ISTORIJA 2 0 1 1 / 4 L X I V / 8 4 Ineta LIPŠA Restriction of Freedom of Consciousness in Democracy: Catholic Protests against the Law on Registry of Civil Status in Latvia (1921–1928) Ineta Lipša – dr. hist., researcher, Institute of Latvian History at the University of Latvia; address: Akademijas laukums 1, Riga, LV-1050; e-mail: [email protected]; fields of research – social history, history of sexuality, history of history-writing in the 20th century. Abstract. The article focuses on the study of the attitude privilege of registration of civil status deeds to the state by residents of Latvia towards civil marriage in the 1920ies and deprived the Church of this privilege. Members of analysing the discussions and deeds of people caused by Parliament wanted to set residents of the new independent adoption of laws on marriage and registration of the civil Latvia free from the old tradition of the former Russian status deeds by the Latvian Constitutional Assembly in Empire and to become a part of the so referred civilised 1921 that privileged the registration of civil status deeds European countries. This norm caused opposition among to the state until 1928. The law was changed due to the many people starting from 1920 when the Constitutional stream of dissatisfaction expressed by members and Assembly and the general public started to discuss the clergy of different confessions, however, the Catholics laws up to 1928 when the dissatisfaction among the were leading. faithful residents resulted in amendments to the laws and Key words: civil marriage, civil registry, free love, the Church was granted equal rights to those of the state church, Catholics, the faithful. in registration of civil status deeds. Requests to achieve adoption of amendments to the law were expressed by Anotacija. Straipsnyje aptariamas Latvijos gyventojų members and clergy of different confessions – Lutherans, požiūrio į civilinę santuoką XX a. 3 deš. tyrimas, kuria- Old-Believers, Jewish, Orthodox Believers, however, the me analizuojamos gyventojų diskusijos ir veiksmai dėl Catholics were leading this stream of dissatisfaction. 1921 m. Latvijos Steigiamojo Seimo priimtų įstatymų The main source of research is transcripts of the dėl santuokos ir civilinės būklės aktų registravimo, kurie Parliament of Latvia and media issues describing views suteikė civilinės būklės aktų registravimo teisę valstybei and activities of representatives of various groups of public iki 1928 m. Įstatymas buvo pakeistas dėl įvairių konfesijų and providing insight in their argumentation in favour of atstovų ir dvasininkijos išreikšto nepasitenkinimo, kuriame either civil or confessional marriage. Until now the Law on svarbiausias vaidmuo teko katalikams. Marriage has been described in the Latvian historiography Prasminiai žodžiai: civilinė santuoka, civilinė registracija, from the perspective of law history [26, 200–201]. laisva meilė, bažnyčia, katalikai, tikintieji. Historian Lidija Jefremova has been studied the family of Latvian peasants in Latgale from 1860 to 1939 from the perspective of the social history, nevertheless she has focused on the analyses of social parameters of marriages, Introduction such as the age, the social status [63, 168–182], not on the attitude. The author of this article has been researched the marriage in the context of demographical problems [32, 55–59; 31, 36–37; 30, 63–72] thus until now the attitude The aim of this article is to describe the attitude by by residents of Latvia towards civil marriage in the 1920ies residents of Latvia towards civil marriage in the 1920ies. has not been the object of historiography. The subject of research is the behaviour and discussions In the beginning of the 1920-ies when the Constitutional of people caused by adoption of laws on marriage Assembly of Latvia was deciding on the principle of and registration of the civil status deeds by the Latvian registration of civil status deeds, at least three approaches Constitutional Assembly in 1921. The laws afforded the existed in European countries. Mandatory registration of ISSN 1392-0456 75 POžIūRIS civil status deeds in the registry office, which represented However, the Members of Parliament representing the the so referred mandatory principle, existed in the interests of Latgale (it was the only region dominated by Netherlands and France as from the end of the 18th century. the Catholic faith in multi-confessional Latvia) Catholics During the course of time this approach was adopted also lead by the member of the Union of Latgalian Christian in Germany, Switzerland and Belgium. In the Balkan Farmers Priest Francis Trasuns wanted to have the current countries, Poland and Lithuania, however, registration privileges reserved for the Church in the laws [41]. The of civil status deeds in the Church was mandatory. The willingness to grant the rights of registering the civil status Scandinavian countries and Czechoslovakia had adopted deeds exclusively to the Church was described by the the optional principle for registration of civil status deeds, Member of Parliament Social Democrat Ansis Petrevics as according to which individuals were entitled to select typical for Latgale, i. e. religious obscurantism [20, 174]. registration in the registry office or at the clergyman, therefore deeds of registration of civil status made by both the clergyman and registry offices afforded legal consequences. Parliamentary debate on marriage Laws on Marriage and Registration of Civil Status Deeds regulated the private life of individuals and were among the first ones which the Latvian Parliament started to develop. According to the widespread view the First World War Publicists who shaped the public opinion in mass has caused a mess within the moral experience of people, media asserted that the confessional marriage did no that the attempts to eliminate the confessional marriage by longer comply with the spirit of the era, and this was defenders of the Soviet Latvia in 1919 had confused the expressed during the debate on the draft law which the minds of people. It should be taken into account that after Constitutional Assembly started to discuss on December the bourgeois democratic revolution of February 1917 the 10, 1920. The draft law provided for transition from the socialistic views were more widespread than people were confessional marriage to civil marriage. Two opinions prepared to accept later, few years after foundation of dominated in the press and Constitutional Assembly – the the state of Latvia. Then many of public-spirited women religious one that faithful people should not be forced minded lefty but afterwards they participated in the to conclude marriage in registry offices and the secular discussion of law on marriage. Riga Women’s Assembly one that unbelieving persons should not be forced to get was assembled in March of 1917 [49]. The activists of the married in the Church. By above mentioned concept the Latvian bourgeois women’s movement well-known during authors of the law tried to introduce a completely new the interwar period Berta Pīpiņa, Klāra Hibšmane, Emīlija approach by unifying what seems to be impossible to unify, Vitenberga-Trauberga, Emīlija Liepiņa (Vanaga) were i.e. both mandatory and optional principles, however, members of the Latvian Socialistic Women’s Educational the civil status deeds had legal consequences only after Union Board in the summer of 1917 [25]. As from May the registration in the registry office (the mandatory principle), Women’s Political Club under which the Latvian section but it was allowed to get married also in the Church. This was operating was actively holding presentations. In combination was most probably dictated by the doubt July women founded the Latvian Women’s Union [48]. that they would not succeed with including the clear Because of this past the women, by now active in civic mandatory principle of registration of civil status deeds parties, also proposed radical requirements when the Law in the registry office in the law. However the integration on Marriage was discussed in the Constitutional Assembly. of both principles caused also objections. Representatives Popularity of social-democratic views could be certified of faithful people asserted that in the countries where the by the fact that the Latvian Social Democratic Workers’ mandatory registration in registry offices existed still there Party had the largest faction in all the Latvian Parliaments was no norm stipulating that the Church may conclude during the interwar period. the marriage only after receipt of a note from the registry It was the aim of the Social Democrats to use the office, and this requirement was interpreted as interference experience of European countries instead of returning to of the state with the Church affairs because in this way the procedure having existed in the Russian Empire [19, the law as if made clergymen in policemen “who were 638] according to which the entitlement to register civil chasing people to registry offices” [24, 50]. status deeds was granted exclusively to the Church. They The expert on the draft Law on Marriage Alberts Kviesis were strictly opposing the mandatory confessional marriage explained that also the right to demand divorce when and considered that restoration of the old procedure would the marriage had fallen apart to such extent that it was alienate Latvia from the whole civilised Europe. The ones not possible to continue it was a special new provision. with secular attitude defended the idea of separating the “During the current era when we have experienced Church from the state as a principle of democracy and the the years of war, refugee times, when a husband and state as the supreme sovereign power within its territory wife sometimes have been totally separated for a long which should not give up its rights for the benefit of the time and have got alienated from each other to such a Church. The relevant German law [19, 629] was used as degree that no cohabitation is possible.” [55, 1557–1558] the example of a law on registration of civil status deeds.
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