H 1494 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE February 28, 1996 only tax reform but spending reduc- Congress first passed a resolution to in- up together in New Jersey. In her posi- tions and deficit reductions, which stitute a celebration of Black History tion at the Department of Energy, she gives the change to have help for work- Month. has worked tirelessly on issues ranging ing families, for seniors and for our This year, we have chosen the theme from energy development to the health children. ``African-American WomenÐYester- effects of radiation testing. She has I yield to the gentleman from Geor- day, Today, and Tomorrow'' in recogni- achieved tremendous success in nego- gia. tion of the enormous contributions tiating trade agreements with a poten- Mr. KINGSTON. Let me just say this, that African-American women have tial value to our Nation of billions of in the 1992 presidential primary, can- made to our history and culture. In dollars. didate Bill Clinton had an ad that said every field of endeavorÐpublic service, Also rendering outstanding service in this: ``Hi, I am Bill Clinton. I believe politics, law, medicine, literature, cor- the executive branch are Lorraine Mil- you deserve a change. That is why I porate management, education, and ler, who formerly served as Deputy As- have a plan to stimulate the economy, othersÐAfrican-American women are sistant to the President for Legislative starting with a middle-class tax cut.'' achievers. Affairs and now holds a post in the Now, we all know, after running on a Let me begin by recognizing the Federal Trade Commission; Alexis Her- promise of a middle-class tax cut, the women of the Black Caucus serving in man, Director of Public Liaison at the President turned around and in 1993 the 104th Congress. They have inspired White House; and Tracey Thornton, passed the largest tax increase in the tremendous respect as each has ap- Special Assistant for Legislative Af- history of our country. But it is ironic, proached issues before this Congress fairs. the other day he said, ``I was raised in with eloquence, passion, and keen in- I am proud of the many accomplished an old-fashioned home, in an old fash- sight. Not only have they left their African-American women who hail ioned time, maybe, but I still think mark on public policy, they serve as from my home State of New Jersey. In when you tell somebody you are going outstanding role models for young fact, I had a swearing in ceremony in to do something, you ought to do ev- women and aspirations to public serv- Newark which was presided over by a erything you can to do it.'' That was ice. Let us also recognize the great distinguished African-American judge, President Bill Clinton at a press con- women of past Congresses, the trail- Judge Ann Thompson. I also have ference, January 5, just over 2 months blazers whose dreams made today's re- crossed paths with Connie Woodruff, a ago, 1996. alities possible. Since 1969, when Shir- former labor union representative who All we are saying is, great we are ley Chisholm was sworn in as the first is now a columnist. Dr. Delores Cross, glad, let us use those old-fashioned African-American woman to serve in a New Jerseyan who has achieved ex- hometown values that we all love in Congress, the door of opportunity has cellence as an educator and adminis- America, both Democrats and Repub- been opening and the Congressional trator, now serves as president of Chi- licans think highly of. Let us go ahead Black Caucus now includes 11 women. cago State University. and give middle-class America the tax In yet another first, Shirley Chisholm My home State of New Jersey is rich cut that he promised and that we want ran for President in 1972, placing her in a history which encompasses many to give him. name on the ballot in 12 primary con- famous African Americans. For exam- Mr. FOX of Pennsylvania. Reclaim- tests. We had an historic first in 1992 ple, Harriet Tubman, the famous opera- ing my time, the fact is in this Con- with the stunning victory of CAROL tor of the underground railroad, gress we have already moved pretty MOSELEY-BRAUN as she took her place worked as a servant in hotels in Cape close to the balanced budget. I think as the first African-American to serve May, NJ between 1849 and 1852 in order we can get it. We have added $440 bil- in the U.S. Senate. to earn money to finance her missions. lion back for environment, education, This year marked the passing of one In 1886, a school was established in Medicare, Medicaid. I think we are of our greatest leaders of all times, the New Jersey called the New Jersey Man- very close to getting a balanced budg- Honorable Barbara Jordan. A staunch ual Training and Industrial School for et, still maintaining the vital services defender of the Constitution, Barbara Colored Youth; it was better known as people need. Jordan was a tower of strength during the Bordentown School. Among the Mr. HAYWORTH. And our colleague the Watergate crisis, one of the most many distinguished visitors and com- from Georgia again brings us a trou- troubling times in our Nation's his- mencement speakers was the great ed- bling aspect to this entire endeavor, tory. As the first African-American ucator and civil rights champion, Mary and perhaps we will have to wait for Congresswoman from a southern State, McCleod Bethune. another time to share that with our and as the first African-American East Orange, NJ was the hometown friends. woman to deliver a keynote address at of Marion Thompson Wright, the first f the Democratic National Convention, African-American professional histo- she was a true pioneer in the field of rian. She taught at Howard University COMMEMORATING BLACK HISTORY public service. A forthright woman of until her death in 1962. MONTH courage and dignity, she will be greatly Gail Elizabeth Harris was the first The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under missed. African-American priest in the diocese the Speaker's announced policy of May Let me take a moment to recognize of Newark, NJ. The fifth woman or- 12, 1995, the gentleman from New Jer- all of the African-American women dained in the Episcopal Church, she sey [Mr. PAYNE] is recognized for 40 who have served so honorably in the graduated from the Divinity School of minutes as the designee of the minor- U.S. Congress, beginning with Shirley the Pacific in Berkeley, CA. ity leader. Chisholm and followed by Yvonne New Jersey was also home to the Mr. PAYNE of New Jersey. Mr. Brathwaite Burke; CARDISS COLLINS, great tennis champion, Althea Gibson. Speaker, as chairman of the Congres- who is the longest serving African- In 1951, she became the first African sional Black Caucus, I am pleased to American woman in the history of Con- American to play at Wimbledon. In lead my colleagues in once again com- gress; our great champion Barbara Jor- 1957, she won both the singles and dou- memorating Black History Month. Let dan; Katie Hall, BARBARA-ROSE COL- bles Wimbledon crowns. me take a moment to acknowledge the LINS, ELEANOR HOLMES NORTON; MAXINE One of the most successful African- leadership of our colleague, Congress- WATERS; EVA CLAYTON; CORRINE American entrepreneurs, Sara Spence man LOU STOKES, who organized to- BROWN; EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON; CYN- Washington, founded the Apex Beauty night's special order. A health problem THIA MCKINNEY; CARRIE MEEK; SHEILA Products Co. in Atlantic City, NJ. Ms. has prevented him from being here to- JACKSON-LEE; and Senator CAROL Washington established her business in night, and we want him to know we MOSELEY-BRAUN. 1919, and by the late 1930's her Atlantic wish him a speedy recovery. He has Let me also pay tribute to an out- City office and factory had 87 employ- been diligent in arranging special or- standing Cabinet member, Secretary of ees, including chemists, clerks, book- ders every year during the month of Energy Hazel O'Leary, whom I have keepers, and beauty operators. With February, Black History Month. It was had the pleasure of knowing for many beauty schools in 11 cities, an esti- in 1976, the bicentennial year, that years going back to our days growing mated 35,000 individuals throughout February 28, 1996 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE H 1495 the world were dependent on the sales a difference in our lives. Every day, in and I can be heard humming in the night of her products. every community, African-American Can be heard humming in the night African-American women were women are working tirelessly and un- I saw my mate leap screaming to the sea breaking into nontraditional roles long selfishly to provide a better quality of and I/with these hands/cupped the life breath from my issue in the canebrake before women gained any degree of ac- life for those around them. They are I lost Nat's swinging body in a rain of tears ceptance in the workplace. In the field volunteering in churches and commu- and heard my son scream all the way from of aviation, Bessie Coleman, who was nity organizations, they are raising Anzio born in 1893, became the first African- funds for scholarships so that the next for Peace he never knew . I American woman to earn a pilot's li- generation can look to the future with learned Da Nang and Pork Chop Hill cense back in 1921.
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