Non-Profit U.S. Postage Paid Waterville, ME.04901 Permit No. 39 i New student center i Raymond I grand opening set i resigns by David Scannell change is day to day student life. The grand opening of the student "The building is designed in such a Harold C. "Chris" Raymond has center is slated for Saturday, December way that it gives students a place to go resigned as head football coach at Col- 7 at noon, according to Jim Peacock , between classes. After you get your by College. President William R. Cot- director of student activities. mail , you 'll have a place to. go. Peo- ' \ ter announced yesterday that the col- The day's events will begin with a ple go back to their rooms now. I don 't lege will begin immediately to form a noon luncheon for student leaders, know where they go. It 's going to search co mmittee to find his faculty, administration , and trustees. change their habits. " ** replacement. , President William Cotter will address "It 's goi ng to be a real subtle but Colby's football players were in- th e group. real st rong change," he said. formed of the resignation at an early In addition , Jeff Riley, Ihe Peacock said that the ^student 's morning meeting in Robert 's Union , accor- building 's architect will speak adaptability to various social functions yesterday. ding lo Peacock. is another positive aspect * of the According to sources, Raymond did During the luncheon , the "Colby 's building. "There could be comedians, not attend the meeting. Cotter and 8 V the "Colbyettes " and "Tuxedo every type of band , plays, dinner Athletic Director Richard McGee, Junction " will perform. Topping off th eater, and ballet. however, were in attendence and ad- the l uncheon will be a speech by 'C. "There's no end to what we could dressed the group. Shaw Smith , a retired student union h ave in that facility, " he said. The source described sentiments director. Peacock stated that with the open- among team members as mixed , say- Beginning at 1:30 p.m., two 30 ing of the new student center , some v. ing that some believed that the decision minute tours of the buildin g will be new rules will be put into effect. Ac- was made in haste. given by Riley. cording to Peacock , reservations for Coach Ch ris Raymond announced his resignation yesterday. He said that some players believed Following the tours , all members of Page ? that the resignation was forced. He the Colby community are invited to a Raymond' "Ha 'Penney " puppet show, sa i d also told the Echo that s Peacock. The "Colby Clowns" will open behavior during halftime of the Oc- Will Miller stay ' til 1 a.m. ? tober 9 Middlebury game was not a also perform at this time. by Rebecca Watts from ." The other questionable period At 5 p.m., Rick Bausman will per- lib rary at 10:30 p.m. and the number factor in the resignation. The library will remain open until 1 remaining in the 24 hour study cubes is January when the library is used less form , in the Spa. Followi ng the Cotter said that Colby is commit- a.m. beginning November 25 if the .in the library basement. at all t imes, sh e said. Bausman set , at 6 p.m., Eric Rolfson , ted to the development of a competitive Board of Governors has its way. The According to the statistics compiled "However '\ Parker said , "things Man Harrlev, and Scot t Perry will football program." He said that "f oot- Board voted at a recent meeting to ex- by the .staff, there were almost 90 peo- should.be sorted out in a week , and the sing. tend the library 's current 11 p.m. clos- new hours will be posted. " Alth ough bail has been art important part of Col- Beginning at 7 p.m. in the communi- ple in the cubes on the busiest nights. by tradition for 93 years and we want ine to 1 a.m.. However; at other times , , she thinks il would have been helpfu l ty room, a Portland based vaudevillian said Parker give, those young However, Francis Parker , the there were as few as three. There are for the board to discuss the issue.with to continue to group, the Wright Brothers , will begin men who wish to play the valuable lear- lib ra ry 's assistant director of public approxiametly 100 study cubes, she the library administrat ion , in terms of their act. ^ ning opportunities that this sport , as services, I old the Echo that the library 'said. concerns and information , sh e stated At 8p.m., Shaw -will present his , provides. " staff was not informed of the Board' s On the library ' , that "librarians would never be well as others magic act. The evening will conclude s three main floors He said that Colby 's athletic direc- desire to keep the building open until less than 100 people remained at 10:30 negative about a desire to use the with a 10 p.m. to 1 a.m. performance tor , Richard McGee, will assume she read an article about the proposal jp.m. on seven of the study ' library ; they are delighted that students of "T.J. Wheeler and ihe Smokers" in s 13 nights. responsibility for the football in the October 31 Echo. , ' ;njoy it " and the staff "will do its best the community room, "When people are in at that time recruiting program until a new coach After reading the article. Parker , lo make arrangements , " When asked whal changes the stu- she said " they are primarily using the is appointed , probably by January, said , the staff began recording statistics library as a study space, According to Mike Heel , Stu-A dent center would mean for the cam- not checking 1986. McGee was head football coach regarding the library usage. The staff president , "the expenses (of keeping , "I think the most out books and using reference at the College from 1967 to 1978 and pus . Peacock said has paid part icular at tention to the the library open) has been taken care important thing the student center will materials. They are writing papers . was named New England Coach of the number of people remainin g in the of , but , like everything else at Colby, etc.. Things that can be done Yea r in 1972 . He has been athletic elsewhere. " il lakes time , and the last step is the approval of the library staff. " director since 1975 and has continued Parker went on to say thai to operate a successfu l summer foot- "although the library is for students to Heel said t hat if the staff does not approve of ihe e.xiension, the Board of ball camp for Maine high school work in , and the administration is athletes . , Governors will continue to pursue the responsive to those nieds t here are Working with McGee will be a full other considerations , " The most matter. " Many other universities ' libraries arc open until 1 :00 a.m., and staff of football assistants. They are predominant of these is the question of Tom Radulski , who formerly coached it is scandalous that ours isn ' t ," he security; finding knowledgeable , at the University of New Hampshire , .aid. responsible people to work such late • Allegheny College and Hamilton Col- hours," Heel said t hat additional study space lege; Robert Pfeiffer who played at , The library has extended its hours is currently being provided in Lovejoy Bowdoin and previously coached at during past exam periods, and the se- which the Board of Governors also Middlebury College and UNH; Scott semester, especially :ond half of the voted to keep open, Laughinghouse, who played and later Wednesday through Sunday, is a busy The idea to provide additional study i coached at Middlebury and assisted at time. But said Parker ,"If the library space was suggested to the governors Eclinboro State in 1984; Al Paquette, , were open more hours il would be us- by Robert McArthur. dean of faculty , who had assisted at SUNY at Albany ed , bill until when? I don ' t know where and Janice Seiizinger , dean ol and at Edinboro State University of the magic number of 1 a.m. came slude nls. i Page 10 McG ror y descries public apath y "I have begun to wonder whal peo- sion to the Reagan Administration and also responsible for a lack of passion. ple care about , or if they care at all. " a post Vietnam and Watergate "fall "My friend Congressman Ed Those were the words Pulitzer Prize- off, " McGrory said , "I still hear from Markcy (D. Mi A) thinks the press clear- w i nning , Washington Post columnist some readers who share my indigna- ly deserved the blame for that blank. Mary. McGrory delivered during her tion at seeing their tax dollars at work He points out thai the test ban pro- acceptance speech at Friday 's Lovcjoy in Nicaragua killing peasants , or nt posal was on page one for one day, was Convocation . McGrory is the thirty- U .S. support of the murderous Chilean kicked to page 18 the second , and third recipien I of Colby 's Elijah Parish dictatorship we helped put into place, hasn 't been seen since. " Lovejoy Award, or at spending billions for worthless McGrory cited other examples of the In her speech , she addressed " the weapons nnd peanuts for food for poor publ ic 's lack of passion. " ...Th e absence of passion" in the relationship children. Washington Post printed a story about i between newspapers and their renders.
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