Weather DUtributioiT Fair today; £i«J) In Ms. Somt BED BANK Today dott4fauM,ttnigbti low la Ms. 18,975 Partly cloudy tomorrow; high la I Independent Daily f Its. See weather, page 2. (^ MONDArrHmxicHriuaAr-isrwi J Dial SH I-0010 laiucd dilly, Mondar Uirousli Frld»jr, Second Cliu Postis* VOL. 84, NO. 114 Paid «l Red Bant ul u Additional UHUm Otllcn. RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1961 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE Record Soviet Report "UN Forces Budget Military Funds Are Pushed Back Are Advanced Over 1961 Fighting Closer MOSCOW (AP) — The Soviet government today announced a record-break- ing 1962 budget, including To Elisabethville a staggering hike in mili- BULLETIN tary spending of almost 50 per cent over that originally! LEOPOLDVILLE, The Congo (AP)—Six U.S. planned in 1961. j Air Force Globemasters took off for Elisabethville The original 1961 figure was today loaded with armored cars and an anti- DOWN CAME THE DOME—Victim of yesterday morning's sharp wind was the two- boosted tremendously last July aircraft battery for UN forces battling Katangan ton air-filled plastic dome covering ths Trade Winds Beach Club pool at Sea Bright. because of U.S. military meas- troops of President Moise Tshombe's secessionist ures taken to meet the Berlin The big bubble was believed to have given way when an anchor cable snapped defense crisis, Soviet Premier regime. from pressure. None of several bathers in the poo) was hurt. Here workmen sur- Khrushchev said then. vey the damage. The over-all budget for 1962 ELISABETrfviLLE, Katanga (AP)—The Katangan totals 81.9 billion rubles, Finance government claimed today that its troops had driven Minister Vasily Garbuzov told UN forces from their headquarters and another strong- :he Supreme Soviet, the parlia ment of the Sqviet Union, which point in the Elisabethville area, but there was no im- Big Bubble Bursts began a session in the Gran mediate confirmation from UN sources. Kremlin palace today. Ruble. Rate Katanga Information Min- ister Albert Nyernbo told Garbuzov told the delegates Wind Tears Down Swim Pool Covering newsmen the UN had aban- defense expenditures in 1962 Addition would total 13.4 billion rubles, doned its headquarters and SEA BRIGHT — The bubble she said, in explaining how it supported balloon covering left or 16.7 per cent of the total the Indian Gurkha camp around has burst. was that the plastic bubble cov- its mooring. But the chill wind as compared with 9.22 billion t and also had withdrawn from "It sounded like a crack of ering the winterized swimming was blowing at near gale force To Park rubles originally budgeted to: he former Lido Hotel, which the thunder," said Mrs. Irwin E. pool split and came toppling —and the bathers struck out for 1961. Levy, wife of the proprietor of down just- as a half dozen or the sides of the pool and UN had been using as a rest At the official rate of ex Trade Winds Beach Club, South more December bathers were scrambled back, into the camp guarded by a small gar- change, one ruble equals $1.11 Proposed Beach, after a spanking breeze enjoying their favorite sport. warmth of their lockers. ison. The new amount allotted to tore down the two-ton "air Someone was heard to say: No Estimate There was no word of with- he Soviet armed forces is more FREEHOLD — The Monmouth blister" late yesterday morn- "it was just like a big beach drawals: from UN spokesman "We plan to have the bubble than a billion rubles more than County Board of Freeholders ing. umbrella coming down." Brian Urquhart, however. He re- back over the pool and re- he total allotted on both a regu plans to acquire "about another "It seems a cable snapped, No one was hurt as the air- ported only that Katangan artil- open the club within a week or lar and emergency basis dur- ,000 acres of property" to add to state holdings for the early de- lery had scored hits on the head- 10 days," Mrs. Levy said with ing 1961. COMMENTS ON KATANGA FIGHTING — President rclopment of Turkey Swamp quarters and the Gurkha camp confidence. But this is no longer emergen Moits Tshombe ipeaks during press conference in Paris. Stillman Proposal Hunting and Fishing Park, it was and that a makeshift bomber No immediate estimate could cy financing, and It indicated He charged United Nations troopj started recent fighting learned last night. dropped three bombs on the UN- be made concerning the loss, he Soviet government expects in his secessionist Katanga province and said he had held Elisabethville airport with- although the plastic dome had world tension to stay at a high Freeholder Director Joseph C out causing any damage. been ripped apart, one section pitch during the coming year. been advised several UN soldiers have been killed in the rwin told the Register last night Request Rezoning sent flying into the clubhouse In the related field of science, latest outbreak. |AP Wjrephotol "the county has agreed to co- Tshombe Comments and another coming to rest be- which includes most programs of operate with the state in develop- UN casualties at the headquar- ing the park, but we will need hind the high diving board. weapon development, the budget ters camp, if any, were not an- a considerable amount of land to The bubble — inflated last figure was set at 4.3 billion ru- nounced. Cite 'Traffic Hazards' do it." For Supermarket month — was reported the big- bles. Last year it was 3.8 billion, (In Paris, Katanga President gest ever built for use over an Deflationary Surplus The park site, as proposed, will Moise Tshumbe said Foreign open swimming pool. The pool lead southward from Upper Free SHREWSBURY Broad St. Chester Apy, Jr., Red Bank The 1962 budget is 3.6 billion Minister Evariste Kimba had in- attorney, presented a petition he measures 100x50 feet and its hold Township and Frecholi businessmen last night put the rubles bigger than last year's, formed him UN troops had at- pressure on Borough Council to said was signed by 33 merchant plastic covering 125x75 feet. Board Is Opposed | Township, in an area of westeri tacked Katangan forces in M&- but Garbuzov said the governmenl Monmouth County laced with fish, approve a supermarket on the urging favorable action on a Air Pressure nono, 275 miles north-of Elisa- actually planned to spend only ing streams and hunting grounds west side of Broad St. adjacent proposal by Raymond H. Still- At a recent meeting of Bor- bethvillc, and the fighting in Ka- man, local realtor, to locate a 80.3 billion rubles, leaving a de- "We hope to be able to finish to the Shrewsbury Shopping Cen ough Council here, Building In- flationary surplus of 1.6 billion. tanga apparently had become ter. Shop Rite market on Broad St. spector Lester E. Perrine, who the park this winter so it ca general. Tshombe said he would He reported a surplus of l.i To Rt. 36 Barrier be used by the public nek Council took no action on the leave for Katanga today.) issued the permit for its con- billion rubles for 1961 also. petition. Mayor James W. Bly KEYPORT — Strong opposition held Dec. 21 at the Rarilan Town spring," Mr. Irwin said. struction, said the installation The Supreme Soviet is certain Indian Brig. Gen. K. A. S. said the matter should be taken would cost more than $20,000. was raised by the Board of Edu ship Municipal Hall. Purchased in 1940 Raja, commander of UN forces Hold Verdict to approve the budget before cation last night to the proposed to the Planning Board. The manufacturer is Air Shel- Special Meeting Tha state purchased 1,093 acre, in Katanga, said UN jets from conclusion of its session, which concrete center barrier in the Mr. Stillman is seeking com' ters Inc., of Kentucky. The board set Tuesday, for a of land in that area for park use Luluabourg, in neighboring Kasai ilso will discuss the nation's 1961 state Highway Department's On Holmdel munity-wide support for his pro- Air pressure from the Inside special meeting to adopt a tenta- in 1940. What the county proposes province, had strafed Katangan economic plan and approve plans for making Rt. 36 a dual posal. He has mailed cards to was used to blow up the bubble tive budget for the 1962-63 school now, Mr. Irwin said, is to buy Fouga jets at Kolwezi, 150 miles changes in the civil law code. road. "an almost equal amount of ad- 1,000 residents which they can and hold it firm. It was se- year.. northwest of Elisabethville, and Industry Park There Is also general expecta- jacent land to add to it so the sign and return, stating their sup- cured by a series of steel ca- At the request of Frederick V. Secretary Donald A. Hill re- prevented them from making a ;ion that the ministry of cul park will have several different HOLMDEL — The Planning port for the supermarket plan, bles anchored in concrete. The Rapp, 340 Main St., who gave de ported that no decision has been planned attack on the UN forces ure will be abolished and re- recreational uses. We consider Board last night deferred its fi- Resident Objects tails of the proposed plans, the received from the state education t Elisabethville: top of the dome rose 35 feet placed by two state culture com- this one of the more Important nal approval of the proposed or- The Planning Board consistent- board will make its objections commissioner's office regarding Raja said one French-built above the center of the pool, mittees.
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