Naval Auxiliary Landing Field San Clemente Island Draft July 2012 1 Appendix A: Acronyms and Abbreviations Table A-1. Acronyms and abbreviations for San Clemente Island Intergrated Natural Resources Management Plan . Acronym or Abbreviation Definition 1 MEF 1st Marine Expeditionary Force ac acre ACP Area Contingency Plan ADUSD Assistant Deputy Undersecretary of Defense AFP Artillery Firing Point AMP Artillery Maneuvering Point AMW Amphibious Warfare ANS aquatic nuisance species AOR Area of Responsibility ARG Amphibious Ready Group ARPA Archeological Resources Protection Act ASBS Area of Special Biological Significance ASO Air Safety Officer ASW Anti-Submarine Warfare ATV all-terrain vehicle AVMA Assault Vehicle Maneuver Area AVMC Assault Vehicle Maneuver Corridor AVMR Assault Vehicle Maneuver Road BA Biological Assessment BASH Bird Aircraft Strike Hazard BCC Birds of Conservation Concern BEAP Base Exterior Architectural Plan BLM Bureau of Land Management BMP Best Management Practice BO Biological Opinion BSSC Bird Species of Special Concern BTS Basic Training Site BUD/s Basic Underwater Demolition (BUD/S) C3F Commander U.S. Third Fleet CA Conservation Agreement CAA Clean Air Act CAI California Islands Endemic Cal-IPC California Invasive Plant Council Caltrans California Department of Transportation CATS Consolidated Area Telephone System CCA Candidate Conservation Agreement CCC California Coastal Commission CCMP California Coastal Management Plan CCNM California Coastal National Monument CCR California Code Regulations CDFA California Department of Food and Agriculture CDFG California Department of Fish and Game CDWR California Department of Water Resources CEQ Council on Environmental Quality Acronyms and Abbreviations A-1 Draft July 2012 Integrated Natural Resources Management Plan Table A-1. Acronyms and abbreviations for San Clemente Island Intergrated Natural Resources Management Plan (Continued). Acronym or Abbreviation Definition CEQA California Environmental Quality Act CERCLA Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act CERTEX Certification Exercise CESA California Endangered Species Act CFR Code of Federal Regulations CIESIN Center for International Earth Science Information Network CINCPACFLT Commander-in-Chief, Pacific Fleet CINMS Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary CINP Channel Islands National Park CITES Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species CLCA California Landscape Contractors Association cm centimeter CNAF Commander Naval Air Forces CNDDB California Natural Diversity Database CNIC Commander Navy Installations Command CNO Chief of Naval Operations CNPS California Native Plant Society CNRSW Commander, Navy Region Southwest CNSF Commander Naval Surface Forces CO Commanding Officer COMNAVAIRPAC Naval Air Force Pacific COMNAVSURFPAC Naval Surface Forces Pacific COMPACFLT Commander, Pacific Fleet COMPTUEX Composite Training Unit Exercise COMSUBPAC Submarine Forces Pacific COMTHIRDFLT THIRD Fleet CPS coastal pelagic species CRANE Cooperative Resource Assessment of Nearshore Ecosystems CRM Coastal Resources Management CRPM Cultural Resources Program Manager CSAR Combat Search and Rescue CSFTP Commander Strike Force Training Pacific CSG Carrier Strike Group CSU California State University CTF cable termination facility CWA Clean Water Act CWC California Water Code CZARA Coastal Zone Act Reauthorization Amendments CZMA Coastal Zone Management Act DASH Destroyer Anti-Submarine Helicopter DASN Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Navy DOC Department of Commerce DoD Department of Defense DoDDIR Department of Defense Directive DoDINST Department of Defense Instruction DOI Department of the Interior DoN Department of the Navy DPS Distinct Population Segment DSRV Deep Submergence Rescue Vehicle A-2 Acronyms and Abbreviations Naval Auxiliary Landing Field San Clemente Island Draft July 2012 Table A-1. Acronyms and abbreviations for San Clemente Island Intergrated Natural Resources Management Plan (Continued). Acronym or Abbreviation Definition DUSD [I&E] Deputy Undersecretary of Defense for Installations and the Environment EA Environmental Assessment ED Environmental Division EEZ Exclusive Economic Zone EFH Essential Fish Habitat EIS Environmental Impact Statement EMS Environmental Management System EO Executive Order eo element occurrence EOD Explosive Ordnance Disposal EPA Environmental Protection Agency EPCRA Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act EPR Environmental Program Requirement EPSO Environmental Programs and Services Office ERM Effects Range Median ESA Endangered Species Act ESG Expeditionary Strike Group ETP eastern tropical Pacific EWTGPAC Expeditionary Warfare Training Group, Pacific FACSFAC Fleet Area Control and Surveillance FDRS Fire Danger Rating System FE Federally Endangered FEAD Facilities Engineering and Acquisition Division FEIS Final Environmental Impact Statement FFD Federal Fire Department FGDC Federal Geographic Data Committee FIFRA Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act FMP Fishery Management Plan FOD Foreign Object Damage FONSI Finding of No Significant Impact FORACS Fleet Operational Readiness Accuracy Check Site FR Federal Register FRP Fleet Response Plan FRTP Fleet Readiness Training Plan FSA Fire Support Area ft feet FT Federally Threatened FY Fiscal Year gal gallon gC grams of carbon GIS Geographical Information Systems GPS global positioning system GUNEX Gunnery Exercise ha hectacres HARP Helicopter Advanced Readiness Program HC-85 Helicopter Combat Support Squadron 85 HEI High Explosive impact HMS highly migratory species HRC Hawaii Range Complex Acronyms and Abbreviations A-3 Draft July 2012 Integrated Natural Resources Management Plan Table A-1. Acronyms and abbreviations for San Clemente Island Intergrated Natural Resources Management Plan (Continued). Acronym or Abbreviation Definition IAC Integrated Anti-Submarine Warfare Course IAFWA International Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies ICP Integrated Contingency Plan ICRMP Integrated Cultural Resources Management Plan IHA Incidental Harassment Authorization IMO International Maritime Organization in inch INL island night lizard INLMA Island Night Lizard Management Area INRMP Integrated Natural Resource Management Plan IOA Infantry Operations Area IPMP Intergrated Pest Management Plan IR Installation Restoration IRI International Institute for Climatic Prediction IRP Installation Restoration Program ISO International Organization for Standardization IVC International Vegetation Classification JFCOM Joint Forces Command JSOW Joint Standoff Weapon JTFEX Joint Task Force Exercise KFM kelp forest monitoring km kilometer km2 square kilometers KTR Kingfisher Mine Countermeasures Range kW kilowatt Lliter LARWQCB Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board lbs pounds LDEO Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory LEED Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design LID Low Impact Development LIDAR Light Detection and Ranging LMU Land Management Unit LOA Letter of Authorization LTR Laser Training Range LVT Landing Vehicle Tracked m meter m2 square meters MARAD Maritime Administration MARINe Mutli-Agency Rocky Intertidal Network MAROPS Maritime Operations MBTA Migratory Bird Treaty Act MBTRA Migratory Bird Treaty Reform Act MCM Mine Countermeasure MCT Marine Corps Task MCTL Marine Corps Task List MDS Maritime Desert Scrub MEU Marine Expeditionary Unit MFA mid-frequency active A-4 Acronyms and Abbreviations Naval Auxiliary Landing Field San Clemente Island Draft July 2012 Table A-1. Acronyms and abbreviations for San Clemente Island Intergrated Natural Resources Management Plan (Continued). Acronym or Abbreviation Definition MFAS mid-frequency active sonar MHHW Mean Higher High Water mi mile mi2 square miles MILCON Military construction MIR Missile Impact Range MIST minimum impact suppression tactics MITT Maritime Integrated Tailored Training MLLW Mean Lower Low Water MLPA Marine Life Protection Act MMAIA Marine Managed Areas Improvement Act mmhos millimhos MMPA Marine Mammal Protection Act MOA Military Operating Area MOA Memorandum of Agreement MOU Memorandum of Understanding MPA Marine Protected Area MPCD marine pollution control device mph miles per hour MPPEH Materials Potentially Presenting Explosive Hazards MSA Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act MSC Military Sealift Command MSL mean sea level MSRP Montrose Settlements Restoration Program MSS Maritime Sage Scrub MTR Mine Training Range MU management unit MWR Military Welfare and Recreation NA not available NABCI North American Bird Conservation Initiative NAF Non appropriated Funded NALF Naval Auxiliary Landing Field NANCPA Nonindigenous Aquatic Nuisance Prevention and Control Act NASNI Naval Air Station, North Island NRMU Natural Resource Management Unit NAVFAC Naval Facilities Engineering Command NAVSEA Naval Sea Systems Command NAVSOC Naval Special Warfare Command NBC Naval Base Coronado NBCINST Naval Base Coronado Instruction NBSD Naval Base San Diego NCA National Command Authority NCP National Contingency Plan ND nondetectable concentration NDAA National Defense Authorization Act NEPA National Environmental Policy NGA National Geospatial Intelligence Agency NGA National Governor's Association NGO non-governmental organization Acronyms and Abbreviations A-5 Draft July 2012 Integrated Natural Resources Management Plan Table A-1. Acronyms and abbreviations for San Clemente Island Intergrated Natural Resources Management Plan (Continued). Acronym or Abbreviation Definition NHPA National Historic
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