Western Kentucky University TopSCHOLAR® WKU Archives Records WKU Archives 8-24-1982 UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 58, No. 1, Section A WKU Student Affairs Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.wku.edu/dlsc_ua_records Part of the Higher Education Administration Commons, Journalism Studies Commons, Mass Communication Commons, Public Relations and Advertising Commons, Social History Commons, Sociology Commons, Sports Studies Commons, and the United States History Commons Recommended Citation WKU Student Affairs, "UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 58, No. 1, Section A" (1982). WKU Archives Records. Paper 574. http://digitalcommons.wku.edu/dlsc_ua_records/574 This Other is brought to you for free and open access by TopSCHOLAR®. It has been accepted for inclusion in WKU Archives Records by an authorized administrator of TopSCHOLAR®. For more information, please contact [email protected]. , \ , . College Heights .. , • • , ., '" 'City on the:Hill , - has big appetite ~ paper By MAJUr. HEAnt &l\d I million sheets of Xerographic paper, - Two raUrw.d can 01 toilet paper. Western's physlca.l pJant and its 11,flOO peDCik, 17,OOOpens, II million upkeep is In Itse:lt a major task, Lawson said. sheets 01 ~c paper and a budBet 01 t56.,MZ,5M '- from toilet The campus and university farm paper 10 ballpoint pens. the unlver­ are worth more than $110. million . s.ity 's ,...., coaaumptioo Is eOOr'­ Sixty,five building. with 10 acres 01 m..... rooft contain more than 10,000 The Hill is "s city 01 14,000 to rooms with locks, keys and ',000 lS,OOO," OweD 1A1II'$OII, pbysk:al telephones.About 10,000 tons or air plant ctinclor. Aid. conditioners cool. the rooms. AIm_t 5,_ residents live In 18 Eighteen reslde{\Ce halls house dQrmitories OD Cbe XIO-acre cam­ 5,4S2 bedS, and 45 elevators m&ve pus.South 01 campus em Nashville students to class and donn rooo::: Road is an -.acre (ann. 1bey range In speed ·!rom 5OO-Ieet· From. 11,500 to 13,00II students per·minute In Pearce·F(1'd Tower and 1,500 faculty ADd staIf mem­ to a slow . feel-per-minute In Grise. Hall. Maintaining those bers MID utility bilb Into the millions. deyaton costs $8iO,OOO. The Hill is • cit, laJler than Campus upkeep requires m m&lJY students have lived in prev- physical plant employees during i~y . the swnmer tand 235 in winter . II takes 12 to 15 men and nine The camWD will ~ R.1 million days to mow Western', campus.. • " . ,..... (' " X .# ~ ~, .. - in electricity. $2100:000 in water. Lawson said. C. Pippin, left. and ~ . Parriili, 60th ~,;Bo:NJ.ini: .G~, hq!M; debris from the Smith: S3OO,OOO in Bltural gas and $200,000 T\lIenly-&eyen bundred people StadIum bleacnen. fhey were preparing tor a football scrimmage Saturday . "'b coal, Lawsoo.said,· '-~ work here.The uniyttSlty empJoys !', _,_ I ... The I,I.IIjH:l"Sity will also produce mOWltaiDs cl garbage each day - 1,500 reguJar and part-time work- 'A . d . 40 100R lIIas.Tbat's 7.SOOI~ tons ;:,~~,,!::.,,::.(;."'~~ ptltu e' nee~.c~d' for . big careers of garbage a year. according'toJimTomes, ptnOrll)el ,,_ . Each day. t.OOO people pass di.-ec1or. • . J' through dining facilities here, The campus' 125 vehicles _ 8y MONICA DIAS be employed ,with s · high salary. what you do.You're going to have wbetber it 1M! for- a cup 01 coffee o.~ ~"""'i''''-{rom dump-'---" li Tbere ate pee.b and valleys. But to communicate wilh ......... Ie ·in ..u<,:a:> po ce U you're _."ehIR'" (_. ma'- , '" .... "'r a full meal. cars._."0.... consume 1500 g,11 ( ..-- U1Ii V' lOA everyone pe&Q t be in computers. sor;ne way." she. said . .''So .-. wi' .. ha - ' "' gas a -week , Lawson, said. ona 0 _ feeling like ,ou're w"""· ··t 11> ~ d on'1 ve the apUtude," Enaliah and speech courses will PrepaJiD& tboee meals takes More than half a million copleI 01 ~ordirecUon -lheeomeut• ~ ~tudentf need to plan ror a C4fTY over in any kind of employ·. 2.100 pllOO5 oIlft1t!! beans, 10,000 the College Hei .. hts H' Id ' ill be er. hearth and engintIerlng1Pelda ~.r u '9OO .a, pgpltile,sbe said. menlo" I pounds 01 bamburae.r patties, nr-intedanddistrlbUted. .... ra......... w - have gOod.. <1.~\toh-_ and "'....... .. h lUi.",~.I~ . •• A Iot of people' have thought She said sbe thinks jobs oa. be 30,000 poundI of poaaeoe. for frtDd1 r' --r. " '... -.-"pus, -t.... itiei. • ........_, . •• • " . f bee ~ accotding to Bob Adams, Herald · ~;-.- placem~~. .' __ ' . lor. • aUN: ",, 'enerp and .leehnology foUnd . in any Oeld a' long as fries and 10,000 loaves of bread, adviser. ...~ that (theyabould) pick upandgo to students plan ror a career and /lttording to Louis Cook, rood While mMy Ituden~ believe But' Mrs, Markle sJralel' that Texas,. bUttheremaynotbejobs," remaill Oexible. services director. they maf never graduate, 49,416 ~ese fi~ds aren : t~ ror, ev~one , ,. abe said. "Some employer, tare Interes~ Lawsoo said more UUIn 2S,OOO hayegradu.ted'Since.l924, Regis_ "I d~'t want yoUna peop&e to "(Students) shouid plan, start in the student who is not an phone orders a year an! made rOC" trar Stephen ~ D.HOU¥ said. thinkl'msaylngtb~should~. W ly and not wait u.nUl the last accountant or business major but· supplies. Wester,!l ....ilI handle about $14 In these three things, ," Ibe ~ sai!l; semester Don't just seleCt a major bas ha~ a business course or SO , " Studeuts and faculty will use millioo in student aid this year, "and I also' don't .... anr;\bem!fo and then let It go. They need to she said. '.'1bey may be s phil')S. 160,000 rolls ol toilet paper and according to Lee Watkins finan- think- that If . they do, ~ theY will begin thinking about rinding em- ophy major bul had a little touch 1,060 cases Dl paper towels. cial aid assistant direc~ : More automatically get a good--job." ~ .. pJoyment long berore their senior- . with business courses." Garbage eaos will Deed t50,tIOO linen'. and 3,470 8aUons of deter· ~~al( . th ee!U'0U":lent -J.. IJ!IO .- .• ~ ~t'S. Marlde. wh~ vfOCluLin":tb€-. year." , She added that many majors will reeeiye tr.!ck or - ... cent« for • ,PlanniDl:iDa Marlde recommends that bave transrerable skills, reo gent will keep tbe buildings dun. 1OI'D~.Keepln, .career MJ:.& . ~like that It-lull-time Plaeem,enlaod.. Advi5e= undecided rreshman lake general search, that caD apply ·well to. Offices will use e.ooo typewriter ~ .P1oy~" Aea:de.ritJc ribbons, 21 ,SOO pencils and 17,000 and eIght to 10 student wor1ler;s-, ~ m'fnt, SaId thit lhOugti lhose ~. courses and sample •~tai!' jobs. ballpoint pens. La. t year. 151 ,370 people attend- ... fields employment . that a~ . to... ~ .~Sbe !!}. J''Tber.e a~J~ ror all!l1~ "- ed !ootball. and basketball games: rate ':Thati employers ustlauy lOok ror . Mrs. Markle said. "A psYQlology:' Western's mountain oC paPer products wW cO.l .$tO,M8-forl · II ' g~eG .i n Smith Stadium. will ' . _.. ' ...... d1l... th eyun(l er ~ millioo reet ot: rOU <Ke...... pbic More than IiQ ,OOO saw ,(oOtball who~ ~~~~W:h;.~,~an;com;;m;u.rc~!:; "I"I"',"'lm~e ~' :ai";W~eII~r~ : J~~~~~m~... ~~ .. :ex: ) "':I:len~C!:~'. • tt" BEST Lli'TLE~ ~ (~lREHO ,•J t=. J I , . : •• • .~ ... - ...,. .. .- .. ,... ...··1 8-2~82 lIerald JA To you:r health: Clinics help what ails you be By ~~TI' EMERY their names will checked with slcians with a variety of hours, fees 5taff development and cornmwlIty lflcome, she added. the re&iatrar. and specialties. For more infor· relations director at the Medical The center, 11 33 Adams St. offer5 Students IIiiking medical att· Offlc. viiita COlt ., she said. mation call 78Hilll. or check tht! Center . Patients can also arrange 5Crvict:1l rllnglng fr om unmumzat ention 'can Hnd it any ·time dwin& Allergy shots are $2 each plus 50 Yellow Pages for other physicians to meet their physicians at the IOn to child health !OCr VICes to II the recuJar school.J,w:eek, aceordlng c:'eDts for each additional shot and specialists. Medical Ce nter . prenatal clinic for low·mcomt' to Lucy Ritter, cll.n.Ical admlnlltra­ .durio& the same vl411, and the lab mothers Emel'1encles requiring hospital tor at the health ~ . fee Car a COo_mlete blood count or Although many students are not Mllii Hunt said th ere are many t!U"oa t culture treabnent can be handled by the permanent residents of Wa rren Tbecllnic ilO! .... la.m. Mooday . Is 16. child health servIces for 5t udents Medical Center at Bowling Gree!! County. they may use services to 4 p .m. Friday aDd (or limited with families, and although there The clinic: bills students for or Greenview Hospital. offered. at the Warren County ·aervice on Saturday 10 a . m . to are income guidelines, most stud· services. but the student can also Greenview Hospital, 1801 Ashley Health Center, said Kathy Hunt. ItOOIi;Mra.Rltter said. On Saturd.ly ents qualify. J?oBy for the vilit before heJeaves or Circle, bas no ambulance sen-ice the center's coordinator . Some and Durse are on duty. but The center also provlde5 birth • doCior during regular business hours. Mn. or emergeacy room. Palienll can, set vices require an appointment. ~y, I,b and x-ray MrVices Ritter uld.Students villting alter control. screen-Ing for tuberculOSIS however , call their own physicians and she suggests phoning ahead and high blood prel>5ure, te511 ng are not available. 4 pm . will be &ent a bW.1'he clinic and ·arrange to meet them at the Usuall y no fee is charged, but in ilnd treatment for venereal diseas The c:llnlc c:Ioeet Sundays.
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