Ph.D.Thesis: Result on Floral diversity of aquatic angiosperm plants: Ecofloristic survey of aquatic and marshy land angiosperms of Paschim Medinipur district, West Bengal, India. 6. Results 6.1. Floral diversity of aquatic angiosperm plants 6.1.1. General enumeration of aquatic and marshy land angiosperms: After a long survey during the 2008-2016 total of 160 angiosperm plant species recorded from the different aquatic zone of this district. Among these 92 plant species are monocot and 68 plant species are dicot. These 92 monocot plant species belong to 54 genera under the 15 families. Dicot 68 plant species are belonging to 39 genera under the 28 families. (Table 2, Graph-1-4) Table 2: Showing total investigated aquatic and marshy land angiosperms under different families of the district Paschim Medinipur. S.N. Life forms No. of Family No. of Genus No. of Species 1. Monocotyledons 15 54 92 2. Dicotyledones 28 39 68 Total 43 93 160 Graph- 1: Graphical representation total investigated Aquatic and Marshy land angiosperms under different families of the district Paschim Medinipur. 100 92 Aquatic and marshy land 90 angiosperms plant Family % 80 68 70 54 60 Dicot 50 39 65% 40 28 30 Number Value Number 20 15 Monocot 10 35% 0 No. of Family No. of Genus No. of Species Monocot Dicot 29 Ph.D.Thesis: Result on Floral diversity of aquatic angiosperm plants: Ecofloristic survey of aquatic and marshy land angiosperms of Paschim Medinipur district, West Bengal, India. Graph-1 continued.... Aquatic and marshy land Aquatic and marshy land angiosperms plant Genus % angiosperms plant Species % Dicot Dicot 42% 43% Monocot Monocot 58% 57% Table 3: Showing the total investigated aquatic and marshy land monocotyledons angiosperms under different families of the district Paschim Medinipur. S.N. Family Name No. of genera No. of species 1. Alismataceae (Al) 4 5 2. Amaryllidaceae (Am) 1 1 3. Aponogetonaceae (Ap) 1 2 4. Araceae (Ar) 2 2 5. Commelinaceae (Co) 3 5 6. Cyperaceae (Cy) 9 23 7. Eriocaulaceae (Er) 1 4 8. Hydrocharitacea (Hy) 6 10 9. Lemnaceae (Le) 3 3 10. Poaceae (Po) 18 28 11. Pontederiaceae (Pon) 2 3 12. Potamogetonaceae (Pot) 1 2 13. Typhaceae (Ty) 1 2 14. Xyridaceae (Xy) 1 1 15. Zingiberaceae (Zi) 1 1 Total 54 92 30 Ph.D.Thesis: Result on Floral diversity of aquatic angiosperm plants: Ecofloristic survey of aquatic and marshy land angiosperms of Paschim Medinipur district, West Bengal, India. Graph-2: Graphical representation of genus numbers among aquatic and marshy land monocotyledons under different families of the district Paschim Medinipur. 20 18 18 16 14 12 10 9 8 6 Genus number Genus 6 4 4 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 Al Am Ap Ar Co Cy Er Hy Le Po Pon Pot Ty Xy Zi Investigated monocotyledons families Graph-3: Graphical representation of genus numbers % among aquatic and marshy land monocotyledons under different families of the district Paschim Medinipur. GENUS NUMBER (%) OF AQUATIC AND MARSH LAND MONOCOTYLEDONS Le Hy 5% Er 11% 2% Cy Po 17% 33% Co 5% Pon 4% Ar 4% Ap Pot Am 2% Ty 2% 2% Al Zi Xy 2% 7% 2% 2% 31 Ph.D.Thesis: Result on Floral diversity of aquatic angiosperm plants: Ecofloristic survey of aquatic and marshy land angiosperms of Paschim Medinipur district, West Bengal, India. Graph-4: Graphical representation of species numbers among Aquatic and Marshy land monocotyledons under different families of the district Paschim Medinipur. Species number of aquatic and marshy land monocotyledons 30 28 23 25 20 15 10 10 5 5 Species Number Species 4 3 5 2 2 2 2 1 3 1 1 0 Al Am Ap Ar Co Cy Er Hy Le Po Pon Pot Ty Xy Zi Investigated monocotyledons families Graph-5: Graphical representation of species numbers % among aquatic and marshy land monocotyledons under different families of the district Paschim Medinipur. SPECIES NUMBER (%) OF AQUATIC AND MARSH LAND MONOCOTYLEDONS Hy 11% Er Le 4% 3% Cy 25% Po 31% Co 6% Ar 2% Pon Ap 3% Pot 2% Am 1% Ty 2% Al Xy 2% 6% Zi 1% 1% 32 Ph.D.Thesis: Result on Floral diversity of aquatic angiosperm plants: Ecofloristic survey of aquatic and marshy land angiosperms of Paschim Medinipur district, West Bengal, India. Table 4: Showing the total investigated aquatic and marshy land dicotyledonous angiosperms under different families of the district Paschim Medinipur. S.N. Family Name No. of No. of S.N. Family Name No. of No. of genera species genera species (Dicotyledonous) (Dicotyledonous) 1. Acanthaceae (Ac) 1 3 15. Lentibulariaceae (Le) 1 5 2. Amaranthaceae (Ar) 1 3 16. Lythraceae (Ly) 3 5 3. Apiaceae (Ap) 1 1 17. Menyanthaceae (Me) 1 2 4. Asteraceae (As) 4 5 18. Mimosaceae (Mi) 1 1 5. Balsaminaceae (Be) 1 1 19. Nelumboaceae (Ne) 1 1 6. Boraginaceae (Bo) 2 3 20. Nymphaeceae (Ny) 1 3 7. Campanulaceae (Ca) 1 2 21. Onagraceae (On) 1 4 8. Ceratophyllaceae (Ce) 1 1 22. Polygonaceae (PO) 2 3 9. Convolvulaceae (Co) 1 2 23. Ranunculaceae (Ra) 1 1 10. Droseraceae (Dr) 1 1 24. Rubiaceae (Ru) 2 4 11. Elatinaceae (El) 1 1 25. Sphenocleaceae (Sp) 1 1 12. Fabaceae (Fa) 2 4 26. Verbinaceae (Ve) 1 1 13. Haloragaceae (Ha) 1 1 27. Plantaginaceae (Pl) 3 5 14. Hydroleaceae (Hy) 1 1 28. Linderniaceae (Li) 1 3 Total 39 68 Graph-6: Graphical representation of genus numbers of aquatic and marshy land dicotyledon under different families of the district Paschim Medinipur. Genus number of different dicotyledonous families 4.5 4 4 3.5 3 3 3 2.5 2 2 2 2 2 1.5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Genus number Genus 1 0.5 0 Ac Ar Ap As Be Bo Ca Ce Co Dr El Fa Ha Hy Le Ly Me Mi Ne Ny On PO Ra Ru Sp Ve Pl Li Investigated dicotyledonous families 33 Ph.D.Thesis: Result on Floral diversity of aquatic angiosperm plants: Ecofloristic survey of aquatic and marshy land angiosperms of Paschim Medinipur district, West Bengal, India. Graph-7: Graphical representation of the genus numbers % of aquatic and marshy land dicotyledonous under different families of the district Paschim Medinipur. GENUS NUMBER (%) OF AQUATIC AND MARSHY LAND DICOTYLEDONS Pl Li Ve 8% Ac Sp 3% 3% 3% Ar Ru 3% 3% Ap 5% 3% Ra 3% As PO 10% 5% On 3% Be Ny 3% 3% Bo Ne 5% 3% Mi 3% Ca 3% Me 3% Ce 3% Co Ly 3% 8% Dr El 3% Le 3% 3% Hy Ha Fa 5% 3% 3% Graph-8: Graphical representation of species number of aquatic and marshy land dicotyledons of the district Paschim Medinipur. Species number of aquatic and marshy land dicotyledons 6 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 Species number Species 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 Ac Ar Ap As Be Bo Ca Ce Co Dr El Fa Ha Hy Le Ly Me Mi Ne Ny On PO Ra Ru Sp Ve Pl Li Investigated dicotyledonous families 34 Ph.D.Thesis: Result on Floral diversity of aquatic angiosperm plants: Ecofloristic survey of aquatic and marshy land angiosperms of Paschim Medinipur district, West Bengal, India. Graph-9: Graphical representation of plant species % of aquatic and marshy land dicotyledon according to their families of the district Paschim Medinipur. Species number (%) of aquatic and marshy land dicotyledons Li Ac Ap Ve Pl 4% 4% Ar 1% Sp 1% 7% 4% 1% As 7% Be Ru 1% 6% Ra Bo 1% 4% PO Ca 4% 3% Ce On Co 1% 6% 3% Dr Ny 1% 4% Fa El 6% 1% Ne Ly Le 1% Mi 7% 7% Ha 1% Me Hy 1% 3% 1% 6.1.2. List of aquatic and marshy land monocotyledon plant species with their family name, those are collected from the study area (arranged in alphabetically). Table 5: Showing monocotyledon plant species with their habitats and voucher numbers. S.N. Plant Name (Monocotyledons) Family name *Habitats Voucher no. of Specimen 1. Actinoscirpus grossus (L.f.) Goetgh. & D.A. Simpson Cyperaceae EA VU/DEBA/01 2. Alpinia aquatica (Retz.) Roscoe Zingiberaceae EA VUH/DEBA/136 3. Aponogeton crispus Thunb. Aponogetonaceae SA VUH/DEBA/137 4. Aponogeton natans (L.) Engl. & K. Krause Aponogetonaceae RF VU/DEBA/02 5. Arundo donax L. Poaceae EA VU/DEBA/098 6. Blyxa aubertii Rich. Hydrocharitaceae SA VU/DEBA/03 7. Blyxa echinosperma (C.B. Clarke) Hook.f. Hydrocharitaceae SA VU/DEBA/04 8. Blyxa japonica (Miq.) Maxim. ex Asch. & Gürke Hydrocharitaceae SA VU/DEBA/05 9. Blyxa octandra (Roxb.) Planch. ex Thwaites Hydrocharitaceae SA VU/DEBA/06 35 Ph.D.Thesis: Result on Floral diversity of aquatic angiosperm plants: Ecofloristic survey of aquatic and marshy land angiosperms of Paschim Medinipur district, West Bengal, India. Table 5: continued…. S.N. Plant Name (Monocotyledons) Family name *Habitats Voucher no. of Specimen 10. Brachiaria eruciformis (Sm.) Griseb. Poaceae ML VU/DEBA/099 11. Brachiaria mutica (Forssk.) Stapf Poaceae EA VU/DEBA/100 12. Brachiaria reptans (L.) C.A. Gardner & C.E. Poaceae ML VU/DEBA/052 Hubb. 13. Butomopsis latifolia (D. Don) Kunth Alismataceae EA VU/DEBA/07 14. Caldesia parnassifolia (L.) Parl. Alismataceae RF VU/DEBA/054 15. Chloris barbata Sw. Poaceae ML VU/DEBA/08 16. Coix aquatica Roxb. Poaceae EA VUH/DEBA/138 17. Coix lacryma-jobi L.
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