' > , ••• • *: nlirrg^owm T 0 a s i mess:^ B l rnmmm i ^ E | nfitT^—- II - ' ‘J 'i/.S3,-. 5502-3 50- K A LV ^ p -C-C•C n P --* ___ 1 RD- = ; _ SALT LA<rr C I T Y " ’L'T ____ _ ^ ___ P | | | 9 ~' r:;: ^ : ^ -Tw^Fa M ondiif February %^1988----: M l Umlfczz^ S c bizietcf; o i S f e : S i s u a k e l - g i ^ s ^ s ThoAssLssodated Press Otherwise, bothh sides gave ex- SovietIt m ilitary intervention in , tremely u p b eat' ap;appraisals of tha AfglmnUsnistan. ' ---------- J -7—MOS()SCOW“ Secretaiy'of-Sti'State~Shultz^hevardnodi die talks," he Baid.—^T liee tntreaty to ban U.S.“and'Sovlett ' .- ‘g . - ^ r g^ e P. Shultz and Soviett FFor* "They both agree■eed without any missilesles ranging fh>m 3X6 to 3.126] » eign . Minister Eduard A. heaitation whatsoe^>ever that, the at* miles I vtw as signed by . President |- ; 4 Shevareard ^ d ze claimed “good1 pro-p moaphere waia exce)i«)lent throughout R e aan ^ iand Mikhail S. Gorbachev > . " flim.<ny 'j[p itdylftnjy ♦yllfIks on the d^, ^thatit ; they were at th eireir i sum m it meeting in Decenx-! . , I arms cocontrol, hum an npil«T»d^nd4ie— businesslikfl*jaiLtJ n Wgah<ngton. T h f. tre aty is • - . -gionalIconflicts. o ...........- ......... .......-... - - we made good progogresa across A e now befotMfbre th e U :S .-S m te an d ^ e ^ m ' t. <a.-Soviet F o n i ^ Mlnlsin is^ range of issues,"Rece ^ a n eaid.......... Supremeame & viet for approval. — r - ' ' I K spokesnisman sharply critidzed thelhe U. Shultz' took an hhour off to meet Gerasirasimov said the Soviets w ere: • •:•• -•; t l S. nucltidear 'rebuilding programim in with noted Soviet dissidentd Andrei eager‘ to'see'theto treaty placed in ^ . ' k Westenam Europe. D. Sakharov, whoI vwished him well force and-^dam begun withdrawiiag 5§ Thei -spokesman, Gennaansdy in pressing for human rights ^ort*rai•range, missiles firam E ast Ger* j ----- ------ r-r b —Gerasin>lmDvrsaid'th6~mi>demlzatiutig^~~T£fbnnsr'l3hultz'-'ci -callBdTtbBT^976TajaB3^ K programam in NATO countries dashashed Nobel Peace Prize winnerw “an inspi- rqject^■*d assertions hy U.S. offidBls ! ' 1 with tH«tHe new U.S.-Soviet treatyBty to ration” and a *^ode]lel and sym bor to th s t Oiedie Soviets were holding back | j ^ -scrap iwintermediate-range miMileililes.— ^theworld.-----—- ^ Gerasrasimov said builcUng newfmis* m Th^ tnet in Saklkhanv's seventh- i^untUatu the.^iatyw as approv^^J; ■' /' "i is f l siles wilwith a range of leas th ^a 331S floor ap artm en t Satakharovjiaidaeri* rWee nevern stated dlre^y that! U'Uie "otts*9o^Btneroro£^ jA n iiag -:,of . EuropeDpeah b u t. th e . country 1bad not made viet spbk — .......tT i i^T’ I ‘ ^ ■ “mwg'h._progrw._~yef J ~bh~Ti5mSn— ifejfea ^ ■ ;TheJ .' U.S. "State DeparbBQ*bment' rights or on Afgbwiihistah. meet in' Mbscow'Butvditf nor set a.; ! spokesnsman, Charles E. Redmaiu[^dis- d He Was sent into0 internali exile in date. RedmanRe said the'two sides; ' • ■ fe sodated«d the U.S. govemment,^m m Gorl^ for almostt seveni years in were consideringcon “the general time < - ^ theSpvijvietcritidsm. ^^ 19B0 for speaking{ iout againat the oSmSee SHULTZ on P ai^ AS Public l 1Xaay1 hic«;v B r a - e hlemce— i - 1^ 11^Jr^alleenge sptrin g S Mprojects B ByJANlJ^EROBISON ' /, ComJ)any owner Eai:ari'Hardyshared ----- B uitaurka«oh^ded t^ i the^ncret^/'-^ ^ ' Times‘Ni‘New» writer'' in the costa. rtures were', overbuilt H e .con*: : • . The structures hhave been chal-' tac^.tid.the-corps;ih De«ember,--toe ;' 'I§E ■- The Army Corpsrps of , lenaed bv -Wendelell resident Bob corpsi investigsto^in an^'.^td Idaho ^ M- ie«r«;:35uBniSngriEe7oI.,; con-.^B urks, whohas carrrried on acontinu-r-Powe£-Ai£-Afaili^-:^j:to^'rec«avei^-^proper4---;;^ therp^lic tb tbaUUra|^‘..' n th a t^ iu r ;but'of, tltK^e.'Sb'ake'River ruetionTo£bothR»assern^^ B jiiat received the applicatiuition Jeronieand-Wendel /eek, blit a t th is point, it loc I to remain,- or'' require ' Iffi this wec looiu ' Tlie structures divert< water-to S^useJfiM tion.’; ' '; " ' ■ 'i® lilwweJre may indude both' in theepub* pi Idaho Power*s>:steeeelbead hatcheiy j O T ' —lib-jnpuiput-process^-said'Brad-Ds-Dalyr~'^a*Rim-^few.’e~*d s^faeenrcofflimer-— Underider-^the-permit^process,—thet-'"”" IV,"-rt-. ,.IW environ!onmental resource .special;ialiat dal trout hatchery,y. A t a December' publicc acan chsllenge; construction, ^ ’ iSS with Jiethe corps.' t hearing on minlmuEam stream flow at. but Daly)aly said the coips has not de- '■ -'■ M ■' 'Palyiy flUd. he expects a'decisicision ihe atie, Hardy saidid his old wooden .aaea wheth^k'tS'hQldVpablie-hear--—wn — :v l^ within™ 1 i6 d ^ ^ - ...........J .... __ diversion was unsafafe and needed to Jng orrjusth^ve jui written cooiments.' i -'V * ~ r o — Wahoho-Pbwer-Cbl- completeH'-«l-con- be replaced. I d ^ o10 Power . offidala‘. ._!DaIy“ify“ 'said. '30. resrdpnts. id r e a ^ .; ; ~ s^ c tio4on^of i both stnjctiires atit tthe'' also said tbo ear^eiien dam was toad- have expressedexj a' concetTftb' th e • ' > : ......••■■ ‘ «prtngft IwWf BilmTwar^r^ Vi u t. '.equate-to’-capture. ThWii tw,n fl-lot af the com)mpany aod Rim ^^ew TroTrout watcrright ^ responsense," heiaia. ■ .____ ^ - - i ‘ ' ' ■ I Aljidrusiassails t o ^ e aaccord - Statesi News Service Congress and tlthe Canadian ' Andrujdrus, a Democrat, u i d one rea* ------ .:jJ»arliftment, would,.phase p out all U. son hee opposeso; the trade agreem ent; - SHINGTbS~i^Tlrti^7tig.the . S .-a n d ^ C ^ d l^ 'ta : - Unitedd States-Canada • fiSee-tnitrade ’ yiear" .period ■ beijjeptming' next datfbnin ofd WHea^t'Gfbweirs > ay s i r ’ nent 'would huit IdaIdaho January.: ' would1 biirthi ite members. Idaho is a . farming,ng, * tim ber and • miniiining ; “Secretary VeritjIty talks about m ejorwlr wheat p ^ u d n g state, ’ 'interestssts. Gov. Cedl.Andrua joinoined eome people who-wovould suffer a bi< “Anyly time-a1 netional organize*; a banditiif\il of governors Stmday in op-c under the tradede .agreement,"- tion ofti)f that signiflcance is opposed; posingI tlthe proposed pact ' : Andrus told a groupIP of 20 governors to a tradrade agreement, we better 111-: ___ r—:— H fflB raB K "■. “Andnilrus,.wtio is attending arNa- after Verity nod spokensp to them, ten to» theirth coneems," Andrus said > ' k - - i;Laa^3ii^m g rn m a a m tionaiGGovernors Association me*meet- “Well, let me definele 'a b it’ *A bit’ is duringlg aian inte^ew, ing hereire, ridiculed comments by'by U. Idaho. It’s an areaa where' we have Ari&idriu and other governors who: iiiam more th an 4,ouu mi:Qinora have boen . oppose t Verity,^ ’who Said some' Americaicians' '~out'9f work becauseise Canada, Peru faUs to estop Conadion agricultural'' .-only8uffer-“a-bitf’-under~tl>r-the—and~Mexico~contoui me-to-dump-pre— aubaidleidies that permit Canadian pro* ' _ '"Wadena*p^ict;'while m ost secfors ooTlEe fi dousTneials in the1 UUnited StaW .., ducers*8 ' to .^undercut American: my woulff" flourish when tradetra ‘a hit’ of auffeTerinir is a whole. faRners.ara. barriersirs are pulled down, lot of Buffering in m>ny state," Andrus Ameritlerican timber groups hav e' Thet tltrade pact, if approvedsd by aaid. 89^ ^ ANDRUS o n P a g e A2 J_________■ S e ss kions COIuld bre<:akfuel[ t a x d d esadlock , k ^Hezbi trem ists T-i}., , 'I ^ The Associated Presasa ” L Ms. Donnelley isI ththe last^om ination submil . Idaho ted by Andrus designg n a t^ as a Republican. Th BOISE - Rep. JohJohn Sesaions has come u{ GOP-dominated Sen^nate already, has rejects -•w ith o*.“hove-your<aV<ake-Bnd*eot-it-to6” compn Legislature s clashI with seimarchers xniBe aimed a t brei two bther Rvpublican appointed by-Andw a iiihieAsi^tid-PH>ress AHtt1>ezlioUah leader ^ i d he be* iresking a deadlock ovei revenge because thejley supported Andrus in th< . whether-Idaho ahouldiuld;increas& its fuel tax lim a<th<{the .U.S;^JkIatine:'.Lt. iCoI; ' last governor electionon. ' ■*j^BBIRUT;i;ebanimon — Iranian*. .’^VnUIiim^r]m Higgins had been ^ d where the moneyey willi go._ • - The Legislature’s,’a, Joint Finance-Approprit - L . Today, SesaionB; H-OHg^Tl- and'chalnnah blor 1 9 8 8 :)'baekM'^'HeiboUallah- extremists rr/raug^etf0edoutofsouthLebanon; v. ., t^e ,..House 'Transp tions Committee.~metietmwhile, will resume.wbtk0^* 7 :sb6t a t Shiite militlitiam ett.s« a^T ; A dide b lm iMlidarity; wltb»'. isportation . and.-D ei^c ing on state budgets.:IS. Late in the.week, the com Cooimittee/wiil ask tl im village for^a ,.«nd-ftallHiU'Si4portffor..the strug*- k-the coMmittee to ajfprovijve; formula.'Any attemptapt'to change the formulala ■ nMttee could get .to.3 thet Department of tiealt) introduction of* new^IW- bil^aising^the motor. A>eluel .....well -ootild-scuttle -the Marina! on-rSuB- ■gainiit Am»rica-who-con*TT- •!— - Lhe ib e r^ .b iU , he-told-a-a -—and-Welfare,-whieh'wi-will-«qx^_anumberbfpol i mippo rt (br tax by 3Vi cents pw-gorgallbn in Apx^. ilu it wouldaid— highWay: users' groupriiprtSe-same-as~happened sd icy dedsfdns'bh'sj^ndindifig. ■■ ■■ r •' ■make Idaho's rate 18.8 centso per gallon! . .. lastseesion. - < e*_J saidid-iii a-'. -^Btatenlent:-.vfrotn. ' - But the latest versicrsicn will attem p t to solveeo e ' Sessions’latest bill11 callsCl for no c h a ^ for theUg Indudedwillbeftufunding for a new'programm cbf |^T^,rtwqberi[.offJustide>QiQlfei-HM9wIUlIlih'tePaHjfW.God;*™©’:: ; battle over who willi geige the extrajZLOneyJ^giv*;iv ._ n ex t couple of yean in the( distribution-fonnula:e _ ^.fixpanded'jnedicaljBicaid.to.pooc.pregnanLwomei i8m ofth* OrgiiwtMMarfnf ' ing both- s id u whatat they want, at Afferentsnt Startinginl090,.afteri(er 6 parcrat goes to the De-J : The House-last weekek approved'the $1.6 millio;UiOQ litia'flred baJc theOppn^pesMdonEai^lBnJt^ ; times, I partment of Law Enfoinforcement, the remaining .
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