Berlin ment in a government reorgani- performance would have Dire Predictions .?¦ '¦; , ' ' ¦ its own tariffs, diplomats , cus- zation plan.: ' ' ¦• He made more than $ 1 Vi million toms authorities and public health Reorganizatio n plans take effect in royalties from recordings. Press Secretary system. unless vetoed by a majority in Although there was a deep gen - Ftir^GxtyM ^daveither the House or Senate within tleness in Kreisler "s music, and in Misses Moon Cither countries. Including the 60 days. the man, loo, his life was marked Soviet Union , .would' decide what By ANDREW MEISELS by several incidents of danger? : Meet kind of. newspapers, radio sta- NEW YORK (JD—If you believe in astrology, don 't make' any Kennedy has confirmed that he PARIS (AP)' ' ' —White House tions and political organizations '¦ He was badly wounded in World press secretary Pierre Salinger plans for next Monday, There may /not be a next .Monday . ' . ' intends to appoint Robert C.Wea- War I while serving iri the Aus- could exist inside the wall. ver, a Negro who now heads the met with his Soviet counterpart Even if there is a next Monday, the astrologers say, it won't be trian army*, nearly killed by an PASADENA , Calif. W" — Ranger 3, the moon shot that missed its The Western powers have , tidal waves , Housing and Home Finance Agen- today but declined to say whether much fun. Storms , earthquakes the sinkinng of con- automobile in 1941, had a serious they discussed- , an exchange of target by nearly 23,000 miles, is doomed to spend the *est of eternity in turned down this "free city" pro- tinents, financial panic and the outbreak of World War III are liable cy, as head of the new depart- case of appendicitis in 1946 and ' posal of the Soviets. They say it ment.
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